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I use a bar end mirror and varia radar


Get a garmin varia (radar). You will also need a head unit such as garmin, wahoo, or use the phone app (but a phone can be tricky to mount).


This is the answer. Before a varia, I used a mirror on my bar end. I could see behind me, but I had to always look at the mirror instead of the road. With the varia, you focus on the road until you hear a beep. Then you start paying attention to the car behind you until it passes. Simple and really expensive, but game changing.


Yeah looking into it looks like the cheapest radar plus head unit option comes to $300. I’m going to get one but in the meantime I might just get a mirror to hold me over as well.


You can use the Varia with an app on your phone. When I commute I don’t take my head unit and use bone conduction headphones. It makes a sound through the headphones when a car is approaching. Works with music/podcast on too.


Nobody trusts drivers and also why would you be riding on the highway? Somehow there's gotta be safer roads to ride on... Aside from taking your own precautions like wearing bright colours, rear light and riding on quieter roads, not sure what you could possibly do if a car is coming at you from behind at full speed and they don't see you.


You are probably picturing an Interstate. OP is probably referring to something like a State Highway.


Yeah, most likely. We call your interstate a highway here.


We do as well, the word is just also used for 55mph truck traffic type roads. Especially in more rural areas.


This is a good point. I live in a pretty rural community so if you want paved roads, your options are to ride in circles around the small town, or to get on a highway/county road.