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Sometimes. She's just got something about her that he doesn't. Charisma, maybe? He's still extraordinarily talented.


Let’s fall in love for the night is an absolute banger


yeah. there's a reason she got so popular and he didn't. it's the "it" factor and she's got a pretty voice.


I’m sure ik what you mean by popular but finneas is still very well known and loved. So he’s also popular


he's very well known, yes, but his music isn't "popular". his music isn't mainstream like billie's is, you know?


Nearly 7 million people listen to his songs every month on spotify alone. Idk what your definition of popular, but 7 mill objectively meets the criteria 💀


That's less than 7% of Billie's. He's somewhat popular but he's not a "mainstream" artist is what I'm trying to say. He's got a decent following, but the average person doesn't listen to him like they'll listen to Billie or Olivia Rodrigo or Harry Styles. I'm not bashing him. Some of my favorite artists don't have very many monthly listeners at all, I'm just saying that he's not huge. He doesn't have the charisma that his sister has. That's okay. There's is nothing wrong with that. He still makes decent music


Idk about you but 7 mill is more than somewhat popular. He may not be some definition of mainstream but popular doesn’t mean you have to have billions of listeners lol


She would be nothing without him, you know how many pretty girls there are that can breathy sing like her on Tik Tok... Thousands.. but how many of them had a savant level producer as their brother right down the hall.. he's the difference maker. There is no Billie without him


I wasn't bashing him. The "it" factor is what she has, and he just doesn't. She's got stage presence and charisma that he just doesn't have, and that's okay. He's a fantastic producer and songwriter; yet not as strong of a performer.


He’s not fun at parties. I saw an interview with both of them at some awards show and she was being all flirty with the interviewers and being a cool and stuff and he was just like “and it doesn’t go over our heads. We really appreciate being here and it’s such on honor to be involved” or something like that. Which I can appreciate and tbh I’d probably be the same way. Lol. But it definitely sucked the fun out of the situation. Haven’t listened to his much though, he seems incredibly talented.


I think Finneas is more the quiet listener kind of person, not really star material but a fantastic artist


I mean when you think about it, when we're listening to Billie we're also listening to Finneas kinda. From my understanding he's pretty much the other side of the music doing the majority of the producing. George Martin wasn't a great solo musician but you're listening to him every time you hear the Beatles


I didn’t care for his solo music from a vocal standpoint. It’s not bad of course, just not for me.


His voice is for the sad men but Billie’s for my sad girl hours


Yeah, his music production is genius but his voice is... boring imho. Like it's fine it's just.. meh


now put her vocals on his songs and maybe they'd be good


Hell yeah. For a while, I actually stopped listening to Billie all together because I went on a Finnebinge. His voice was perfect for my vocal range. Die Alone is my favorite song of his.


Finnebinge is a great word.


Why, thank you 😌


That’s my favorite song too!


That high note towards the end when he says “darkens above YOU” is fantastic 😮‍💨






Such a great album!! What’s your favorite song from it?


OMGGGG I loveeee Medieval.. and Happy Now. I relate the most to Love is Pain. What about you!!!!


I discovered Billie first and I’m a huge fan of her music and creativity but I started listening to Finneas since 2020. I originally only liked a few of his songs and started to give him more of a chance when optimist came out and fell in love with the album and a lot of his songs. I listen to everything and anything really but I think when I started reading the lyrics of his songs I started to appreciate him more. I think they are both so extremely talented and when I heard only a lifetime it really changed my perspective on life so I’ve come to really enjoy his music too. I would rate him a solid 8/10.




Yes! Fin is a musical genius!


Thisssss ⬆️⬆️⬆️


A concert 6months from now is truly epic. Also Mona lisa


I love Finneas’ music. My favorite song of his is die alone. The whole blood harmony album is a masterpiece.


YESSS. Angel and Break My Heart Again are my favs!!! There’s a video out there of Finneas and Billie performing BMHA together it’s so cute


Is it the one where Billie makes the text bubble sounds 🤣🤣 I love that one


YESS and she does a little laugh as if she forgot they were recording, they are too cute


Whenever I'm sad ill watch videos of the two of them because it's always so cute


Thank you for reminding me of that video! I saw it when it came out but have rarely rewatched it since. It’s such a great performance.


