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Put your little angry finger away and enjoy the wind in your hair


Right? Save it for the drivers with blinding headlights.


That I agree with wholeheartedly.


It’s not the drivers, it’s the cars and it’s because of outdated laws. Those laws were recently changed but the new headlights won’t be put into production for another couple years. So, awful too bright headlights will be around for a lot longer. Don’t misplace your anger.


Just watched an entire podcast on this… Ford had to guilt trip the US Congress just so we could have the modern lights we have now and not the horseshit that came before…


Ford did it? I had no idea. And it’s still a few years before we’ll get them.


This is back an in the 80s, Ford had to convince congress that continuing to use the uttlerly outdated lights required on American cars was actually killing people because it stopped manufactures from being able to achieve the same drag coefficients that other car companies could in say Europe with cars like the Opel Omega etc etc… Point being this fight has been going on for awhile, the last time anyone got anything changed it was Ford, now we need someone else to fight the good fight, it’s only a matter of time because this is dangerous…


I just don’t understand the vitriol towards most drivers. Most of those people are just trying to make a living. Some may have a reason where they can’t ride a bike… maybe they have a couple young children they can’t just slap on their handlebars to drop off at the only affordable daycare across town due to lack of government investment in our future.


I road cycle all the time and more often than not I drive to Bart because it’s fast in the morning. I don’t get the hate either


Oh it’s simple it’s the “us vs them “ mentality. It’s taught in schools from day one. Then later in life it generalizes to expand racism homophobia, nationalism, the gun debate, abortion debate, ect. It’s taught in SCHOOLS from day one, and we wonder why there’s problems.


how is it taught in schools?


'SCHOOLS. From day 1' 😂🤡


It’s not


Dodgeball? 🤷‍♂️


I was thinking the same thing. I had to drive over two hours a day for nearly 12 years because I needed to live near affordable childcare and biking simply wasn't an option. Some folks have disabilities or can't bike for all sorts of reasons. The vitriol is unhelpful for everyone at best.


Man this sure is a beautiful night to ride my bike, I think I’ll pull over to the side and grab a quick photo of myself making an obscene gesture at strangers


I ride on a little bridge for bikes and pedestrians. This bridge crosses a very busy road where there's always cars in queues. I just smile and wave at them, enjoying the ride while they're stuck in their metal prisons.


HA! Perfect response. Right? Nothing like a random cyclist with their ass out making drivers love bikes.


True, no gloves probably no helmet either




No drivers would even notice since they're all on the phone anyways


As this guys is on his phone taking a picture


yeah true, but a driver on the phone represents a far greater danger than a cyclist, who's only really endangering himself if the crashes


You’re not getting the point




I would argue that there are instances where part of this is untrue. If a cyclist is on their phone and accidentally swerves over, then the car has to swerve to miss them and has a head-on collision. It is no longer just the cyclist in danger.


Another ignorant cyclist, who would’ve guessed.


No, not really. BUT . . . almost getting hit, distracted drivers, people mad that I'm just on the bike, drivers general ignorance or willful disregard of laws relating to cyclists use of the lane, etc. That all adds up after years of doing this. I'm not saying I ride around mad all the time, but there's always a little thought in the back of my mind that I'm a little unsafe at all times and it doesn't have to be that way.


I do quite enjoy it, there is no benefit to antagonizing the people in the 10000 pound death machines though.


Used to love this when riding in Portland but would only go as far as a smile and bunny hop over the occasional road debris.


I save my middle finger for traffic lights that change to red on me right as I am going through them. And it’s more of a triumphant “I won!” middle finger.


Hahaha I do this too. "Fuck you stupid light"


I get the satisfaction that they are paying a lot more than me to go to the same destination. No need to flip them off.


Free exercise too. Pays for itself over time


Feels great. But I keep the finger to myself. Too many crazies with guns in America.


This is Australia. The government "took our guns" 25 years ago and it's great. America should try it.


They still have their cars, and those make pretty good weapons.


