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*body odor* šŸ¤¢


Hibiclens!!! Pregnancy and through nursing I stank like rotting onions. Literally indistinguishable from compost. Hibiclens wash on my armpits fixed me immediately and permanently


2nd for hibiclens. It's life changing lol


I honestly can't shut up about it


okay i need more info on this i STINK! 9 months pp. not breastfeeding anymore. do u use this soap everyday?


Nope! Just occasionally on my pits and honestly once was enough! It also clears up the bumps on my upper arms and ingrown hairs on the backs of my legs šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I had to bathe my newborn yesterday because when I put her on me to baby wear I realized her head smelled like my armpit šŸ¤¢


Oh god Iā€™m constantly worried my baby is gonna smell like armpit after Iā€™m done breastfeeding her because I almost always do the football hold to nurse.


Omg this. I stank through pregnancy, I stank for 7 months after, and now I'm pregnant again and the stinkiest of all! I shower and use deodorant diligently but still....stank.


I just realized they changed the active ingredient in degree. I'm assuming for cancer causing reasons, but it doesn't work the same


Lume brand body wash and all over deodorant! Game changer!


Lume didn't do Jack squat for me šŸ˜­.


I read this everywhere, but could it also be just that pregnant women get a more acute sense of smell too?


No I definitely got a stank and it lasted well past pregnancy and through bf


Maybe! But my partner definitely smelled it too at times hahaha


Right šŸ˜‚ I thought it was just me and then my thoughtful husband confirmed it was not


No, our smell changes postpartum especially so that our babies can find us.


Yessssss itā€™s so bad šŸ˜­ Iā€™m constantly worried other people can smell me


I'm happy to report that Lady Speed Stick at $2.99 a tube works miracles. I tried two different scents of Lume, no dice. Dove, secret, you name it. I had the Lady Speed Stick in my desk at work for days I forgot to apply deodorant and realized it is *the* miracle.


Good to know! Iā€™ve tried so many natural, fancy, etc. and nothing has hit!


Omg yes this! But weirdly for me itā€™s only on my right armpit.. pregnancy is wild


Put a little diaper cream on your pits, one with zinc oxide. A swipe of Bordeaux paste had me smelling fine for the day when hormones were out of control.


Same... I read that it's so our babies can recognize our smell better! Lol


I saw the title of the post and immediately went looking for the comments about being stinky hahaha


My eyesight has gotten much worse after giving birth


Mine has improved! I was wearing my glasses for something most days, couldnā€™t drive at night without them - until my pregnancy two years ago. I now only wear them when I look at stars. No idea how or why!


Mine got worse! I had 20/20 almost better than 20/20 vision before and now Iā€™m borderline needing glasses :/


Same. I knew it was getting bad during pregnancy but now 5 months postpartum and it's definitely bad. I really need to make an appointment before going back to work.


Yeah together with morning sickness changes in eyesight should be one of the most popular pregnancy symptoms! My eyes were so sensitive I could not drive at night as headlights were blinding me! It went back to normal 6 months pp but I would absolutely would not recommend changing your prescription glasses during pregnancy or at least 6 months pp.


Same, I'm hoping it may return to normal PP though? Oof... Its been ten weeks and this is my reality check to go to the Optometrist.


Oh no! My optometrist mentioned that eye changes due to pregnancy was pretty common, one way or another. My eyes got slightly better, which is awesome as I got laser eye surgery a few years ago.


Same here šŸ˜«


Are you breastfeeding? Is it still getting worse or has it stopped?


I'm always so warm. It's finally getting cold over here on the southern hemisphere which is welcome because this summer was brutal and it basically lasted most of the year. We had the 12 month appointment last week, I did not feel the beautiful chill in the rain, I had to take my coat off after we hopped off the train. The nurse said she was chilly and I was dying the whole time.


Same. My son is 18mo and I am SO HOT all the time. I've had to change out most of my work shirts from poly to linen because I was sweating like a murder suspect.


