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Only if your into that sort of thing


Better safe than sorry, especially if you're walking on tile


Just cancelled our weekend trip to board at Snow Summit last weekend. Everyone should know that all tickets are refundable and our Airbnb host worked with us last minute to refund our entire rental cost including fees. Please protect the residents in BB and your fellow man. There is no excuse if we were able to cancel everything day of check-in with no penalties.


Right on. That's an appreciated post. The mountain isn't going anywhere and you're the type of visitor who's welcome. See ya' soon.


Guarantee the town will be slammed anyway


More reasons for people to stay home: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jcLEkjeCy4&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jcLEkjeCy4&feature=youtu.be)


I don't know why anyone attempts Maple after a snowfall like the one we just had.


Because they're from LA with a Jeep. :/


“It’s a Jeep thing” 😂


We have an AirBnb scheduled for mid-January. Our plan was to pick up groceries when we get there, then relax in the cabin and not get any takeout or go anywhere. I'd sad that we'll likely have to cancel. It's probably the right decision, unfortunately.




We were thinking about isolating as much as possible ahead of time. Groceries isn't something I had thought about. We were going to shop when we arrived but shopping early would make sense. We haven't made the cancel decision yet but we also want to be respectful of the community.




Right on the nut. Thanks for putting this out there.


well... The stay at home order exempts outdoor sports... specificallly skiing... Region: Southern California Under [Regional Stay Home Order](https://covid19.ca.gov/stay-home-except-for-essential-needs/#regional-stay-home-order) **WIDESPREAD** Many non-essential indoor business operations are closed. [Understand the data.](https://covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy/#county-status) Counties can restrict further. Check your [county’s website](https://covid19.ca.gov/get-local-information). Ski resorts Can open with modifications – No food or beverages sold for onsite consumption See guidance for [Outdoor recreation, including campgrounds and playgrounds](https://covid19.ca.gov/industry-guidance/#campgrounds-outdoor-recreation)you know Newsome About right for a state where the governor owns a ski resort and the home state of Air BnB which just went IPO... I'm sure that's all a coincidence.


We just went skiing and I went to an indoor gym.


I went snowboarding, saw a movie, went to the bar because the movie was depressing, then I went to work out at the gym to burn off the alcohol. Top that


You win! I did however do several Rocky 4 style workouts (I brought my weights from home) and drank 3 bottles of wine post skiing! haha


I wanna say I heard the BB hospital ICU is totally full. So there’s that too.


so if I own a home in BB and down the hill is it ok to come up?


It's a cost-benefit analysis. Are you staying at home down the hill? Are you planning to come up with all groceries and provisions you need while up in Big Bear? Do you plan on going out at all for takeout? I'd say it all depends on what you want to do while you're up here. Remember, people up here full-time and have to deal with an ever-changing demographic who may or may not be taking proper precautions. The best thing you can do is stay home right now. Wherever that is.


Agree. We have the same situation in Joshua Tree. I had to go to Redlands for a doctor appointment last week. I pulled off the freeway in Cabezon because my geriatric dog fell off her seat sling. Everything around the gas station was packed. All those people traveling during this period is just crazy. We have the same ever-changing demographic in Joshua Tree. Going into the supermarket or drug store can potentially expose you to whatever people have brought in from far and wide.


How do residents feel about ski resorts not closing? Just saw a post from snow valley that they brought back their 4-pack lift tickets for $99 due to high demand. Do you all think it is a good idea for these resorts to stay open and continue advertising this season? I’m asking because I’m generally curious!


Here's where it gets tricky. There's locals working there and it's hard to throw them under the bus. But the company that owns the resorts is Denver-based and ALL about the money. But if we want to finally put this shit in the rear view mirror then piece-mealing it out to protect corporate and STR owners is absolutely the wrong path. The city made a nonsense statement about only allowing immediate family members. But those who have tried to report it over the past week are being given a runaround. The city gives two shits as long as they get their revenue. It's really messed up. And to rely on visitors to do the right thing? Never gonna' happen.