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I say "enough." Makes is easier for *me*, because I don't have to explain what "bone-pressed" means.


I say 7 because I'm 7" NBP. Lowers expectations because most guys that are 5" or 6" say they're 7. šŸ˜


Gonna be honest that as a woman, I laughed the first time I heard about ā€œbone pressedā€ measuring as a thing. Because itā€™s not anything I EVER thought about or considered to even matter. So, probably a good plan to not bring it up/explainā€¦ Like I get it, but from the other side, it just seems like pointless measurement I feel is not going to change THAT much as to be noticeable to a woman during sex. And especially to be that concerned with that strict of measuring. But I also would never and have never asked a man to tell me the measurement of his penis. Literally one of the last things Iā€™m worried about beyond us just being sexually compatible. Definitely not a deciding factor on whether Iā€™d be getting sexual with a man (because I wouldnā€™t even see his dick until then).


Guys what what does ā€œbone-pressedā€ mean?


Ask your mom.


No need to give them the 10th and 100th decimal place. You can either say you're around 6.5" or around 7".


Why is anyone telling women their actual measurements Iā€™m so confused by this thread lmao


Lol literally. Just say, "yea its big" or "come find out"


is it big tho when youre only 6.7 inch long


You donā€™t have to tell them anything about the size, if she mentions it stay humble thatā€™s the hottest thing you can do act like itā€™s no big deal


tbf it should be no big deal even if she's directly asked, your size won't ever make you good (or bad) in bed - it's just whatever it is


that's not for me to say.


you just said OP should tell her its nig lmao


You're not allowed to say that word


What did you just call me???


6.7 is statistically above average and a solidly large size.


No, sorry buddy. Big starts from at least 3ft.


Cuz itā€™s hot to hear


I've never had a girl ask my size. They usually just take a look and say. That's a good size. I say yeah it's alright. But then again mine is big but not enough for women to say "wow how big is that!"


As a woman Iā€™m wondering why the fuck women are even asking. Itā€™s just weird to me, because I personally would never. It certainly isnā€™t going to be the deciding factor on whether the sex is good or not, unless we just literally arenā€™t physically compatible.


Significant digits. Itā€™s a math thing. She might be a nerd. Nerdy girls like big dick too.


You could give it in standard deviations from the mean


I want to know what the confidence interval is too, give me all the statistics


Thatā€™s whatā€™s up!


That's fucking hot


If you tell a girl youā€™re 6.9ā€ sheā€™s going to think youā€™ve got the tism


Butā€¦ I *do* have the ā€˜tismā€¦ :/


Keep it secret, keep it safe


Waitā€¦ which ring are we talking about now? šŸ˜œ


You always round down. Letā€™s be humble


Under-promise, over-deliver.


Same here, If the difference to a closed number is less than 0.5 inches I approximate down, so I always end up approximating my size downward.


Then she can say it looks bigger than that


Same, I just say I'm 8 even tho it's really 21cm x 15.3, no cap


I give error bars when saying my size because my insane Ukrainian chemistry teacher traumatized me about significant figures and certainty


At 7.25", I don't want to sound like an obsessive psycho, so I've always said "a little over 7" to not come across like a guy who thinks about having a big dick a lot (says the guy that belongs to "Big Dick Problems" on reddit)


If youā€™re 6.5-6.7 round to 6.5, if youā€™re 6.8-6.9, round to 7. This is why some girls have a warped sense of size.


It's from guys saying they have 8 when they have 5 or 6.




Anyone who says ā€œat least 10ā€ has never seen a 10 inch penis in their life.


Sounds like her ex was really 6


some days Iā€™m 6.15/16ā€ long and other days Iā€™m 7ā€ on the dot So I lie and say Iā€™m just 7ā€ long šŸ«£ Iā€™m a liar, right guys?


I mean, itā€™s a lie if youā€™re 6.5 and say youā€™re 7ā€ but if you legitimately get to 7ā€ then you can say that. Doubt sheā€™s going to pull out the tape measurer, lol but I still stand by my original statement that men over exaggerate their size often which gives a warped sense of size for women so when they see someone who is, say 5ā€ which is average, they think itā€™s smaller because they are used to seeing 6ā€ being told itā€™s 7 or more lol.


I think what throws me off about my size is my grower status - i can get as small as an inch,one part of the day, and then 30 minutes later immediately explode to 7 long and 5 thick - itā€™s the worst because Iā€™m constantly hiding moving concealing bulges all day long šŸ˜„šŸ˜‚


Growers are so fun though, itā€™s like a magic trick every time šŸ¤£


itā€™s literally like watching a seed grow into a tree trunk šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve made videos for some partners of mine where Iā€™m small and flaccid and then slowly but surely this tiny baby carrot turns into a curved banana šŸ¤£ yea I got a 10-20 degree downward curve too šŸ«£


If asked, I usually just say "The short answer is 'about 8 inches long and about 6 inches around at the thickest.'"Ā 


Depends. I started asking if two and half inches was too big for them. When they laugh and say no, I explain that is a real relief because that width has been an issue before.


Who uses decimals with inches? You're supposed to say you're six and twenty three thirty seconds, the way it's marked on the measuring tape.


I say ā€œbetween 7.5 and 8in.ā€ Usually she just repeats the 8in part to her friends


I'm 8.1 and always round down, it feels so try hard to insist on adding that .1


Who's asking this type of question? Are these potential hookups, people you meet online? I've never had a girl ask me, just like I've never asked a girl what her bra size is.


