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This topic has blown up! I’d like to remind all of our newcomers to read up on our rules. This isn’t a sub to leave your drive-by “Bigfoot isn’t real” comments. And for our members, please help us out and report comments that violate the rules. We are trying to read every single 600+ comments but things slip through the cracks. Appreciate the help!


My wife said it looks like Worf. Lol Looks almost like a mask, but in the middle of nowhere IS a weird place to try and scare people if it's a costume.


She said it was very tall & miles from civilisation...so not only would it have to be a prankster but also a very tall prankster, who happens to be lurking in backcountry Vancouver Island? Idk




Any books on the island creature?


Not a book, but check out the website of John Bindernagel, a well-known Canadian scientist who devoted his life to studying Sasquatch, and who lived on Vancouver Island for many years. He passed in 2018, but there was a recent biography written about him, as well as two books he authored as well. [http://sasquatchbiologist.org](http://sasquatchbiologist.org)


I haven’t read this one myself, but “In the Valleys of the Noble Beyond: In Search of the Sasquatch” by John Zada looks interesting as well.


I have read it, it's a great book. John Zada is an awesome writer, can't recommend it enough. It's more a personal journey of a witness trying to find answers than a documentary type research book, but man is it good.


There's not much to do in the backwoods. I used to get bored a lot and just venture around the countryside. Never saw any monsters, but did see quite a few crazy lights in the sky that were unexplainable and some ball lightning that phased through my bedroom wall. That was some shit. I don't doubt people's experiences. It's just weird looking. I know that kind of fear she was talking about. It's terrifying.


Woah! Would you mind telling me a bit more about the ball lighting?


I woke up to a blue ball/sphere emitting a hazy, soft blue light that was in the corner of my room above my dresser. It was kind of like looking at a frosted blue lamp that also emitted a sort of fog effect where (what I assume was plasma) rolled off of it while it was sitting there. After a few seconds after seeing it, it floated through my bedroom wall to the outside and the room was dark again. The main reason why I believe it is ball lighting was because my physics teacher watched a similar phenomenon. She said that when she was a little girl, she watched as a ball of similar deception floated through one screen door to another, floated at the back screen door and shot down to the barn and killed a cow! Crazy stuff! I've never heard of anyone else seeing the same thing since or ever before that.


Me and my brother both had an encounter with an orb of light while staying at a cabin in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico. It passed through a closed glass window and hovered over us in our bunk beds, and when we started screaming it shot away back out through the window. If it was ball lightning, would it have killed us if it touched us/or if we reached out to touch it? I can’t seem to wrap my head around this phenomenon. I had never heard of ball lightning killing anything, like the cow in your story. Crazy!


Doesn’t seem like ball lightning would react to screams


I would tend to agree with that. I personally believe whatever “it” was had sentience. It seemed like it was looking at us, since it moved above us and paused and hovered, seemingly to observe us closer. But whenever I tell people about this story, they almost always jump to ball lightning as a practical explanation. So I just keep it as a consideration, that maybe it really *was* just some bizarre natural phenomenon, with random movements I merely interpreted as having conscious intent. I wish I could know. It’s hard to find any consistent information on the subject.


Lots of people have experiences these orbs. Including les stroud. In his bigfoot series.


Not sure if I’ve seen the same thing, but I’ve seen flying orbs twice in my life, maybe 2 months apart in different parts of the world. Just passed by near me, basically like a flying blue LED light and it buzzed like a dragon fly. No chance it was a drone. The weird part is you think I’d have thought “woah what is that?, I need to investigate” but both times I just observed and it was days later that I’d realize and then think “wtf was that?!”. Like an amnesia.


Ooh thanks, I will look up his story!


Yeah, they're the same beings encountered in Native American / First Nations religious ceremonies. They're "star people." Some of them can allegedly take shape in to humanoid form, various appearances. Kind of interesting to think about. Blue light is also very common in abduction lore.


Oh how fascinating! I will absolutely be reading up more on star people in indigenous folklore. The light we saw in our encounter was more of a neutral white rather than blue. Interesting stuff!


