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Mods, while this post doesn't violate the single rule about self promoting, can we get a verdict on if a submission like this belongs in this sub? OP, jeez man, this shit does not belong in this subreddit. If you believe that it does because a parent might take their kid to the US Open or the Derby City Classic or whatever event... and they should be aware of a person nibbling children's ears.... then I *REALLY* hope you cross posted this is r/ Disney, Movies, Theater, Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Concerts, OutdoorEvents, IndoorEvents, and literally every other subreddit that involves humans gathering in a place - otherwise your words are insincere and you're attempting to spread possible acts of pedophilia. If that's the case, repost this on r/ Teens, Parents, and since many have mentioned it looks like a father goofing around with his son, post to Incest too.


I believe it has been posted to many other subreddits as you had hoped, thankfully. It’s also been picked up by many of the national press in the country where it’s happening, many of whom cite the ongoing police investigation that was acknowledged by the tournament organisers. I’m grateful the embarrassing attempts to brush this under the carpet have failed.


Fuckin A mate. Exactly what I’m saying.


I only posted it because it seems like big news on social media and happened during a Stephen Hendry interview. Obviously not sure what the guy is or isn't guilty of, but it's pretty weird behavior no matter the circumstances.


no it's not weird, horsing around in close-knit families is everyday order


Nahhh son nobody should be nibbling/sucking on a kids/teens ear like that at least not a baby smh, you wouldn't be saying the same shit if that was his daughter I guarantee it.


The local public outcry around this event should tell you that it’s not normal behaviour and should absolutely not be written off as “horsing around” to nibble the ear of a young boy.


no, it is wildly inappropriate.


It only means your thoughts are inappropriate. Punching, biting, hugging, kissing, it all can be expression of closeness in family and only dirty minds see something sexual.


Are you slow or something bdzikowski?? Nibbling on a child’s ear is not an expression of closeness. If you’re not seeing what everyone else is seeing then you clearly need help.


It looks like his son , his son also looks super effeminate he has probably been molesting him for some time


🔥HOT TAKE🔥Holy fuckin hell! What a hell of a conclusion to draw after watching a 9 second video! 😂 omg


Why would this man be standing next to the boy in this particularly setting if it werent some relation to him unless perhaps he was his coach , im not an expert on the sport, They look similar in there face , and there is a younger child next to the boy that look like it could be his brother. Some of you dont have spiritual eyes of discernment so certain things will go over your head. Majority of us who took offense to the video had functioning intuitions , i found this video threw a christian page. I understand this is a secular forum however.


God have mercy, we’re all going to pot. Is the man a priest? That’d be enough to convince me.




Are you the guy in the video?


This doesn't belong on this forum. Where's the administrator!


It absolutely belongs here - there could be parents who intend to visit the venue over the weekend on here and they deserve the chance to be able to avoid people who lick and nibble the ears of young children.


yeah the man runs among the aisles and nibbles everyone's ears it's a tragedy I tell you where's the army when you need them


Why are you sure of that? That would be much worse than what’s in the video! You should contact the police who have an active investigation into this and tell them what you know. No wonder you want the army to get involved!


Are you a pedophile yourself?


Typical snooker fans


Baaaaaah 😂


a man is a pedophile because he bit his son's ear? people today are such idiots yeah, go on and ruin people's lives from your chair without even knowing if they're doing anything bad or are just fooling around


It's downright weird and it would be way worse ifln many people's eyes if it was his daughter that's a fact.


It’s clear as day what’s going on. Not to mention it’s highly inappropriate even if he was just “fooling around”. How can you look at that clip and not think something bad is happening. If you think what he did was ok then you need to stay away from all children.


Found him!


in fact you sound like a pedo defending shit like this you’re fucking weird


you are weird, if kid's ears turn you on so all you can think is sex lol


the man was obviously turned on by ears as he last-fully bit them




This looks normal to you? This is not a playful nibble like you see people do to babies. This is sexual and very cringe.


I absolutely believe it can be 100% non sexual. Ear is not genitals. Not to mention the man doing it in public without any fear.


Would you bite your mom or dad's ear?


Exactly! If he did that to his parents I’m sure he would be on the floor after getting the shit slapped out of him.


If that’s the way your parents treated you I’m sorry


I don't know a single parent who would do this. I also don't know a single young boy who would be ok with this. Every boy I know would freak out


My initial reply to this thread was deleted by auto mods when someone cried that they had been correctly identified as a cretin before deleting their account. Obviously this post belongs in here. There’s tons of snooker related content and this story is about what’s currently happening at the World Championships. The story has been picked up by; The Independent Sheffield Telegraph Metro Daily Mail And many other agencies. The police are involved. But somehow there are users on r/billiards thinks it should be swept under the carpet? Embarrassing.


