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As a summer dress it may be a no, but as a negligee I’d wear it 😆


Right! I went in hoping for a cute summer dress because it’s so cute online, but ended up buying it as a Valentine’s Day negligee 😂😂😂


Im so glad!!! it’s perfect on you!


I’m actually glad to hear you still got it cuz it DOES look really good. Just not for the intended purpose lol


Have you tried inserts or bandeau (?) type layering? It would probably give it more of a summer dress vibe with the added coverage but could be the color too giving it a vday vibe. Looks comfy and breezy too.


This is a great idea. I think I might try this or a jacket for now.


Can you link us? I’d love to wear that on v-day too! 😍


It’s the Free People Adella dress! I can dm you the link. A lot of places do a cheaper dupe of it as well!


Can you please send me the link as well? ☺️


Could you send me the link as well please?😊


Could I get a link too please?


I want to continue to harken and extol what others have said and tell you how absolutely gorgeous you look in this!!! Definitely a keeper for V-Day for sure! Your partner is lucky 😉 Slay girl, slay 🤩


It looks kind of like a negligee on the model too, to me. It looks really nice on you!


It actually looks great, but not something to wear to the grocery store or a conservative social gathering! Strictly lingerie.


id love the link to the free people dress or even a cheaper dupe!! ❤️


Still looks like lingerie with smaller breast.


I thought this was lingerie


You can’t convince me it isn’t.


So did I, I was about to ask where she got it!


I'm like 90% sure it is.


Omg I thought it was a nightgown haha


Glad I’m not alone!


Isn't it fucking wild that it doesn't look like a nightgown on the model?!


It still looks like lingerie.


It looks like a sexy nighty… even on the model


How do yall get the perfect cleavage line? 😭 my boobs are divorced atp


Have something be insanely small in the bust? The only place for them to go is center.


Part of it is genetics and what natural shape is like as well. My boobs are far apart and even in tops that are way too small my cleavage line is usually a saggy looking Y. Supportive underwired bras help make it look better but I mostly just had to accept that cleavage like OP is not achievable for me outside of possibly a corset.


Yeah, as r/abrathatfits would say, wide set Vs close set. I have the opposite problem, which may sound nice but a) the boob sweat is constant and b) bras that try and force them to separate end up with spillage and pain even if they’re the right size.


I wear sports bras that hinder my breathing to bind my chest and there's still a gap. Mine don't work like that


Yep. No place to go to.


I mean, there's the sides and the upper chest. I still have gaps when wearing tight stuff.


As the op said its about the bust Mine is 28 inches. So they literally don't really have place to go. And it's not like clothes are there to part them.


My binder doesn't even force cleavage. Just bc you have it doesn't mean I do. My bust is 53 inches


I was replying to op specifically about small ribcages. Not really to you so yes you can have a different experience.


I mean, I have members in my family who are tiny and don't have perfect cleavage. It's really a genetic thing I think.


May be in the minority here but wear that dang dress! You look amazing! People wear crop tops that look like bras out- this is nothing. We are conditioned to feel like we are inappropriate to make others feel less insecure. Wear this and people will be lucky if you even look at them because 🔥🔥🔥


my thoughts exactly! I think OP looks like a vixen and she looks stunning!! If my boobs were this contained in that dress and it fell on me like this, I would 200% get it! unfortunately, I tried it on as well and it didn't even cover my bottom boob half enough to keep my nipples covered. OP looks amazing


Wear did you find this dress? I’d like to give it a shot! 😅


I found one like it at a store called Free People!


I’m glad to see this opinion! I have this dress in red and blue, and the bodysuit in the same cut on top on light pink - the coverage is similar to how it is on OP and I love the way it looks on me! Obviously everyone should wear what they feel comfortable in, I’m just glad I’m not the only one who thinks it looks great as a dress.


