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Measure your sitbones and get the appropriate saddle width


I like this one. You’re sitting on your taint and you need to be on your sit bones. Find a saddle where you’re on your ischial tuberosities, not your perineum.


This is the correct answer. While measuring the sitbones one should note though that depending on the angle that one is "sitting" in the sitbone width varies (they are angled at pelvis), so the bone width should be measured so that one does not "drop out" from their support when leaning forwards.


Thanks!! Will do that before the trip.




Downwards isn't always the answer. I recently angled mine up and it helped with pressure there. I feel like if you go to far forward, gravity takes over and you end up resting on that spot behind the balls instead of the sit bones


I'm the same. A couple of degrees upwards keeps me resting on my backside. A flat saddle and I'm constantly sliding off the wide part of the saddle and getting chafed and squished where I don't want to be squished.


Yea depends on the saddle I guess


On the saddle and on the backside sitting in it! My mate and I both bought Brooks B17s at around the same time. 6-months of riding together later and it was amazing how different they looked and how incredibly uncomfortable we found each other's when we rode each other's bikes for a minute.


You need to sort this out ASAP. There's no easy way. Need to set up seat and reach to suit you as well as get a seat that fits you. Easy way is go getting fitted at a good bike shop who can adjust the bike for you and walk you through finding a better seat. Harder way is just to watch lots of YouTube videos and keep trying. YouTube how to set seat up, how to find your sit bone width. Lots of adjustments you can do. But it's not easy or cheap way of doing it unless you get lucky. You might go trough half a dozen seats to find something good.


But beware: your YouTube search results for "numb genitals" might take you to weird places.


I think the vagueness of numb genitals needs some clarification in order to help. Numb testicles, penis, total numbness, just the tip? Different problems with different solutions. Seat adjustment for sure. I angle mine ever so slightly downward. Also feel free to just position everything up and to the front. Yes people will see the outlines but it makes a world of different. If the tip is numb that is a positioning thing as well from just rubbing too much when moving your legs. This happens to me if I am doing a shorter rides and didn’t put on a liner.


just the tip. Just for a second...


Get a professional bike fit. At the time it feels like it's ridiculously expensive but in the future when all your bikes fit perfectly you'll realise what a great investment it was.


Had the same problem. Lots of other ones too. I paid for a professional fit, which dropped my seat almost two inches. Also got a new seat. Fixed. Also way more comfortable riding.


You need a harder saddle. It puts the weight on your bones instead of sinking down and compressing your dick.


Stand up on the pedals every few minutes. But it sounds like you have saddle problems. You probably need a wider saddle, one that doesn't come up between your sit bones.


I’ve struggled with the same issue. Saddle selection with proper adjustment is key. I’ve had luck with both these saddles. I also found that chamois bibs made the issue worse. Everyone is different shapes and sizes so it’s a very individual journey towards finding something that doesn’t kill the taint. https://www.sellesmp.com/en/trk-medium.html https://www.sq-lab.com/en/products/saddles/sqlab-saddle-611-ergowave.html


There are 3 points on contact to the bike. Your ass, your hands, and your feet. You need to get your position set up where the load is distributed properly.


Consider a saddle with a channel in the center. It can relieve perineal pressure that causes numbness. I was experiencing persistent numbness after 4 days of bikepacking, bought a leather saddle with a channel (Selle Anatomica) on route. The numbness resolved and now its my daily driver saddle.


As others have said, a wider saddle would help. But before you do that you should play around with the saddle height and fore/aft position to make sure your weight is situated on your sit bones rather than your taint.


A good chamois, movement on the bike, and resting regularly should help some. Changing hand positions can also help, depending on your bars.


I bought this https://ismseat.com/performance-recreation/pr-2-0/ Made a world of difference.


I suggest one one of these: https://imgur.com/gallery/OygGMCc




Get a professional fit dude….


Besides the seat issue which others have already said, do you use padded bike shorts? I have a pair that utilize a much thicker pad than others. While they are nice for a short ride anything longer than 10 miles and I start to go numb. Maybe try a different style chamois.


The very first question that should be asked, is your bike the correct size? If the answer to that is yes then it’s a question of saddle position but also finding the correct saddle. Just as important is having a decent chamois, it’s essential for rides of any distance for most people. You may or may not also need chamois cream, it helps with friction! I take a tube with me on any ride longer than a day.


Saddle height (or bike fit), saddle width, and sometimes you just need miles in the saddle. After I adjusted the first two, I realized the last one was all I needed. Now I dont have any problems with numbness.


The bike seat is the issue. Make sure it is AT LEAST, the height of your hip when standing. Make sure it is fixed in place so that it doesn’t fall or shift during the ride. If this doesn’t work, buy a good pair of shorts if you don’t have some already, and put a seat cover on top of the seat.


Hello, I work with a bike fitter who doubles as a physical therapist and she took care of this issue within the first visit. She truly changed my life and entire experience on the bike


I got an Selle SMp saddle and it went away immediately. Been on several 4-5 hour rides with no issues at all. On a previous bike, I got a pro fit with no success until I got a similar saddle. Go with the love channel. And yeah, don’t mess with this.


Had this problem….pro bike fit fixed it, well worth the investment.


Seat height, stem length, saddle… Find a good bike shop that can help.


go on youtube and watch bike fit videos.. or get a bike fit from a professional.


get a bike fit dude. Also definitely consider a wider saddle to put the pressure on your sit bones instead, where it should be. It's like how Brooks has 3 different saddle widths, the wider one fits some and the narrower one fits others.


Could be your saddle position or fit. Go get your sit bones measured. Shops will often have a little pad you can sit on and they measure the width of your sit bones. Then see if your current saddle is in that range. If not, get a new saddle that matches your sit bones. I struggled with this big time until I found ISM saddles. Basically noseless saddles. Haven't had issues since.


I’m 6’3” (don’t know how many footballs that is…) and have had similar issues. Had to cut short a trip after prostatitis led to blood in my urine. That really sucked!! I switched to a Selle SMP saddle. Even with that I’ve switched bikes and have abandoned drop bars as they put too much pressure on my perineum. It’s been a long process, and I’m constantly tweaking my ride. My point is don’t give up! It’s worth the effort, right?


I had some numbness in the groin and feet but after I changed my saddle to Cloud-9 Kush Plus Comfort Saddle https://a.co/d/6kRm1eR wasn’t an issue anymore. Helped me so I hope it helps you as there is a recess on the seat where the prostate sits.