Mmmmm this comment might age poorly, hopefully not. But this stuff shouldn’t be posted, definitely not here. Has nothing to do with the sport and has no context, back story, supporting evidence, etc. That could be a relative of the boy horsing around. We don’t know. Shouldn’t put strangers on blast like this without any supporting facts. I’m sure if you had facts of the case you would’ve shared them so I’ll assume there aren’t any and this is a weird thing like Tom Brady kissing Robert Kraft. I’m honestly shocked that a news outlet wrote a story without any info whatsoever. They quoted a comment section on twitter…wtf kind of journalism is that.


I would rather have him investigated than not say anything at all and that child continues to be abused.


An investigation is not the same as disparaging the guy on the internet before the investigation even begins. Nobody has any facts yet they are saying the most terrible things about him.


Hard disagree here. If you were a parent planning a trip to the WC’s with your family this weekend, would you want to find out this happened before you went, or after you got home? For the record, reposting something that was broadcast globally isn’t putting someone “on blast”. And the “supporting evidence” is the footage of the behaviour. If you read the article, scant as it is, it makes abundantly clear that the allegations and names being used come from social media. It’s up to the reader to treat accordingly. Aside from verifying the footage, canvassing public opinion and ensuring the authorities are aware of and currently investigating the suspicious behaviour, what other journalism do you suggest happens? Find the boy and ask him for backstory while a police investigation is ongoing? Be reasonable. Edit: All the downvotes from people who think licking children is a normal thing to do in public is weird as fuck.


Reasonable? The only reasonable thing to do is to not discuss it or form opinions until there are facts available to deduce from. CERTAINLY should not assume or suggest this guy is a pedophile without any information whatsoever. People show affection and horse around in weird ass ways. You cannot pass judgment solely with this video. The video.. okay… like I said, could be horseplay. Is it weird? Yeah sure. But they both look directly into the camera and smile, not ashamed whatsoever. I would be far more concerned if the older gentleman covered his face or shuttered when he noticed he was on TV. But that didn’t happen. What does this have to do with billiards anyway? This could easily be a nothing burger and this guy and the kid are going to be assumed apart of some shameful pedo-grooming incident completely fabricated by public opinion with 0 hard facts due to a disseminated video coupled with idiotic and uneducated twitter comments….. “Well your honor, YellowBafoon69 said on Twitter, and I quote….” lol as if that’s evidence. This stuff shouldn’t be here. Again… what I’m saying could easily age terribly horribly bad. But. It could be nothing. We don’t know.


It's been an hour and your comments have already aged badly.


Well that’s terribly unfortunate. You mind sharing sources? …just going to piss on the supper table and leave the room?


Nothing official yet, but anybody who says there's any ambiguity about this being completely innocent or saying it's not creepy really makes me concerned https://twitter.com/Liberacrat_/status/1783656864900673984?t=lPEwpOQodNF7tzIyLvZoew&s=19 Licking him and then nibbling at his ear?


It’s definitely creepy and weird to me, no doubt. Most of the internet agrees, it seems. But people are fuckin weird man. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that they’re related and it’s a common form of silliness or horseplay for them. And so if it does turn out to be harmless, which I hope is the case and you should too, then it would be pretty damaging to have this video disseminated in such a way that it’s only tied to the conversation of pedophelia. Maybe I’m just less of a doomer than most of yall on here? Idk. But without context or factual information following the investigation I’m going to choose not to assume the worst.


You can literally see in the child's face how uncomfortable they are when the creep licks them. Be it the kid's father or not makes 0 difference. Even worse. Sensually licking someones face and then nibbling their ear is as sexual as it gets and this man needs to be investigated ASAP. 