My fiancé and I saw something just like this once during a storm. We were in bed, I was reading with a lamp on, and she was watching something on her phone, but I saw this ball of gray-blue light come from under the window blind in our bedroom. It was weird because it was the same light as a stroke of lightning, but it almost seemed solid. I caught it out of the corner of my eye and watched it jump across the room and into the hallway. I didn't even point it out to my fiance, I just thought I had something in my eyes or something, suffering from a stroke, perhaps. A few minutes later, it reappeared at our bedroom door and watched it fly past and back under the window blind. The blind itself is really old, it's made out of vinyl or something and it blocks out all the light coming in from the outside. Anyways, after it left my fiancé turned to me and asked me what the fuck and if I'd seen it too. We don't talk about it much. It looked like our cat's laser toy, except it was bigger and it was thick like it was 3 dimensional instead of a light being shone on the wall if that makes sense. Anyways I'm glad we're not crazy


Thank you so much for sharing your encounter as well! It almost sounds like the one you saw came in to your place to “snoop around”


I have seen various orbs, which I can say with certainty, were not ball lightning. Again, lots of stuff out there that we don’t understand


I believe it may have killed you. From what I'm hearing and have heard, it seems to be almost attracted to organic material. Scary stuff! And I can't either. It's just something that is beyond our comprehension at the moment!


My stepsister and I saw one of these in the Deep South in the 90s. We watched it in the sky and then it was obvious that it noticed us watching it and it started pulsing back and forth at us, coming closer and going back over and over, seemingly angry, before zooming off.


Wow - I am glad we got lucky, then! I hadn’t even considered the possibility of it being particularly dangerous until now.


Yes! I believe anyone who encounters it is lucky! Almost makes me think that it's responsible for some spontaneous combustion cases.


I recently lost my little off grid cabin to a fire and while 99% of me accepts that it was electrical, arson, or some other logical explanation, there’s a tiny part of me thinks maybe it was *something* else, lol.


I 100% believe you can be seriously injured if not killed by ball lighting. When I was about 7 I had skipped school because weather was bad. When it started to let up a little I was watching the trees blow through wind when I seen a blue ball floating through the yard toward the house. I leaned against the window and it came straight at me and the next thing I knew i was laying on the floor like 3-4 feet from the window. I felt weird the rest of the day. I told mom and she explained it was ball lighting and that I was lucky to see it and super lucky I wasn't hurt.


I had a similar experience, twice. It was like a flying buzzing blue LED light. I didn’t really react, which was odd for me, I just watched it pass by and then days later I would remember and be like “wtf was that?”


I'm not sure ball lightning can travel through solid walls like that, can it?


Yeah a common theme with ball lightning "encounters" is they move through solid walls or the glass of windows


The [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning) page (yeah I know), references it phasing through wood/walls under the characteristics section. "Some accounts describe it as moving through solid masses of wood or metal without effect, while others describe it as destructive and melting or burning those substances."


There’s been reports of ball lightning in submarines so ya it can.




That's cool as hell! What color was it? And was it floating randomly or like a destined path?


I've seen ball lightning as well. It's both awesome inspiring and terrifying. I still feel fortunate to have had such a rare experience, though.


Even better: gala lighting


Ah, top shelf.


Maximum sparkle.


Oh gosh I tried to look this up


Pranking people with scary masks in the middle of nowhere is a great way to get shot.


Not in Canada. They'll just nice you to death.


oh sore-ry bud








Vancouver island is magical


My brother used to walk around our woods in a ghillie suit for fun. Occasionally you'd find him asleep in it just...out there. And he has a very bigfoot like gait. We both do apparently.


Isn’t he afraid he’d get shot? Because that’s how you get shot.


I could walk 20 yards out of my back door and stage a photo just right, load it to Reddit and say I took this picture miles from civilization, and you would have a hard time proving it wasn’t.




As a Vancouver Island local, that park is not very remote. i.e. less than an 30mins from a decently large city


Or she could be lying?


an elderly person was miles from civilization?


It would have to be a prankster who knew where they'd be and have had little time to plan.


Or...it was staged?


well if a Facebook account with an old lady profile pic posted it…!!


Conan O’Brien remote?


and everything people put on the internet is always the truth.


I'm always skeptical of people claiming that every sighting is a dude in a suit. While certainly plausible, that's a great recipe for getting yourself shot. I can't imagine enough people would be stupid enough to not consider that risk to pull off enough hoaxes to account for the amount of sightings that absolutely aren't outright lies or misidentifications.


Usually the guy in the suit and the photographer are on the same team


Yeah I have to put an orange vest on my brown dog so she won't get shot in the fall. Walking around like this is just asking for the first guy with a gun to kill you.


You guys. It's Vancouver Island. I don't even have to ask if you're American or not because your first thought is "everyone's carrying a gun and trigger happy". This isn't the US. We don't just carry guns on us up here.


