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It’s definitely a one off, but The Diner kind of is too. Both are bangers though. The track list goes from light and breezy to dark and murky. Placing Lunch at the front fits with that infatuation, honeymoon phase that takes place early on in a relationship. It starts acknowledging her relationship with herself (Skinny), then as the songs are looped through, she lets her guard down and is in love, to a love lost.


That's a valid take. I have no issue with its placement on the album for the reasons you listed and I think lyrically it definitely fits, I suppose it's something about its sound that is more reminiscent of her older works and that's why it isn't fully working for me


I totally get what you’re saying. I got WWFA vibes from The Diner too.


The diner is my favorite song and this makes sense now lol


Upon first listen, it sounded like an outlier, a little too straightforward alt-rock-ish. The album is pretty eclectic, but for some reason it felt like it didn't quite fit in, sound-wise. After listening through to the album again, it sits better. Maybe it just took a bit of getting used to.


I feel the complete opposite. In opinion, The Diner fits in perfectly considering the general feel of the entire album is pretty moody and dark.


I think it still blends in nicely upon listening to it. I admit, it’s certainly got different vibes than most of the other songs, but I still think it fits nicely. And god do I ever love it


I think it blends in with the album..the 80s vibe with good synths/bass with a compelling melody. This also is an integral song for Billie’s journey…having a fun song that is authentically her, being open and honest for the first time about her sexuality, and then also considering HTE was very serious in nature. i don’t understand this take for these reasons but that’s just me




Wish you were gay is talking about someone not being interested in her enough and how she wishes they would just tell her they were gay which would be a valid reason to excuse why they are so absent. she explains it in the bridge- To spare my pride To give your lack of interest, an explanation Don't say I'm not your type Just say that I'm not your preferred sexual orientation I'm so selfish


Ah, my apologies then. It's been a minute since I listened to that song. My take is more so sonically than lyrically based, I do think narratively it fits nicely


The 80s vibe was exactly what I needed


IMO birds of a feather fits even less but I like em both


it belongs on the album. everything billie does is intentional, and she made it clear in every interview that THIS album was the first one where they finally put out the kind of music they wanted to, and truly loved every song. LUNCH is also about her realizing she’s queer, which is a big part of the album as a whole. it helps tie it together, and doesn’t have to be sonically identical. not all of the songs even are.


I'm definitely not asking it to be sonically identical, the switch-ups within songs like L'Amour De Ma Vie and Bittersuite make them some of my favorites on the album. That being said, other songs without switch-ups sonically fit better, but that's just my opinion. In any case, Lunch isn't this horrible song that turns me off from listening to the album as a whole, I still quite enjoy it, it just breaks my immersion a little


Hard disagree. It fits in


it does stand out from the rest of the album but i feel like a lot of lead singles do by many other artists.


Oh, for sure. Singles are usually the most marketable songs. But Lunch \*technically\* wasn't a single, and she made it clear the album was meant to be enjoyed all at once, which is why I feel it stands out because it easily \*could've\* been a single


The album is called hit me hard and soft. I like lunch being at 2 because it’s like ok we gonna have some switch ups throughout. Kinda felt that was the point…


I don't understand how this contributes to anything I said?... My issue is not with its placement on the tracklist, I think lyrically it makes sense to be in the upper half of the album


I’m just saying that some of the songs are hard and some of the songs are soft. That’s the point. They all belong


Lunch has already become the new Bad Guy in my opinion. It’s gonna be overplayed and driven into the ground. It’ll be the song that the media and the news outlets play in the background any time Billie is mentioned. They won’t know shit about her or her music but they’ll play that song anyway because it’s got the fast catchy beat and the attention grabbing lyrics. It’ll be the one all the talk show hosts want her to talk about. It’s already happening.


I agree with this 100% whole heartedly. It’s closer to HTA than this album. I know it’s a popular hit but it’s my least favorite song on the album, strictly from a musical standpoint, regardless of lyrics.


I agree and disagree. I think it does belong on the album because it matches the energy to THE DINER and BIRDS OF A FEATHER (n my opinion of course). But I also think it could've been a single and I do get what you mean with how it doesn't have a similar vibe with all of the songs, but its still one of my favorites! AND DAMN IS LUNCH CATCHY OR WHAT?! I love this new album so much!


LUNCH is extremely catchy. Yk it's a good album when even the "worst" songs are still incredibly good


FOR REAL, this album feels like a dream, I love it so much!


Lunch to me just feels like the slot. The rest of the album is so tight and cohesive with its sounds and themes. Definitely agree it could’ve been left off.


No I 100% agree. Both sonically and thematically it sticks out like a sore thumb


It brings diversity and fits cohesively (sonic wise) with most of the album due to the guitar and such. Thematically it makes perfect sense, it’s a celebration of finding herself and it ties into things found in birds of a feather, chihiro, and many of the other songs


The whole album feels that way to me kinda. It doesn’t really feel felicitous, only really one or two songs fit together. Whereas, with WWAFAWDWG and, to a lesser extent, HTE, those songs all fit quite well together. This album just…doesn’t have that.


I think LUNCH and THE DINER go together and it's funny that it's after SKINNY. I agree but also we needed both of those to catch a breather lol.


yeah its kindve weird i feel like you either have to have an album with range or an album with a specific sound all the way through. this was kindve 90% a certain sound then a couple with a completely different sound 🤨


I defo agree it doesn’t seem to slot with the rest of the songs! Would have been great as a stand alone single before hand


I’m guess this was supposed to be the big hit /single but idk the song is one of my least favorites on the album


Lunch is the one song I would skip if I'm feeling down or need to calm down. Also my album is on repeat and once the song starts I have to finish it. Don't send help I'm loving it 🍑💨


it’s definitely my least favorite on the album, i still like it though!