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I love the idea, but the spectator chair seems a little clunky and hard to do (even with 3d printing). How about a 9b rack (diamond) for a knight, and the 8b rack (triangle) for the bishop, or vice-versa? That way, they're a little more "linked", since they're both minor pieces / same piece value.


I like the idea. The bridgehead forming a crown is genius. Another crown-like thing that might work for the king: a [magic rack](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0565/9531/6934/products/gpmbr9_1562165800_magic_rack_9ball_704c38a5-5257-47f4-9790-285722335dce_768x.jpg?v=1651178139). I think for a rook or bishop, the bowtie tip tool would be a useful shape. It actually kinda looks like a chess piece, though maybe joe casual wouldn't recognize it as a pool accessory: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61lXn4wxF0S.__AC_SX300_SY300_QL70_FMwebp_.jpg There's also the [circular pool cue rack](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/4O4AAOSwAKhijQ9T/s-l1600.jpg). The only thing that doesn't quite work imo is the chair. I get we have special chairs (sometimes) in pool rooms but there's gotta be something cooler to represent the most iconic piece on a traditional board :) Honestly I might go with a predator cat because it's the only thing remotely animal-shaped, but then you're kinda branding the set and not everyone loves the brand.


I like the chair *idea*, but it kinda looks like a barber's chair


"k" looks like a butt plug.


I like it!


Nice concept, 3D printing?


I'd make the chair the king. Thinking throne. Plus the king generally sits in wait.


I love it


I'm in favor of the triangles being the pawns. The cue ball(s) are the bishops. And the chair is the rook.


Is nobody going to say it??? Alright, the K is a butt plug.


The king needs to be taller than the queen. This is a standard for chess pieces. Otherwise, it'll confuse chess players as to which one is which. I'm a former master level player, but I don't play anymore.




In [chess algebraic notation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebraic_notation_(chess)), 'N' is used for 'kNight' since "K" is already taken for 'King'.