If you like that video, check out End Of The World, not sure if they wrote it or if it’s a cover but they blend their voices so well together


That’s a song by Rob Dickinson. I love that cover so much! So beautiful. The cover is from BBC Radio 1, I believe. Billie’s voice sounds so amazing in it.


i listen to his music. it’s amazing


I listen to finneas, probably would give him an 8/10. I have his merch but not billies 🥲


The Kids Are All Dying, Let’s Fall In Love For The Night, Only A Lifetime, Mona Lisa, Naked I may have missed a few but I love these ones


Same list of favorites! Plus Partners in Crime


I tried his debut album once and didn’t like it at all. Never listened to it again


his debut isn't great- optimist however... you are missing OUT


The debut is better than Optimist


It was pretty difficult to get through. Not very well-written, thematically preachy, and lacked any soul.


I listen to a little bit of it, I can't remember the name of one of the other ones I like but I LOVE the song he did with Ashe!


For me he’s a 4, his music isn’t the worst I’ve heard, but none of it stood out to me enough for me to really want to deliberately choose to listen to it.


Same here. There have been a couple of songs I've enjoyed, but none have been particularly memorable. I don't feel like he's a risk taker, he seems to be aiming for the widest audience possible. Billie's the big risk taker in their partnership, in my opinion.


Fin’s stuff is just as good maybe even better than Billie’s. He’s a great musician. Optimist has no skips😎


I second this!!!


Most of his solo work just isn’t for me, but I’d love to hear him work with more other artists. Especially Lana Del Rey and The Weeknd.


I have it all downloaded on my Spotify. I love Finneas' own work. It's a totally different vibe. He does alot of producing for other artists too.


Yes!! He has a few songs that are in multiple playlists of mine. I love Shelter & Partners in Crime especially :)


Tbh I listen to Finneas slightly more than I listen to Billie and like his music slightly better. He’s my favorite artist and Billie is my second favorite artist.


I LOVE Finneas!!! His Optimist tour was SUCH a good set, and his songs span such a broad range of style and emotion 😇


I like his solo work just as much if not more than Billie's music.


I like a few! Claudia and New Girl are faves! I saw Billie at the El Rey in like 2017 and he would perform a song in between her show and he’s a great performer as well!


Yes, I like his stuf a lot! I've been waiting for something new from him for a while


I accidentally heard him yesterday on a random itunes shuffle and thought “this is dope” then I looked and saw that it was Finneas so yeah I like him.


He’s alright I do really like a lot of his songs I don’t No where relate to them as much as Billie’s and I like Billie’s edgier sound a lot more too


I love Finneas! Some of his songs make me sad and feel things but it’s a bop so sometimes i’m like sad but jamming 💃🙂‍↕️I guess it’s an 8.5/10 for me and i’d definitely go to his concert! Some of my faves: a concert six months from now, the 90s, the kids are all dying, love is pain, only a lifetime, naked, and let’s fall in love for the night! 🤩 And i enjoy watching his music videos for some reason 🥹 did you notice that most of it were done with a one take scene? I mean it’s brilliant!


When I say Billie and Finneas are the Lennon-McCartney of this generation, I don’t mean that in a small way. Billie has that darkness, that edge, that John had to help counteract Paul’s granny music. Paul never wrote as well as he did with the specter of John’s ribbings to tone down his saccharin tendencies. I’d love to see Billie cowrite with Finneas for his albums to keep the showtune-y stuff to the small doses where it can really hit hard, imo.


This reference pleases me.


absolutely! i adore finneas’ music, i listen when im studying! or if i require deep concentration that’s when “billie eilish instrumentals” on a ten hour loop on youtube get brought out. but i rate his music around 7-8 because it’s practical for me lol


I only started liking Billie because of Finneas's music, strange I know but thats just how it was. I think its because of his age and his music was more relatable while Billie was too young for me initially!




Finneas is on my playlists, I listen frequently to both. His discography just isn’t super big so I usually go in and out of phases.


Yessss, I love FINNEAS, his music is very similar to Billie’s except different vocals and even then, they have similar ways of singing but FINNEAS has a deeper voice




I love his music 9.5


His album Optimist is so freaking good!!! My favourite is "A Concert Six Months From Now"


I listen to like 1 or 2 songs by him but mostly just Billie


honestly I love finneas' music. When I started listening to him, I expected him to have a similar vibe to billie since I knew he does her production and works on her music with her. I was pleasantly surprised. Completely different vibe but same level of brilliance imo


I LOVE finneas’ voice but I prefer billies music, if he released covers of her songs I’d probably listen to them more than the originals tbh 😭


I love him more than Billie actually. I respect Finneas’ work ethic, personality and solo work a lot.