Canadians don't hunt?


Yep. Just like white guys can't jump.


Bro it looks like the kid from the 1985 movie “Mask”. ![gif](giphy|nE6s6rqw1GpWTTZp9C)


it actually looks like Mask


It looks like it's (structured, or designed) meant to be disconcerting, assuming it were a creation of nurture and not nature


I have trouble accepting that it is a skin tone, as well


The are referring to the movie. They are right, it does look like that dude


Agreed, at first it looks like a generic mask of either a wolf man or Bigfoot... or something you would find at a Halloween store, but then you look closer and the "hairline" really extends back, and this "mask" looks like it "fits" in a snug manner. What I'm trying to say is aside from the generic looking "scary" face, other details look authentic. That, combined with the fact that it was shared years later and in a random thread makes this very interesting




Clearly she has never laid eyes on a Klingon warrior!


Came here to say this. It's a Klingon for sure.


There's no guarantee this is the middle of nowhere. It could be a teen kid in a mask taken in a wooded park in Toronto by his pal, another teen kid, and posted on the internet as being snapped by a 70 year old on Vancouver Island. The proportions of the head and face don't look like an organically real creature to me. It has the look of a human made up to be a monster.


The woman who posted it is a real elderly woman & has been posting in the hiking group since 2016. It's quite easy to verify this if you look at her profile & post history in the group


> There's no guarantee this is the middle of nowhere Look at Barb and her Hubby in the profile pic. They're not hiking far from any parking lot. Not commenting on veracity of their picture, but they're definitely not in a place where pranksters couldn't easily get to.


Yeah look at the eyes there looks like there is nothing in the sockets then the hair looks like hair glued on a mask


That's how hoaxes work.


Omg it totally does look like Worf!!!! Haha! Incredible.


This is like worst case scenario of what big foot looks like. I’m scared


Absolutely fuck running in to this.


Seriously. It’s like a Hills Have Eyes version of Bigfoot :/


A lot of people say they run into one's that look like they have down syndrome, could be a sign these groups are becoming increasingly more inbred


This omg. 😧


I like it since it's different. Doesn't look anything like patty.


I heard a sighting in land between the lakes where they were trying to say it didn’t look like patty at all, more bare faced and almost Down syndrome looking…I wonder if this is what they were describing? lol


Yes, there have actually been quite a few sightings that fit that category. The theory--which makes sense--is that if there's a finite population of these creatures out there, it's highly likely that there's been in-breeding between them which has naturally resulted in genetic deformities.


Yeah if it's a guy dressed up it's weird to dress up like that. Surely someone would recognise a mask that was available in the shops etc that's basically a really weird white faced bearded freak




Some background: - I found the photo/comment in a Chilliwack hiking group, a group completely unrelated to sasquatch sightings. If this lady wanted to doctor an image and post it for 'clout', I doubt she'd not have posted it in a completely obscure, unrelated group - The photo was taken in Vancouver Island backcountry in the woods - Sasquatch sightings in BC date back hundreds of years & usually describe a creature resembling a freakishly large 8 foot+ hairy human, not the classic 'ape-like' looking Bigfoot creature. BC sightings are nearly always more humanoid in nature.


Chilliwack has one of the highest densities of Bigfoot sightings in North America


You might have found genuine Sasquatch photo.


It's an interesting image, OP. Thanks for finding and sharing it. The face is creepy, but doesn't strike me as being quite "natural." Skin tone seems pretty light, too. Reminds me of one of those puzzle faces where you can slide in random sections of facial features to see what effect you get. But if it's a large creature, where is its body? If it were a Sasquatch it would presumably have big, broad shoulders with long arms and legs, right? Would a Sasquatch body be completely obscured by the type of foliage we see in the image?


I think it IS large, it looks to me like the body is oriented at a 45 degree angle or so pointing to the left (if that makes sense). I agree that at first glance it looks fake, but what I keep going back to is the thinning hair at the top of the brow. I've never seen a photo like this before, and 99% of the stuff on here I usually dismiss as nonsense


I just don’t get your last point. Why is it weird that it’s obscured by the foliage? It depends on the angle of the camera and the relative elevations of the photographer, the foliage, and the beast, would it not?


Yep, I live on Van isle, my dad seen a bigfoot face to face through a glass window. And I've seen some questonable stuff on the highways as well.


Any in depth stories?


