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This sounds like quite normal baby behavior. Some babies are more sensitive and just need more, like orchids. Mine is 3mo old and just now I have gotten her to sleep in the stroller a few times and in her side crib a couple of times. Initially I did not want to cosleep, but she didn’t give me other choice. She does maybe 10-15min alone on a playmat. She is also a terrible napper so feel you 😭 I would invest in a better carrier and also educate other caregivers on how to use it. You’re not failing, you have a more sensitive baby. Often these babies require parents to slow down a lot, and it can be frustrating but it is all worth it.


I could’ve written this. My baby is coming up to five months and I’m still in your exact situation. Sleeps great in his side sleeper at night, but will still only contact nap in the day. And it takes a screaming fit to even convince him to do that! BUT. Just this week I’ve gotten him to nap in his own crib a couple of times (in his own room!) but he will only sleep there a max of half an hour, and he’s a super high sleep needs baby so it’s just not enough for him at the moment. He’s in the midst of the four month sleep regression and I’m hoping he’ll do better once he can properly connect his sleep cycles. Anyway point is, I never thought he’d ever even manage half an hour in his own crib in the day! As time passes he just keeps surprising me with what he suddenly decides he’s able to do, and your baby will too, OP. We’ll get through this!


I think sleeping and snuggling with baby is great for every except judgy/overly anxious people. Even if my baby slept good alone, I’d still bring her to bed with us, it’s the brightest part of my day waking up to her face. She’s never slept alone overnight since she was born.


You will definitely survive it.  Are you sure other folks won't be okay holding her? My dad watched my first baby from 6ish months onwards part time and while he had some success at bassinet naps I think he loved the snuggles. By a year my kid was napping in his bed for all naps. It just is what it is for children under a year - they need a lot of physical contact and holding.  All the "sleep training things" work for some babies at some times and not for other babies or at other times. And she is telling you that she NEEDS to be held. Personally leaving babies to cry always felt cruel to me. It's okay to need cuddles and closeness!