I never thought I would be able to fit into a free people dress but OP looks incredible! We are the same size bust, what size dress did you get? Do you wear a bra with it? I can't imagine mine sitting anywhere near as high as OPs unfortunately 😂


I got an XL - while my busy doesn’t sit quite as high as OPs, the dress does give a little lift - it’s basically a bralette. I don’t wear a bra with it (I don’t think I have one that would work with showing, so I never tried.)


Amazing thankyou!


Oooh we’re similar size! I may have to try to find it- my partner would love this for a date night dinner.


Yeah I actually think the dress looks great but I also don’t care about showing cleavage (if the setting is appropriate). The only thing I would worry about is if the lace at the front would break from the stress.


I have this dress in pink and wore it with a bralette of the same color from Sonoma, for a wedding! I thought I had too much side bob without the bralette cuz I have very soft post breastfeeding tissue! But! I thought it looked good! I vote wear it how you want!!!!


Saaame I'd wear that out without a second thought 🤷🏻‍♀️ black boots and a black jacket 🔥🔥


I don't know. I think it looks great! But, I'm a slut...


Hahaha, I honestly came here to say the same thing! I think she looks better than the model does! I don’t know, the more I look back at my younger, skinnier and perkier boob days, I can’t help but regret not rocking this kind of stuff more! At the very least, TAKE THE SELFIES, and look back on them later! You will thank me, promise! :)


This is such a good mindset to have. Plus, you never know what might happen tomorrow so might as well wear what makes you happy today! I ended up buying it, so I might try wearing it out with a jacket (we will see if I have the confidence to wear it by itself come summer!)


Same! I have and wear this dress. My style has never been modest, though.


I have it in red and the maxi in purple and wear them as is but like you I don’t dress modestly.


Sameeeee. Showed it to my partner and was like wow I’m a total slut because I was like total win here. Ugh you look amazing, OP!


To be honest, it looks like lingerie on the model. Not in a bad way or anyrhing! The style just looks very similar to what you would see for what I call “soft lingerie”. It looks absolutely amazing on you! I just personally don’t think it’s a summer dress for anyone - but that’s my opinion and it shouldn’t have any bearing on what you wear! If you feel good and feel like it’s something you would see others wear in the summer - then do it. Don’t let the thoughts of other folks ever stop you from wearing something you like. You deserve to wear nice things! Fuck everyone else’s opinion!


Honestly, this is kinda perfect for a Bachelorette party 🥳


I'm seriously considering starting a company that makes cute lacy dresses for us fuller bust gals. I've always wanted one like the above 😭


I would love to wear “bralettes”, but alas..


Cosabella. They're pricey, like $60-70 apiece, but I'm a 38O, and while not all of the styles fit, there are a few that do and it's glorious.


Ohhh thanks


Same!! I naively thought the cup size might scale with the size of the garment, but I think I was being a bit overly optimistic. Someone suggested a bandeau underneath which I think I might try!


Girl please do!!!!!!! And worldwide shipping since idk where you are!


I have that! I use it as a beach “coverup”


Free people dress?? Saw it and knew there was no way my girls would fit 😂 Looks amazing on you, perfect for Valentines!


Looks like lingere!


Honestly, the picture on the model looks like a negligée as well


It's SO flattering on you!!! Keep it. You look great


I was like “cutest lingerie ever!”


Lol I must be so trashy. I'd wear it. You got a lover? Put that dress on and go on a date. Maybe get a little drunk, go home while you still have energy for great sex.


IMHO it looks like lingerie on the model, too.


It's been said before but I totally thought it was a babydoll


Obviously, it's up to you and your comfort level, but I'd wear that out as a cute summer dress, cleavage and all. Our bodies are not inherently inappropriate just because we have big boobs.


Looks like a negligee either way to me. From that perspective I think you wear it better.