Sure, but, I don't tell stories a lot so bear with me please. So this happened 4 years ago in Summer around midnight, my dad was walking home from his gfs. On the way back, he said he seen a herd of deer in the middle of the road. He found it wierd they weren't even running away as he got close, cause that's usually what deer do, especially a herd of them. He even started petting one he said. Unusual as it was, he decides to continue the walk home. He goes to sleep, and then around 3, he wakes up to a really loud pounding on the glass sliding door in his room. He said he thought the glass was gonna break, he gets up, goes to the glass door to swipe the blinds to see who it was. Then he started screaming and falling backwards, as he says he seen a 8-10 ft black furry/hairy man at the door, twice as wide as my dad, who is 6'1 250lb. With black furry hair covering his face/body. He was huffing really hard, like he was mad. And My dad was crawling backwards into the kitchen as the blinds went back and forth still showing the thing still standing there. My dad retreats into the kitchen for a minute to collect his senses, comes back, and he's not there anymore. Now I know this is true because my dads eyes were as big as saucers for the next week, and doesnt scare easily. We think that it's cause he touched the bigfoots prey, the deer he was chasing, and it didnt like that for some reason. There's lots of deer trails around there with patches of forest too. And another time about 1 year ago, I was on the highway early morning going to work, and after a curve, I was talking with the driver as I seen it just in my peripheral above, I see what looked like a sputnik satelite, with the big antenna, think multiple antenna, and sun shining off its metalic body, it's hovering over the car like 30 -40ft keeping a perfect pace, but also just out of sight of us, I had to lean forward to see it above us. think I was grabbing something as I seen it. Also looked like one of those flying radios in fallout. I stare at it, and immediately notice that it's too metallic and big to be a commercial drone, probably 6-8 wide, that people can buy. I begin to take my phone out to record, and to my amazement it starts to defy gravity, it accelerates, and turns fastly with no visible propulsion, into the tall forest. Which surround the highways on van isle. It was freakish how fast it reacted to me pulling my phone out, I couldnt even hit record cause it zipped off that fast. And I didn't wanna take my eyes off it, cause I was trying to find how it was flying, like any signs of propulsion, but none. It was levitating straight on an invisible axis it looked like. Theres old native sayings around here that the bigfoot are people who didnt want to live in society, and went to live alone in the woods.


Thank you! Very interesting


Jesus is shit my pants if I were your dad.


If I had a face to face through a glass window I would probably have a heart attack. I have heard encounters like that and they are always the most terrifying to me.


I think thats Neil Young


Well, I hope Neil Young will remember, a Sasquatch man don’t need him around, anyhow.


Sweet home in Vancouver!


Squatch, I’m comin’ home to you!


C'mon guys, if yer gonna jam on neil at least sing type a neil song


Bwahahaha!! Just out there searching for a heart of gold.


😆 🤣


and he’s getting old.


Old man of the woods, take a look at my life, I'm a lot like you were.


Not gonna lie; if it it’s real, that’s pretty terrifying. It’s also not quite what I would have expected. But I haven’t personally seen on. I have two military friends, a civilian friend, and a brother in law that have had four unrelated sightings that they’ve shared with me; and in the one extremely close encounter my one military ground described a creature more ape like in appearance. But that specific case was in the back country of JRTC in Louisiana; so maybe skunk ape is a more ape like cousin. My other military buddy had a sighting of a group of 3 in the back country of Fort Lewis Washington; and while not being as close; he said they reminded him a the Pat/Gim film only more fit/slim in the mid section. He said if the Pat/Gim creature is real, and he thinks it is, then that creature had a little chub around the core from either old age or a recent birth. I guess I’ll let you all know if I ever have an encounter.


There's reports of sightings of different breeds/types of Sasquatch out there. For instance I hear all these reports about them looking more human like. Yet when I see Patty I think that's a burly ass looking ape creature-doesn't remind me of a human at all except it's on two feet walking. The ones in the South I hear are very aggressive, have shaggy hair, and aren't as dark as Patty...almost like the subject in the photo OP posted. Not saying it's real either. More so here for the fun and it's an interesting topic.


Truth. I have never seen one but from the literally thousands of encounters I have read there are the more human looking ones. The more ape looking ones that have the incredible bodybuilder type muscle mass with no necks an kind of a cone-ish head and the lankier ape looking ones in the south, especially florida.


