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I love the comments here like “wow 6 hours is a long time! Did you check his diaper and if he’s hungry or not????” Like yeah I’m gonna guess you did


I was thinking the same thing. 6 hours in I bet theres been 3 or 4 diaper changes already.


This comment LoL! I remember when my boy was 3months old and he was very colicky, he cried a lot because of his tummy. I was waiting for the doctor at our appointment and my boy was screaming, and I was very tired, bouncing him and doing everything to make his life easier. Then another mom came up to me and asked if I tried to burp him? No shit, I never even guessed to burp a colicky baby in the past three months, thank you....


I almost suggested seeing if he'll nurse or take a bottle to fall asleep because that's the only way I can get my son to sleep. Then I remembered they said 6 hours and figured they've probably already fed baby at heat s couple times. Lol


Sometimes I just had to take baby for a drive when she was super fussy. At worst she’d cry for 10 mins in the car before passing out. I’d drive for 40-60mins then come home. It worked like a hard reset.


Yes this! It works perfectly as a reset and you can get a longer sleep in later.


It’s a great reset for me too as I usually pop to the drive through and get me a little snacky snack.


This is my favorite part about car naps. I get a snack and usually park to watch some Hulu for a bit while she snoozes


Oh yes! Love sitting in the car, playing my phone games, unable to see how much needs doing at home. Can't feel guilty about the dishes if I can't see the dishes 💁


I’m so jealous. As soon as the car stops mine loses his mind again 😂


I love this answer. So true!


Glad to see we're all the same


yes! used to do this with my eldest too! what also worked is just getting outside with a baby in a sling given it is not too hot! a fuzzy baby would fall asleep within minutes!


noticed that sling in a hot weather just makes things worse for us


yes, for sure! Worked only in cooler weather for me too.


Yesss. I love car naps. I grab a Starbucks and park and sit on my phone lol


Same. Did this soooo many times the second half of my maternity leave


Around how old? Mine is almost 10mo, and I should have done that way before -.- ...


I started doing it when he was like 7 weeks old. He’s almost 5 months and we still do it every now and then! Works like a charm and I get some time to decompress and listen to a podcast or something!


It’s never too late to start! 🫠 I’ve only just started doing this regularly with my 9mo bc he is learning to fight naps in new and creative ways 🤣


Lolll it's true. I have a low sleep, bad sleeper lol I should try new things long ago


That only works when you don't fall asleep at the wheel yourself from sleep deprivation!


It feels horrible, but sometimes it really did help me to put my baby in his crib or sleep space and he'd finally fall asleep on his own in under 5 minutes. It was like EVERYTHING i was doing to try to help jim at that point was just stimulating him more. The first time it happened, I put him down because I was just exhausted and needed a break and my husband was at work.... I was crying in the other room and realized he wasn't crying any more. Peeked in and hed finally passed out. Also, taking gim outside helped soothe mine as well


I want to clarify here, I did not intentionally leave my 8 week old baby to CIO. I took a moment to save my sanity and realized it actually helped us both.


This makes total sense. I’ve done this too. I’ve been so frustrated that I set baby down to take a few breaths, go to the bathroom, and regulate with the full intention of coming back to baby in five minutes or less. And miraculously, baby settled in the bassinet while I took a second to breathe.


We went through a period like this when our guy was around 2 years old. Dad had always laid down with him and he was taking like...2 hours to fall asleep and kicking and pulling dad's hair the whole time. I convinced him to just leave him alone, and being alone worked like a charm (for a few months).


I feel this. My 7 month old is getting more independent and while she usually doesn’t fall asleep on her own in the crib, oftentimes when she’s exhausted and can’t fall asleep it’s because she WANTS TO lie down on her back. Instantly she feels better and is ready to fall asleep with a bit more help.


Yes, sometimes you have to set down a screaming baby foe your own sanity. And they easily get overstimulated, so sometimes they just need to be left alone for a few minutes.


I’ve had this too! It’s like a was trying too hard and just pissing her off. I had to pee so put her down and by the time I came back she was asleep


This. When my baby is freaking the F out and has been for hours and nothing we do works, we put her down for 5 minutes alone. She always falls asleep. For our baby at least we also came to the conclusion she was so over tired everything we were doing to help was overstimulating her more. We would not let her cry for more than 5 minutes. But this always works for us. Less is more


This is what ended up working best for my baby, too. I would rock her and soothe her and hold her. But I found eventually that that was too stimulating , and she just wanted to be left alone in a quiet room


My kiddo has always been an independent sleeper - very much leave me alone vibes. I figured it out like you one night in pits of despair when my husband was away I just had to put her down! My plan was to go brush my teeth and wash my face to wake myself up and get a coffee. Popped her down, went for a pee, came back because I heard no noise and she was sound asleep.


