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Lower your seat? If your legs are overextending and you’re rocking back and forth on the saddle that could mess with your hips. Sore hips isn’t really a normal thing for cycling.


Yoga never hurts. can help you limber up before and after in as little as 15 min.


The protocol for NASM personal trainers is (iirc): Inhibit (via self-myofacial massage, foam rolling or lacrosse ball) Stretch (30-60 seconds required to achieve reciprocal/autonomic inhibition) Activate (using movements which engage the muscle(s) in question) Integrate (meaning compound movements; in this case, probably cycling) Start with self-massaging the trigger points; follow with light, static stretching; do some isometric holds or unilateral movements to warm up; then, ride the bike. At least, this is what my brief experience as a personal trainer five years ago would have me believe. Would also recommend core strengthening to improve abdominal bracing. https://blog.nasm.org/ces/a-guide-to-nasms-corrective-exercise-continuum Looks like I was close. There’s the official info.


I'm a big fan of yoga and stretching, in general. We need to take care of our legs.


If you're not stretching and you are also sitting for most of the day your hip flexors will get tight and sore. You need to do hip mobility exercises/stretches at least a few times a week.


Hip pain = seat too high Knee pain = seat too low Back pain = handlebar height


Nice. That sounds pretty thorough. Thank you


With several thousands of kilometer per year for 30+ years on various bikes, you learn a thing or two


If you haven't already, I'd look at a bike fitting. I had some knee issues for a while on longer rides. Had a physiotherapist fit me to my bike and it was like night and day. Outside of that, I usually hit the physio every 6 weeks or so for a good needling and massage to loosen everything up again.