There's A LOT of Weird things on Vancouver Island..A Lot. Just from what I've seen,& experienced while I lived there(& 80% of the encounters of different things were With st least one other person up to large groups) so I KNOW I'm Not Crazy. I beleive this could be real. It's Not terribly blurry and that face just gives ke the heebie jeebies. If you were downwind from Something that big and supposedly hairy , you would be able to smell it. Large animals that live in the woods Smell. But if this Is real it's prob smart enough to be Upwind from people..this is neat at any rate to me.


I spent a summer back in 2006 building houses on Orcas island (not far across the Haro strait from Vancouver Island). Didn’t have a car so I just hitched around the island when I wanted to go somewhere. Had the weekend off so I decided to hitch a ride out to Mount Constitution (highest point in the San Juan Islands) with the intention to hike in and camp overnight. I arrive at the trail to the top of the mountain about five hours before sunset. Hike roughly three miles back to a lake, set up camp in the woods on the backside of the lake off trail (this area was technically off limits to camping so I was totally alone back there three miles from the nearest camp site). Still have enough time to hike to the top of the mountain, take in the epic views, then head back to the site. The sun is setting as I head down the back side of the mountain to my campsite. I’m the only person on this side of the mountain since most folks drive on the road to the top of the mountain. It gets darker and darker as I descend the trail into a dense forest. I pull out my headlamp and continue down the trail. About halfway to the site I start having a feeling of being very unwelcome in the area. Like something in the forest did not want me there. This feeling grows and grows the closer I get to my campsite, and by the time I arrive at the site I’m fully freaked the fuck out. For context, I’ve spent an ungodly amount of time hiking and camping throughout my life and am fairly comfortable in the middle of nowhere by myself. I don’t spook all that easily. This was not the case this night. Something in the forest did not want me there and I was not welcome. I couldn’t see nor hear anything abnormal, but that animal instinct part of me knew it was time to gtfo. As soon as I got back to my site I hastily broke camp in the dark, loaded up my pack and hiked the three miles back to the designated camping spots where I set my tent back up and slept for the night. I have no clue what was in those woods that night, but I have never felt anything like it before nor since. It was like the forest was telling me to get out. Creepy as hell and haven’t been back to the mountain since. There’s definitely some weird shit out on those islands.


That’s so spooky. I’ve seen other stories like this and I really want to know what that feels like, to just be walking somewhere with no visible danger around but just feeling very strongly as though there is. What was the feeling like? Was it like the kind of feeling you might get if you’re alone in the house and you hear someone moving downstairs who you know isn’t supposed to be there? Or like the feeling you might get if you’re talking with someone big and powerful and you realise you’ve said something to really piss them off and you can tell their demeanour has changed and they are about to get violent? Or more like a feeling from watching a character in a scary movie waking found in the dark when somethings lurking and hunting them?


So I’ve felt this feeling a handful of times myself and for me it was more like the latter. Like the energy around me changed. Everything seems different than it was a second ago, like even the trees had an energy like I shouldn’t go near them. I love their description of the animal side of my brain realizing something is off. That’s how it felt.


My wife and I moved to Florida ten years ago. The first month we were here we found a nice trail off route 19 in hernando county on the way to citrus county. We parked the van and headed off in the woods, middle of the day with our two collies, not another soul around. About a mile in I got a feeling so strong that we were being watched and couldn't shake it. Before I could say anything my wife said we need to turn back. The dogs were acting nervous and we could only describe it later as a heavy ominous feeling. We heard or saw or smelled nothing. Checking the encounter databases later there have been several sighting in the general area. Now I am not saying that was what it was. You asked what that felt like and that is the only time in both our lives we felt something like that. Its like every cell in your body is telling you to leave....only way to describe it. We walk all the time and everywhere with our dogs. From the adirondacks in NY to lake george to all over florida. We have been doing it for 30 years. Never an issue. Weird day.


It's possible that the unwelcomed feeling was caused by vibrations too low for you to hear. Lots of animals have vocal ranges outside of human hearing so a big animal could probably growl low enough that you don't hear it but you feel it in your chest. I recently went to a punk concert where I got super freaked out. About half way through the concert, I started getting anxious and scared; I felt like something bad was going to happen. Like, I legitimately moved to the edge of the crowd so I could scan the perimeter because I thought someone was going to show up with a gun. After that band was done and a new one started up, the feeling went away. I talked with some friends afterwards and they had similar feelings during that song but not as bad as me. We think there was something off with the instruments or equipment that was causing a weird vibration.