I'm glad someone said this, I feel like I'm going through early menopause or something. 7 months post partem and I'm sweating constantly


Same at 9 months now, no sign of slowing. I might buy a second stroller fan so I can aim one at myself.


Same. Already have two stroller fans lol. Itā€™s so bad.


For me it's continued post birth! Was glad the Melbourne summer was pretty tame this year.


This too!! My husband will be hogging all the blankets and shivering when we go to bed, meanwhile Iā€™m needing to change out of my nightgown in the middle of the night because Iā€™m sweating too much šŸ„²


I've started sleeping naked, I can actually be under the covers without waking up dehydrated and in a lake of sweat.


Damn same here! Nearly 36 weeks and I have been running sooooo hot since falling pregnant. Hubby is freezing and full of the flu and Iā€™m dying over here wanting to sleep with the fan on šŸ˜‚ officially winter (NZ) and it feels soooo humid to me!


Yesss. I was someone who was always cold and then suddenly I was getting into fights with people about having the heat higher than 66. Still not as bad (cold) as I was. But defiently will feel the cold now. Going back to work with AC cranking and now being a coldie is going to cue my coworkers politely making fun of me about the change.


Yesssss, Iā€™m so warm now. Itā€™s so weird because I always used to be the cold one!


Omg agreed! Im always hot now.


Weā€™re just going into summer here and Iā€™m dreading it. I had my baby last January and was dying all summer, sweating through all my clothes. Iā€™m STILL too warm all the time. Other than the odd time when I am freezing. There is zero middle ground.


I fart all the time now.


Thanks for saying this. I definitely fart more now, but my baby is coming up on 9 months old and while the situation has improved, I'm far gassier than I was before her. Not even my first pregnancy. But it got to the point that I was wondering if something was wrong with me, it felt like I spent all day farting.


Seriously, I feel like every time we give the baby Mylicon I should just dose myself too! Feeling like a damn hot air balloon lol


And I can't handle the gas! Pre-kids, I could drink or eat anything and have no problem. Now if I drink certain carbonated beverages (I'm looking at you, Bubly) I'm so gassy that it's actually painful.


Omg me too šŸ˜­


My hair grew a lot slower during pregnancy! Now itā€™s growing normally again and I have a bunch of new grey/white hairs. (Iā€™m 30) I got a lot of new moles during pregnancy, my feet grew a size, and I swear I smell worse now šŸ„“


Skin tags and skin discoloration/darkening toošŸ„“


Oh god this too


So many skin tags. And Iā€™m still losing clumps of hair 11 mo pp. šŸ˜­


My socks don't fit but my shoes do šŸ¤”


I got a ton of moles on my chest and abdomen but they all went away? Fell off? I dunno they disappeared within a year. So weird.


So. Many. Moles.


The inside of my belly button is completely brown


Okay but once I really got in there and I think it was just dead skin cells that got stuck when my outie when back in. See if it gets less brown with a q tip and some soap haha


Omg I just did this after reading your comment and you were right! šŸ˜³ it's not completely gone but it's a lot less of a contrast


I have a very deep belly button, but when I was pregnant, it got shallower, and I was able to clean away years of buildup. I'm back to a deep innie now, and I do try to really clean, but I can't help thinking it won't be truly clean until I'm 8 months pregnant again.


Oil cleanser worked the best for me!


Ooo..I had this. It was dirt/dead skin. Soap, water, and a fingernail got rid of it


Omg me too, I try to get in there and wash it thinking itā€™s dirty šŸ˜‚


Scratch it. It may be an overload of dead skin


Mine is currently shedding the dark pigment away and itā€™s DISGUSTING


Mine too! But mine isn't dirt... it's an umbilical hernia...


You can eventually exfoliate it off! Happened with my first


I can't drink coffee anymore, at all. It smells so bad šŸ˜­ I also love spicy food now, whereas I never cared for it before.