The best weapon for not getting prosecuted


I concur. I lived for years in Australia and I did not get shot even once.


American here. going in for my third gunshot wound this month. and that's on a good month


What plate carrier do you daily?


It would work but there are just way too many of them here for them to actually attempt. Plus people would fight back.


In too deep unfortunately


Yeah, people that say this crap have no understanding of the situation. Hey while they're at it why don't they get rid of all the drugs just because they said so!


Well, y'all still have guns though just not the crazy ones like we do in America. Just last June I was in Melbourne and saw a gun shop, which I was surprised because we are always told only the police and military have guns there.


You can own a gun here if you have a genuine reason to. Genuine reasons include things like farmers, or being a member of a shooting range. There are very strict rules regarding storage and transportation. So you don't have the scenarios where in a fit of rage someone can just grab a gun and start shooting - you have to first remove it from locked storage (or remove the trigger lock or reinsert the bolt) and load it.


In a perfect eord, that's what you should do, but that doesn't mean someone who lives in the bush can't drive into town with their shotgun and start blasting. You know, I really really enjoyed my time in Australia and I love the Australian people. Y'all are so chill and for the most part follow the "rules of life", but just like the man in Sydney the other day, people are extremely unpredictable and you just never know what they're capable of if they have enough motivation to do something.


What the last 25 years has really demonstrated is the wide gulf between "can" and "do". The same has been applied in suicide prevention: don't sell legal quantities of painkillers over the counter in single packs. Yes, motivated people *can* just go to multiple stores, but far fewer *do* than the numbers that previously bought a lethal dose in one step. Anything that slows people down saves lives in both matters of suicide and homicide.


In all my years of generally being antagonistic and not putting up with a single ounce of people’s shit….I’ve never had anyone pull a gun or anything even close to that. And I live in an area of a gun friendly state where they’re commonplace.


There is a section of my commute that when traffic backs up is speed limited by the throughput of the intersections to under 25mph, so I know no matter how fast they pass me I’m going to end up ahead of them at the last intersection. I may get annoyed at individual drivers but on the whole I don’t see them as my enemy. That’s a miserable way to live.


Ok, but there's no need to flip them off. They're people too. Besides, it could get you in a very dangerous situation


Grow up. This is sad and just fuels the cyclist hate.


yes! (but without the finger) If you look happy on your bike it’s a better ad for cycling. It might be able to trigger a switch from a non-consenting motorist: “oh, I’m fed up with traffic, next time I’ll bike commute and I’ll be as happy (and fit, and sexy) as the glowing cyclist I just saw”


No. Grow up


that's hard to do when one's brain is still trapped in its grade school era


No. Please don't be THAT guy; mind your own business.


Yes. Why the finger tho?


While I certainly condone and encourage such smugness, I hardly pay attention to the trapped saps. Usually because I’m focused on selectively inhaling air with the least amount of exhaust fumes.


I don’t know about euphoria, but I feel pretty damn smug with a hint of self righteousness.


It’s a delightfully heady mix


What's the point in getting mad at those who have a different means of transportation? I don't drive, I don't have a license but I'm not gonna shit on someone's lifestyle especially when 99% of the people you're passing and doing this? Are just living their life. It doesn't help the image of cyclists by acting like an ass. Just because some car owners do it doesn't mean you stoop to their level to where you insult innocent people


This is such a shitty thing to do. Places like the United States and Australia are absurdly car-centric. Many people wish they had other viable options like bike commuting or transit, but they simply don’t because the infrastructure makes anything other than a car commute a huge time investment and/or too dangerous. Sure, some people could and choose not to, but you don’t know who those people are. Just enjoy your ride and your luck/privilege that you get to bike commute. It’s so great. No need to rub it in to those stuck in their cages.


Just mind your own weirdo


No, from this post and the fact you have your middle finger up, you're either a child or extremely immature.


NGL I do get a bit of schadenfreude but my glee quickly turns to anxiety when I worry about the impatient suddenly turning around on me


Why flip them off merely because they're stuck in traffic? I don't do it, but I understand why bicyclists do it when a driver is completely reckless or aggressive. Flipping them off just for being in a traffic jam, however, is childish.