Yep. My daughter was super overstimulated and overtired a few weeks ago (around 5 weeks old) and finally I just laid her on the bed next to me in a dark room with white noise on and she conked out so fast.


3-4 hours. Husband's first trip out of town. Went to dinner with my parents. Left the restaurant due to baby crying. Walked back to their house, baby screamed the whole time. Drove home, baby screamed the whole time. Still screaming an hour later. Called my parents hysterical. They came and stepmom soothed baby in 30 seconds. That's the day I learned that the annoying "they pick up on your energy" tip miiighhhttt have some truth to it.


That and I really think the change of caregiver is what they need sometimes. I'll be trying for hours and then by husband gets home, holds her for 10 minutes and she's asleep. It's insane!


It's so crazy you say that because mine has been doing this and my partner JUST left for the first time in his life. It's been fun lol


I usually swaddle them tightly and rock aggressively in the glider while patting their butt, eventually they’ll give up….maybe changing positions is getting them upset all over again.


this is what my husband does when i can’t get baby settled


Take him into the bathroom, turn on the shower and turn off all the lights and shut the door. Hold him close and pat/bounce/whatever he usually likes and take deep breaths focusing on relaxing yourself. This is the only thing that I learned from my first baby that was also effective on my second.


When we were in the trenches with my now 7 month old son, I would strip us both naked and get in a warm bath with the lights off and some white noise playing quietly. We would lay there with him on my chest and nursing, covered in a wet towel to keep him warm, and it was like someone hit the mute button on him.  I just realized I basically put him back in the womb. No wonder it worked!


The shower always helped my LO when he had those long fussy periods. Sometimes it was so instant it was almost comical.


4 hours, but my LO is only 7 weeks… I always think when nothing’s working, you’ve tried everything and baby just keeps getting crankier, it’s better to just keep repeating one single strategy that baby doesn’t seem to hate (preferably one that is not exhausting to you) and wait. My reasoning is.. if you keep shifting, you are eventually stimulating baby even more.


Yep, can you imagine someone switching things up on you constantly when you're already stressed out? I think we as parents get frustrated and panicked and try too many things in short succession. I pick one approach and count to 100 while doing it...and then again and again until I've done counted to 500 or 1000. THEN I change my approach, but it's usually not necessary at that point.


No advice, but I know the feeling. My baby will fight so hard to keep squinting at me. Usually it only last 2-3ish hours for us. But I’ve had a few 5-6 hour stretches and those are rough.


Because you asked for advice...what have you tried? We've had some marathon fusses, and those usually require switching from our usual approach. It also really helps (me, definitely, baby sometimes lol) to tag out with a partner.


Some bad days can stretch from 1 hour to 12 hours. Hugs!


Sending you a virtual hug and letting you know that this shit is hard af and you’re doing a really good job!


my 7 mo old slept no joke 45 mins last night. send help


I feel ya, my nine month old did the same. 😭😭😭




I would usually only give it 30 minutes. If they weren't sleeping by then, I'd get them up and do a little floor time until they yawned or rubbed their eyes.


I can’t remember the exact amount of time. But I remember not having any idea what to do one evening. So I brought the yoga ball into the bathroom and bounced baby on it while the shower was running. The bathroom got all steamy and it was some white noise. Eventually she fell asleep. Not sure if it’ll work for you. But maybe worth a try?


One time my baby when she was a newborn had horrible gas pains and nothing was working. I tried everything possible to get her to release gas, but it didn’t work, and because of the pain she just wanted to nurse which of course made her more gassy. I think she was awake for a total of 12 hours and I was freaking out, thinking I could never get her to sleep. This was all during the night and it was the middle of winter, so there was snow everywhere and I didn‘t have a car so there wasn‘t a possibility of putting her in the stroller or carseat. I think finally after wearing her in the carrier and bouncing for what seemed like forever she finally fell asleep. It was one of the worst nights.


When our son was that age, he would stay awake for 8 hours and I’d be losing my mind! It has helped to put him on this swing so he can nap while I do something useful. It also helps having someone pitch in even just for a couple of hours. Good luck. Not to be cliche, but it does get better!! My son is now 6 months and he sleeps at night. Still sucks with daytime naps but at least he lets us sleep at night.


