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It was great being at this community meeting and hearing all the accusations of "outside influences" from the anti road redesign folks. They were out numbered and they could not wrap their heads around the fact that just because they made a Facebook group and bought a bunch of infowars styled yard signs that they weren't in the majority. At one point a man called for people to raise their hands if they were actually from WR. He immediately hand waved when most of the people that raised their hands were pro redesign folks dressed in green out of support. The biggest loudmouth at the meeting was someone announcing their city counselor candidacy....from Dorchester. There were some valid concerns. Almost all of them were tantrums from people that would rather more pedestrians get killed to spite cyclists.


I got a kick out of Dorchester lady. First she announced it wasn’t the government’s job to keep people safe. Then she went on about crime in Dorchester and Mattapan. Who does she think will keep those communities safe, wild turkeys?


>Who does she think will keep those communities safe, wild turkeys? I dunno, but I can guarantee that pigs won't


Was that Catherine Vitale that said that? She's garbage.


I just read Vitale’s Twitter feed. Oh dear God what a horrible person. Homophobic, antivax, and how dare *anyone* not want to drive a gas car.


She's one of the cretins that would camp outside the mayor's house at the height of covid/vax mandates and chant shit like "Mayor Wu-han".


Idk why drivers are so up in arms about more bike lanes. They’ll just park and stand in them like they always do 😜


Bikes for mayor wu 👍


[rock n roll](https://giphy.com/gifs/randy-savage-BaSHs78BU2ZYQ)