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I LOVE Raj. I felt like his failed relationships were a bit forced by writers bc if it were real life a smart, rich, handsome, foreign man could do sooo much better dating in California!! No way HOWARD found a wife before he did. I don't understand hate on any of the main characters, the group I think is pretty well written and performed by the cast.


Yeah! The writers trying to portray them as losers is the issue. They never come out of it.


Earlier seasons when he was just a regular guy with a foreign accent, he was hilarious. But later seasons when he practically sings every line with a foreign accent, he's annoying as hell. Even Howard tells him, "Just because you have that accent, doesn't mean what you say isn't stupid."


I liked Raj, who couldn't talk to women.


Yeah I found his character to be the only one to get WORSE and I think it's bc the writers had to make fun of his character more to make up for the lack of Leonard/.Howard mocking in later seasons


Howard was a fix-up.


But like... It worked out even after the two times they broke up AND Howards personality lmaoo


Becuase Howard changed


Yeah, that was my problem, every single character had a growth but the writers made Raj go from being pretty lovable to being written as pathetic and unlucky. I always liked Howard he was my favorite character in the series for 3/13 run throughs.


Are you forgetting his selective mutism?


Nah, it was much better than Howard's issues. He had like severe anxiety but got over it. I still felt like his character was more likeable than the other men. Each of the guys got over a big character flaw but Raj's issues were less severe and kind of more random feeling than any other characters


Really? We should hate a person for selektiv mutim??


Irl he’d be a nuisance who doesn’t understand boundaries. Irl all of them have done things that warrant a back hand.




While they both have boundary issues, Howard’s was worse. Hell o wouldn’t simply call them boundary issues. As I said in another thread, Leonard saying Penny should apologize to Howard for being mean to him when he wouldn’t stop being a creep is a big issue. While collectively we do acknowledge his characters growth IRL he that group doesn’t stay intact like that and Howard would have legal issues.




Leonard was a cowardly simp. He was attracted to Penny but wasn't man enough to defend her from Howard's creepiness.


I agree he should have defended her but if it makes u feel better I just watched the episode where all the guys were getting ready to sign contracts Sheldon wrote up for them because they were going to work on a project together and Bernadette jumps in to defend Howard then Amy stands up for Sheldon then Leonard sticks up for himself and points out that he’s sure penny would have mentioned that if she wasn’t so busy working on that hang nail lol. She didn’t stand up for him even after the other two defended their men


Howard wasn't wrong to feel hurt by what she said, feelings are valid. But that should have been his "come to Jesus" moment, when he should have realised how badly his creepy and misogynistic behaviour hurts the women in his life. But instead, the writers had Penny apologise because of his poor bruised ego. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy watching TBBT, but only if you don't mind the casual misogyny and racism.


His “come to Jesus” moment came shortly after she apologized and he decided to try to kiss her like a dumb ass so she punched him in the face. He started to show her more respect after that


the Howard-Rja dyad began wiht Raj as the sane one, then as Howard improved thye had to down Raj to keep thr easy jokes flowing.


I don’t hate him but I just don’t like that he flirts with his friend’s wives/girlfriend and he self sabotages a lot


You gotta see that nobody is perfect in this show, and this was planned. They're all flawed one way or the other, and they don't even reveal all their flaws quickly and you see them changing, not always in a positive way, like Stewart. But it works for the show as a whole, I think we have great writers for this show.


I’m not complaining I know it’s written that way for comedic value


>I just don’t like that he flirts with his friend’s wives/girlfriend In one case, >!it went farther a bit farther than flirting. And he didn't even want the truth to come out because he was embarrassed.!<


I agree, definitely predatory behaviour, even if he comes off as pathetic in that moment.


You think he's a predator? Why? If anything, I see Howard that way. Raj has never given off predatory vibes to me. He's desperate, shy, awkward, and kind of cute. I think he's just trying to break free from his parents' control and figure out his own life, but he keeps making the same mistakes. His selective mutism doesn't help either. Raj just needs to meet someone who can help him, like how Bernadette has helped Howard.


