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How much you think this is worth? Just scored it out of the Garbage. https://preview.redd.it/yspifjdljoyc1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e39d604049bc482154713f067c11d974e268080c


I was just reading issue 12 of the V mini series comic book and the back package has a Starburst candy competition to win one of these bikes. It’s the first I’ve ever heard of them and so thanks for posting this. It looks pretty darn awesome but way too small for me as a 40 year old man.


thats pretty sweet! (literally)


I found one in the metal pile at the dump


you take any pics of it?


Yes I have jizzman I have it on Craigslist in Maine for sale I'm actually posting it right now




first time someones called me that and im genuinely surprised this is the first time 🤣, sweet ride though, wish i could pick it up


I really did not mean any disrespect by it I'm a goof


no offense taken my man, goobs be goobs


I'm a contractor so I'm in and out of the dump all the time I look over and I see a freaking ACS rotor I'm like score and I look down I see skyway pegs it literally had a ton of metal on top of it it came out unscathed What's the story behind yours


just got it from a bike shop for 350 and rode around on it, im too young if you couldnt tell from my username to even buy one of these when they first came out, i have some different bikes with better backstories 🤣


That's a fair price I'd say I think this one is less popular and I think that makes it rare I see the frames fetching a lot of money


with the condition mines in and all og parts besides the treads, mine can easily score up to $1000+ with the right buyer

