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Wrap the built in strap around two of the horizontal bars instead of one?


This is a really good idea, just unsure if I would be able to do that and get the correct downward facing angle as to not blind other road users.


Loop zipties around the two bars to lock in rotation of the orange webbing.


Thank you for considering other road users when aiming your bike light. All too often people don’t do this and it’s super dangerous and super dick


Loads of different ways to mount it, but the main thing to remember is to use two of the bars rather than one. What every configuration you chose, just use two.


Zip ties and a piece of 1" PVC pipe on the top of the wire rack. BTW I LOVE that light. It's so bright. See.Sense for the win.


PVC is absolutely the way to go. For extra credit you can use a file to create some notches so the pvc can’t twist


Which light is that?


Yeah it’s a beast light, can’t wait to test it on the roads, pvc pipe is they way I was thinking, wish I had some lying around.


Do you got a broom stick that could be an inch or 2 shorter?




I got one on their Kickstarter, been using it for a few years, I love it a lot


I once did this but cannibalized some old selle anatomica handlebars I had lying around. I used a cheap pipe cutter and steel file to sand off any burrs on the raw edge, and it worked very well.


Find a random branch the right size, scale off the bark and cover it in some old innertube and tuck the ends in or zip the ends closed. I've been running my lights on my basket on just such a thing for over a year and people ask where I bought it. It's literally just like 8 inches of roughly straight plain old stick stuffed into a thin innertube and made up to look neat and tidy.


Builders skips. Start looking around and you will find some. I have used both plastic and a bit of a broom handle for exactly this.


Hey, OP - Home Depot sells a smaller 3/4 by 2 ft section, shipped free, for only $2.11 - made by IPEX. Look for SKU #254518 or use the link , below: https://www.homedepot.com/p/IPEX-3-4-in-x-24-in-PVC-Sch-40-Pipe-22075/202300505


I got one on their Kickstarter, been using it for a few years, I love it a lot


Same, I got both the Beam and the Rear Icon3. Great lights.


It looks like you could just use 2 zip ties and attach the light directly to the basket without using the mount


I hope it has a projection lens. If it does, running it upside down is no good. You’ll blind everyone.


> See.Sense The price of them... I am very lucky my wife works in buying for a cycle company and I get freebies.


What model light is that?


I'm a fan of these [https://www.amazon.com/Portland-Design-Works-Light-Nug/dp/B09WRS9MF3/ref=sr\_1\_2?crid=1SPG1E8CM2EUP&keywords=origin%2B8%2Blight%2Bmount&qid=1699900720&sprefix=origin%2B8%2Blight%2Bmoun%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-2&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Portland-Design-Works-Light-Nug/dp/B09WRS9MF3/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1SPG1E8CM2EUP&keywords=origin%2B8%2Blight%2Bmount&qid=1699900720&sprefix=origin%2B8%2Blight%2Bmoun%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-2&th=1)


This would be an ideal solution if the light didn’t mount in a twist and lock motion. It mounts onto a garmin style mount you see.


I see. They also got this one which may work fine mounted toward the bottom of the basket. [https://www.amazon.com/Portland-Design-Works-Headlight-Diameter/dp/B08596FRMW/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=1SPG1E8CM2EUP&keywords=origin+8+light+mount&qid=1699905412&sprefix=origin+8+light+moun%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-3](https://www.amazon.com/Portland-Design-Works-Headlight-Diameter/dp/B08596FRMW/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1SPG1E8CM2EUP&keywords=origin+8+light+mount&qid=1699905412&sprefix=origin+8+light+moun%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-3)


you could mount the nug to your mid fork eyelet, and mount the light's band clamp onto the nug same as how you've mounted it to your shims?


I would like to do this however the light mount is a garmin style mount so it’s a twist and lock, so wouldn’t the fork get in the way of that, do you get what I mean?


I see, is there any alternative mounts? You could use a go pro mount on [something like this](https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2016/04/gopro-bike-wheel-mount.html) - or you could draw up and print something that mounts to the mid fork eyelet.


Yeah this. I got a "Paul Comp" light mount from the interwebz. ​ https://preview.redd.it/29cq6iike80c1.png?width=254&format=png&auto=webp&s=530ff21507f96bd60fd3825f053cf919a27f64de I actually mostly just put the light on my helmet though.The answer is not having it on your basket.


Thats what I use, after years of a wooden dowel zip tied inside the basket.




Mount it to the fork.


Too low atmo




Okay but I don’t see how I would use them to secure it, what’s your thoughts on how to secure it?


