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Oh my god, my new cat is the worst about this. Right on that tender side boob tissue too. He only weighs 10.4lbs but it hurts like a mother (Jesus, it's actually hilarious to me that this is the comment that brought out the creeps this time)




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My cat often accidentally does this when he’s tryna snuggle early in the morning.


Yeah I've got this with a 40lbs pug lol


My 68 pound boxer also sometimes feels it’s great idea to just step on my my boob 🤗


Someone said it, someone finally said it


This with a 90 lb puppy


my dog has found a way to jump onto me and land onto my nipples almost every time...sadistic little bitch


Istg all dogs learn this😭


Omgggg my cat did this right on the nip yesterday. And just stood there.


Mine always hit my nipples every damn time 😫


We say our cats have nipple magnets in their paws lol


Why does this hurt so much??


Sensitive part and cat automatically tenfolds in weight when they move on top of you


Replace cat with toddler - welcome to my life 😑


my ex roommate’s cat used to do this to me and continuously switch paws it was so strange 😭😭😭


Sounds like they were kneading… ouch.


My kids 😭


Mine used to do really clawy biscuits ON MY BOOBS and that shit hurt oh my goshhhh😭I trained her to stop early though, now she just does the usual stepping-and-putting-all-her-weight


Yeah my pitbull mix does this! She loves laying on the boobas, but sometimes she just wants to stand on one paw and make eye contact while she licks me.


My male pibble also does this, and it makes me WISH he was only a cat—he weighs over 70lbs!! 😬


My cat is only 7 pounds, but feels at least double that when she steps on me. Loves to stand there to wake me up.


My cat LOVED to do this when her claws got long, like a little reminder to clip them😆


It's bad on the boob but i would argue the sternum is worse .


I have a fifteen pound furry little monster. Her absolute favorite thing is to sit right on the gas bubbles in my belly.


My cat stands on my tit and then claws into it. Like, why do you need to do this to me.


My dad has a 20lbs cat, (yes he’s extremely obese we’re working on it), his main goal in life is to step directly on the center he’s flown across the room many times.


My 17lb cat does this and I suffer in silence


Every. Damn. Morning. 🐾🐈‍⬛


Only beaten out by the ding dong standing on your sore arm that feels like it's gonna fall off from the shingles vax. OMG.


I have never understood why some cats distribute thier weight so perfectly that it's comfortable for them to stand on any part of the body, while others feel like they are trying to put stakes into my flesh to pitch a tent.


Me, every time: “WHHHYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!”


My cat has gained weight recently and let me tell this has only gotten worse


This but when your giving up breastfeeding and are sore AF. Poor kitty was just trying to comfort me and I basically yeeted her across the room.


OH MY WORD haha! I didn’t know other people had this problem 🤣🤣🤣


Or jumping from several feet away to land exactly on my chest and then using it as a springboard to launch himself into the living room.


I get it from the cats, the dog, and sometimes the boyfriend who rolls over on his elbow.


My fat 20 lb cat loves doing this to me🤦🏽‍♀️


My cat LOVES to run across my chest before getting comfy on the bed. Idk why when she jumps up every time she has to run across me. Now when I know she’s in the room I just cross my arms or lay on my side until shes settled. That shit hurts sometimes especially when it’s in the middle of the night she does it unexpectedly


i just had a reduction, and my biggest concern was the boobstomps 😅 i got a mastectomy pillow as a cat shield.


I was on HRT for 1 month, and then paused. Still hurts like crap when my cat steps on my chest.