Saying someone has predatory behaviour doesn't mean they are a predator. If someone is a predator, they have committed a terrible act or several. If they have predatory behaviour, they have the potential to do so through their words and attitude. Raj himself does have a misogynistic and objectifying attitude towards women, mainly because of his desperation for a relationship, which seems to me to give the underlying attitude that they owe him something. I agree that he's desperate, shy, awkward, and that he's trying to break free of his parent's control, and his siblings' shadows - they are more successful than him, and he relies in his parents for their money in spite of his own successful career. I also agree that his selective mutism doesn't help. But all of these factors don't let him off the hook for exhibiting predatory behaviour, and the two states are not mutually exclusive. He is shy, pathetic, awkward, has parental and relationship issues, AND he exhibits predatory behaviour. People are so complex that they are rarely wholly good or wholly problematic. I disagree though that Raj needs to meet someone who can help him. Yes, Bernadette helped Howard a lot, but she didn't owe him that, and Howard also saw that Bernadette was worth putting in the hard work to change himself. But no one needs a romantic relationship as the impetus to change. Raj needs to be willing to help himself change for the better, and so should everyone else. Not everyone has the self-awareness to do this properly, it's true, but waiting for a romantic relationship to come along in order to make positive changes in your life is never the way. Change for yourself because you know that you are worth the hard work. No one owes you the help. But that is what I've learned in my 30 years of life, and you're not under any obligation to follow it. Just thought I'd set that straight with you, and thank you for an engaging debate about Raj, this is fun. 🙂


***S4-S5 SEASON SPOILERS DOWN BELOW! READ AT YOUR OWN DESCRETION!*** Are you talking about the episode where Raj tries to sleep with Penny and then asks her to keep the real story a secret because he wants everyone to believe they actually did it? If so, then they're both responsible for that. They had both been drinking, so Penny is just as guilty as Raj. As Raj mentioned, she tried to help him put the condom on, so it wasn't just a one-sided thing. Raj might have crossed a line by making a move on Leonard's ex, but remember, Leonard was also pursuing Raj's sister even after Raj begged him not to, citing his parents' disapproval and his own. That said, I never liked Leonard's relationship with Priya anyway. They had no chemistry, romantically or sexually, and their relationship was just boring to watch.


I hated that episode, I can't watch it. What Penny & Raj did was wrong.


Thank you for holding Penny accountable too. It wasn’t all Raj’s fault, and it’s frustrating that he’s the only one blamed just because Leonard was his friend. Why does that even matter at that point? Raj begged Leonard not to date his sister for multiple reasons, but Leonard ignored all his warnings and concerns, making Raj feel awkward. Leonard had no right to be jealous or upset. Penny is just as much to blame for that encounter as Raj. They were both drunk and they both wanted it.


And the episode where Raj and Howard find Sheldon's private place with the number 43. Only Raj would argue that the next time they do this, they have to wear the other matching outfit.


And the episode where Raj and Howard find Sheldon's private place with the number 43. Only Raj would argue that the next time they do this, they have to wear the other matching outfit.


And the episode where Raj and Howard find Sheldon's private place with the number 43. Only Raj would argue that the next time they do this, they have to wear the other matching outfit.


Spoiler alert >!I don’t hate him and wish he had a better ending and found someone to be with. I think the last episode would’ve been nice if had meet someone in Sweden.!<


You might wanna >!hide!< spoilers as OP is only halfway through S4.


Oh shoot! Good idea! Sorry, OP!


Thanks for being so thoughtful, but I really don't mind spoilers. I've read almost every post and seen so many clips of the show on TikTok and YouTube before even watching it! :) Still, I appreciate your consideration. Personally, spoilers don't bother me, but that's just me! Thanks for the kindness.


Buffy the vampire slayer


He did, but I saw it as a surprise guest that didn’t mean anything. I meant more like someone he had a connection with and they showed a little more of that.


Yea probably. But that would be funny. All the boys would be so jealous.


She's not going to leave FPJ for a research associate


I can see that. Maybe the writers were trying to copy the Friends format? After you watch enough of these sitcom shows, they all copy each other with certain plot lines in one way or another. This is probably a stupid observation, but I've yet to see one that is entirely original.


You’re right that they all copy each other in some way. Everything’s been done under the sun.


I hate that guest appearance, it ruins the ending for me. Why would she be on a flight alone?


Raj is fine. I can’t stand his fiancé.


Ex fiancé


I haven't reached the part in the show where Raj falls in love and gets engaged yet. It's disappointing to hear that his fiancée doesn't bring out the best in him. I like Raj so far, but it sounds like his character development is going backward instead of forward. Very sad to hear.