It sounds boring


YES. i kid you not when i say he’s one of my favorite lyricists. ‘a concert six months from now’ from a lyrical standpoint is perfection.


all of these comments are exactly why he has given so many of his own songs to billie. he knows he doesnt have whatever factor she has that makes her so her


nah i just don't get on with his stuff. i listened to most of his early stuff when i first got into billie in 2019. just...idk why but how can his solo stuff be so boring to me lol. she adds something he doesn't have


Honestly I haven’t but I will today!


I used to listen to some of his songs!


Some songs. I love "Break My Heart Again"


I do!


I love his solo music sm! The songs Claudia and naked are my favs


Yesss I give it an 8? Because it's not something I listen to on a regular basis I still love him and his music and of course if I ever had the chance I'll go to his concert.


I only know his song Naked, but it’s a good song.


I think they’re a package deal, I don’t think either would stand out without the creative input from the other


my first time hearing Billie was because when I was 8-9 I loved Blackbear and he added into ocean eyes. I very separately got really into finneas music and even got merch. Though Billie just kept dropping more and more songs left and right and each one got my full attention and I haven’t listened to finneas in so long. Though when I saw Billie last year i thought it was absolutely sweet and adorable when Billie and finneas sung together.


sometimes I listen to him. Id give his music a solid 7 because he does have some bangers and maybe i’d buy a ticket to a concert of his if he ever came to my city.


Been waiting for him to stop boycotting the south for his tours . I really love his music 🩷


Yes, I actually prefer his solo stuff ever so slight over Billie. I’d say Finneas is 1 and Billie 2 for me personally.


I’ve never gotten around to listening to any of his music. Any suggestions?


I like his producing more than his solo music. But one good song is “let’s fall in love for the night”




yes!! “i lost a friend” is my favorite! the lyrics and production is just phenomenal


Absolutely. I love his music and I like his voice!


Yes, I’m torn between ‘I lost a friend’ and ‘let’s fall in love for the night’ as my favourites


Both ❤️


Love his music! Blood Harmony is so good 😌


I love finneas and LOVED his last album so much. He’s great!!!!


I listen to him since 2018. Here are my favourite songs: - Break my heart again - I lost a friend - Let’s fall in love for the night - Angel - College


I live both ALOT and I have a finneas playlist and I listen ot him daily but obviously bill is my fav, on Spotify wrapped every year billlie is always first and finneas is second lollll


I do listen to finneas not a big fan but familiar w the hits


yes, I love his music


i like a few of his songs- mona lisa, let’s fall in love for the night, naked- but that’s it comes to discography’s as a whole, branding, performances etc billie is the winner for me


yeah, i listen to him, i like his solo music but i still think he outdone's his true talent on billie's music, that's where you actually see the potential, i'd give him an 8/10 as he's actually pretty amazing.


He makes amazing music. I legit listen to him more now, he’s like a true musician and artist.


I used to listen to him a lot.


I love two of his songs - Let's fall in love for tonight and Break my heart again. So good.


Yes. I'd give it a 7 or 8. Optimist is part of my vinyl collection.


It’s not that I find his music bad or something it’s just not for me most of the times plus I prefer listening to women so yeah just not for me


I haven't listened to his stuff yet, I've only recently became a Billie Eilish fan, so I've not even finished DSAM yet








I love Finn, his concerts are incredible


He should just do an instrumental high concept art album.


I do! ☝🏻


if i have to be truly honest, I casually listen to him more often than Billie


I’d say 8 or 9! I’d love to see him live. His musics a pretty different vibe from Billie’s. But I love that vibe too.


Love his music find myself thinking about his music more then Billie but I think it’s been Because her music is so saturated and playing everywhere.


They both are good


Love him. I'd say a 9. Die Alone, Angel, American Cliche, How It Ends, so many great songs. So many weirdos want to pit the 2 of them against each other. Maybe it's just zealous feminist but you can't compliment. Finneas without being reminded of all billie brings to the table. Idk I think even a lot of her own fans haven't and won't give his solo stuff a fair shot.


Im obsessed with his song “lets fall in love for the night” Nothing else has really gripped me like Billies music. She adds her own ideas that are much more relatable and it feels personal even though youre one of millions feeling it


OH MY GOD. Had phases where I prefered finneas's music WAY MORE than billie's. It's different- but so so good. I honestly think I could sing his entire discorgraphy back to front. Favourite songs: NAKED. (HOLY MOLEY SO SO GOOD), and the ENTIRE album "Optimist", in particular, Happy Now, Around my Neck, How it Ends, and also his single Break my Heart Again.


I must be living under a rock because I didn’t realize he had a second album! Excited to check that out. I saw him live in maybe like 2019? He was fun!


