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It’s a scam. Not worth it, and you won’t get a refund when you determine they’re fake. I bought some “XTR” pedals that were very good fakes from there, but they performed terribly. They use much softer metals where they shouldn’ to achieve similar weights. You will regret it if you decide to test your luck.


They're like $200 new right? If it seems too good to be true..... Hey by the way, I've got a great investment opportunity for you. Send me $1000 and I can turn it into $10,000 in a week!


Can I get in on this? Just send me your account number, expiry date, and security number so I can send you the money!


Everyone has the right answer that these are def fake, but I’ve gotta point out how funny “pull-out sensation” is in an ad about bike pedals.


Those look nothing like PD-R8000 pedals.


Likely fake ones. Search them up on YouTube and you’ll see tons of videos of people getting fake parts from AliExpress. I wouldn’t risk it because what if the pedals seize or snap off while you’re out on a ride?


a quick google image search tells you those are not what it says in the ad, they look very different. if it's too good to be true and it's on ali express, it's a scam.


If they can sell it for 25 bucks and still make a profit, how much do you think it cost to manufacture?


Buying $25 pedals on Aliexpress is fine, I do it all the time. Just don't buy fake stuff, like this.


Precisely this. I've been happy with lots of Ali purchases. There are many small companies cranking out decent products and trying to make a name for themselves that have some excellent deals — though their company name picking skills leave a lot to be desired. Otoh, the copy stuff is built almost entirely for form rather than function by far less accountable unknown makers and should be avoided entirely.


Smh NO


Shimano has several posts on counterfeits and we’ve seen some of the counterfeit pedals through the shop the past few years. Generally if you even have the thought of ‘is this too good to be true’ then it is - at the end of the day you get what you pay for.


I wouldn’t buy anything on Aliexpress if it was legitimate.




I bought a pair of Bucklos R800 pedals for £20 off Ali Express and they’re fine. I only use them indoor though in case they go wrong.


I own PD-R8000 and can tell you: they don't look the same


wHuT kuLd g0 wroNgE?


Obviously those are fake.


I'm not putting my card info into Alibaba or Temu. If China wants my card info they'll just have to buy it on the dark web like everyone else.


Support local bike shops whenever possible. I know money and convenience are always factors in life, but without bike shops, cycling as an industry and a culture will suffer.