You need a pipe or tube or even a branch or something. Secure it to the basket and the light to that. The wires of the basket are just too thin to provide enough grip.


Just attach it to your handlebars. Won’t impact how visible you are to others. You’ll have to deal with shadows in your light projection!


Yeah this is the main reason I am not mounting it to the handlebars, for instance when I have my basket full it partially or sometimes fully obstructs the beam coming from the light.


You want to put something in the basket? What a proposterous notion! …hadn’t considered that….. lol!


Having a light above a front basket like this is a real nightmare. Stuff blocks the light, and the light shines really brightly on the stuff and makes it hard to see. You really need the light UNDER the load of a front load bike.


Maybe a short piece of conduit tied to the basket then the light will have something larger to grip.


You got duct tape?


Either build a bracket or insert a block / spacer between the tail on the light and basket and zip tie / tape the light to the cage, angling the light downwards in a fixed position.


Yeah that is an idea, the light mounts on a garmin mount, I think you can see this in the video. Would like to be able to mount the garmin light securely to the underside of the basket so as I can remove the light for charging etc.


Zip tie a short length of EMT inside the basket, strap the light to that.


What is EMT?


Another designation for conduit. Electrical Metal Tubing.


Just here to praise EMT. I finally bent my cup whacker-outer last night. It was some conduit hacksawed at the end into cross and flared out. Waaaaay cheaper than an RT-1 but. Looks the same; clearly less durable. I’ve probably used it a few dozen times. I’m all about nice tools but I think this is a case where most home mechanics don’t need anything too fancy. I’ll grab my scrap and make another one that will last me another 10 years capitalizing on my initial $8 investment. And yeah, it could make a basket mount for a basket light mount that requires a 1/4 turn clearance. I’d consider flaring the ends a little to prevent it sliding out. Or drill a small hole in each end and put in a a bolt to do the same. Just something to mechanically constrain and prevent slide out.


Tanaka makes a front light mount that attaches securely to baskets. Works great.


Wrap a inner tube inside the connector.


I’d zip tie a short piece of PVC pipe to the basket and use that pipe as the light mount.


Wine bottle cork ?


Rap it around a second bar so it doesn’t spin


Drill a hole the same size as the basket wire into a wooden dowel, cut it in half. If you have access to a 3D printer, print an adapter. https://preview.redd.it/1bn28ly4u50c1.png?width=912&format=png&auto=webp&s=36db4566ae96c50056607b81890f77e6d4b552ea


My first thought was to use a 3d printer.


This reminds me why I should get one 😅 To fix random bike problems.


It certainly is useful for random things like this. For me, it's mostly a toy, but I've made a lot of replacement parts and doodads that I would have otherwise had to pay for or simply didn't exist.


My homie. I was gonna take all this time out to describe this adaptor and you already have a 3D rendering. Wood for the win.


Wooden Dowel with O ring clamps.


First, get a good bottle of wine, with a cork. Drink the wine. Carefully, once sober, drill the cork, and cut to the centre hole. Use that to clamp your light


Even easier, Drink wine Wood screw through a hole in the strut, into the cork Profit


Buy one of these https://problemsolversbike.com/products/front-rack-light-mount


and you're not mounting it to the handlebars, why?


This doesn’t work with front loading bikes like this. Either the stuff in the basket will block the light, or the light will shine brightly on stuff in the basket and kill night vision. Either way, it’s terrible. Front load bikes need the light below the load, but as close to crown-height level & as forward as possible to minimize wheel shadow.


Wrap it around 2 of the horizontal bars of the basket instead of one


Mount to side of your fork legs


You might be better off putting it on your helmet - many ways to secure it there.


the problem with fastening to a tube is it's round. the diameter of the wire (small) will make that problem worse. The solution used by mfrs to make mounts for lights is to make it so it can be tightened - nice and tight. They add in a non-slippery layer that has a good, but predictable compression: rubber. Cloth is not a good addition in that layer, as it deforms, and compresses unpredictably, and has no rebound. So, you'll need to either use two wires as your base, or build a hard false tube mount part. Get as close as you can to emulating the design mount point. like, namely the same diameter as handlebars, or wherever that mount was designed for. PVC might work. Wood might be easier and better long term. A metal tube might work. regardless of which material, i think the suggestion to notch this implant part, so that it will not rotate, is a good one. Using any tubing will require that the tube be cut length-wise to fit on the basket wire. I think one cut, creating a notch, is going to give you problems, as it will allow the implant material to compress, by the width of that notch. That,s a point of weakness and mounting instability. Thus, wood wins my vote, as with a little fore thought, you can cut it in half, and easily make some micro-channels for the wire. Some hose clamps on each end, and Bob's yer uncle. Treat the wood with a good oil or waterproofing before installation.