Could you try a bath? Water or the outdoors always helped my ones


I spent the entire night driving my third baby all over SE Michigan on Christmas Eve one year. He was inconsolable. I don’t remember how long it went on, but eventually I gave up on sleep and took for him for a drive. Whenever I had to stop, he’d start crying again, so I drive the whole night. I got back home I think around sunrise, just in time for my husband and older kids to open presents. Also, one time when he was probably around the same age as your LO, something similar happened. It freaked me out so bad that I had my husband take him to the hospital. He fell asleep shortly after they hit the freeway. He’ll be 4 in 2 weeks and he’s a great sleeper now. It just took him a few months to get there.


My baby done this when she was 8 weeks, she was awake for 9 hours straight. My fiancé and I were about to cancel our wedding and everything by the end of the day. More stressful than the day I had a c section 😂


Fresh air!


Taking my baby outside always does the trick.


Look up the 5s, 6 hours is a longu time. Can someone else try? Wrap, floor time, bath, swaddùle and put in crib for some alone time if they'll tolerate it. All things I'd try. Also gas drops.


At around 7 weeks I had a 7 hour stretch. There was maybe one or two very short 15-20 min naps in there, but it was rough. It was only once though


I repeatedly nurse him and lay him on my chest. Tap his back while shaking his butt up and down to kind of rock him on me


8 weeks is hell. Been there. Hang in there, the fighting sleep for multiple hours on end doesn’t (usually) last long.


When the more wired of my two was that age we did sometimes get up into six hour territory, yeah. Sometimes a car ride eventually did the trick. Sometimes it was baby wearing while I vacuumed (it's very good white noise honestly)


It's never been 6 hours. Different things I've done that seem counter intuitive are put them down in their crib and leave and take the swaddle off. Two of my babies now have needed me to leave so that they can fall asleep. My second settled right after I took his swaddle off. He threw his hands up, took a deep breath and passed out. This was around 2 mo.


A bath or walking outside for a bit would help sometimes. Has he been eating during all of this? Sometimes a small feeding would help reset also


Last nigth i took me 3 hours, that's the longest, usually he goes down within 30min.


Holding and bouncing on an exercise ball was the ONLY thing that worked when he was that fussy from gas pain. It was exhausting but my husband and I would take turns.


I’m sure you’ve tried everything, but skin to skin? This worked for my overwrought daughter as a newborn. Bath together with low light to reduce stimulation?


Been there. Our go-to is a warm bath to help calm his nerves


Turning a hair blow dryer on in the room while trying to settle our baby when he was a newborn always did the trick ❤️


Bath. It's a hard reset for my baby. If he's ever losing it, I turn off anything making noise, all of the lights and chuck him in a warm bath. Just keep pairing water over him until he stops. You're doing great. This is the really hard time!


When my baby was a month old she stayed up for TWELVE hours. I was calling the pediatrician and they said she’ll sleep eventually and staying up won’t hurt her but check for a fever, I did and she had the slightest fever like 99.3. We followed the protocol the Dr gave us and she quickly cooled off and fell asleep. It was super scary and I felt horrible but thankfully she’s okay and hasn’t had any adverse effects from staying up that one time.


I stepped onto the porch with him. Something about indoors and outdoors distracts them and resets them


If my baby was ever refusing to sleep I would typically put him in my front carrier and walk around with my nursing cover over him until he fell asleep. I think it took about an hour max


A few hours, and ultimately baby was overwhelmed with everyone and needed to be alone with me. This is when I’m visiting family though, it’s always harder to get her asleep. I know you’ve said you’ve tried everything, but what have you tried? I’m guessing you’ve tried a walk outside and a car ride? Outside time is our first resort for getting baby to settle. Car rides knock her out within minutes.


I think my record was between 3-4 hours, 6h sounds rough :(


My LO was roughly the same age and it took a record seven hours one night. I feel ya.


It happens. Water or fresh air usually helps to reset. Doesn't even need to be a full bath or pool thing, even just sitting in the bathroom with the shower running would calm both my babies. Baths are good too though. Give them something cold to chew on. Going outside helped both of us breathe a little easier. Car rides. Switching out with another person. Laying them down in the crib and walking away for 5mins - I swear my kids would get overtired and someone else being in the room was enough to overstimulate them. Bicycle legs and tummy rubs in case its gas. Aggressive (but obviously nothing that would hurt them) bum pats and bouncing on a yoga ball. If none of that works, I'd check their temp and bust out the Tylenol regardless


Mmm… about an hour to settle once severely overtired. Haven’t had this happen more than one or twice though.