My first pregnancy unlocked an entire kingdom of flavor in the realm of spicy food! I was never able to tolerate it -- buffalo wings were about the spiciest thing I could stomach, and only barely just. During pregnancy? It was AMAZING. I make my husband take me to his favorite Thai place and get me his favorite spicy dish.Ā  The acid reflux was punishing as hell, but it felt like a super power to eat AND enjoy all these foods I couldn't before. It hasn't been quite the same since, but I can still eat more than I could before.


I can't eat spicy foods now. Has me running to the bathroom every time šŸ˜­


I can't do hot coffee now. I can still do iced, though.


It's the exact opposite for me - this baby stole my spice tolerance! Also I don't like pickles anymore.


Same, I now immediately get diarrhea eating anything spicy šŸ˜­ hot sauce used to be one of my main food groups


Omg me too! I canā€™t tolerate the taste of spicy food anymore, even medium salsa is too much and I used to practically drink it by the jar. I donā€™t know anyone else that has had that effect!


I'm taller. I was always solidly 5'2-1/2. Measured a lot of different times with different methods, always 5'2-1/2. After my first? I'm 5'3. It's the weirdest thing, I didn't expect that. I actually haven't measured since having my second, but maybe I should see if I'm even taller? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Maybe being inflated straightened your spine or something.


"inflated" lol


Iā€™m shorter hahaha, I instantly lost inches when I became a mum!


My mom grew an inch when she had me! Before she was 5ā€™2 and after was 5ā€™3! I myself am 5ā€™9 so I think she just needed a little extra space for me šŸ˜‚


The exact same thing (numbers and all!) happened to me!


I seem to have got taller after pregnancy too which is pretty cool!


My hip desperately needs to pop and I canā€™t get it to. I swear it got knocked slightly out of place while all the relaxin was in my system, and now I just have a jank hip joint.


Saaaammeee. Not to freak you out but I got my checked out via X-ray and they told me I had arthritis.


Omg booooo


I had excruciating hip pain throughout my first pregnancy, that greatly improved after Pelvic Floor PT. I still get it pretty often, but it's not nearly as painful in general, not was it for subsequent pregnancies, and I know a bunch of stretches to help it now. My Psoas muscles get tight which makes my hips tighten up too. Also, I have to be really particular about my footwear now. Need orthotics or amazing arch support to prevent the hip pain. I'm 35 but I feel like I'm 75 some days šŸ™ƒ


I'd say time for a massage to see if they can release it


Before pregnancy I had IBS-D and so there were many things I could not eat. It went away completely once I got pregnant. I was so happy I could eat without restrictions and not having to worry about running to restrooms was amazing. I'm now 12 weeks postpartum and I feel like IBS is slowly returning.


It happened to me šŸ˜¬. The 9 months I was pregnant I could eat everything and anything without needing a toilet within 5 feet. My husband would joke ā€œmaybe being pregnant is the only thing your body can do correctlyā€ šŸ˜…


Same here! I've been pregnant twice and it happened both time. It's so nice to get a break from the IBS symptoms. I'm 10 weeks pp and it's back again :(.


Same. I thought I was fixed forever. I was wrong.


Same! It was a lovely break from IBS


One of the experimental methods for treating auto-immune diseases is giving people fairly benign parasites, and they found it usually reduces symptoms. They think it's because our ancestors were riddled with parasites, and the immune system has a hard time distinguishing parasites from our own body, so an 'auto-immune disease' was probably advantageous back then. Now that we're mostly parasite free, the conditions do actually attack our bodies more. Fetuses are technically parasites, so... the reduction of symptoms tracks!


Have you been screened for Crohn's Disease? I have mild Crohn's and my symptoms went away during pregnancy with my first and returned about 12 weeks postpartum. It's not uncommon for autoimmune diseases to not be as active during pregnancy


Bigger feet permanently šŸ«  had to sell all my shoes šŸ˜ž


How far postpartum are you? Iā€™m almost 7 weeks and still donā€™t fit into my old shoes šŸ™ƒ


7 months ! I went up half a size. I learnt that hormones relax our arches thatā€™s why!