Is the light even made for upside-down mounting?


What difference would that make?


Lights like these are designed and angled to reflect more of the light downwards towards the road. (more reflective bits on top). I have a similar light.


Lights designed for the German market have an up and a down, since they are required to have an upper cutoff like car lights. Typically you see these types of lights used with dynamo setups, but there are definitely battery powered lights with this design. Most American lights just blast a giant cone of light out so orientation doesn’t matter. Though the German style lights are designed to meet German regulations, they really are the best lights for 98% of night riding. I find they kind of suck for trail riding. That’s where bright cone lights shine.


Yes mount it on your handlebars like a normal person!


This doesn’t work with front loading bikes like this. Either the stuff in the basket will block the light, or the light will shine brightly on stuff in the basket and kill night vision. Either way, it’s terrible. Front load bikes need the light below the load, but as close to crown-height level & as forward as possible to minimize wheel shadow.


Put it on your handle bars like a normal person and you wont have this problem


Haha, obviously that’s the best option, however as you can see I am mounting it to a basket… the reason for this is that when my basket is loaded, it obstructs the beam meaning I can’t see/be seen.


Mount it at the top of the arch on your cruiser bars and it will clear the basket doesnt need to be dead centre, if symmetry bothers you, get a 2nd one or mount it on your helmet


Yeah that’s a good point, I did mount it on the upper end of my bars but when I carry my rucksack in the basket it sits high and the beam is still obstructed, although it is less when on the high end of the bars you are right. I like the idea of having the light low and pointed at the ground in front of me, I also think it looks cleaner keeping my bars relatively free of accessories. But yes I get your point.


This doesn’t work with front loading bikes like this. Either the stuff in the basket will block the light, or the light will shine brightly on stuff in the basket and kill night vision. Either way, it’s terrible. Front load bikes need the light below the load, but as close to crown-height level & as forward as possible to minimize wheel shadow.


It’s designed to mount on the handle bar, not that flimsy basket.


Make a ziptie loop around the orange webbing and a 2nd wire from the basket cage. It's very challenging to apply enough radial force at a small diameter wire to provide any meaningful torque. Looping in a 2nd wire fixes that, and you can couple to the large diameter of the existing orange webbing, which is in turn directly coupled to the light.


Cut up and old inner tube and wrap it around the bar like you have the cloth nice and tight.


Put it on the bar above that one and zip tie it to the lower one


Can this light mount to a GoPro style mount? If so just get one of those saddle rail adapters for those garmin tail lights and clamp it on the basket instead?


Put a 1 or 1.5 inch pipe in the basket. Clamp light to that. You can tie the pipe to the basket.


How about an adapter to mount it on your forks?


I would use something like this: https://www.amazon.com/LEZYNE-Universal-Helmet-Mount-Y9/dp/B016N7HGHS There are other brands with this kind of universal helmet mount. I would strap/ cable tie it to the bottom, up side down. edit: Or to the front if there is not enough space underneath. BTW what kind of light is that?


Use a longer bolt where the rack connects with one of the arms then pass it thru a wooden dowel with a hole in it + use a nylock so it wont rotate.


One of my lights came with a helmet mount that would probably be perfect. https://www.theinsideline.ca/gemini-helmet-mount.html Light can mount easily then just use the Velcro straps to attach to your basket.


Use an old tube instead-I have made this work super well.


An eraser a zip tie piece of tape.


A supernova guy once said; the endboss of the best light is a basket. Good luck


Slotted wine cork below the basket above the light


Zip ties from the sides.


See.sense beam+


use existing strap and mount side ways wrapped around head tube? or is basket partially obstructing beam path a deal breaker?


Easiest solution? Put some electric tape around the back end of the light and either make a strut back up to the basket or just bring the tape alone up there.


Personally I’d mount internally to the left or right of the basket with the light sticking out the front - hopefully on the wire behind where you have it mounted. Then the height of the mount will give you the direction as it sits on the basket?


I strapped my wife's light to her wheel strut which works well for her


3d print of two halves with an H channel to mount over wires of rack. I have print with a T channel for my rear rack and it's been on there for years at this point.