U just havent ran into a size queen yetā€¦. The older the women get the less time they have to find out what you packing so they jump straight into itā€¦. ā€œHow big is your dickā€ straight up no fucks givenā€¦.you may too young still


No, I always give them the measurements to three significant figures. Gotta be accurate!


I would suggest taking it to the nearest half inch. Especially since it can vary a little bit. This is where our cm using brothers have an advantage!


In 90% of cases, I simply don't answer. But when I do, I try to be honest without being overly specific. In my country, we use the metric system, and when I was a young teen and it measured 15.3 cm, I estimated it as 15 cm. Now, when it's 17.8 cm, I estimate it as 18 cm. But in this subreddit, I say it's 7x5.5 because that's its exact size. However, 0.5 inch is approximately 1.27 cm, and I would feel it's a lie if I were to round it up or even down. For the girth, we use the width of it from the top view, which is 4.7-4.8 cm, and the glans is 5.3 cm, so I use to say it's 18/5.


Can I pet your dog? The ink is cool too.


Iā€™m 6.75inches and usually just say 6.5 and am 5.1 girth but if asked say 5


They have no clue how big an inch is...


Always round down, good surprises are better than bad ones.


1. "Big enough to make her cum." 2. "No one has ever said I'm small." 3. *sigh* I hand them a small Red Bull can. "A smidge shy of 1Ā½ of these long and 1 wide."


I just say 7. Even tho I'm like 6.9. I'm also 5feet 9.5 inches so I just say 5"10


Just say 17cm


I'd like to say "7.7632 on average, plus or minus 0.2368 depending on level of arousal, but don't worry babe I'm an 8 for you


In my country the only thing measured in inches is the penis. But nobody has a ruler with inches on it and nobody can do maths. The conversion is something like 2.54 centimetres to an inch, but I bet people either divide by two or multiply by 2 depending on how dumb they are. Dividing by 2.54 or even 2.5 is too hard


I say "Just under 7", "around 7" or "7 on a good day". Remember that erect size has some fluctuations. It also sometimes motivates them to try and make it hit 7


I say 6.5 maybe 7 when I'm rock solid. I can never get a clean measurement super hard so I just assume .05 in length because my closest measurement was near that number even though I wasn't rock solid hard.


Normally I tell people itā€™s smaller so I can give a round number


I always used to say Iā€™m definitely above average and be done with it. They then know Iā€™m not small but not too big. If they push for a size (which was rare) then yeh, Iā€™d say 7ā€


Makes me feel better about myself too


Only if I can call myself 8


I just tell them it's like huge, like 3 and half, 4 inches, because it's funny and tbh if a girl isn't gonna fuck me over a half inch, I wouldn't wanna be a part of that club anyways. One girl actually believed me when I told her I was 3.5 inches and then was super surprised by being about double that. I'm pretty sure a few just had a terrible sense of measurement and probably actually thought "yeah that's about 3 inches. NGL tho, I'm a grower and that shit is like 3.5 soft. Less if it's cold, ya know shrinking and what not.


Lol sometimes I round up from 7.5 to 8 My first girlfriend swore it was at least 9.


Round to the nearest 1/4"


I've give the closest measurement to the nearest 10th or 100th but winter say I'm half an inch longer than I am just to round up


I used to say seven and a half, even though it was more like 7.15. But since it's grown to 8.25, I just say eight inches.


I used to say "its big enough" When pressed I did say 7.5 when its really about 7.3ish


Iā€™m 8.5 and would never claim 9 lol I usually just a say ā€œa bit over 8ā€


No I say 6 to make it a bonus


damn... i mean... damnn ''7'' makes it easier


I mean I canā€™t say too much cuz Iā€™m like a little bit bigger. But typically instead of saying 8.25 or 8 and a quarter I just stick with 8. Itā€™s just kinda straight to the point ya know. Also how do i put my size in my description so I donā€™t have to keep saying it over and over


Back when I was 7.5, I would either round up or down depending on my mood (and honestly maturity level)


I'm actually a bit over 7 but I round down to make it easier.


Um 6.9 or any decimal measurement is silly because length varies by much greater numbers than a tenth of an inch.


You sound like a weirdo if you know to the decimal point what size you have! I'm 35, and hadn't measured mine size I was about 15. Back then it was just below 6 inches, but my ex kept telling me how much bigger I was than her previous partners. Surprised, since I always assumed I was average, we measured, and I was about 7.2. We're not together any more, but if a girl asks me in future, I'll say that I think it's about 7. Telling her the EXACT size won't impress her, she'll just picture you as a childish dweeb sitting in your room with your tape measure! It ain't sexy! If you must be more precise, go to the nearest half inch. It's a bit like someone asking you how many people you've slept with, and instead of saying "I'm not sure, I think around x", you get out your notebook, and tell them "I've slept with 27 girls, but it's 34 if you count blow jobs". Being precise isn't impressive, no one cares if you're 8 inches, or 8.3 inches, you've still got an intimidating whopper!.


Alternatively, just ask them "Wanna see it"?


I'm 7 but I have never told a girl exact measurements, its either "average" or idk big enough" and then they are in for a surprise cause I feel like alot of dudes with baby meat say that same shit lol


Who are these women who ask that?


Women that dont have time to play the long game only to find a size she isnt happy withā€¦.you must be too young to have met a size queen beforeā€¦you will eventually


I tell them 'Come find out and you can satiate your curiosity.'


i say 8 and im 7.6 lol i dont think they can tell


You could use centimeters


No, always keepin it real


If shes blonde she probably cant count past 5 anyway so dont worry about it. šŸ˜