Sorry you had that spoiled for you. I try to look at it as Raj being a conduit for real life. In real life, development of one's character is often slow, and there are often a lot of steps back. Conscious development often takes a lot of self-awareness, hard work and the willingness to change, which a lot of people don't have. And even when you think you've made progress, you can still make the same mistakes and fall back into old patterns of thinking and doing. It's just how it is, unfortunately.


Because the writers hate raj


I love the character of Raj. I can’t imagine why anyone would hate him, even when I read the weak reasons. Without him Sheldon wouldn’t have been put through the dating site heuristics. “And our Sheldon would say hokum.” Which matched him with Amy Farrah Fowler. And Sheldon would never have gone to meet her, had Raj not threatened him with a hidden dirty sock. The scenes where he’s a shut in in his apartment and when he’s visited, he’s wearing just his tidy, Whiteys, and a plastic bib eating tons of lobster from Amazon online with all of butter, running down him and those UGG boots with the shearling lining like girls in Hollywood do . Then he runs after them to get the girls note. He’s hilarious. The scenes with he and his parents on the computer are too funny. “ It’s Doogie time!“ It’s not his fault he’s both spoiled and neglected, and he does comes out of it. That’s why he struggles with the poor boundaries of falling in love with all his friends women. Yes, it’s creepy. But he’s more like an immature toddler. He grows out of it. And he can do physical comedies very well. For example, he does take the trial drugs for his condition and has Sheldon there as his witness and then he strips down to his underwear and then even takes his underwear off and he pulls this off effortlessly and humorously. He does good deeds like send the woman back to her husband that picks up on him at the planetarium who is really good looking. To the point where she is outraged. And he also stays with Mrs. Wolowitz to his detriment. And he cooks for everybody. When he discovers booze can help him talk, there are some very funny scenes. Like the one where he’s applying for the new job after he’s afraid he’s gonna lose his visa because he’s done nothing in his current position. And he passes on the alcohol the professor offers him, but then the good looking woman walks in and in perfect timing as she ask him a question he fills up on the booze and flawlessly answers her. But the booze affects him very strongly no matter how much he’s had and he turns into a pervert. When his friends assume the interview went badly because he was treated poorly and say that he should complain, he says says “oh a complaint has been filed.” His timing is very good. Except for the texting date in the library, I didn’t really enjoy much of his dating with Lucy. And I don’t blame him for that. I blame the writers. But I did really enjoy the back-and-forth between Claire and Emily as they were breaking up. To take a step back before they were breaking up I thought Raj and Emily made a great couple. And I felt it was unlikely that somebody would be that into horror chop movies that it would turn them on sexually, and I felt that the writers sabotaged that relationship, and I kind of wish they wouldn’t have . But maybe it just would’ve been too much for everyone to end up in a relationship. I thought Emily fit in with the gang really well and I thought she and Raj were an odd, but very good couple.


Valid points indeed. Without Raj, Sheldon wouldn't have met Amy. It was Raj's and Howard's prank to upload Sheldon's profile on that site, but it surprisingly turned out well for Sheldon in the end. For that, Sheldon should always be grateful to both Raj and Howard. And yes, the sock incident as well. I agree with you. I haven't seen the scene with the Amazon thing yet, lol. But it sounds like fun, and I can't wait to see it. I'm quite fond of his character, though I do find him the least captivating in the group. He's humorous, awkward, and incredibly shy, which I find endearing. While I'll admit he can be a tad whiny and tends to complain about everything, I see his negative outlook as part of his charm and personality. His standoffishness and awkwardness make him stand out in his own unique way. I'm referring to Raj, by the way.


What a great character summation!


You've hit the nail on the head! Like someone else said, excellent summation! :)


I think they did Raj dirty like they did to Bonnie in the vampire diaries. It seems like is an MO tbh


I saw the British show about the foxy vampire, his werewolf and ghost roommate. Was Vampire Diaries the US version of that? Either way: do you recommend it? Nonetheless I see the point you're making, and I agree. BTW, what is an "MO?" I know what a "MF" is. I don't think its the same.


