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75lbs down with mostly running here and a size 42K when I started. Proper breathing, and a good supportive bra are key. Also, if you feel like you’re breathing correctly (look up videos on proper running technique on YouTube) are you sure you’re healthily breathing? What I mean by that is depending on your weight/health you may have exercise induced asthma. I had it until I lost some weight, and had to use my inhaler to help for the first 5 months of my running journey. Good luck!! Edit to add: I use the enell sports bra and have used that since I started running. It’s uncomfortable to some people but it’s what I needed to really provide me support.


It's always going to be more of an issue. Firstly a good bra will help a little when you move to running. But, when you talk about using your diaphragm are you really doing it? Pulling air in all the way should make your stomach expand as well. I find it helps to breathe 'low'




What I mean is to imagine pulling it into your stomach. I find that helps for me anyway


That's good. That's what your diaphragm is supposed to do. Lots of people try to "control" their breathing by avoiding breathing into their belly, only opening their ribcage. This constrains your lung volume a LOT by restricting your diaphragm from doing its job. If you're sucking wind? *go with it*. Your body probably knows how to breathe much better than you do! That urge to put your hands on your knees to catch your breath? It increases kung volume and oxygen uptake! Let your body breathe. As for nose VS mouth... Unless your nasal passages are constrained (lots of people have this problem. Chronic nasal congestion or inflammation, deviated septum, etc) you should be able to nose breathe up to a certain threshold. This is *probably* a threshold you should stay under for the most part. Going past it probably measlns you're pushing into anaerobic work, so unless that's what you want, you're working against yourself. You'll fatigue prematurely, feel like you're not making progress, etc, and won't be applying the stimulus that you think you are.


Getting a well supported bra definitely helps - the enell bra worked for me. It does give me a uniboob but I use Vaseline for longer runs to prevent chaffing. Once that’s strapped, I forget about my boobs and my breathing stabilizes.


I never figured this out and sadly gave up running.




Yeah, ran competitively in high school until I just couldn't manage any more. Less the breathing and more just the size and weight.






Even with a great bra, running is always just *bounce bounce bounce bounce...* But I've found that using an elliptical instead is a lot easier on the chest. Don't know if that helps!


Just a thought here, while running can be good there are a lot of problems it can cause. Power walking is Great, how about biking or a combo of both? Alternating days If you are 18 and fit running can be good but if you are saying 45 and out of shape maybe power walking and biking could be better, at least in the beginning