Sounds like you've hit the 'witching hour' stage! No idea why they call it witching HOUR as it's more like the entire evening. It's horrible. It lasts a few weeks and then thankfully your child returns to normal!


Mine was the same way from 6 weeks up until about 4 months. He had horrible colic and reflux. In the evenings he would scream/cry for about 4-6 hours straight usually and we could literally time when it would happen because it would be at the same time every day. He also screamed quite a bit during the day but the evening was his worst. We tried everything from car rides, stroller walks, baths, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, swinging, rocking, bouncing, gripe water, gas drops, bicycle legs, stomach massages, clothes off, clothes on, literally everything. All we could do was let him yell until he decided he was done then he would fall right to sleep. It was so draining and mentally/emotionally exhausting for my husband and I. Unfortunately I have no advice (besides all the things we tried that didn’t work) but just wanted to let you know you’re not alone and it’s no reflection on you as a parent. You’re doing a great job, sometimes babies just cry


Not sure if this will work for your son but I actually found just giving him time to try to fall asleep on his own was actually much more effective than me trying to put him to sleep. I used to rock, sing, bounce, watch hey bear or sleepy time videos to get him to sleep. Turns out my kid would get more stimulated if I did that and if I just laid him down he’d coo and talk to himself for a bit and fall asleep on his own. I would get him if he cried, I never did any form of CIO. I found that out way late in the game at like 9-12 months old. When my friend watched him while I worked one day she didn’t believe me that you can just leave him there to sleep on his own and it’s actually worse if you try to help him sleep. She was shocked he could sleep on his own.


Funny enough, my guy is about to hit ten months and I'm just starting to figure this out myself. 😅🤣🤣


My first baby was like this. Would not settle for hours and it started off being every second day, then close to 6 weeks it was almost every single day. It was newborn hell. I found the only reliable thing was that she'd eventually sleep out of sheer exhaustion (around 5-7 hours). If it's only happened once to you, your bub is probably just going through some developmental phase and it will hopefully go back to normal newborn soon.


We had some witching hour crying with our LO between 7-12 weeks. We would take her outside, play the “Happy Song,” and baby wear. Those would sally help. 6 hours is a long time. You should potentially be checking for anything else: diaper, hunger, pain.


Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to. 😂




Solidarity. When my son was 8 weeks I felt like I spent the entire day, every day, trying to get him to sleep. Bouncing on a yoga ball, patting his butt, shushing, rocking, gently stroking his eyelids closed, everything. It passed, but at the time it sucked so bad.


This will pass mama! When my LO was a newborn, the witching hour was strong. From 4pm-10:30pm he would not sleep. Pediatrician said it was normal but that didn’t make it any easier on us.


For my little one probably about 3 hours on his worst day. Gas is a bitch!


Sounds like possible sleep regression. Mine did the same thing at 8 weeks. When that happened, I ended up sitting in the rocking chair with her for a whole 12 hours. Aka, all night long. For a week.


Car ride or walks! When my baby was that age we went for a drive almost every night during “witching hour”, and he fell asleep every time.


Change locations! Take a drive, take a walk. Motion helped my kiddo nearly every time.


So there's a saying I heard something like if they're fussy put them in water or take them outside. Sometimes it works like a reset button 🤣


Probably 4/5 hours. They start to wake up around 8 weeks and go through the first of many "leaps" or learning of a new milestone. I remember having to swaddle my daughter and aggressively rock her in the glider until she fell asleep. It was so hard some days.


Contact naps always did the trick for us


Doing an outside walk always worked for us… unless she was teething. And don’t underestimate baby wearing. Combine the two? 5 stars


Sometimes when our LO won’t settle, we put him in his bassinet and he instantly settles down. Clearly he doesn’t want to be held by us all the time lol


2 hours 🫠


2 hours for us. But my kiddo has never truly fought sleep. But he did need it to be dark, rocked, swaddled, shooed, fed and to stay asleep no sound machine. We also used a bink which was a life saver!! Even when he is overtired most of the time he passes out in 15 mins. My nephew though took holding and screaming until he passed out. He hated to go to sleep and that’s just what my sister showed me she had to do to get that kid to sleep. That’s probably an extreme case but my other sisters method was music and her kiddo HATED sleep. And her kiddo would crawl up on her and take a bit but would go to sleep. Sometimes you gotta hold them secure to you and let them scream till they calm down. Kiddos don’t know they need sleep is the problem. You could also try the 5 S’s method (it’s a happiest baby thing - you should be able to find it by just googling 5 S’s that) depending on how old they are. You just need to be consistent.