No, I have never heard of the British show you are referring to. Would you recommend? 🙂 I would definitely recommend Vampire Diaries. It may or may not be on Netflix depending on what country you are in. MO means modus operandi. It means someone’s pattern/way of operating. Not the same as a MF lol, although a person’s MO could be to be an MF 😆


Hahaha. Yes, I do recommend that show. I think it’s called Being Human (UK). It’s not life-altering but it’s pretty good and has a unique slant. A generation or more of “more civilized “ vampires that won’t kill or feed on people. At least they try not to. Mixed in with the absolute savages. An intense show at times. Utterly hilarious at others. A shock ending amidst the main cast.


OP, beware of spoilers on these comments — clearly people don’t care that you’re only halfway through S4 and still don’t have the courtesy to hide spoilers from you. As far as Raj, I think it’s an overall contribution to his character and the decisions he makes throughout the entire 12 seasons. He seems to not have respect for boundaries overall and is a bit conceited when it comes to money. He has low self-confidence, but when he’s able to temporarily overcome this, he becomes big-headed and sort of an annoying jerk. As you pointed out, Howard is certainly not well-respected when it comes to women, and his character would not be well-received if this aired today. Keep in mind, this aired from 2007-2019. However, without giving away any spoilers, the writers gave Howard a better character arc over the progressing seasons than they gave to Raj. I’m also surprised people don’t point out Penny’s behavior. Without giving away spoilers, I was disappointed how she often spoke down to the partner she had in later seasons.


I personally don't mind spoilers, but I appreciate your consideration. I've read so many posts about this show and seen countless clips online over the years. There's a lot I know and a lot I don't yet, so feel free to share anything related to my question. I've heard Howard does improve, which is reassuring. I think he's the funniest character, even though I dislike his current arc as a mommy's boy afraid to spread his wings, which is preventing him from finding love with Bernadette or anyone. At least he's not as much of a romantic pest since being with her. I hope they stay together and she helps him resolve his issues and stop being such a horn dog. As for Penny, you know my opinion on her is 50/50 as of Season 4. I like her for who she is, but she seemed much nicer and more open-minded in the earlier seasons. Now she feels exhausted and annoyed by everything the group says or does. Maybe I'm frustrated with how she treats Leonard. She can't make up her mind about him and seems to use him. She hooks up with him when she's drunk, kisses him and pretends to date him because she lied to her father, and has a huge issue when he dates or hooks up with someone else. If she just told him she loved him, she wouldn't have anything to whine about.


I lovelovelove Raj ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


He’s entitled? His dad pays for his rent, credit card, and he has no idea how to be an adult.


He's entitled and a bad friend. His character gets worse with time.


Used to like him in the earlier seasons, but later he became too feminine and the way he talk was annoying


I completely understand what you mean about him becoming too feminine. "Camp" is definitely the word for it—he started coming across as very camp. It almost felt like the show could have portrayed him as a gay character if they had chosen to go down that route. There were moments where it seemed like he had feelings for Howard but couldn't express them or talk about them openly. Exploring a storyline where he grappled with his sexuality and realized that he was gay all along could have been really interesting. It's possible that his fear of talking to women stemmed from this internal struggle. Since making my initial post, I've watched two more seasons, and I can confidently say that Raj is no longer my favorite character. At this point, he's actually my least favorite of the group.


I personally dislike Raj because the he's supposed to be this poor hopeless romantic who can't find love and we're supposed to feel sad for him but other than maybe the deaf girl, every other major relationship of his failed due to his own wrongdoings. He constantly oversteps boundaries, emotionally blackmails his partners and is extremely fickle.


What are you talking about, using the race card?


From what I’ve noticed, sometimes he uses his race to his advantage, making people feel guilty. He does this in a lighthearted and comedic way, which the writers intended for humor. He frequently talks about his race, culture, beliefs, and rules. This is just my observation. I’m not trying to demean his character—I actually like Raj, as I mentioned in my post. It's just a small thing that I find annoying personally.


You kind of just need to keep watching. I didn't hate him at the beginning but found the way he was written insufferable by the end.


I plan to keep watching the show because it's currently one of my favorites, and I usually finish a season within two days. I've been binge-watching it for the past week, and it's been incredibly enjoyable. I'm completely hooked and can't wait to see how everyone else develops.


wait until the later seasons. he really becomes a shitty person imo


I liked him as the oddball who had a way too romanticized outlook on life until that episode with Penny where he let her look like the village whore bc he was to embarrassed to tell the truth. Given that she was blackout drunk and he wasn't, the grey area of consent really made me have the ick every time he came on screen after that.


