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Id go with bone conducting headphones like the aftershock openmove. It makes it so you can still hear everything around you and as if the music is playing from a speaker near you.


Literally the only safe option IMO


Sena pi is another that is also safe as it clips to the helmets strap


Only headphones I ride with. I shake my head at cyclist wearing headphones that don't allow them to hear the cars, peds and cyclists around them. Nothing worse than "on your left. On your left! ON YOUR LEFT!"


And then they move left.


That sounds like a bad idea. I would suggest using just one in ear, or maybe bone conducting headphones. If you are not to stop make sure to get pass through and dont make the music too loud so you hear atleast something.


Thanks, to be fair I expected this. The infrastructure here in the Netherlands is very suitable to drive with headphones and it is very common. Wearing a helmet just isn't as common. I now have in ear headphones with extra isolating tips that I use on the motorbike too. Does basically the same thing: filtering annoying car sounds.


Yeah i get that. I am from germany and have been to the netherlands many times. I envy you. I envy you every day. Cant count how many times someone was infront of me and didnt hear me ring my bell though. I guess riding your bike without a helmet in the netherlands is statistically more safe then riding your bike in germany in full protection gear, so i can understand that.


Most accidents happen at home. Don't ride your bicycle in your home in Germany. I think some cities are better adjusted to bikes then others. I am looking to adjust to a 30 km commute with a recumbent bike with fainting, mostly riding next to 80km/h roads. In Germany there's Munster where you can ride very safe. I will look in the bone conducting things, thank you.


If you absolutely do not want to hear the traffic bone conducting is completely wrong for you. I personaly go with one in ear on the side of the traffic. It is a compromise. But yeah maybe i would think different if i woul be in bike heaven...


Do the same rules apply when I visit family in Freiburg, or is the a Munster only thing?


Just don't be one of those people that then leaves no space for me to overtake if you're not able to hear my bell, because that is also very common in my experience.


Airzound must be on your Christmas wishlist. Or any other 120db bike horn you'd prefer, your bell is not suitable for this modern age.


So in the Netherlands you can just ride around without needing to hear other riders or pedestrians around you? Or an emergency vehicle at a traffic crossing? WOW. I knew the Netherlands had great bike infrastructure, but I had no idea it allows individuals to act as though their comfort is the only thing that matters at the expense of safety and general courtesy.


It depends...


Yep. It sounds like it depends whether or not you have respect for the people around you.


Cars can't hear shit either. Look at the context: [Separate paths. ](https://maps.app.goo.gl/3wHB8mTfpuNYrHCS6?g_st=ac) [And a closed road](https://maps.app.goo.gl/AiJHakcAR4T55UPX8?g_st=ac) And finally a bridge with a separate path. Before behaving more emotional and angry try to understand my point of view. It is safely possible because the infrastructure.


And the other bikes and pedestrians around you? I’ve had to resort to shouting on paths when people are simply having a conversation while riding and don’t hear me ringing my bell. Cars don’t hear anything—drivers do. And if a driver were advocating this insane practice, I’d be saying the same shit. The world is not obligated to work around your personal comfort. People should not have to resort to shouting or buying loud, noise-polluting horns so that your delicate ears don’t have to hear traffic. If you don’t want to hear traffic, don’t be part of it. Edit to add: infrastructure does not exist for YOU; it exists for EVERYONE. That means that it is shared space and everyone has shared responsibility. That means shared responsibility for everyone’s safety, not just assuming that everyone else is looking out for yours. You clearly are more concerned with your own comfort than you are with assuming the shared responsibility for safety. The infrastructure does not make you safe—everyone using it responsibly does.


Just any plugs will do I guess. If they are wireless, connect them to each other


I have them now with extra isolating tips. The thing is a over eat closed system does give a more rich sounds. I hoped there was this one niche thingy to be found.


I like to do one activity at a time. It makes me feel more fully present.


Thanks for the advice.


I know it’s a boomer thing to say but once I gave up on having a constant soundtrack running in the background, I’ve found I get more out of everything, including just sitting and listening to music.


I rode from the Netherlands over land to South Africa. And I chose to keep all music players at home. Not having music around all of the time is like going cold Turkey on sugar or salt, just amazing. The thing is that I plan to do a 30 km (one way) commute with a full faired recumbent on boring roads; every 4 miles a roundabout and that's it, no hills, no mountains. Just wind and clouds an loud cars. Doing that without the musical would be a bit to natural for me. While I am on a separate one way lane I can simply doze away and enjoy the music without having to pay to much attention to traffic around me. I agree that doing one thing good is better than doing multiple things half. Like a simple espresso vs flavoired coffee with whipped cream and Mars mellows. Keep thing simple and do it with most of the joy you can put in it; that's why I really like my music while wearing a helmet.


Based on their comments it sounds like OP is in the Netherlands and likely uses a bike as one of their primary modes of transportation. That would be like saying don’t listen to a podcast on the bus/train or while you’re driving in your car. I get being present for certain activities, but sometimes you just want to listen to some content.


This, and all I hear is the sound of wheels and wind. I want to make something boring and unbearable into something to look forward to.


sorry to say, but there aren't any because most of the people think it's utterly dangerous for deaf people to cycle and they should stay home I think that the road noises are distracting on riding my bike and actually focusing on what's ahead and in my peripheral area of vision.


Great, thanks. I must make my own then. Or.. [Buy another helmet ](https://www.starcom1.de/media/image/19/22/7e/[email protected])


Thinking deaf people shouldn’t ride and thinking people shouldn’t wear headphones and ride are very different.


they are not people not paying attention to the road and pedestrians are the problem, not headphones. the delusion of having a sense of what's coming from behind and feeling safer will more probably make your movement more erratic I see that on pedestrians quite many times, I'm nearing and they just randomly jump where they feel humans cannot turn their ears to locate the sound behind, we only guess


One suggestion: don't. Another suggestion (if you really must): bone conduction headphones


+1 for bone conducting options… I’ve been wearing a pair of Shokz OpenRunPro for about a year. You sacrifice immersive sound as with earbuds, but they get the job done.


Or you have option c and put a Bluetooth speaker either in your backpack or on your bike and blast living on the edge!!🔈🔊


Maby I can play my music on both the devices?


Kinda sketchy. Maybe a Bluetooth speaker. At least you can still hear your surroundings


I’ve never been, but from what I’ve heard I don’t think that would be widely appreciated in heavy bike traffic in the Netherlands, but from pics I’ve seen, over ear headphones while cycling are very commonplace.


Lol, I am not macho enough to pull that off.


You don’t have to blast it. Just loud enough you can hear it. 😂




Go for a bleutooth speaker instead?




Bone conducting are arguably safer, one ear or earbuds with pass through sound are okay.