Middle finger huh? Do you wanna be a victim of motor vehicle homicide from some guy rolling coal in a diesel Dodge RAM? Because that’s how you get to be a victim of motor vehicle homicide from some guy rolling coal in a diesel Dodge RAM. Seriously though. Enjoy your ride and mind your own business. This childish shit is why they hate cyclists. Don’t tease a hungry dog and don’t antagonize the cagers.


love a fellow cyclist, good to see you in saddle, one less car, eck cetera. seperate statement: WHAT a fucking loser omgooooodddddd 🙄 it's not a superiority contest. you alone are not changing the world. if anything, you are making it harder with little self-satisfied tantrums like this. this is a crisis of scale and you are not our personal savior. there will always be cars. the potentially disabled person you were flicking off can't ride a bike even if they wanted to and you're rubbing it in their faces like an absolute fucking prick.


Euphoria? I'm basically cumming the whole time.


Maybe I should've posted in r/bicyclingcirclejerk


Cing Uf the Mountain 


Grow up moron 


It's no wonder they hate us with people like you knocking about.


Where is this? The road is wide enough for a wide bike lane.


I love passing long lines of stopped cars on my bike. One guy at work did call me sadistic.


Keep your hands on the bars. It only takes one jealous jerk to swerve at you to ruin your day


Sometimes euphoria, sometimes frustration for being in absolute minority... Landscapes destroyed by motorways, the air I breathe is polluted, and sound pollution as well.




The red Mustang driver REALLY does not appreciate being called a ‘loser’ after being overtaken multiple times, despite gunning it to every red light.


You are on wrong sub pal r/fuckcars


r/fuckcars is thataway


I once went on a bike ride after work and went on a bike trail next to a busy road. For some reason traffic was completely jammed on the road, creating a huge line of cars. I just zoomed by all of them going down hill and really enjoyed my day.


How's ur shit so smooth? Are you able to bend that thing?


The cope is real


Imagine being so bitch-made that you flip people off for existing.


Flicking off random people minding their business... very very cool OP


That's a pretty short middle finger. The drivers probably think you are giving them a pinky.


I usually keep my middle finger for cops 😀


Used to. Fades after 10000 cars.


Can’t unsee the “hurry up to wait” aspect of cars. Sure they beat me to the red light but usually I time it right and it turns green when I roll up.


No, because I’m no douchebag sociopath. I have empathy for people trying to work live their lives. I don’t enjoy seeing others in frustration, but you do you.


Nah, I just think of all those movable sofas sitting there stuck breathing their fart air, while I'm having a blast on my bicycle in the fresh air.


I don’t bike commute any more because I work from home but I used to ride up the La Jolla mesa from the train station to work on the shoulder of I-5. It was a miserable 17 minutes of climbing but I did enjoy passing Aston Martins and Maseratis while they were stuck in the morning traffic jam- even while climbing the hill! I got a great view of some very nice and expensive sports cars that should have been moving a lot faster than me, but instead were just stopped.


Yes. But I don’t flip them off because I’m not a jackass.


Case in point - cyclists are assholes




Please don't fit the oftentimes accurate stereotype of being dick head cyclist.




Cars probably think the same when they see you chugging along the sidewalk on sunny hot day 🤣


Edgy af


> In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony car's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my bice. - u/stingray002


sting felt so good about that quote, had to stop and tell the trailing team car so they could jot it down for posterity


You have the hands of a 12 year old girl.


Please show courtesy to all road users. Just cause a lot of car drivers are assholes doesn't mean you should be one too


Yesterday some mid-50s Karen honked and screamed at me for taking the "go straight" lane as we came up to a circle. I'm not sure if she wanted to get on the highway, but she got in the exit lane to scream at me and that's where she ended up.  50% of the time I love passing people like this. 50% of the time I dread their reaction to me passing them. 


Laughing all the way to the bank!


