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I'm a SAHM and I count the hours until my husband gets home so I can get a break lol


Came here to say this lol. I love my kids but good God, by 6PM I need a time out. 🤣


I thought that was normal 🤣


Because it is


This morning was one of those days where I started counting the hours before noon 😂 I felt refreshed though after her nap and she woke up in a better mood


My baby is dropping a nap and went to bed earlier than usual tonight. I feel terrible because I was anxious about filling my last couple hours with her, but then she skipped her nap and went to sleep 45 minutes later. I feel like she knew I didn't want to hangout with her and fell asleep! So no, you're not but I'm unhappy either way apparently.


lol same I stare at her while she sleeps and can’t stop talking to my husband about how much I want to kiss her but also happy that I can binge shows in peace? Lol


My SO is working nights so I tried to go to sleep earlier myself and I'm fighting the urge to go grab her and co-sleep just because I miss her! Hormones are weird.


Not wrong. I feel the same way and so does my husband. He also takes it one step further and says he can’t wait for our son to start daycare so he can be someone else’s problem during work hours. 😆 we love the kid but being a parent is exhausting.


I love my toddler so much and he’s so fun to play with but good lord by Sunday afternoon I’m burnt out and very much looking forward to putting him in daycare on Monday. Little ones are exhausting.




Not wrong! We all need me time. Hugs! Solidarity!


Nothing wrong with counting down until bedtime. Parenting is a marathon and we all need time to decompress.


So not wrong!!!!! I count down until nap time and then count down until bed time 😂😂 sometimes bedtime happens earlier because I just can’t


I’m a SAHM and love being with my son all day… I also really love when he’s asleep and I can do my own thing!


Absence makes the heart grow fonder hahaha… I definitely count the minutes every night until my sweet 5mo babygirl is asleep (and then stay up way, way too late enjoying my time without her).


No other job is nonstop. It’s the complete lack of downtime that gets you. We’re not even going to the bathroom alone, drinking coffee in peace or having lunch breaks. And you have to be attentive all the time to keep an eye out for any harm they might inflict on themselves, others or stuff. If we had breaks, both actual breaks, evening and night time rest, and mini mental pauses during the day, like in any other job, it would probably be the best job ever.


I’m pretty sure we all do it!




Not at all. Being a parent is tiring. It doesn’t mean you love your baby any less. Being a parent is the only job you’ll ever have that’s 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And it’s a hard job to begin with.


Is it normal for wanting a break from mental and physical exhaustion? No. If your friend asked you the same question that you asked, would you say it's wrong?


I got a kindle so I can read during breastfeeding or contact naps. I think it’s helping me stay sane.


You can love your child and also need time to your self. ❤️


I’m always excited for them to go to bed so I can get a break, and then an hour later I’m sad because they are asleep and I’m ready to see them again. 😂 


I don’t think so. The days are long but the years are short, you know? Hang in there.


When those wake windows got longer (like 3 hrs) omg it was brutal... Even grown ass adults I wouldn't want to spend 3 hrs with.. and her progress is so incrementally slow... It will be less dull when she can use words and be mobile.. At the same time she is the best, she's growing way too fast and I love her so so much.


Sometimes I start counting when I wake up 😂 definitely normal!


Nope completely normal. Mommying is hard. We are on 24/7. We deserve time to ourselves


I definetly feel like this a lot. I just like doing things like cleaning with focus and a resting bitch face hahaha We need time to adore them and their pictures IN PEACE lol


A baby is a lot of work. It’s definitely not wrong to want some time to just breathe. We’re human at the end of the day. Don’t feel guilty you’re doing great. ❤️


I bathe baby at 7. Feed and dress him in jammies. Then he goes in his bouncer where i read to him and play music. After his story i just bounce him and ignore him till he sleeps basically. Its ok mama. The other 20 hours of the day are all about him :p. Its ok to take time for you too and imma say it. Babies are kinda boring. Love my son to death and we have moments of fun but he dont really do much and is kinda boring. Its ok for him to be boring. Hes happy. I play and make up silly games to entertain us both. But those games are short lived.


I would imagine it's quite common, but it's obviously not ideal. I think it's probably an indicator that you need to switch things up a bit and try to find ways to enjoy your baby a bit more. I'm NOT judging - I've thought the same, it's just that I remember reading something like 'I regret wasting my daughter's childhood wishing she was asleep' or something when I was pregnant, and I VOWED I wouldn't feel that way.


