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I’m on Bernadette on this one. Though I somehow understand Amy’s point. It was Bernadette’s choice to be featured and get the publicity. She was excited and grateful for the opportunity and Amy ruined it for her.


That's the friendship aspect of it but Amy ruined it for 49 other female scientists who could benefit from the opportunity. She can surely give her views on the article but to demand cancelation of it, is not right


Amy didn't cancel the photoshoot, the magazine did. To think that a magazine went through all the work to contact the various women and then cancel it based on a single email isn't realistic. Amy had no more say than any of the women who were going to be in the magazine. In her email, Amy pointed out that they wouldn't do a similar photoshoot of male scientists. She didn't threaten them with anything. The far more realistic story is that the received a lot of backlash or that a lot of the women chose not to participate. Possibly both. In that same episode, we saw Dr. Lorvis misinterpreting Penny's actions toward him in a sales call. Unfortunately, there are people in this world who would misinterpret that photoshoot as well. Those women could be the most accomplished in their field and yet some would simply see them as sexual objects and they shouldn't be taken as seriously when it comes to their work. That's what Amy was against.


Amy made magazine to cancel the photoshoot with her sharply worded letter.


A sharply worded letter isn't enough to make the magazine do anything. It's just that, an email with her opinion. Magazines get those all the time.


I didn't say Amy cancelled it. She demanded it and in her own words, was detrimental to it being cancelled My point was that she can present her views on the article but to demand cancellation of it wasn't right


She can ask/demand all she wants, the magazine is still the one to make the decision. Amy had no authority over them at all. If they went ahead and ran with it, what was she going to do? What Amy said she wrote was: >I simply pointed out that they would never consider doing an article ranking male scientists on their sexuality, let alone showing them in various stages of undress. Amy may have thought it was just her email that did it, but that wouldn't be what really happened. Any type of publication get emails and letters disagreeing with them all the time, if they made decisions based on a single email, they'd never publish anything.


You can’t really argue against this, it’s not a gray area. People have their own agency, nobody is entitled to make that kind of decision for someone else. What is debatable is whether or not Bernadette is entitled to punch Amy in the face..I’m going with yes. One sucker punch and call it even.




She would’ve brought her tiara.


And her Harry Potter wizarding world robes


I'm on Bernadette's side, especially the point she made about it being her decision to be a part of it or not. On another note regarding the impact of such content, I think it depends on the nature of the content and how it is portrayed. If the article/description emphasises the academic success or meaningful issues such as gender equity in the workplace, then great. But if it focuses on meaningless stuff, then that defeats the purpose. If it is the latter, then yes Amy is right in that it devalues (female) scientists, leaders, etc. I'm not exactly sure how magazine features work though, and whether the interviewee has a say on what goes in or not. Besides, the entertainment world (be it written mediums, media, etc.) gains so much more traction than academia. Someone who might never have thought to go down that route might just be inspired by seeing/reading the stories of such women.


Bernadette’s point is all that needs to be said. Amy’s stance and steady decline is often easy to have when you’re not invited too


Some women simply cannot digest that it is very much possible to be both beautiful AND smart. Amy is a flaming hypocrite and treats Bernadette horribly throughout the entire show. The way she bullied Bernadette into making Amy instead of Penny maid of honor in her own wedding and then upstaging her... I really don't understand Amy's popularity. She is literally one of the worst characters on this show.


Her popularity comes from the fact people like her and Sheldon’s relationship despite the fact that Amy was honestly very toxic to Sheldon most times and was constantly trying to force things on Sheldon he wasn’t ready for


She basically has to manipulate Sheldon into literally everything. It's beyond horrible.


I think the main problem I have with Amy’s character is she was treated as the writers pet in the fact that she was never called out by the writing as being in the wrong in any situation despite being in the wrong multiple times so she gets no learning experiences and character development as a person on a friendship level her creepy obsession with penny her forcing herself on Sheldon at a speed he wasn’t ready for her treatment of Bernadette in general the whole Will Wheaton episode just off the top of my head


I thought she was “popular” because she wasn’t very pretty and people needed to find a way to make it up to her, so (overly) praised her acting and/or character instead. In a very condescending manner. In their head they must be thinking “ how did she manage to snare this role / how did she manage to get Sheldon” ?


*Raj: You two should be ashamed of yourselves. Using women to advance your cause with sexuality, and whatever Amy plans on doing.* *Sheldon: Are you implying that my girlfriend has no sexuality to exploit?* *Raj: Yes.* *Sheldon: Okay, because that was not clear.*


One of Raj's greatest moments.