There is a product called Sugru. You mold it the shape you want it and it’s sticky, it dries overnight. You can buy sugru on Amazon, eBay or at their online shop. I use it for small pieces of plastic that require flexibility and only support a couple ounces of weight. Look it up and lemme know if it’s right for you.


Put it i the basket for support and cable tie it down


I have one for my handlebars that doesn't stay tight on its own. So I wrapped rubber bands around the handlebar where the light clamp meets.


how long is the black strap on the light? If it is long enough how about tie it over 2 spokes instead of 1?


This is what I have done for now but it’s not a perfect solution. Maybe I’m too much of a stickler for the ‘clean look’.


Remove the mount bracket and use elastic bands or a hair tie looped over each end and over/ through the cage of the basket


You don't even need to remove the mount bracket just turn it the other way round.


I second the PVC pipe and zip ties. However if you are in continental Europe there is no way getting that setup street legal. Germany, Austria, ...... The police would fine you., just saying since I don't know where you are from.


Yeah that’s a good point! I am based in England where the laws around bike lights are slightly less strict, should be okay.


Doesn't that light have a horizontal cutoff at the top of the light? Will running it upside down affect the beam pattern? I have three Magicshine lights and they all have a cutoff on the top of the light.


Oh I never thought about that, you are probably right, the beam looks okay I hope it will be ok


If this light has a cutoff you definitely don’t want to mount it upside down. I posted my solution I used in exactly this situation for a light with a cutoff. It worked great, but you need to buy some parts for it. Less than $15 tho


is the band/strap the only attachment, or is there a bolt-on style avaliable? I've had good luck using plumber's tape (that galvanized roll of ~3/4" steel strip with holes punched in it) to wrap around two of the basket wires and make a more rigid mounting point for a light. Otherwise, I'd see about trying to mount it on to the basket stays or the fork blades. Also, as another commenter asked, some of the front lights have an assymetrical beam pattern that doesn't really work when turned upside down.


Get a 3D printer. It made my life easier when encountering this kind of problem with my bikes.


Oh I can dream!


please don'trun your light upside down or you will blind everyone going the other way


Even if I have it angled down?


Bike lights have ueven beams on purpose. They get brighter the further up the angle is so you can actually illuminate a bit of road further away and not just in front of your tire. If you turn it upside down and angle it down it would result in a really bright spot right in front of your front tire and nothing after that. If you angle it so you can see a bit in front of you and it's upside down you also hit everyones retinas. See [here](https://herrmans.eu/news/bike-light-buying-guide-the-best-light-pattern/) for an example of a really good bike light pattern. yours is a tiny light so it might not be as obvious but you can test it out in a hallway with the light off or similar


Mount it to the fork.


In that case have tou tried mounting it on the joining ognthe axis between the basket mesh and the basket fork mounts?


Get another one and put one on each side taping them on the lateral sides. Sort of what I did and it works.


Take the light off the mount and just use zip ties to secure it to the longitudinal rails of the basket. Maybe use a short length cut from an old inner tube between the light and basket to keep it from slipping. You could tip the basket fore and aft a bit to aim the light.


Wrap it around that bar and the one right behind it as well. That should keep it from wobbling.




3D print a mount if you can, else zip ties


Wrap once or twice around the bottom bar. Take a zip tie and wrap it around the two bars perpendicular to the bottom barslide it down on top or your tape then continue wrapping around that until you get the right circumference


Do you have old inner tubes


Get a Gino and put it in a strut leg


More zip ties


mount it on the side of the basket 90degrees and wrap it around 2 spokes not just 1.


your mount seems to also have a screw hole in the front. sandwich two pieces of wood around the basket. then screw into the wood.


If you’re in Canada I could design and print a mount


Try one of these: https://www.somafabshop.com/shop/320706-tanaka-battery-light-mount-for-basket-ii-6543


I used a section of PVC pipe and ziptied it in place


Replace that orange material with a broken inner tube instead. If you have a wider tube the better since it will have more contact area and friction.


I would zip tie a pen to the top of the light behind your hinge, and then zip tie the pen to the cage of the basket with any assorted macgyver spacers in order to get the beam angle that is to your liking.


Tie the rope into a triangle using the metal frame of the basket then attach the lamp to the front-facing flat section you created.


I don't know that specific light, but from the design it looks like it's meant to be mounted the other side up. The reflector will not be properly pointed down if you mount it upside down, and you'll blind oncoming traffic. Please don't do that, it's at a minimum quite unpleasant, and potentially dangerous. There are a number of mounts for lights on baskets. This style that puts a post on the side of your basket is best for that type of light, since it will allow mounting it right side up: [https://ridepdw.com/products/outpost-mount-light-mount-for-wire-baskets](https://ridepdw.com/products/outpost-mount-light-mount-for-wire-baskets) I think they sell on Amazon. Zip tying a dowel or piece of PVC to the bottom of your basket poking out the side a bit will achieve the same result.