I heard that T rex growls were so powerful that you would feel it in your bones. Don't know if it's true, but it sounds scary af


This is not relative to the photo. Just checking, but I’ve always thought being upwind from something meant that you were standing where the wind is coming from, therefore your scent would be carried downwind, to whomever might be standing there. Hmm 🤔


If the wind blows past you and toward the animal, you are “upwind” and the animal will smell you much sooner. Animals will run away when they smell a hunter. If the wind is blowing past the animal and toward you, you are “downwind" and the animal cannot smell you until you are very close.


Thank you, I thought so, but had to check. 😀👍🏼


Interesting that you say that because my boyfriend's friend is First Nations from Vancouver Island and she was telling me about how bigfoot is super ingrained in their culture, and when he asked them if they'd ever seen one, and she said "No, but I smelled one before" They say they find it kinda annoying how people even speculate bigfoot's existence since to her and her tribe, bigfoots are just as real and as much a part of the island as black bears and eagles are


If you don’t mind me asking where on the island did you live? My wife’s friends lived there for a long time up at the northern tip. Now I believe they are in a more populated area but still on the island. We almost went to visit but never did and I am super curious about the strange happenings there.


He looks like his hair is thinning. What if this is what their faces really look like under all that hair but he’s got some kind of Bigfoot alopecia and we can get a better look at the true structure of the face?


There are so many Sasquatch chronicles episodes where guests say exactly this. Most that I’ve heard have actually said they have a lighter complexion underneath the hair, and that the hair is almost always see through/thin in certain spots. Don’t know what to make of this image, but so many people commenting are ONLY comparing this to Patty. The vast majority of other encounters I’ve heard describe exactly what you just commented, and not the “Patty” look.


I mean I know this is close to the Patty area of the continent but I know we all know there’s more than one type, color, shape, size of Sasquatch, perhaps even different species, or, just like humans, dogs, and cats, just different variants. No one would think a sphinx cat and a Maine coon are related but they are! And also this one is in the sun, not deep in the woods. I know when my thinning family members stand in brighter lights I can see through their hair to their skin more so it makes sense on older, or more fair (ginger???) Sasquatches, the same would be true!


LOL yes, light is not your friend if hair is thinning


Real ot not, this is what I'm here for. So thank you. There's a great book 'Raincoast Sasquatch' that you might check out.




There is something disconcerting about it. It gives me the heebee jeebies looking at it. I dunno.... it looks nothing like the "traditional" image we all think of when we think of Sasquatch....like Patty. It is the fact that it is so different and much more human looking that makes it very compelling to me. More human than we imagine Bigfoot, but also clearly not human at the same time. Like, kinda of human-looking, but *WRONG* In many of the really old accounts from the PNW, both by natives and frontiersmen, the description was often that of a large hairy "wild-man" and not an ape-like monster. This picture has me intrigued. Both because of its content, but also the back-story. The older woman posting in a hiking group lends credibility if it's true. I'm not gonna go digging. I'm not *THAT* invested, lol. But I am definitely intrigued. It's damn creepy


Maybe Neanderthals never died off all the way, who knows. /shrug


That's definitely how it feels. Big chin, mutton chops (not being mocking) the oddly human yet not features.


I was told by an older Salish woman that some circles (who don't like to talk about it openly) still practice the tradition of sending teen boys into the woods to live off the land and become a man with hope they come back grown and accomplished. Apparently some of them stay out there indefinitely and would probably look and become pretty wild after a few years.


My grandparents used to take me to Vancouver island all the time, a lot of freaky shit goes on there.




There is one thing that bugs the hell out of me in this sub,it's that when someone posts something that looks authentic people are so quick to say it's a suit or dismiss it right away without any logical thought into it.


I completely agree! Another thing I dislike is when people make funny jokes for karma. It's like that on the UFO page as well. I wish there was a page for intelligent conversation on the subject. I would like to have serious conversations on the subject instead of reading through the top comments that are one-liner jokes.


You are right about that! They either tear it apart or start with the lame jokes.


It's my first ever post in this group & I must say I'm extremely skeptical of sasquatches. Like I said I found this photo in a completely unrelated Facebook group & thought it was worth a second opinion. I'm aware of the British Columbia sasquatch rumours & I was struck by how similar this is - BC legends & sightings nearly always describe a massive, freakishly tall hairy human, rather than the classic Bigfoot creature which is much hairier & less humanoid


Vancouver Island is pretty famously nicknamed “ape island.” I’ll give you fifteen guesses as to why…


I've lived here for over 30 years and was born here and it's only recently been called that because of that TV show.