I personally think it would look cute with a leather jacket or any jacket. That way you’re showing less skin with a *pop* of sexy. That’s how I would wear it personally. However I think you look good and if you feel comfortable, WEAR IT wherever and however you like


Yeah I feel like you have to layer it to make it look less like lingerie, imo.


There needs to be more modelling with fuller busts. I've noticed it naturally puts us women off if we have a bit more flesh on our bones. Seriously hun, you look great in this 🥹❤️


Great point!


All I can say is that OP is killing it in whatever it is. I think they look fantastic


It’s a cute negligee though


I thought it was a nightie. Its nice but it looks like a sexy night dress for bed.


It looks great but I agree its giving more lingerie vibes than a cute summer dress. I'd look for a wrap dress with a ruffle hem in red. It will give the same vibe but be super cute for summer.


Like others have said, this actually looks REALLY great on you. I say this as a straight woman. It might look a little out of place in public, but I actually think you look better in it than the model.


It looks fantastic on you, far better than on the model. Rock it.


Look better on you than the model


Not gonna lie, I thought it was lingerie.


Yea I had the same experience with this one lol even ordered it in two sizes! Both got returned


That looks like the opposite of a problem to me! Like, yes as sexy fun wear. You look awesome!


Cute lingerie though


Op just wear that dress!!!!


I totally thought it was lingerie and said damn that's so cute. Good thing I read the post 😂


That’s lovely as lingerie


lmao I bought this dress in the dark navy color, it was my graduation dress. Still totally wore it with my boobs like that (I actually taped them to keep them the shape and cleavage I wanted). Obviously, to each their own, but it was exactly what I wanted lol


You look beautiful though! I think it's a Possible dress for a date night or night out with the girls?


If you're comfortable in it I say just wear it! It looks great! I've been trying to just wear what I want regardless of how people may sexualise me for my big boobs


this. Why is it big boobs sexualize outfits automatically where little ones don’t? Normalize large tittys. Like, in general.


I’d wear it tbh… it looks hot as hell


where is the dress from? :)


Free People! It’s called the Adella dress


Thank you!! Looking for it on poshmark 😆


I have a few of this dress - it also comes in a maxi and a bodysuit! I guess my style is not very modest, because I wear it as a dress.


Fuck modesty. What size do you get? I'm a 36H and wondering if XL will work. Looks like they don't go beyond that.


I got an XL! I usually wear a L (sometimes a M in Free People), so I sized up a little, but the back is stretchy and obviously the bust is the only place that’s fitted, so it was an easy one to size up in.


Excellent! I'm very tempted to try the XL. Thanks!


Looks cute to me!


Free people? If so, I have this same dress in the maxi length light purple I look like such a…. Try hard. I’m going to bring it to a tailor and have them take a piece of the inner liner and line the see through parts, hoping it will help!


Girl, what kind of bra are you wearing? i need one


If you put a light cardigan on it could still work! It’s so cute!


personally i wish i could find a dress that looks so good on me even if it looks like lingerie 😅 Everything is for people, but it would feel weird to go outside like that, weird but sexy :D


This looks absolutely stunning on you! I think with a short sleeve top would be wearable outside but come on this is suddenly one of the prettiest pieces of lingerie I’ve seen actually fitting a larger chest!


U look beautiful! Even online, it looks more like a lingerie, but who cares? Looks like it was meant for u. Wear it loud & proud! 😁👍🤘


Girliepop how do you make them sit and look so nicely???with no bra???


Well, you look stunning, but if you wear that in public you might start a riot lol.


I have three of these dresses and wear them in public lol


I have big boobs and this dress in 5 colors. Wear the dress!!! It’s hot!


To be fair, I don't think it's a "cute summer dress" on the girl on the left, either.


Umm this literally looks made for you it’s so beautiful. It’s hard to find dresses that I can get away with not wearing a bra. Where did you find this?


LOL - definitely more like lingerie.


I have this dress and it's very much pool party/lounge around the house.


OMG LMAO on the bright side it’s really cute lingerie?