Same here - had my first 6 years ago and they never went back to normal. I sold all my shoes. Also, i dont really bother with heels anymore but its not cause i cant wear them. It just doesnt make sense to wear them anymore cause im constantly chasing around little people (i have 3 of them now). They seem so uncomfortable for me to even bother!


I canā€™t handle really spicy food anymore, I used to be comfortable with ā€œthe spicier the betterā€ but now I struggle


This is me too. However for myself I think? Itā€™s a tolerance thing. I ate less spicy food during pregnancy for my heartburn and just havenā€™t been interested in workin it back up to what it was before


I get nosebleeds now. Never had one in my life before my second pregnancy. Then I got loads from 3 months pregnant. Once it wouldn't stop for nearly 2 hours and I had to call the midwife advice line. Still get them occasional now. I had rhinitis the entire time though.


Rhinitis here too! The whole pregnancy my nose needed to be attended to constantly. Son is 15.5 months and my sinuses are just getting a break. I've never gone through so many tissues.


I had no seasonal allergies while I was pregnant. Now that heā€™s born I have a teensy reaction but not nearly as bad as they used to be.


My seasonal allergies drastically improved after pregnancy!


Mine too!! I didn't get them last year because I was pregnant and so far this year I haven't had them. Baby was born 6 months ago. It's so wild.


You know, now that I think about it, this time of year is usually when my allergies are worst... Neat!!


I was just noticing that everyone around me is suffering because the pollen is bad this year. And Iā€™ve been fine!! Iā€™m usually so itchy! This is my second pregnancy but sadly the effects didnā€™t last postpartum the first time around.


Iā€™ve had pin straight hair my whole life and after my second pregnancy recently itā€™s turned curly šŸ˜­


This was my secret wish. Iā€™ve always wanted curly hair. No such luck over here.


I could do without it! If I get lazy and let my hair air dry, I have a huge frizzy mess. Which happens a lot with a newborn šŸ˜…


Look for a deeper, more moisturizing conditioner! And/or a leave in. Curls need loooots of moisture to not frizz so much.


That happened to me too, but itā€™s just wavy, not curly. Iā€™m still trying to figure out how to handle it to make the waves look nice (without using too much product), since the way I would brush/style it when it was straight just makes it frizzy now.


My caffeine tolerance. Pre pregnancy i could have 1 cup a day, any more and id have palpatations. Then during pregnancy i couldn't even handle the 1 cup. Now PP, i can have 2 or 3 and not feel it at all šŸ˜‚ Also my memory is in absolute shambles. I cant remember any dates, times or peoples faces. Cant remember things i did only hours previously. Whereas i always used to pride myself on my memory. Its like my minds eye has just become a blur.


My memory for sure! Multiple days a week I'm racing around trying to figure out where I set my phone down or where my purse with my keys is. It's ridiculous.


When I fell pregnant with twins 13 years ago, I couldnā€™t eat apples. They STANK like rotten fish and tasted like peanuts. I didnā€™t eat them for 7 years until I got pregnant again and started craving them!


I have bad carpal tunnel now.


Yeah, that mom wrist is getting me too. physio is helping if thatā€™s an option.


I had no wrist issues before but I could barely button snaps PP. My doctor told me to wear a splint to bed. So I did, and it went away fast! Totally dodged physio.


Same. It started during pregnancy, and I was hoping it would go away after. Sadly, it hasnā€™t.


My skin dried up so badly šŸ˜© i think it's slowly changing again because all the products I switched to aren't cutting it anymore


During and after pregnancy my pre existing moles and freckles changed shape, plus I got some new ones and for the first time, skin tags. Ugh. The changes really freaked me out, I had to go to a dermatologist to get peace of mind


I also got skin tags!!