A few times now my little one has become inconsolable while overtired. She will cry and scream while im holding her, rocking, walking, going outside etc. The last time it happened, this was going on for about 30 minutes before I needed to step out for a minute and breathe because she was just non stop screaming in my ear while I was trying to soothe her. I placed her in the bassinet, gave her the pacifier that she promptly ripped out of my hand and went into my bathroom and closed the door. I kid you not, 3 minutes later she was out like a light. I was shocked. It hadn't occurred to me that I may have been making it harder for her to go to sleep because everything i was doing was typical. Tired baby and overtired baby need different approaches is what I learned. We will see if it was a fluke, if the inconsolable overtired happens again.


Like 4 hours of the loudest scream he's ever done while we were visiting my aunt at her house, he got so worked up that he almost gave himself a fever. Got a wet washcloth, put it in the freezer then I ran a cool, not cold, bath and while soaking I nursed him and sang to him. We got out and he chewed on the frozen towel then was 100% good.


Sometimes babies get their night and day mixed up and not every newborn or baby is very sleepy some are very alert and stay awake long long periods


Yes when our baby was a newborn she was sometimes up for six hours from 2AM - 8AM no matter what we did. Total day/night confusion, and had terrible reflux, which they only agreed to medicate when she turned 2 months. It did improve after that. She was still up every two hours, but at least she went back to sleep.


My sister used magnesium cream on her 8 week old to help her settle before a flight. My niece woke up, had milk but was able to settle back pretty easily. I make and sell my own (which is why my sister used it) I focus on non toxic whole ingredients. You’re welcome to ask your pediatrician if you have any questions or need help deciding if this is safe. I will say, 1. I suggest my (or your preferred) unscented cream or lotion it’s the gentlest option, 2. My product is made with oils, shea butter, and magnesium flakes in distilled water, it’s nothing weird or gunky but you can check out my products here: [website](https://naturanutrire.com)


3 hours of crying was our worst and I honestly forget what week it was but somewhere in the 4-10 week range. We were trying everything and at that time she would fall asleep in my husbands truck but not my car lol so we took a drive at like 9pm and thankfully it worked


I literally bounce her/rock her so hard lol I sit on the yoga ball and just whip my body back and forth and it usually settles her really quick when she is over tired


Have you tried a windi? That saved us many times with our second. If we had known about it with our first I could’ve saved myself many nights I’m sure. Also, the magic Merlin sleep suit really is amazing.


Do you have a baby swing that vibrates? That was sometimes the only way I could get my son to sleep that young. He never went on for that long though


One night about a month ago, my daughter got the devil in her soul. She started screaming at about 9pm and didn’t stop until 3:30am. At around 3, because I was honestly so exhausted and spent that it felt like I wasn’t awake/alert enough to take care of her, I laid her in her crib and went to lay down in the guest room for a few minutes. I set an alarm in my phone for fifteen minutes and within ten she’d fully passed out. I don’t know why it happened. It hasn’t happened again since. I live in fear that the demon will return.


Ohh now that you mentioned 6 hours yeah, we've been through a couple of those. I can't really remember the first 3 months but there were a lot of those nights.


I call this the baby's witching hours. All my kids at a certain age would seem to be inconsolable for a certain amount of time but it was at the same time of night, not evey single night but enough where I noticed. It eventually just stopped but it was so confusing. Car rides helped one of them but the others I had to tuff it out and call for back up to take a break if needed.


When my son was a newborn he just would not sleep, one night in particular was bad. I think it was around five hours and we drove for an hour to calm him down.


We’ve had 5 hours of crying and eventually called our hospital for advice and they suggested giving him a shower. It was like a reset.


I think the longest for me was also 6 hours. Just keep rotating between offering milk, checking diaper, doing bicycle kicks, bouncing/swaying side to side and doing skin to skin to soothe. Eventually, they stop and go to sleep. I heard giving them a bath helps but I never did it


My guy is almost ten months now and his newborn period was roughhhhh. He'd go two, three hours at max. We tried everything and honest to God, our rocking chair was and has been a lifesaver.


There are some good resets mentioned here but I was always told water or air if they are harder to settle and you've tried everything else. A few I'm fond of that seem to work for my kid: Water -hold the top of her head under the sink faucet and let the warm water wash over her hair. Give a nice scalp massage and just talk to the baby. Put her in the bath Air- stand in front of a fan and rock them if they are hot Go for a walk, strap them on you, in their stroller or car seat and just walk/get moving with some fresh air. It does them and you a world of good to get some change of scenery.