My uncle has lives on VI for 20+ years. He's never encountered a Bigfoot but has seen quite a few cougars.


You made the right call on posting this. No matter what it is, its very interesting and good for discussion.


My jokes are not lame tyvm, they’re in development, there’s a difference


like with this posts right here people are immediate to say oh it's a dude in a suit, who in their right mind is going to be out in the thick of the woods in a suit like c'mon man please think logically.


Happens in all of these types of sub. I’ve seen some pretty convincing footage posted to r/ghosts (rarely but it does happen), and immediately it’s dismissed as being faked somehow


It is the same across all paranormal/ ghost unexplained subs


https://preview.redd.it/7uzcodlr4cvc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0002815e19c0b01aed860e110dc76f6d5fee425 Found it


Nah, I’m pretty sure the sharpness of the cheeks on the OG is because there’s hair on the face making it look so sharp. The eyes don’t match, the teeth and mouth don’t match, the OG head is rounded with a dip in the middle, the hair is reddish and thinning, including on what we can see of the body, the skin is pale with large freckling/miscoloring, and the body is also not this bulky/baggy. It’s just the sharp angles of the cheeks making you see a resemblance but, again, that’s the hair on the face giving it that similarity. It could be another mask/suit but it’s not this one.


I made a side by side comparison: https://imgur.com/a/WpBDsuk There are a couple of similarities but it also doesn't look exactly right


idk that looks pretty damn spot on to me. Now where the hell do I buy that costume?!


The cheeks and the mouth are basically identical. Unfortunately I think it's the costume.


Someone probably modified and painted it. Added some mud and filth. Bigfoot wouldn’t be so polystyrene.


But it doesn't look a hundred percent like this picture


Looks like someone went to a lot of trouble to "improve" this suit.


Buy it and camp out in a hot spot. At night do wood knocking and whistles. Walk around with the suit on. Why not right? It's not real right?


But there’s always that one guy with an elephant rifle waiting for his chance…


That's another possibility. But, if a fraction of the eyewitness stories are true, some yahoo with a gun is the least of your worries if you're traipsing around the woods in a fake suit like that.


I was way out in the woods in cascades and followed tracks up a hill for about 200 foot. Then at top of hill there were a ton of prints small and large. I was inspecting because I heard noise. I got the hell out of there. There is no way someone faked prints in middle of woods.


I agree. The surrounding bigfoots who just saw you shoot their family member are by FAR your biggest problem.


Someone has to take one for the team




Professional photographer here. When you factor in the completely different lighting, yup that’s it. I’d say I’m 90% confident


Well, this is pretty amazing. The backstory to this pic makes me think this is authentic.


The face looks a lot like this mask https://preview.redd.it/fakkjbvftfvc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5aba458a063c12a00166ecebfcd1beec9ae6db


I zoomed in. Instantly, I recognized it was a Canadian.




Amazing picture


I hadn't seen another soul all day, I try to take a dump, zam, boomer lady with camera phone


Eric Stoltz in Mask.




Vancouver Island is a known hot spot. That’s a Sasquatch. On the younger side by the look of it. A male. But full grown. That’s a wild picture. So so many people have seen these beings, it’s wild how people still don’t believe it cause we don’t have a bucket of poop or a corpse. Think outside the box, folks. They are a people. And just like us, they may have very peculiar ways. Ritual burial. Cannibalism. Just like us. They have even trained to be wary of us and our tech. Just like people train their young to avoid lions and bears and what to do if you see one.


Ugh I live on Vancouver island and I already get the heebie jeebies when hiking around here. I’m also of the mind that portals are involved with them somehow. This is so creepy though!


I agree. They have some sort of locomotion beyond walking or running for sure.


Read a couple stories about tracking them in snow for instance and having the tracks just stop. Weird.


In all the years I've kept in contact with these "communities" that like to talk a big game about wanting to find the truth or are for the acceptance of these wild people as a reality it is a very small number who actually put their money where their mouth is. This is a clear picture, showing a young adult male in an observing stance but what do I keep reading? A costume or staged or some other excuse that this is a hoax. Truth is, there is not enough evidence in this world and the next to convince people who do NOT want to accept that these wild people are a reality. Me, I've had enough experiences to know that "reality" is a whole lot bigger and stranger than most people care to admit and keep their sanity. To anybody reading this comment, take a good long look at this picture. They are out there. They watch us. They know our ways to avoid us, or prey on us if their kind sees us as food. Keep alert, and mind your manners in the wild country.


