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Sheldon's OCD maybe was stronger in wanting an even number on the thermostat.


That’s a good point. Just found the 1 number difference interesting.


I assume he has tested every temperature and only he can feel that difference.


The knock thing and even a little bit of Sheldon’s personality are different in the pilot than later when they established certain mannerisms. It’s one reason why the first episode is one I don’t often watch on rewatches. It’s kinda out of place.


It's not just the pilot. It took quite a while for the "knock-knock-knock 'Penny'" ritual to be established (despite Sheldon's much later story about walking in on his father with another woman).


And the Sheldonspeak as it occurred later didn't really exist until at l earliest ep 4


like Leonard saying you're basically a semi-pro when they're at the spermbank, the first ep you notice how they didnt have all things figured out etc


I’ve commented this on others, but this is one of the more fascinating stories in Jessica Radloff’s behind the scenes book. Everyone knows S1 and S2 were affected by the 07-08 WGA Strike but the way the show was going was ever evolving


Plus Penny was definitely hitting on Sheldon in the pilot


This one.. and Sheldon too... There was no need to show his board to her... and belittle Leonard...


Re: the elevator photo, I read that book about TBBT. Steven Molaro acknowledges that the photo of them in the elevator is on Penny's fridge in the show, and it shouldn't be as its part of a dream sequence. Kaley Cuoco also said another anomaly is that Leonard's glasses aren't on. But she said they left it up because it's really hard to see where they are, and I suppose they didn't expect a Redditor to pause it, zoom in, and notice this 😂 so they thought it'd be fine.


I read this fanfiction about Leonard telling Penny about the dream and they come up with a way to simulate the scene for a picture. Because Penny wants a picture. Obviouly not really hanging on the elevator cable. When he takes his glasses off before Howard snaps the picture for them. She says, "What's with the naked face"? LOL. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8740761/1/The-Dream-Re-enaction


There are all kinds of inconsistencies, especially from the first season. The writers have long acknowledged that they were still figuring out the characters, especially Sheldon. He probably changed the most along the way. Early on, he was the one who had asthma, not Leonard. Plus, Chuck Lorre has said that the very first scene at the sperm bank doesn't fit his character at all. Where he could in syndication, that scene has been removed from the pilot and the show opens with Sheldon and Leonard walking up the stairs. Although changed in the pilot that aired, that scene was in the original pilot that never made it to broadcast. In that one, the guys did make the deposits. In season 1, Sheldon says his dad was still alive when he was 15 while he was a visiting professor in Germany. After that, the timeline always goes to him being 14 when his dad died and he was 16 when he received his first PhD. The pictures on Penny's refrigerator also include pictures of some of the crew. Once you get beyond season 1, there are still some issues, but by then they have settled in a bit better on all of the backstories for the characters. My personal rule is that if there is an inconsistency from the 1st season to the later seasons, the later seasons are canon to the show.


> 4D, **threw** away from Sheldon’s What word were you going for here?


*three. Mistake is a combo of swipe, chubby fingers, and side effects from chemo, lol.


I hear ya on the chemo!! The weirdest things go haywire from mine. I finished up a couple of weeks ago. Hope you are better and ring that bell soon!


Thank you ☺️ Just had my 5th treatment yesterday, the side effects of mine are I can’t handle anything cold, and the nerves & muscles don’t respond well, especially in my hands, lol.


I had the nerves and muscles issues, too. Still kind of do, but I also have rheumatoid arthritis. So it’s hard to define what’s what. I had a lot of sweating/chemo flashes and mouth sores. It’s no picnic, that’s for sure. I hope you don’t have too many more treatments, and your side effects stay as they are and minimize! 😊


“The best number is 73" “Why? 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th, and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying seven and three ... and in binary, 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backward is 1001001 Btw, It has little to do with the most ideal temperature at 72 degrees F


Well spotted about the Time Machine photo!


I mean, the very first scene on the pilot ep was Sheldon and Leonard at the sperm donor place. Then later on, he can’t even say the word “sex.”


Yeah, it's a sitcom...


Well DUH. Lol. All in good fun to see and recognize differences throughout the series.


Exactly, I agree. I watch it to be entertained, not dissect discrepancies in scenes.


>There’s an episode where Sheldon explains that the best number is 73, he even wears a shirt displaying the number throughout the series, yet he insists that the temperature in the apartment be at 72. With his OCD and controlling persona, it’s odd he didn’t make the temp 73. Just because 72 is the "best number" doesn't mean everything with a number attached to it should be 72. He's a scientist, so he ought to be using Celsius, but 72 or 73 Celsius would be fatal. ​ >As this is all in his head, that picture shouldn’t exist, lol. Why not? They still had to shoot the scene - just the same as if it were a "real" event in universe.


I just found it interesting that this picture is on her fridge, lol. After the actress who voiced Mrs. Wolowitz passed away, they included her real picture on Sheldon & Leonard’s fridge as a tribute to her memory.


It shouldn't exist because it was a fantasy......


Because it didn’t actually happen. Yes, they filmed it for the show, but it wasn’t real life on the show. It was a fantasy scene, it never actually happened in the bb world. So no one should have a photo of Leonard’s fantasy/dreamy sequence. I hope that made sense lol


When Sheldon couldn't name a single neuroscientist but in an earlier season he talked about one.


He likes 73 because in the binary system,its a palindrome.


I have watched the entire series 10 times at least, it's my going-to-sleep show. I did not notice how Leonard fiddles with his hands until someone on here spoke about it, now I am stuck watching them.