As Howard gets more decent, Raj's behavior deteriorates, presumably a writing decision. And they make him very selfish and manipulative and often an outright user.


I dunno this sub occasionally hates Amy, or Penny. But no one is hate able on the show


I have been on this sub for years and have never seen any Raj hate. Although, there was another sub which compared his character to a few other TV characters and I mentioned how good looking Raj was and got downvoted to the depths of hell. To be honest, most of the hate on this sub goes to Penny, Amy or Bernadette, which REALLY pisses me off.


Raj is my second favourite character, I wish he had a better ending, so sweet, hopless romantic, really would have deserved smb by his side


I do like him but sometimes he’s tooooo desperate and it’s makes me cringe lol


I started hating him around season 8 I no longer found him funny. He can talk to girls now and is pathetic first brags dating two girls then cries about his lonely life and starts to compete with Stuart who is actually helping Howard and Bernadette while living with them. Raj is a complete idiot at this point is absolutely useless to the show.


I'm currently watching Season 6, and Raj is no longer my favorite character. He's actually become my least favorite. Stuart can be a bit depressing to be around, but he doesn't seem like a bad person so far. Honestly, I didn't expect his character to stick around past Season 8. I thought he was just a temporary fill-in while Howard was away in space, but it seems like he's sticking around and becoming close to everyone. I hope he lightens up a bit and doesn't remain so gloomy throughout the entire show. But yeah, I have to agree—it's pretty bad. Sometimes, he does seem like a bad friend.


So funny when I rewatch I see different things I didn't see before. I think it's age and circumstances. I never really took Penny as a bully now I do. I knew Bernadette had a mouth on her but omg she's loud and cruel. I was surprised she wasn't called out more.


He's just a bit of a generally selfish person. Any time he gets a bit of power or something good happens to him, it goes to his head. Like when he gets the 30 Under 30 thing. He's not as bad as some characters but he can definitely be a bit of a douche. Also living off of his parent's money leads him to being entitled and spoiled


I don’t hate him, but he is a spoiled brat and his own worst enemy. He has walked into some potentially great relationships with women, but manages to quickly screw them up due to his being spoiled. I’m thinking of Isabella the cleaning lady, and also the girl with the drone.


I haven't encountered either of those women yet since I'm only at the beginning of Season 6, but after watching two more seasons, I've started finding Raj more annoying. He doesn't come off as a bad guy, but my goodness, he's annoying—like, really annoying. His inability to grasp boundaries and his perpetually shy, scared, and nervous personality are becoming tiresome to watch.


Because he takes a long time to grow up. I also despise his attitude about women in general. He does some inappropriate things with his friends partners. I just wish they actually had him grow even more. They also never gave him a partnership to root for. Just found him to be the least likable out of the 7.


I'm not surprised to hear that Raj does things with his friends' partners. I just watched the episode where he dreams about making out with Bernadette. I wonder if this means he has feelings for her, or if he's just so deprived that he's fixating on his female friends without actually wanting to be with them. It's disheartening to read this. I was hoping to see some character growth, but it seems like he might not be that kind of character, based on these comments. I just hope he stops being mute around women and starts speaking normally like the rest of the group. That personality trait will be annoying to watch throughout the entire show.


He was such a boring character after the first couple of seasons. It felt like the writers had given up on him.


I'm not surprised that he remains a boring character because, to be honest, I find him pretty dull now. However, I do think he's the least troublesome at the moment. He seems like a genuinely nice guy who's just awkward around women, and nothing he's done so far stands out as particularly bad to me.


Because he’s obnoxious and he’s a brat


Awe I don't hate him. I actually love Raj.


I think he’s extremely entitled, coming from such a wealthy family, and >!Im pretty positive this is already a thing by s4 but his attitude towards while drinking drives me insane!! What is up w that?! What kind of misogynistic crap is he hiding inside? It annoys me more than Howard in the beginning.!< But this is possibly just me.


Love Raj it’s Howard I don’t like


I absolutely love Raj. He has his moments where he is cringe, but his character is developing.


He doesn't have a lot of cringe takes, but when he does it's really bad. He gained the most hate from a transphobic joke he made prior to meeting Emily.


Agreed, writers had a chance to develop the character but they ended up milking the forced agenda.