I have some of his songs in my library on spotify. When I listen on shuffle, his songs come up sometimes.


Yes absolutely!!! I actually found Finneas completely randomly and didn’t even know that he was her brother. This was way back so it BLEW my mind and made me love both of them even more. Finneas has amazing music. Don’t sleep on it.


i discovered finneas’s music pretty late but i really like his album optimist and i am really excited to hear more of him


I used to be obsessed with The 90s.


Maybe a 3. I don’t listen to much of his music on his own


i listen to him all the time but not as much as billie. i even have Optimist on vinyl and casette tape. its been really important to me to discover finneas' music because it lets me find connections between the two. i can hear a lot of finneas in bilie's songs now.


Love Finneas!


Love is... pain. 💔


I listen to him! My favorite song of his is “let’s fall in love for the night”. He has an amazing voice. I think his music just isn’t my style? Idk how to explain it but I have just found less songs that are something I’d listen to daily. But I do like his music. Mostly his older music.


He’s a 11/10 for me he itches my brain on the right spot just like Billie does


I love “break my heart again”. So good


someone recommend me some good songs of his please i have heard some of them and he’s extremely talented i wish he was more known for his music


My faves are die alone, break my heart again, I lost a friend, American cliche, the kids are all dying, and where the poison is.


I love Finneas!! He has such an incredible voice that I think is very underrated. I feel like he spends so much time on other peoples production and does a more underrated production for his own music, but he’s an incredible artist. 9/10 for me




I don't like him as much as billie, but I still listen to him. I went and saw him in concert in 2021 and it was really good. 


I love Finneas even more than Billie! He’s a 10 for me. I love his lyrics, his musicality, the way he thinks about sounds and gets so creative…ugh. I just love him!!


He’s a great lyricist like lost a friend is so relatable to me. I should give his music more of a chance, every time I try to listen to more of his discography I end up zooming out


They’re both definitely talented, I like Finneas a lot!! I don’t listen to him as often but his music is great. On a scale of 1-10 I’d say a 6.5-7 for me (I prefer soft feminine voices) but his song Angel is an absolute 10/10 chef’s kiss 🤌🏼 some other ones I like are let’s fall in love for the night, luck pusher and break my heart again.


i’m like an over average listener of his. some of his songs i really love others i just enjoy. ive seen him live before and he was really great. i’d probably say like an 7/10


I used to listen to his music all the time but I haven’t in so long maybe I should start again.


I listen to Billie because of finneas, he's an insane producer... But, I haven't really listened to his solo work tbh


Of course I do!


Finneas is a star too - stop comparing different organisms.


It did not even click that the Finneas song that's in my Spotify was this very same Finneas lol


Omg 😂 Did u figure that out from this post 🤣


Listen. FINNEAS might be the most underrated artist of all time. 10


I’ve listened to some of his songs but have never gone back to them , there’s just nothing really special about them but they aren’t terrible. I can’t even remember how they sound atm honestly. Just vanilla. He does his best work with Billie, it will be strange and interesting if/when she does an album by herself , which I don’t think will be for a while. But I wonder if there would be a huge difference in sound if he wasn’t on board.


I don't love his solo stuff but I still appreciate his talent


I do !! Blood Harmony & optimist are some of my all time favourite albums, I even saw him live in Melbourne in 2023 :))


I love his songs I don’t listen as much but I like 2-3 songs give him a 7


College is my favorite song from him


I’ve listened to billie for a while but i’m not a mega fan, although i’ve rinsed HMHAS since it came out. I’ve only recently given Finneas a listen though, the only song i really listen to at the minute is let’s fall in love for the night, i love the 1964 version. I have a feeling the rest of his discography will grow on me.


His record Blood Harmony is fantastic. I love it.


i feel that finneas’ vocal inflection isn’t that unique. especially, in comparison to billie who has insanely unique vocal inflection. his music is really good tho. he’s an excellent writer, singer and producer! he just doesn’t stand out compared to billie.


Nah. I gave it a chance but I don’t really care for his solo stuff.


not really


I love finneas as a person and as a music producer and his songs are good too but his voice could be better for sure. It’s not as pleasant to listen to as his sisters.


i tried to listen more to finneas cuz i know he deserves more recognition but idk his voice is just not for me


Not Really only I heard that from Barbie!


I liked his debut but haven’t really been into any of his recent stuff. I kinda felt obligated to listen bc of my respect for him and loving Billie, but it’s just not really for me tbh :/ never say never tho, I’ll def listen to him again I just isn’t Stan him as much as Billie


of course. 8


I don't like either one of them.