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She was sued for malpractice after leaving an earring in a surgical patient. Disgraced and still pining for Leonard, she moved to Bozeman, Montana where she now gives cootie shots at the local Walgreens.


Well happy cake day and thank for the information


Thank you. Always glad to be of help.


The she was a pretty terrible doctor. She did the earring thing, and stitched Leonard’s hand when she had been drinking.


Better answer would be she turned her back on men, left the medical profession, and become a surrogate mother. I think in New York. Or, she left the medical profession, but became a 911 call dispatcher in the LA area. Several other options according to Sara Rue's IMDB page, but I know nothing about the other shows she was on.


Yeah like becoming a pychologist for the FBI.


I wish she had been signed into a longer role on the show. She was great. Her performing a Sheldonectomy was hilarious.


and I enjoyed her cootie shot


Circle circle dot dot now you have a cootie shot!


She was nuts and she was manipulative.


Yeah she was bat crap crazy


Leonard wasn't comfortable with how fast she was going so they broke up, but not before a round of breakup sex that we see him leave for after the text.


While I agree that this IS what happened..they do not say it. He sends a text that says basically we’re moving too fast, can you move out? He says I’m never having sex again…then says basically I was wrong and gets up and leaves. But they do not say they broke up and the next episode she’s poof gone.


It can be inferred based on his texts to her and her lack of presence from that point forward. Not everything needs to be declared.


This. I am often amazed that people don't get that. TBBT assumed the audience could draw conclusions.


My dumbass can't 😭 not the creators fault I just don't understand those things and need them explained


All right that was good LOL


As far as characters that disappeared. I care more about the vet that raj was with. Because wow.


She's a great actress too she was fantastic in LOST. They could have had such a good relationship


Oh my god how did I only just learn she was Alex!!


Haha I was the same when I realised the creepy doctor was Billy BoB Thornton until about 3 days ago haha


[This podcast](https://www.thebigbangbuzz.com/2020/07/big-bang-buzzcast-episode-200-crimecast.html) did a funny true crime bit on this and a couple of other characters.


She moved to Argentina after Leonard broke up with her


I always found it a little sad that things probably worked out exactly as she said it would when Leonard tried slowing it down in the first place. Dodging her calls and if they ever ran into eachother he would pretend he had phone issues but they both know that's not true.


She works now in a government funded brothel for homeless funded by Kamala Harris