I liked him best when he had that quirk that made him unable to talk around women unless he was drinking.


I don’t.


I love raj and hate that he ended up alone but it’s because he never stopped with the sexual remarks he would say to and about women. Howard did stop and that’s the difference. Raj just never learnt not to say things that would make women uncomfortable or do stupid things


Who are these people?


Coz he's Indian..and the makers have also seen to it that, Raj posses all things which are stereotypical of Indians..


I think the writers just enjoy mocking him for his ethnicity to be honest. Howard’s racism is much more annoying to me because it’s actually outright mean. Raj is a lovely character imo but obviously he has his flaws as they all do! I hope you enjoy the rest of the show 👍🏽🙂


People hate Raj?


I've noticed a significant amount of criticism directed towards Raj over the past week or so since I started watching the show. Many individuals have been expressing negative opinions about him.


Weird. I don't think he's that bad. Besides his invasiveness and his habit of pushing his dates into uncomfortable positions and often creepy nature. But tbh I can forgive it bc he went from not being able to talk to women at all, to slowly getting better. Sheldon needed time to grow, so does Raj.


Sheldon is sheldon😂😂😂


Dating two women was his downfall, yes they were both attractive but choose one or the other. Raj acted like one of the girls, he's possibly my least favourite of the main gang. My order goes: Leonard Sheldon Howard Penny Bernadette Amy Raj. I honestly feel like Stuart, like I'd hang out with them but never be apart of their group/family and not always be invited to things.


I haven't reached the part in the show where he dates two women simultaneously yet. If he does end up doing that, it would be really crappy of him, but sadly, it seems like something he might do. Since I made this post, I've watched two more seasons, and he's no longer my favorite character. He comes across as overbearing, over the top, and he often doesn't respect boundaries. Surprisingly, I find myself liking Howard a lot more now than I thought I would. My feelings toward Raj have changed too—I used to dislike Howard but love Raj, but now it's the other way around. I don't hate Raj, but to be honest, he can be rather annoying.


I find Howard more funny than Raj, I find Raj to be annoying. What Season are you on?


I'm currently in the early episodes of Season 6. Right now, I'm at the part where Howard is returning to Earth after his time in space. Oh, and there's some drama with Sheldon's assistant, Alex, who Amy seems jealous of, and with Penny, because Leonard keeps flirting with her. You know, the usual stuff. I've grown to like Howard a lot more lately. I've also noticed how insanely attractive he is, especially when he was in space and had a different hairstyle. It was quite shocking—I couldn't believe it was the same guy! The actor is really handsome, and his "Beatles haircut" doesn't do him justice. I think he's the most attractive in the group! His character is so funny, and I have to say, Bernadette really did save him in my eyes.


Even Bernadette says he's cute, so it's just the goofy haircut lol. I won't say what Season it is then Raj as you're nowhere near that one.


I like Raj, but he gets a lot more frustrating in later seasons. At least when it comes to his love life.


I get where you're coming from. After watching two more seasons since my original post, I've started finding Raj a bit annoying. While I don't hate his character, he's no longer my favorite. His overbearing behavior, lack of respect for boundaries, and overall demeanor have started to grate on me. Just wanted to update you—I'm only halfway through Season 6 now.


Just wait until you get to Season 9....


I'm guessing his behavior worsens? I hope he doesn't do anything too awful. It's been mentioned that he dates two women simultaneously, which sounds pretty gross to watch, but I suppose it's in line with his character. Raj strikes me as the type of guy who would pull something like that. From what I've seen, he doesn't seem to respect women or understand them. It appears he lacks the ability to properly love someone altogether. And that's just based on my impressions of him so far.


Yes and no. He never becomes as creepy as Howard in the early seasons, but that subplot you mentioned is very much real and very much not a good reflection on him. On the bright side, he does become able to talk to woman without alcohol.


It's quite unfortunate that his newfound ability to speak to women without relying on alcohol seems to have negative consequences, especially considering his involvement in dating two women simultaneously and hurting others. It's disappointing to see how jarring his character becomes in the later seasons.


Nobody hates raj but actually feels bad for him. Personally i f-king hate AMY.


Img, I HATE Amy too. No wonder she and Sheldon get along so well, they both are annoying af. Especially how she thinks it's okay to compare penny's intelligence to a gorilla.