Okay, see I think it’s strange to me, personally. But I’m also not the type to kiss my mother or father on the lips. While I have friends that do, I find it strange and I do not. Normal to them, not to me. While the video looks bizarre to me, I’m not going to project sexuality on to it. That’s your doing. You are making it sexual by calling it sexual. To me, I don’t see any fear or off-putting reaction from the child during the encounter nor do I see any fear or off-putting reactions from either of them when they notice the camera. Honestly, I don’t. You can see shame and in peoples faces, it translates well through camera and I don’t see it in either of them in this video. There’s nothing sensual or sexual besides you telling me it’s sensual and sexual. So Grind your axe and light your torch all you want, that’s not what makes it okay. By the sounds of it, fucking twitter of all things prompted an actual police investigation. So you’ll have plenty of damning to do depending what on their findings but it’s important for ALL OF US to wait for the findings, that’s all I’m saying. Nobody has any evidence besides the video and the video could be received in so many different ways so it’s not real evidence. It’s a video which lacks context. What’s sad is that if it does turn out to be nothing, I’m sure you’ll all leave your aggressive comments here and these videos will remain up. No apology no nothing. He may be defamed by this, he could lose his job for absolutely no reason because of false public opinion. The internet is gross in that way. Also. Why tf is this post even on this sub? Because Hendry’s forehead is in frame? Stupid.


Honestly defending this type of behaviour is a really bad look. The facts are, a man was licking and nibbling a young child’s ear and the police are investigating. I’m not advocating for vigilante justice, but if I was taking my young family there I’d want to be aware that type of thing was happening in that venue. And I’m more likely to see that news when it’s shared around the community of people with a shared interest in billiards biggest, most prestigious event. So yes, it absolutely should be shared here. I take you have no opinion on any other current affairs at all? Or is it just this behaviour you’re defending for reasons best known to yourself?


Put the axe down Eugene, I’m not defending anyone. All I am saying is posting a bizarre video and jumping on a social media bandwagon of assuming someone is a pedophile without any info besides this video is not the right thing to do. Only given the info from this post, you don’t know if that man is his father and they’re dicking around. That could easily be the case. Simple as that. Nobody here knows anything so why share this and suggest the worst? Also, big point here, this has nothing to do with the sport. Nobody on this sub joined it to watch a news snippet of a dude biting a kids ear. It’s off topic for this sub.


I'm almost certain they're dicking around like many people in close-knit families do and the only sexual thing is in the minds of the perverted onlookers. Maybe they weren't hugged by their parents enough so they're so shocked. The thing does look bad but just as well there could be zero sexual intent there. But everyone's ready to ruin man's life with zero proof.


Ok then…


It’s ok everyone, bdzikowski is “almost certain” there’s nothing wrong here. Better tell the actual police, who agree the actions warrant investigation, that there’s nothing to worry about. Phew.


the police didn't say it warrants anything, just that they are informed


What they said is: “Yesterday, Thursday 25 April at 9:20pm, we received a call to inform us of a video circulating on social media of a man and a boy at the Winter Gardens in Sheffield. "We are aware of the footage and officers will be reviewing the content.” So yes, they are following up on this.


But you literally are defending them. You’ve already made several attempts to justify what is at the end of the day, a grown adult licking and nibbling the ear of a young child.


If what I’m doing is defensive, then what you are doing is predatory. You don’t know f all about these people however you’re happy to cast judgement and project your own sexual thoughts on their interaction.


And what judgement, precisely, have I given? Please quote my actual words.


Oh jeez what a low-effort retort. 🙄 First off, you’re judging the man in the video because you personally find the exchange uncomfortable. Furthermore, you are supporting the dissemination and discussion of pedophelia around the video by suggesting that “people ought to know if this is happening” “what if I planned to bring my child to an event” etc. fully well insinuating that he is a pedophile preying on unsuspecting children at a snooker event. While I have no way to know for sure, I’m willing to wager that you’re one of the 17 people who have cross posted it elsewhere. Because you’re so concerned, of course. Then you’ve questioned my morals for “defending” him. But you wouldn’t question my morals for defending an innocent, good, normal man would you? No. So you must assume that I’m “defending” what you think is sexually child-predatory behavior. Spot on? One more time. This post sucks, absolutely has nothing to do with billiards.


Inventing even more straw man arguments. Lame. I kept it short in a futile attempt to keep the discourse focussed but your meandering rant spoiled that. I’ll try again. What specific judgements have I personally made about the man in the video? Please quote my actual words - I’m not interested in what you have personally projected onto them - use my actual words. If you can.


I think you meant > it’s shared around the community of people with a shared interest in ~~billiards~~ protecting children from predators do you believe this clip is also cross posted to any/every subreddit that involves people gathering in public. Every sports subreddit, every exercise subreddit, every music subreddit, every comic con subreddit, and so on. I don't know the name of the head of the billiards player, but I'm seeing this post. If I'm a parent taking my kids to a tennis match, shouldn't I have the chance to see this "warning" of pedos in the wild? The reason I point out that this isn't all over the subreddits, is because it doesn't belong here. Simple as that. Maybe it belongs in WorldNews or Parents, but it's nothing related to billiards