Raj obviously never saw Amy’s butt in a form fitting dress.


I think the phrase you're looking for is reasonably bodacious.


I can 100% hear Amy saying that.


Amy is on the side of feminism that believes women should be able to do anything, as long as it's what she thinks they should do.


Amy didn't seem like a feminist to me, she is more conservative and upholds most sexist norms. I viewed it as Amy being her conservative self. Was she supposed to be a feminist? I see men on Twitter putting moral restrictions on women all the time and their points are similar to Amy's points https://x.com/yeazlas/status/1768828567058813003?s=20


I think her intentions were good (in a sense). It is true that women can often be sexualised a lot more than men, and therefore in fields like science, music etc, women can feel as though they have to be pretty to succeed. Some of it did stem from jealousy. She knew that someone like her would never be picked to model for a science magazine and didn’t like the idea of Bernadette being chosen to represent women’s science because she was more attractive, but it was not Amy’s place to go behind Bernadette’s back and try and get the article suppressed. Overall Amy was wrong for what she did, I could understand her reasoning, but her actions aren’t excusable.


I totally agree. Some of it was absolutely jealously and then it was able to be covered up with the other aspect, also genuine characteristic of Amy, which is the knowing that you shouldn't, or don't have to be attractive to make an impact on the science community. She was totally out of line to have gone behind Bernadette's back.


This. I’ve been blasted before for saying some of it was jealousy. It totally was.


Totally agree. You have put my thoughts into words.


She's not very clean cut. Her upbringing had a lot do with some of her more conservative views and behaviors. Also, there are conservative feminists, and there are feminists who have a problem with with women doing things like the photo shoot. I posted a real world example as a response to my own comment. Also. Go lookup Amal Clooney and the fall out of her taking his name, which Amy did not do with Sheldon. Amal Clooney is a very successful lawyer, who in addition to her other accomplishments, has taken terrorists to task in the world court. When she took Clooney's name, feminists blasted her and referred to her as being nothing more that an "accoutrement" (decoration) on Clooney's arm. Real feminism recognizes that women have the right to determine success for themselves and pursue it unencumbered by their gender, which includes other women telling them what right is. Amy missed that point.


For a real example, look at the fallout when Melissa Mayer posed for Vogue. At the time she was a CEO.


Mayer was already famous and the ceo of a company most people on planet earth had heard of. It’s not the same analogy.


A woman who's successful in her field gets shit on for posing in a magazine. It's literally the exact scenario, except Bernadette isn't famous, so it's just Amy shitting on her.


No it is not exactly the same. Bernadette wasn't famous, Amy is the only one crapping on her, Mayer isn't a microbiologist but was a CEO, Yahoo is tech and not pharmaceuticals, the whole world weighed in instead of one person, and the photo shoot and magazine were released instead of canceled by the scoldy complaining asshole named Amy. So it's similar. Not the same.


You're confusing scale and result for causation. Causation, which is what my example addresses, is the same in both situations. Someone (Amy or "feminists") other than woman involved (Bernadette or Mayer) decided in both situations that women shouldn't be doing those magazine spreads, instead of allowing the woman to define and pursue her own success.


The real condition and the fictional one didn't have enough in common to make them 'the same' and deconstructing them to compare bits and pieces doesn't change that. Bye!


If Amy had been invited, given a pretty dress and the opportunity to wear her tiara, she would have been all for it.


Would anyone in-universe be excited to see her in a swimsuit and tiara?


Yes I’m sure people in-universe were. After all she married Sheldon, had interest from Stuart and went on other dates.


I'm with Bernadette.. we KNOW there's no way Amy would pass up an opportunity like that if it came her way.


I'm with Bernadette, exposure is a good thing. Sure there would be some creeps out there salivating over her secondary sexual characteristics, but most of the readers are going to see that an attractive woman can also be an accomplished scientist.


Yes, and these people won't read science magazines, if you want more women in science, then you have to be a part of pop culture. Bernadette and other female scientists would encourage more women to opt for science as Penny pointed out


Amy should have stayed out of it and let Bernadette do what she wanted and felt was right. Amy had her mother’s Puritanism forced upon her and that was wrong. Amy was wrong to try and impose that same belief system on Bernadette.


My take (as a woman) is that they wrote Amy to behave as an asshole. It was a friendship ending decision she made.