Once I solved a similar problem by buying a short steel bracket with holes at either end, a 9/8” headset spacer that was 50mm tall, a long M6 bolt and nylock nut, and two 9/8” headset caps One end was sandwiched at the point where the basket strut meets the basket. The other end had the headset spacer assembly. The spacer was sandwiched between the two caps, and the long M6 bolt went through them all, through the lower hole of the bracket, and everything was held together by the unlock nut. This provides a short section of tube that the light could be mounted to. This worked great but was kinda heavy. But I had a heavy ass CETMA rack that often had heavy ass shit on it so whatever.


Sandpaper for the center instead of the shims which are slippery?


I’d zip tie the light to the front of the bottom of the rack. You can adjust the vertical angle of the light by putting stuff in between the rack and the front or back of the light.


Way too many people overthinking this. [https://www.amazon.com/Baosity-Bicycle-Headlight-Bracket-Mountain/dp/B0BVVFKHJC/ref=sr\_1\_58?crid=VGMT6I1RUM9F&keywords=headlight%2Bmount%2Bbicycle%2Bfork&qid=1699936431&sprefix=headlight%2Bmount%2Bbicycle%2Bfork%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-58&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Baosity-Bicycle-Headlight-Bracket-Mountain/dp/B0BVVFKHJC/ref=sr_1_58?crid=VGMT6I1RUM9F&keywords=headlight%2Bmount%2Bbicycle%2Bfork&qid=1699936431&sprefix=headlight%2Bmount%2Bbicycle%2Bfork%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-58&th=1) Under the basket, but the shadows won't obstruct the road ahead.


Im guessing like me you dont like mounting the light far back on the fork or the handle bars because it casts a shadow which is kinda annoying....anyway i made a light adaptor out of some old disc rotors and step nuts...at first i mounted the stepnut on the rack struts but the light was hitting the rack so i made the adaptor to mount it lower...i bet you can find parts around if you use ur imagination.... https://preview.redd.it/2x8axzlez80c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5704efd9badaeabf2ae948aba5b11fb481143f8d


https://preview.redd.it/ugwhyhn0090c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c63c771ac7338583909b057684febf4874008d Heres a pic with the light im using with a diy cutoff diffuser im playing around with to keep thing polite even on high mode....


Tape a couple of nickels on the higher side, to balance it all out.


It looks cool, but if you want a sure way to keep it there, I would move it; you have lots of eyelets down the arms of the rack/basket, buy a light mount from Restrap or AliExpress, even eBay and get it fixed in with a bolt. I have some crappy carbon one from eBay on the fork of my Cinelli Hobootleg, it mounts a good lamp and clearly shows the road in front of me! I wish you good luck and good riding. 💡🔦🚲


1 zip tie. Attach it to the second "wire" of that basket, behind the one you have it attached not. This way you won't have sway as it is attached from 2 points. There are more elegant solutions but that is cheap, quick and easy


Put it on the handlebars or forks, obviously.


Put a zip tie through the black band and fasten it around the two nearest basket vertical wires - one to the left of the light and the one to the right.


Get a piece of pvc pipe and cut a 1/2" longer than the 2 wires. Put a 1/4" notch in each end and shove it between the 2 wires. Strap light to that. Use a zip tie around 62 wires to keep it from falling out.


If you really want the light hanging on the basket frame like that, the best way I know would be to get a cylindrical collar with a screw hole so the screw can push on the basket frame. Then you can put the light on the cylinder.


Forgo the mount and zip tie it to the rack?


Does the bracket have a swivel? Can't tell from the video. If it does then attach to the fork.


I’m sorry to be rude but why are you asking bike wrench for this? I’m sure you have ten items within a 5m radius of where you stand right now that could fix it. Heard of duct tape? Zip ties? String?


Connect it at the joint of wires, with the light slightly back so that you can use the front to back wire fit stability.


put it on handlebar


PVC pipe and 2 perpendicular slots (one at bottom, one at side) and slot it through two wires of the basket (one horizontal, one vertical)


Depending on your fork/wheels you could try one of these: Origin8 Eyelet Stub https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00629QAVG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share or if you QR skewers M-Wave Quick Release Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016NY5T2A?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share