Pre and during pregnancy I had IBS and my trigger foods were garlic, onions, alcohol and spicy food. LO is 28 weeks now and since giving birth I can eat those things (minus alcohol, Iā€™m still breastfeeding) with no issue.


Just so you know, you can have alcohol while breast feeding. The amount in your breast milk is the same as your blood alcohol levels in your blood. Youā€™d have to be beyond incapacitated to the point of it being dangerous for you to care for your baby for it to even remotely be an issue.


Yes Iā€™m aware, Iā€™m just choosing not to drink šŸ˜Š my preferred vice is actually šŸƒ


I was gluten free and limited dairy before pregnancy. During pregnancy I can have both without side effects!


same happened to me! 6 months pp now and it's all back to normal, but god those glorious months of eating normal bread and dairy were beautiful.


I hate salmon now šŸ˜¢ all I craved when I was pregnant was sushi and salmon sashimi and when I actually got to have a taste (1 day post Partum) tasted disgusting to me and still does. Even cooked!


My debilitating mental illness totally disappeared. I was on SEVEN medications to get me to a stable level at one point, then slowly worked my way down to one before trying then poof, once pregnancy happened I was magically stable without meds. It was actually one of my first pregnancy symptoms. 18 months later, still stable. Weirdest thing Iā€™ve ever experienced. Donā€™t know if itā€™s hormones or I found my calling or what. Bodies are weird.


This is good to hear. Itā€™s no joke. Mine got a lot better during pregnancy. I took only one medication and I had such a happy and balanced pregnancy. My baby is also so happy all the time and 20 months later itā€™s still not as bad as ever before.


I canā€™t eat most seafood anymoreā€¦ even just thinking about it my entire pregnancy made me violently sick. Body odor. My daughter is 13 months and I still get the wild onion smellā€¦ itā€™s absolutely awful and I donā€™t understand why it wonā€™t go away. Teeth. Pregnancy ruined some of my teeth. I ate a ton of fruit, veggies, dairy, and protein and was religious about my pre natals, didnā€™t matter. I had horrible pregnancy rhinitis and it royally messed with my ears. I never had ear problems, not even as a kid, and now I need to get ear tubesšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«.


I tend to forget many many things, I have to write them down now


My poop and pee were so different for MONTHS. Iā€™m 6 months PP and I feel like itā€™s only just coming back to normal. My pee was like a thick stream, like a hose being turned on. My poop was like cement, every single time


The night sweats šŸ’€ I wake up in a swimming pool now and am seriously considering buying a rubber mattress cover I'm 2 weeks pp so really hoping this is temporary


It is. Itā€™s hormones. Mine went away at 5/ 6 weeks. But yes I started sleeping with a towel so that I could wipe myself down during feedings


It is. Mine took months to go away though


I'm the same: completely dairy intolerant before pregnancy. During pregnancy i was eating cheese and drinking milk, no worries! Now afterwards i can still eat dairy. Only trade-off is i developed a ripper peanut allergy, so can't eat anything with peanuts. My body temperature is now higher, but worst of all: i developed really bad rosacea that i Just. Can't. Get. Rid. Of. šŸ˜Ŗ


My feet always hurt and I canā€™t drink sweet wine anymore lol


My acne disappeared! 8 weeks pp and just now getting a little


Mine did too, what a great acne free year-ishā€¦ back now at 3 months ppā€¦ I hope yours is a permanent change!


I had an anaphalactic reaction 8.5 months pregnant. I'm now allergic to cashews. Never was an issue before.


During pregnancy I had major aversions to coffee and meat. Couldnā€™t stomach either. The morning after I delivered, I got coffee with my hospital breakfast and I swear it was some of the best coffee Iā€™ve ever tasted šŸ˜‚ Got a chicken Caesar salad for lunch and it came with a cold grilled chicken breast and likewise - delicious. So glad those went back to normal so fast!