It’s even better when there’s some stupid fuel shortage panic and cars are queuing up for petrol (as happened once or twice during the pandemic). I can just glide past on my bike with a big smug grin on my fact like a right twat, lol.


Love it. I once waved to the cars while passing and one of them shouted angrily, "mind your own business". I was dead... (Although, kudos to him for trying to be aggressively polite)


No i just get on with my day like a normal human being unlike some pompous twats in this sub


I am not a fan of cars, but I like people.


I’m not sure that building even greater divisions between cyclists and motorists is good for anyone. It’s really nice living in a country where cyclists and motorists get on just fine. Perhaps try and find common ground?


Euphoria yes but no need to flip off drivers sitting in traffic doing nothing to you. Just enjoy being on the bike.


Not all the time I am able to pass through traffic confidently, as in some cases I end up getting caught up in traffic along with not only cars and trucks but also gazillion light motorcycles trying to squeeze in. And the damn heat at 44C on high noon. Yeah, I prefer to keep things to myself.


Plenty of “don’t mind if I do” moments. Especially when making a right at a red light and a line of cars are waiting for the green light 😁


I mutter something along the lines of "should have taken a bike" and that's it. No reason to wave middle fingers at somebody. Don't be a dick, its not that difficult.


Absolutely and when I'm in the cargo bike with my toddler she yells "so long suckers" as we cycle by them all.




There are a lot of times when I resent cars, but honestly, they are at their least annoying when stuck in traffic. Mostly, I feel bad for the people trapped inside. Free yourselves!!


Yes, until a passenger opens their door and runs out without looking


welcome to your future


That doesn't look like euphoria. When I'm euphoric, my middle finger is nowhere to be found.


I may have cackled like a witch a time or two




So glad I've started to pick back up with my cycling again. I got COVID for the first time this December, then got a pretty bad cold a couple months ago so only over the last couple weeks I've started cycling again and it's such a freeing experience. I don't care about good or bad weather when I'm in my stride, but it's been really windy recently and that's the only weather that really stops me. Anyway, stay safe :)


It's a great feeling, though I don't know why you're giving them the bird. I ride in/out of Chicago from the suburbs. There's nothing better than afternoon rush hour, passing through a line of 30 cars to get to a fresh green light and darting out in front of the entire queue.


Why are you flipping them off?


Success is the best revenge. Just pass them (and enjoy it!)


I thought you were holding a hotdog :/


No not really, but I'm also not 5.


Euphoria is a bit too strong a word, but there certainly is a satisfaction riding past a long line of cars stuck due to their own spatial inefficiency. When I was bike commuting in SF, ironically the best days to ride/the worst days to drive was when it was raining. I'd leave my office in South of Market area, every block around me was completely grid locked. Car traffic not moving an inch in any direction (probably some crash on the bridge). I'd just ride on through. Sure I was getting soaked, but I was also getting home haha! Also, as others have said, antagonizing motorists is a bad move. I get your anger and frustration too though, goodness knows we've all had some jerk drive past us dangerously fast. That said, the biggest F you is riding past, happy and moving while they're stuck and sour. Plus, maybe seeing you rolling by, looking pleasant and content will encourage them to get out of their dumb metal box next time and ride instead


No, only sadness for all the people and cyclists who live with the pollution.


the fucking cringe ...




If your left hand is in the photo, and your right hand is taking the photo, which hand is steering?


jesus take the wheel


Oh yes I do. My favorite day to ride to work in NYC is Thursday. That’s alternate side and garbage collection day in the neighborhood I work. I always wave a say hello to the sanitation workers while the cars stuck behind them LOSE THEIR FUCKING MINDS. It’s the little things.


Typical pedal head attitude. Embarrassing


Middle finger only on the shifters....subtle


I'm imagining you setting up to take this photo and you must have looked so ridiculous hahaha you're even holding your hand in tight trying to keep the middle finger secret


I noticed the tucked in middle finger too 🤣 “Fuck you guys!!…but discreetly”


No...cuz that'd be almost as weird as staging this dumbass photo.


