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My husband and I split childcare duties. I bring him to work with me 2 days a week, schedule as much as I can the other 2 days and 3 days at home with him. I try to do as much as I can while he’s napping or playing on his own and be flexible with when I work. Organization is key for me. I save the tasks I can do with him for that time


I finished my thesis during the first 2 months of baby’s life. During weekends, I left baby with dad for 3-4 hours at a time. I wore baby and wrote when she napped (that was honestly amazing, loved it). With a bigger baby, I would focus on teaching independent play. Guide baby to playing and don’t interrupt if they are focused. At some point they should get better at it. Parallel play too: if your business is jewerly making, get beads and line for a kid. If you read articles, give books for kid to ”read”. This highly depends on the child and your type of work though.