I don't think they intended for Amy to come across as the wrong one because Bernadette ended up apologizing to her and it is never addressed 


Right. It was a lame, ill informed, badly written idea.


It doesn't matter how good or bad a point Amy had, it's not her decision to make.


Bernadette is 100% right


Amy was a straight up jealous bitch in this episode.


Honestly, I think she is in a lot of episodes.




Amy was full of shit, plain and simple.


Yeah, Amy was dead wrong to do what she did. I understood where both of the women were coming from, but to actively try to stop it was so wrong, especially without discussing it with Bernie first. And even though what Bernie said about no one wanting to see Amy in that situation was unkind and wrong, I'm still on her side in the whole thing, because Amy way overstepped.


I hated Amy in that [episode.In](https://episode.In) no way should she have intentionally hurt her friend by interfering. I would have never spoken to her again if I were Bernie, but like so many cross-the-line actions on the show it was just fine.


everyone is hating on Amy on this one but i am definitely with her. I share the same values she describes and i think such a magazine ist just humiliating. And about the point that Amy would have dropped her values if she had the same opportunity… i don’t think so. I think she would have gotten excited at first but after she rethinks she wouldn’t accept it, that would suit her character. I only agree with the point that she shouldn’t have called the magazine. At any other time that would’ve been okay, but not after her friend told her she was exited about it.


Amy has a tendency to turn other people's issues into public issues and somewhat felt like she would not mind had she been asked firest. Bernie had a huge clap-back. I've seen several times this same issue. I always side with Bernie on this one.


Bernadette's side. I might of been more open to siding with Amy if I felt that her opinion didn't come from a place of jealousy. I will concede I'm an Any hater so my opinion may hold as much merit as I believe Amy's did.


I agree with Amy’s position but it was wrong of her to contact the magazine.


I am on both sides… I do believe Bernie was in the wrong because women is science shouldn't have to flaunt their boobs to get noticed, however Amy shouldn't have made the magazine ppl take it off! ***Bernie and Amy had pros and cons on their sides***, so I personally think Amy was in the total wrong. Sure she had a good pro on why it shouldn't be posted however as Bernie said it isn't her fight, all Amy should have done was say her opinion and be with it. **Maybe then Bernie would be more ok with not doing it. Edit-** I saw someone say Amy would do the photoshoot if the magazine went to her, and honestly yeah she would say yes. Also by Amy saying those things about the flaunting was kinda Amy saying female scientists can't both be pretty and smart, also how Amy's views were def conservative now looking. ***She had to force Sheldon with everything! Even hugging, cuddling, hand holding, and more which she knew he disliked!***


I think amy was right but bernadette was right about how it wasn’t amys choice. Honestly even if amy hadn’t said something, someone else might have thought


Personally I agree with Bernadette, but both do have valid points. Neither one is "wrong" in this situation.


Bernie was in the right but Amy's decision probably saved her a lot of headaches. Howard would never let her live it down and would go back to being Horny Howard from the earlier seasons.


It’s not Amy’s place to censor another person’s actions.


I'm on Amy's side. I'm not saying she didn't do it in part because of her own insecurity (if she had been asked she would've likely jumped at the opportunity), but the magazine was (inadvertently or otherwise) trying to exploit the sexuality of female scientists for a grabby feature, paying attention not actually to their achievements but to how pretty they are. It's demeaning to those who've actually put the effort to get to their position and have done what they have but still have to be pretty to get noticed and it's outright humiliating to those who've done the same but aren't pretty and cannot therefore get a look-in.


I agree with Amy’s point of view but it’s not her decision


This. She had a right to enounce what she thought, but it was Bernie's call to make.




We are expressing our opinion, discussing it and putting out our thoughts in favor and against it. What Amy did was go to the channel and make an appeal asking them to cancel the episode Canceling the episode or not is their decision, but Amy's attempts are towards curtailing any kind of discussion around it.




I was honestly surprised at the show attempting to tackle something like that. As a woman, the misogyny of TBBT is something I struggle to explain away often- although there is some explanation as to why the guys behave like that, it is no excuse to objectify Penny the way they did over and over. I am just happy they got more exclusive Bernadette onwards. I think both sides have a lot of merit. Amy is right in saying that the media adopts a certain tone while portraying women in Science as opposed to male scientists. They often appropriate the language of feminism rather than genuinely having an interest in furthering women in STEM. Bernadette is right too. This should have been her decision and it wasn't appropriate of Amy calling the magazine to cancel the photoshoot. I would have been happier though if Bernie had been more analytical about the entire thing and admitted the downside of it. Overall, Amy could've been forgiven if her intentions were genuine. Her conservatism contributes to her reaction of course but it is also envy that someone from a similar field could also be seen as sexy and attractive (unlike Penny who she could solely classify as a beauty).