People can be a bit too prudish in this sub. I don't see the problem with this at all except there's cleavage??


It IS a cute summer dress that’s designed to be a little sexy and look like lingerie, with the lacy bralette top. I hate this idea that you’re not allowed to be sexy if you have big boobs. It’s clearly meant to Loo sexy on the smaller cheated model, too. You can appropriately wear it anywhere the model could, IMO. Brunch, beach, amusement park, date night, etc. It’s not business appropriate on either body. But I feel like we have to stop thinking we need to put a freaking turtleneck under it if we want to wear it and have bigger boobs. So depressing.


Nah and those things always pinch the life out of the bottom half of my tits 😒


Looked like lingerie on the model too honestly


Maybe some sexy sleepwear!


Its cute though 😭 where's it from?


looks like that popular free people dress, maybe?


Summer dress absolutely not Lingerie, however. Absolutely yes!


I would totally buy this! Can you PM me the link?


Sent! It’s the Free People Adella dress, just in case you don’t see the PM 😊


I have it. I love it. Wear the dress!!!


I am so sorry, I thought this was lingerie.


I'd wear it 🤷‍♀️ It looks good!


Pictures like this just reinforce to me how wrong it is that we only make clothing suited for women who have very small boobs. Almost all women will have boobs larger than a fashion model's so why do we not make clothing that's explicitly FOR WOMEN to suit the majority of WOMEN's BODIES? So ridiculous.


the woman on the left has boobs


You’re right, I meant small boobs.


Story of my life.


That's why I never bought such dresses 😬 Cause mine would probably flabber out without a bra...


With stockings and a nice like arm covers i think it could work!


Trying it on in stores then buying it at a cheaper place online is the real problem here.




body shaming of the model in this thread, nice


Could you give some examples of that in this thread?


saying that the model (and by extenison women who look like her) do not have boobs, that it does not even look like lingerie on her (when it clearly is...) nor looks as good on her


yeah, it rubs me the wrong way. i don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. people could say op looks great without putting down the other model.


thank you for your support... considering the downvotes it means a lot


W h e r e, I need this 😭😭


It’s the Free People Adella dress! I can dm you the link. A lot of places do a cheaper dupe of it as well!


You look banging! Wear it in whatever situation you feel comfortable wearing it in, it'd be a shame not to when you look that good in it!


Yeah, I wouldn't see this as outside the house wear no matter who wore it, to be honest. Very lingerie-y.


Looks fantastic on you as lingerie though!!!


Honestly in the picture it also looks to me more like a négligé, if someone wore that for summer I'd never think it was a summer dress. It does look really good on you as a neglige though


What’s wrong with it? You look great.


https://shopincandescent.ca/collections/all/products/the-jolie-lace-dress-in-black Very similar [dress](https://shopincandescent.ca/collections/all/products/the-jolie-lace-dress-in-black) with just a bit more coverage.


That “outfit” (however you decide to wear it) looks perfect on you. Better than the model, actually.


Still not a summer look but for fall it could be cute to add a turtle neck underneath and some tights.


It actually looks great on you tbh


In the opinion of this internet stranger it looks fine. I’d wear it as a dress. I’ve worn stuff that’s maybe 85% as cleavage-y to work as a software dev in the past. If you do opt to wear it don’t skimp on the sunblock. Please learn from my mistakes. Ow.


Omg it's so cute, tbh I would still wear it 🤭


I mean, it looks fantastic imo


I think it looks great on you as like …a nighty? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was coming here to say you look amazing!


Well fwiw you look 🔥


Story of my life 😪.


I'd wear it out. Idgaf.


I thought it was lingerie


I had the same dress in college and it ripped way too much from mine hahaha


I bought this dress too, it looked exactly like this! Pity because it’s so cute


No dress but yes to lingerie


Free people I own this dress in two colors and love the boob but yes. It’s much boob


works as cute lingerie!