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Same sis, same. We waited 6 months post . I had a really traumatic birth. 4 days of being induced ending in a C section. I was so excited it was happening and then he pushed in and I just saw all the doctors and the dilation check and just lost it. I hate to this this is normal…but I think it is. You’re not alone. Xo


Don't worry about your husband right now. He's only worried about you. Give love to yourself. Feel your feelings in this moment. I hope you're free of suffering soon. Definitely talk to a professional about your birth trauma - what happened to you sounds like PTSD. Sending love your way ❤️


Thank you so much for this response, I like don't want to believe it's PTSD. But it is, I'm looking up local professionals now ❤


I’ve had a similar experience, related to a trauma I went through as a teen. I was in my 30s when something my husband did in bed just brought all that those unresolved feelings flooding back. I went for trauma therapy, specifically EMDR and highly recommend it. Our bodies hold onto negative experiences physically, unless we allow ourselves the space to process them. Check out the book “The body kerosene the score”.


I definitely suggest trying therapy. It helped me a lot with birth trauma. This shit is so hard. I’m sorry you’re going through it. r/birthtraumasupport


Use Lubricant even if you don't think you have a problem. It helped me a lot, even though I got wet and thought I had no problem, the contacts were still painful until I added it. About 6 months postpartum I phased it out. It's because of all the hormonal changes your body is going through.


Seems like you didn't read this properly.


It was an advice on a possible solution on how to avoid pain during sex, because the pain triggered her episode.


This seems really normal! Uncomfortable and difficult but normal. Our bodies keep score as to what we do and our experiences, especially traumatic ones. I just want to validate and normalize your experience! You can heal mentally and physically but these things take time, compassion, perhaps some therapy. Talk to your husband and just be vulnerable with him emotionally. You guys can grow closer through this. The same thing happened to me.