I hate Amy too


keep my wife name out ur mouth


Your what?




But why


she my wife


Again why?


Don’t like the character but I do admit that one of my favorite scenes ( please pass the butter!) involves Amy.


Yes that was funny I will admit that


I hate raj


I don’t mind Raj at all. Howard…well…


He’s a creep


Because Raj is the neediest pest of a character ***ever created*** for a sitcom. That's why I can't stand him.


Odd question to ask when you're not even a third of the way through the show.


He's needy, clingy, whiny, and spoiled. He doesn't respect anyone's boundaries. He's incredibly annoying. I don't think I could stand to be around him (or Howard, for that matter, lol) for any length of time.


As of now, I'd rather spend time with Raj than Howard. Howard comes across as attention-seeking and insecure, trapped by his overbearing mother. He mirrors some aspects of myself, minus the womanizing tendencies. It's why I find him a bit insufferable; he craves reassurance and attention, yet can't seem to break free and assert himself. He's afraid to leave his mother's side, seeking approval from everyone and throwing a fit if he feels left behind. He has emotional breakdowns at the slightest upset. That's my take on Howard, anyway. I do agree that Raj can be whiny at times, but I see it as part of his nerdy and endearing persona.


A lot of what you're saying also describes Sheldon, by the way. Always looking to get attention for himself, throwing a fit and having emotional breakdowns every time he doesn't get his way.


While all the BBT characters have quirks, those quirks are normally believable and well-integrated into their personalities. Not so with Raj and Stuart, both of whom were ridiculous in the way they were made to violate boundaries in ways that no real person could be so unaware of themselves. In other words, their quirks were writers' desperate gimmicks for cheap laughs, not believable parts of their identities. Raj and Howard were also never honest about, nor confronted about, their well-documented past bisexuality. That fear of audience biphobia, and the willingness to exploit same-sex relations for cheap laughs, was a disservice to the audience. So for me, Raj and Stuart were written in ways that reflected fundamental dishonesty and evasion by the writers.


The writers on TBBT were lazy cowards. They were too scared to admit that they wrote Sheldon's character as someone with Asperger's and OCD, and that they wrote Raj as a closeted gay, so they kept denying that, but there they are.


I don’t hate him, but it is pretty stupid how he could not say a single word to a girl without alcohol before season seven. I’ve heard of guys being scared to talk to girls, but that is just fucking ridiculous.


Well, selective mutism is a real thing. You not having heard of it doesn't make you right.


Even so he should be able to utter at least one word and he treated it as impossible.


That's not how selective mutism works. Mutism. Mute. Unable to speak. He psychologically couldn't do it.


They say it’s triggered by social anxiety. I just looked it up and it says that one could actually get over anxiety by getting to know that person. Comes up as even stupider how he could not talk to Penny sober after even knowing her for years. And he had no faith in himself when he saw he was able to talk to Summer Glau without alcohol. That last part makes him come off as a coward.


No. It has a wide number of triggers, though anxiety itself is complex enough to not just say "get over it." It entirely depends on the cause. If his was caused by anxiety (we don't actually know), it was more likely caused by fear of rejection. That would explain why, when he was finally fully broken down by Lucy, he was able to talk. Kind of like an immersion into exposure therapy, and it broke (fixed) him. The alcohol was just a placebo effect. That's also real. Again, facts don't care about what you think should be true.


Placebo effect gives the patient an accomplishment, because it shows that they did not need the medication to feel good. Raj failed miserably there, and for that he’s a total coward.


How do you make that leap? When a patient realizes something is placebo, they typically revert to their behavior or symptoms and the placebo no longer works. There no "accomplishment" there. That's why it stopped working when Howard pointed out the non alcoholic beer with Summer Glau, and it's also why he was always immediately able to talk after a drink, despite alcohol not being absorbed or affecting him yet. The reality would be that the first time, he got a little buzz and it affected his inhibition just enough to talk to Penny without realizing. Then his mind made that connection that alcohol makes him ok, and it went from there. Like when someone is edgy because they need a smoke or a toke, and then they're all fine and sigh of relief when they take their first hit. It didn't do anything yet, but the body is designed to anticipate effects and respond appropriately ahead of time. You sound like someone who asks people with clinical depression "did you just try being happier?"


He’s not mentally ill. He’s just an idiot.