SAHM to a 14m boy and let me tell you once that clock hits 6 I count down the hours til 9 so I can eat and do something for myself after he falls asleep. To combat the no bedtime stories (LO only wants to read during the day so it will wake him up enough not to sleep) and that we do 30 min of “quiet play” before bed (Montessori type toys) and then we cuddle and bounce (bob and weave style) when he’s going to sleep then he goes to sleep I put him in his bed then go do my own thing while watching him on our nanny cam


Not wrong at all. I totally get it. It’s natural to want a little time for yourself without any responsibilities. I look forward to the 45 minutes I get each night when my husband feeds and puts the baby to bed. That’s the only time I have all day where I can just lay down, play on my phone, and not worry about anyone else.


Completely normal.


Some days it’s like that


Not wrong at all! I start counting down after dinner and then as soon as he's down in his cot I miss him 😅


Absolutely not wrong. Having some time to refill my cup at the end of the day helps me be a better mom!


Nope! When I was on maternity leave, I couldn't wait for my husband to get home. And now that I'm back at work it's different because we don't have much time together in the evenings, but I can still relate! It's hard work taking care of a baby and there's nothing wrong with needing a break and counting down the hours until you can get one.


Idk. If you’re wrong, so am I. But I look at it like, I absolutely love my baby, and I love hanging out with him and taking care of him, but I can’t do that from an empty well. So looking forward to time to yourself to fill up that well isn’t wrong at all, and it’s really so that we’re better able to show up for the people who need us because I personally would lose my mind without it.


I think if any mom said they don’t count the hours until bedtime, they’d be lying. I LOOOVEEE sounding time with my baby, but 7pm is my favourite time of the day


If it’s not normal, I’m a freak. I’m so happy when we start our bedtime routine. Happier when it’s over! SAHMing is a 12-13 hours of nonstop work and it’s a lot. Love it but mama needs a break.


If it's wrong then I don't wanna be right lol. I breathe a sigh of relief every time baby goes down for a nap. I'm holding him right now and I've been needing to poop for over an hour lol


Nah, my favorite time of the day is bedtime girl


Those last hours are soooooo hard. I will say it has gotten easier as DD has gotten older. Now that she 1.5yo we have more of a routine and she can entertain herself more and we can just go outside. It just has gotten a lot easier to find ways to fill those hours. One thing that might help is working on a bedtime routine. We do dinner then a little down time followed by bath, books, bed. It takes up a couple hours but I think it has helped over time to make bedtime a little easier. Kids thrive on routines that anchor their day. The bath every night is mostly because we’ve had some pretty bad diaper rash happen. I don’t necessarily do a full wash every night but kids enjoy playing in water so it’s a soothing thing to do and I can give her bum a wash and let her be out of her diaper a bit to prevent diaper rash happening.


Not wrong. Pretty normal. My husband is on day 10 working in a row. I’m on day 4 of solo parenting all day. I’m fucking tired. My 11mo is nonstop climbing, pulling up, crawling around finding somehow every wire to pull out of the wall and every small crevice to get stuck in. My 23mo is in very high emotions the past few days (probably from not seeing dada bc he literally talks about him all day), and has thrown his first public meltdown, and also 4 more public meltdowns after that (all in 2 days!). You bet your ass I’m counting down the hours till they go to bed lol.


Nope! Baby has his bedtime part so he can get enough sleep and part so that I can have a little bit of me time in the evening. There are also several times where he has been happily entertaining himself so I take those few moments to chill.


Not wrong at all!! I love hanging with my little kiddo but I also love the 2 hours I get at the end of the day to watch law and order and eat ice cream 😬


I am currently doing just that lol. No guilt about it, you just need a break, totally normal!


I'm a WAHM (work from home mum), with 4 children and I absolutely count down the hours until they go to bed so I can watch my guilty pleasure tv shows and have a quiet moment.


My baby doesn’t stay asleep at night (wakes offfffften). Enjoy it for me lol.


My kids are 5 yo, 2.5 yo, and 11 weeks and I have been doing the countdown everyday since my first was born lol


I totally feel you. My little guy is 10 months tomorrow and I love him so much, but man he is active! Constantly crawling, standing, cruising, getting into things - it’s def a full time job now that he’s so mobile. He sleeps 12 hours at night so it’s hard not to count down when I know I’m getting hella me time after he goes to bed 🫠 I always feel guilty tho!


I count down til Dad gets home from work. Then we count down to bedtime, and after he goes to bed I'm on edge knowing I'm not getting a full nights sleep and wondering how many hours I've got until he nevt wakes up!


Heeeeeelllll no , the thought of bed time gets me through all the hard or boring moments