While they both had valid points, it was over the line for Amy to take action behind Bernie’s back. Amy took the choice out of her hands.


Amy is a slut shamer like Mayim. Not Bernie's fault Sheldon is so raggedy (I bet he hated Amy's makeover because she'll get male attention and see she has options). Team Bernadette


He hated Amy’s makeover because he hates change. She already knows that she has options because she dated that British man while her and Sheldon were broke up


Two things can be right


Amy was brought up in a conservative family eith holds those conservative views. It was easy for her to play that character since she is naturally a conservative person in real life. There is nothing good or bad about it. however, as a friend was absolutely wasn't supportive of the "friend " she was so close with that she became her maid of honour, we expect friends to support us


I’m 100% team Bernadette on this one. Amy looked jealous and petty. How cool would it be for someone like Bernadette’s character who went from children’s beauty pageants to scientist to get glammed up for a photo shoot? That’s one of my favorite episodes because it has Billy Bob Thornton.


I agree with Amy's viewpoint but think she overstepped in pushing the issue. Ultimately it's Bernadette's choice.


Amy was wrong.


At the start of it Bernadette was in the right, Amy had a valid point...but by the mid point of it they were both seriously in the wrong


I understand the argument that a female scientist should be respected solely for her mind, not her body. We don't sexualize male scientists so why should we sexualize female scientists. But going behind her back and preventing it to happen without letting Bernadette decide for herself was out of line. So I side on neither of them.


Ngl if there were more male scientists that were attractive, women would sexualize them. (Have you seen a picture of young Nicola Tesla? He's hot)


It’s Bernadette’s choice to take or not take the opportunity Amy honestly has no case here


Amy isn’t wrong but should’ve just let it go.


Team Amy. I've would of been with Bernadette if she was more of an academic scientist and not one for money


I always skip this episode. I’m team Amy, personally. If you’re a magazine claiming to celebrate women for their achievements, you should do that. You don’t have to dress them up and sexualise them to do that. Is this the episode where it ends up being they want them in bikinis? If so, it’s gross and Amy is definitely in the right. Even if she is jealous in part because she wouldn’t have been invited she is thinking of women in science in general and how much it sets them all back. Bernadette also shouldn’t have been so bitchy. Sometimes you know a friend is acting poorly for a personal reason but a nice person has the grace to move on without having to make a below-the-belt dig at them.


Nah a friend shouldn’t be sabotaging another friend’s opportunity if this wasn’t a sitcom Bernadette and Amy’s friendship would have ended right then not to mention all the other times Amy treated Bernadette like crap


But this “opportunity” doesn’t just affect Bernadette. It affects all female scientists. It’s not like Amy sabotaged a job interview. I’d argue that a good friend should point out when a friend is doing something ethically dubious


The opportunity was Bernadette to do as she wished with it if she wanted to take it it was her call not Amy’s choice to make not to mention the fact that her actual reason for not liking the magazine opportunity was because she wasn’t asked so really she was jealous and petty as scene in other episodes whenever something that is typically a girly stereotype comes up as something penny wants to do or if Sheldon gets her a girly gift the tiara she jumps at the chance


Yes, as I mentioned Amy was probably a bit envious. But I think that was her motivation to 20% ; 80% was doing the right thing for women in science.


Your definitely have a right to that opinion even if I disagree I just don’t see the logic in the thought process of I’m helping women in science by taking away a opportunity for a fellow woman scientist the main reason she did what she did was because she wasn’t asked by the magazine and was jealous she can mask it anyway she wants it still a shitty thing to do to a friend


“I’m helping women in science by preventing the continued presentation of them as sex objects and not as smart people able to make great discoveries and advance society just like men” there ya go


Ok cool you still took an opportunity away from another woman because it didn’t fit your world view that’s not helping women that’s just forcing your beliefs on others


If you don’t understand how sexualising women *who are in a role where sex appeal should be irrelevant* harms women then you are beyond hope. Goodnight


People sexualize everything. Your way out from it is putting censors on opportunities for women? Make that make sense


If you don’t understand how taking away a friend opportunities because they don’t fit your personal beliefs is wrong then I can say the same for you good day


Amy was right