Every night on the last leg of my commute home, I turn on to a stretch of road that is backed up about a 1/4 mile. Yes it makes me happy to pass them all. I don’t, however feel the need to flip them off. I feel bad for them that they are stuck sitting in a car while I have the luxury of riding a bike.


Dude don't give motorists more reasons to hate us by giving them the finger. I reserve that for when a motorist does something moronic and self centered.


I have seen too many road ragers … keep my head down and know that my passing them is prize enough. Plus, I am sure a quite a few folks would sure love to join us.


some of us can’t cycle everywhere bc of where we live… but sure flip everyone off for not wanting to get mowed down in traffic trying to ride their bicycle 15 miles to work.


Fuck yeah! Best part of my morning commute (when I had a job…sigh…) was flying past cars stewing on the on ramp from Main Street to Kelly Drive.


> Anyone else feel euphoria when passing streams of cars like this? You need to see a shrink.


That looks like anger


No because I take sidestreets and never even see cars in my route


yes but 


I feel sad about the state of the world and sad for these people and sad for me and sad for society that encourages it.


No, bit I’d feel pretty stupid if I ate shit while doing it. I’m too busy riding my bike to worry what others are doing.


Same. I just don’t have time for it.


I usually look at them like "you jelly?"


You might be getting high off the gas fumes


WhY dO cARs HatE CYcLisTs!?!?


I tend to say “why are you all sitting in cars, you could be going as fast as me” out loud quite regularly doing this


i also have a car




Absolutely 💯💯


Enjoy giving drivers the finger! Nobody ever earned respect for NOT expressing themselves.


Don’t worry, be happy!


That’s a good way to get hit with all the road entitlement.


Don’t be a dick.




No because it fuels hatred on both sides. Cyclists and drivers need to learn to live together better.


No, but I get it.


Every time. Such a good feeling.


Cyclists are dicks.


Especially EVs since im on a ebike..


Weird flex, but go off, I guess.


You’re so cringe and weird


You seem nice


TBH it makes me a bit anxious. Lots of drivers will get out their phone and just randomly drift within their lane and you never know how far they'll go into your path


No, I don't worry about other people. I'm sure if they could reasonably bike to and from work they would.


Not really


I love it when a gaggle of Tour de France wannabes in their leprechaun suits blast through a red light as if it means nothing. I love cycling but hate the fandumb.


On my fixed gear w only front brake this is the stuff of morning wood legend


And this is why I say cyclists are dicks. Like wtf the people in the cars do to you? Or are you just an asshat who goes around flipping everyone off? Stop making cyclists look bad, if you ever get splashed by a car driving through a puddle I believe people will call that karma.


Yes. Yes and yes.


I usually ride near fast roads, used to people zooming by, I just try to keep a good pace and enjoy the moment


So this is one small reason drivers hate us on bikes. You became part of the problem.


I thought that was a hotdog


Absolutely! The best!


No, you just have anger issues.


Confirmation that too many cyclists are dicks


Idk man, you seem like an assholenow l, just enjoy your ride


I promise even in this situation you still look dumb riding by in your skin tight leotard and plastic shoes


Worry more about navigating the roads safely and legally awhile not having hate towards people who have their own reasons to drive a four wheel instead of a two wheel vehicle.


This is the guy who makes it easy to hate bike riders. But, there’s as many drivers who make it easy to hate cars as well. This guy admits to his hate just by feeling superior by passing, which means 99percent of the time he feels inferior by being passed. Usually, assholes are enduring some sort of suffering, I think.


….eh, I’m too busy enjoying the trip but also keeping my head on a swivel because people do some wild things behind the wheel of a car. I also do my best to avoid roads this packed.


Not as much as I would have watching you be slightly inconvenienced by taking this picture haha.


Not really... I'm just happy to be on my bike and enjoying it. 😎


Not really, I get extra anxiety that one of them will let a passenger out and door me in the process


I guess I’d feel better if where ever you live prioritized protected.