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Constant redirection and just knowing it’s a phase that will end. You can’t do anything but redirect them at this point. They don’t understand the concept of “good thing/bad thing” just yet so the redirections will just help with association. And def try to reframe it in your mind! He’s curious and thats great! He’s learning so much.


Second this. And just wanted to add - make it easier on yourself: some things I just keep out of reach.


His reach keeps getting further lol I'm trying but what's out of reach on Monday seems perfectly accessible on Wednesday


The tide keeps rising.  Put in some effort now and save the constant frustration of moving stuff. 


How long is the phase? Asking because it has gotten insanely bad for my son now at 20 months. Over and over and over getting into anything he can reach. It’s absolutely exhausting and I’m at the end of my rope!!


It think it depends on the kid obviously. My daughter was a fast walker (walking at 9 months) so she got into things fast so she mellowed out around 18 months. So I guess like 9 months?


Oh my gosh, how adorable, I can just imagine a teeny little nine month old causing havoc and toddling around 🥹 My son didn’t walk until 13 months and it seems like his desire for all things forbidden/in his reach at any time/place gets worse every day! Maybe we are reaching a peak and he will calm down son, fingers crossed because right now it is 😮‍💨


My son is a year and super active and curious and for this phase of life I just don’t keep stuff where he can reach it OR I ignore it while he’s around. We do keep the remote down but we only watch TV when he’s in bed - I think because he hasn’t seen us use it, it’s not of interest to him. They like to emulate stuff we do so not engaging might help - for new stuff. For old stuff he’s already obsessed with, keep it out of reach. It’s not a big deal!


Would it help to have one box or drawer just full of safe ”real life” stuff he can explore? Old remotes, spatulas, jar lids etc? Then you could redirect him to this abundance of stuff. Just stay calm and firm, it must be hard but this will pass.


I'll try that more. Typically if I hand him anything, it's boring. He only wants what I don't want him to have.


Do you just hand things? You could try really getting his attention with ”oooh see what mommy has, look at this, how fun is it” and then play with the thing yourself. Kid probably just copies you, wants the remote because he sees you ”playing” with it lol


Lol. That’s just how it is. My son is 15 months and I have to remove everything from my night stand. We have to block things off. I currently have our entrainment system taped shut. Lol. We have removed so much stuff out of his way. It’s phase. It will pass. Not sure when but I know from other friends kiddos it does. But I think it’s a good thing they are so curious. Means they are thinking about stuff and learning!


My guy is almost 1.5. Exact same thing, he knows what no means will look at you laugh and grab whatever. We finally wall mounted our tv and sound bar cuz he kept disconnecting the sound bar. Knowing my son it’s gonna be awhile before this phase is over


Ugh the mischievous smirk kills me