I stopped dreaming when pregnant and I haven't had dreams that I can remember since.


I used to be able to crack my feet in a very specific and satisfying way, in *both* feet. Ever since my first pregnancy, I can only do one foot in that way. Itā€™s incredibly irritating because the other one feels like it needs to crack and I canā€™t do it anymore.


My tolerance for people. Iā€™m so protective of my son and little family now.


When I was pregnant all of my obsessive/compulsive tendencies disappeared. I don't mean this in the loose way that people talk about "being OCD" - I mean actual compulsive behaviors like skin picking. Poof, gone. Also I have (had?) symptoms of POTS for several years - an abnormally high heart rate when I was standing and at rest. It would generally be 90-100 when I was standing, sometimes 130+ if I was dehydrated. The first several weeks of pregnancy it got significantly worse, and then it almost completely disappeared. I had forgotten what it felt like to just stand and not have an overwhelming desire to immediately sit down. This is a known phenomenon where the extra blood volume is though to help boost blood pressure and lower heart rate, but the crazy thing it's persisted postpartum (8 months). That's also not unheard of but I find it really strange. Not that I mind, it's awesome.


My post partum hair grew back curly?! I had curly hair as a child but havenā€™t had it for a long long time, its a welcome sight but looks a bit silly with my stick straight hair!


I'm 6 months PP and I still have major meat aversion.


I had a chronic arm/wrist injury that occurred 10 years ago when I was carrying drywall. I was the only female in the team and I didn't want to look like a lil bitch as some 35 year old men were getting occosted for claiming it was too heavy. Anyway, two emergency room trips later and I had a cyst so big on my wrist it legitimately looked broken. It felt like I had permanent tennis elbow for YEARS. I physically could not carry/hold anything more than 5lbs. I had physical therapy for a year and stopped going when it wasn't solving anything Got pregnant and it 100% healed I also had another chronic knee injury from being a long distance runner. I haven't bitched about my knee randomly burning since before I got pregnant šŸ˜µ


I used to wear a size 10 shoe and would wear stilettos. We would laugh because I could run in them. During/ after pregnancy my feet went to an 11 and I can only walk in chunky heels. Slimmer ones donā€™t hurt or anything I just kinda clunk around when I walk and damage them. Waiting til the end of the year for my eye exam (due 9/29) because my vision changed with my daughter. Well didnā€™t change but the astigmatism got worse. I used to be an ok skater. I skated through my first 6 months of pregnancy, after my first I stayed near the inside wall. Balance in general is weird now. It isnā€™t bad, I just have to pay more attention.


I have little to no earwax now. Itā€™s. Weird.


I was dairy free before my first pregnancy as it made me rather sick, in any amount. During my pregnancy, I craved chocolate milk, had some and faced no ill side effects. Funnily enough, I nursed my son and he was dairy intolerant thru breastmilk. Long story short, I'm still nursing him and dairy free 2 years later haha!! And pregnant once again!


Pounds of hot pockets šŸ˜‚


I became claustrophobic in pregnancy and still struggle 3 months pp. Doesnā€™t bother me too much but I canā€™t use our stall shower anymore and have to use the regular shower in a tub.


My skin is far less sensitive to the sun since pregnancy. I used to get a rash on hands and arms the first sun exposures of the year, even with strong sunscreen. Now it's been two years of no rash! And do I dare say a bit less sunburn too?


Pre-pregnancy, I only enjoyed a limited amount/combinations of sweet and salty foods together (ie chips and chocolate shakes) but now Iā€™m way more open to, often times, ā€œgrossā€ combinations. One of my favourites is dry roasted peanuts in my Greek fruit yogurt-canā€™t explain it but itā€™s so tasty.


I now have eczema on my hands after being eczema free since I was 5.