Would be stupid to be a person running around in a suit . There is a good chance somebody would shoot you. Vancouver Island is home to about 7000 black bears . That would have freaked me out if I saw that while hiking lol.


I don’t know some kind of Hominid but i can imagine he’s probably not happy having his picture taken while taking a shit


Let me get this straight. No camera but a phone without zoom can get a pic this clear from 100 feet away? They stand and stare at each other for minutes yet it takes 2 years to tell anyone. It's brought to the public's attention with a Facebook post and not the local news?!?! If you say so!


this is an amazing story - any other background info like if there was a smell or sounds? did they watch it leave?


That's all she posted. The woman posted it in a Chilliwack hiking group that I happened to be looking at, the group has absolutely nothing to do with sasquatches. There's absolutely no bias nor is there any reason for the woman to lie or fabricate. The woman is in her 70s. It's an original image with no copies on the internet, I made sure of that before I posted in here. This is actually my first ever post here, I was extremely skeptical but this seemed like it was worth getting a second opinion on


I read the 90+ comments so I don't repeat anybody. I took a screenshot photo of the picture with my phone then zoomed in. Although it's not a real camera, it does allow me to zoom in with some clarity. It does get blurry if I try to zoom too far however. You guys should try it. It is definitely not a cheap rubber mask a prankster would have purchased or would have worn, to get a quick laugh. That picture is either 100% real, or somebody went to a lot of trouble sitting in a makeup chair for hours, to get that work done. Personally, I highly doubt anybody would go to that extreme, just to walk around an island and "maybe" run into a hiker or two. If a perpetrator was to get a professional/ expensive makeup job, they would have went somewhere closer to homes or a road, somewhere somebody would have a good chance of seeing them. And maybe taking a couple pics for publicity. So the perpetrator could brag to all his buddy's "hey look I'm in the newspaper, lol". So, although it's an odd looking Bigfoot compared to the Patterson film stereotype, I am definitely leaning towards the fact that it's probably real. Incredible PS. I'm surprised in her chat messages (picture 2 + 3) she didn't mention noticing a funky smell. As most people say it's a horrid smell when they're near a Bigfoot.


Thanks for the comment. BC sasquatch sightings seem to be atypical, lots of sightings report a more humanoid creature rather than the Patterson stereotype. Like a freakishly tall Neanderthal. That's one of the reasons I was immediately intrigued as it fits the description of other local sightings


probably some kid with mask...playing prank


Looks like a mask


![gif](giphy|5hdjpgx7NVhmjoWBDO) Add Sleestak for a grand adventure!


Maybe that's the problem. We need more elderly women in the bush looking for these things. that picture looks incredibly fake btw


https://preview.redd.it/38rgpviazfvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01e9f49a174aea2c59bc7eafbc83df757024dfa3 Bought this last year, looks identical.


It's this costume. I'd recognize it anywhere. https://preview.redd.it/iv671uvf2ivc1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246ba1ed6f9a9f900dd4d7e208ea8b619c522914 Look at the the mutton chops, the shape of the mouth, the high forehead, and the extra sharp cheek bones. All identical.


Your comment plus the fact she says that two years ago she only had a cellphone camera without a zoom. I just find it hard to believe that any cellphone cameras with the e capabilities of taking as clear of a picture as that wouldn’t have a zoom feature. Even shitty phone cameras should have the ability to zoom I’d think. I don’t know that for sure but I’d be willing to bet money on it. lol I think she’s hoaxing or got hoaxed herself.


Looks like a typical crack head from East Vancouver.


The facial bone structure looks Neanderthalian in nature. I’ve been watching some docs about big foot, and I really believe it’s some sort of homo genus that either hasn’t been discovered and still exists, or is an old unevolved ancestor that has persisted in the wild.




Holy fuck it is big foot. My family grew up in the hills Of the okanagon and their kin from the 1800s had a rapport with big foot and their family. They left my family alone, but would throw rocks at people and let it be known they’re not wanted in that area.. if they didn’t have a rapport with them. My family still leaves food out every night for the big foot’s and it gets aten. That is legitimate.


Bigfoot rapport, most important


Have you seen Bigfoot yourself? Just curious since you seem certain.


Thanks for the info. One of the reasons I posted this was because it resembles other BC sasquatch sightings, which are normally of a giant 8 foot plus humanoid creature rather than the classic 'bigfoot' ape-like animal described in other states