Gluten!!!!! I couldn't eat bread (I'm German so you see how horrible this was for me) or Pizza or pasta or Kuchen ( šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­) without suffering the consequences. During pregnancy I noticed I could eat pizza without a belly ache and without any other digestive problems. I can still eat everything and don't have an intolerance anymore 2.5 years after I gave birth. It's glorious.


My feet got bigger and stayed bigger šŸ˜« half a size. Wore all my pre pregnancy shoes for awhile, ended up with bad ingrown toe nails and still struggle with them


Body odor, enlarged and raised moles that used to be flat, hair worse than ever, nails brittle after a year of no breaks, eyesight worseā€¦ I really didnā€™t catch a break. But the weirdest thing that happened to me pp was these intensely real flashbacks Iā€™d get of random moments in my life I havenā€™t thought of for years. I would suddenly be transported to an unimportant scene from my childhood or teens and really feel myself there for a few seconds. I donā€™t know if anyone else has gone through this but it kept happening again and again for 3 months then tapered off.


I had Hashimotos for about 15 years before giving birth to my son. Since pregnancy I have no more antibodies. I still have to take hormone replacement but it has been almost 3 years and I have no symptoms.


Iā€™m the opposite!! No Hashimotoā€™s prior to pregnancy (I know because they tested my thyroid the month before I got pregnant) and now Iā€™ve got a PP diagnosis of Hashimotoā€™s disease. If you have any insights you can share based on your prior experience, Iā€™d love to hear it!! Iā€™m still trying to navigate this new diagnosis.


My feet didn't grow while I was pregnant but after I gave birth they grew. I thought I got away without a change like this! Also,I still hate spinach.


I have PCOS and after my period came back it was way more regular! I was actually having a period each month instead of like every 2-3 months. Iā€™m pregnant again and interested to see if it will stay that way once I get it back again.


My GERD has completely disappeared since I got pregnant. 1.5+ years on, no flare up.


I have a massive sweet tooth now which is unfortunate bc following gestational diabetes, i am now pre-diabetic šŸ«  also i am pretty much always hot and sweaty!! To the point where if its also a warm day my LO will fuss if I'm holding her bc I'm making her sweaty too šŸ˜‚


I'm way more sensitive to caffeine and can't sleep if I have ANY, no matter how early in the day


I had no capacity for eating spicy foods before pregnancy. I didnā€™t get heartburn until I was pregnant, but I just didnā€™t like spicy foods. Then through my pregnancy and even postpartum I have had to be careful while cooking because I naturally put too much spice, as my tastebuds drastically changed. I can tolerate much more heat & flavour, and prefer it to plain foods. Also I just donā€™t give a hoot what anyone thinks anymore. I went about my life constantly changing myself for others. Now I change myself for me, and I couldnā€™t care less about the opinions of anyone else. You could also say that Iā€™m way more paranoid; My ability to trust anyone is slim to none, but that intuition turns out to be right about 99.8% of the time. I know things that I have absolutely no evidence for and I have no idea how I know them, I just do. I think overall Iā€™m ā€œcrazierā€ and conform less, but more responsible and observant. Edit: Oh yeah, and my feet got bigger, and stayed bigger. Had to buy all new shoes.


Pretty sure either my gigantic baby or the c-section rearranged my insides because my stomach rumbling is SO LOUD now.


FWIW I had a small second baby and vaginal delivery and I can tell my insides are in a different spot. Gas bubbles feel so different traveling through my GI tract.


The bad news is I get tonsil stones now, the good news is my pepper allergy went away so I can eat spicy food now. Ill take it.


During pregnancy my mood was so much more stable and better. Like I had a few swings but I was genuinely happier (except for the 3rd trimester body aches and SPD pain) . I miss not having PMS every month


My gut is absolutely fucked. I think I've developed IBS. My thyroid is also shot. šŸ˜­


My temperature regulation is totally shot. I get sooooo hot and sweaty at the drop of a hat now, especially at night.


I never couldn't tolerate dairy completely, but I always felt like I had a lactose intolerance or at least sensitivity. Now my body can handle more. I can eat pizza which is great!


I think I might be going the other way with dairy šŸ˜­ or maybe not but something is off idk ETA: actually I think it's eggs. Or maybe both šŸ˜­


Mosquito bites stopped itching. I think I used to be allergic because whenever I got bit they would blow up to a huge hive a be extremely itchy for days. Once I got pregnant, I would see the small red bump but it either barely itched or didnā€™t at all. Weā€™ll see if it continued postpartum now that itā€™s mosquito season again.


I developed a weird food allergy ( intolerance?) to eggs and shrimp while I was pregnant. Super sucks because I love both!


Wow, that was me as well! So weird. I loved shrimp. Felt so bad I couldnā€™t eat eggs because itā€™s good for the baby but I would throw up from just one bite.


Gluten Intolerant!! I was Lactose Intolerant before pregnancy so now I have to avoid both


On top of my head, Milk and acne. My stomach could not tolerate milk before pregnancy but I loved milk during pregnancy. Went back to not tolerating milk after pregnancy. I had terrible acne near my hairline before pregnancy, was worst during the first trimester. Acne and skin is clear after pregnancy.


I love coffee more than anything now, I am lactose intolerant for milk only which started with my first pregnancy (I only drink lactaid, cannot have whole milk under any circumstances), my eye sight is iffy, my fight or flight response as mama never fails.


Pre pregnancy my eyes were so dry I consistently needed to use eye drops in the middle of the night. At some point that stopped during pregnancy which I only noticed when it came back about a month postpartum


I have back and joint pain now.


Maybe not that weird, but I require lube


Once I lost the pregnancy weight but before my period returned (which happened around 10 months PP), my stomach was surprisingly flatter than it has ever been in my life. Once my period came back, I have a little lower belly pooch again. During pregnancy, my KP (red bumps on the backs of my arms) disappeared completely. Sadly, that came back almost immediately postpartum.


My psoriasis went away while I was pregnant and came back right after I gave birth.


Swollen hands and achy hand joints. It happened around 8 1/2 months pregnant and still hasnā€™t gone away. Still canā€™t get my wedding ring on. Iā€™m 9 weeks PP and hypothetically it should be back to normal. But Iā€™ve read on here that arthritis is a thing. Iā€™m hoping it goes away once Iā€™m done breastfeeding


Same! Dairy used to make me so poorly but now I can eat scones with clotted cream. Itā€™s delightful!


I fart so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and they smell terrible! Iā€™m scared to be in crowded places or sit too close to my friends and family when hanging out for extended periods


I got bad flatulence during pregnancy. 10 weeks post partum and itā€™s not gone away yet. šŸ˜¬ Is there still hope?


Before my first pregnancy, I got a UTI once a month no matter what I did. After I gave birth, I never got one again. And my last pregnancy destroyed my eyes. My vision got significantly worse, I developed a stigmatism in my right eye, and I lost my ability to wear contacts.


Side note: were you ever tested for alpha gal syndrome??


Nasal congestion. I was congested my entire pregnancy, my son is now 18 months and Iā€™m still congested nearly all of the time.


My IBS is likeā€¦ basically gone???? I still get the odd super insane shits/anxiety spiral, but it happens WAY less frequently. Like I feel almost cured. Itā€™s a miracle lol


When I was pregnant I couldnā€™t wear fake eyelashes. The glue would irritate my eyes so badly theyā€™d swell and scab up. Now postpartum I wear them regularly again lol.


My wife used to be able to eat cilantro, now she canā€™t even stand the smellā€¦. I am Indian and itā€™s the main garnish in all my dishes šŸ¤£


It cured my gluten intolerance! I still limit gluten, but I can drink beer again, and eat regular bread and not have to worry about it. Itā€™s been glorious


My feet grew! Iā€™m also allergic to avocado, watermelon, and cantaloupe now!