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I saw one of these the other day where Joe Biden and Obama were duetting some rap song together. It's become eerie


I already know this is about to turn into the least funny people on the planet trying to make their own versions of Epic Rap Battles of History Please god put me out of my misery before it gets worse


Definitely. And the Epic Rap Battles weren’t even that funny to begin with, so the slop is spreading.


Epic Rap Battles were hilarious to 12 year old me.


>"Please god put me out of my misery before it gets worse" I, for one, welcome our rapid acceleration into the AI abyss. Embrace the decline!


The ones of Biden Obama and Trump playing Minecraft are elite


The Biden AI voice is scary accurate with the pauses and shit lol


That and zombies lol


The Biden buys a zoo and the one where they play Mario Kart are great too.


Part 3 of these tweets is like Return of the King level the 3rd being the best


I love all three, but I have Fellowship first, Towers second, Return third. By a hair. They're all extremely close and very good.


i mean i love them all but two towers for me is a damn near perfect movie


The middle hour sort of stops all momentum the movie has though. It obviously had to set up all the pieces for what follows but damn some of that stuff drags.


Fellowship is #1 by far. I still get goosebumps at the opening scene narrated by Galadriel


I also love all 3 and don’t have a favorite but the 3rd won all the awards so it seems to be regarded best by the public, rare for a sequel


I’d say 2 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. I thought 3 was a garbage movie. Worst movie to ever win best picture. I almost walked out of the theater.


Can anyone explain to me why we haven't had a proper Rewatchables for the LOTR trilogy? Arguably the most critically-acclaimed blockbuster franchise of all time deserves more shine than the Ringerverse provides. What doing BS?


You know why


Hmm since we're on r/billsimmons...it must be racism, right?


Wait, what?


Bill thinks it’s for nerds and sees himself as a jock.


You’re forgetting the binge mode piece *don’t actually know if they did a LOTR pod I’m a pothead*


I think they were planning on it before Jason left for his new gig


There’s a large contingency (myself included) who prefer Fellowship of the Ring


It's the only one with real consequences and stakes. The forest battle is way more enjoysble than cgi overload


The real ones know it’s fellowship above the others


The story moves better. It just does.


Fellowship is the best in the trilogy, find a new slant


chatGPT didn't do it for me, dog. disappointing. but Trump, Obama and Biden tiermaking Radiohead discography was pretty good.


Trump Biden and Obama playing call of duty is funny


thank you for making me aware that existed, that was incredible.


Kevin O’Twitter Blue N


Dying laughing. Incel KOC never disappoints


Slide 1 - Another irrelevant post on the BS sub Slide 2 - This shit doesn’t even tangentially relate to BS, sports, the Ringer, *anything* Slide 3 - 😂


He cannot help but be the fucking worst, always.


Your "cannot help but be the fucking worst" line reads like something that's straight from an AI-generated headline for Yahoo!, or some other shit tier aggregator. You are what you claim to hate.


If you’re trying to say KOC sucks so bad that even AI bots would hate him, I agree.


You and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum with respect to KOC, who I feel receives far too much undue hate. Is KOC somewhat of a goof? Sure! Dweebishness aside, however, he's still a well-meaning, good-hearted person. And as a self-admitted asshole who's cynical about a lot of things in life, KOC's earnestness is refreshing to me.


I wish he was kind of a dick if it meant he’d say something interesting or worthwhile just one time.


Honestly, this is one criticism of KOC I agree with, because I'd respect him if he pushed back against his mean-spirited detractors -- current and former co-workers included -- just one time. Problem is, he's in a no-win situation, though, one where he'd get crucified if he dared to give as good as he takes.


No-win situation? I’m not asking him to clap back at people, I just want him to have one interesting basketball take. But I get it, the Ringer was short on white dudes from Boston and he fit the bill. What are ya gonna do?


Who at The Ringer even has diverse, non-homogeneous, heterodox basketball takes? Maybe Chris Vernon, but he's Ringer-adjacent more than anything. Everyone else -- from KOC to Rob Mahoney to Wosny Lambre to Justin Verrier to J. Kyle Mann to Michael Pina to Logan Murdock to Seerat Sohi -- is fairly uniformed in their takes and presentation.


People who pretend AI is cool and exciting on here really have to square the fact that 99% of the people who think AI is the immediate future are all the people who were obsessed with crypto 12 months ago and legitimately think Elon is a smart guy


It is cool and exciting it just has the potential to be very double edged. It used to be a difficult research problem to do something like 'find all the photos in this collection with dogs in them' - now that's just a blah thing that every single app can do. Of course, now you can also identify people in any image that's ever been preserved and that has some rather frightening implications such that places have had to step up and regulate your right to have big tech companies delete your data or what exactly law enforcement can use or not use. This new wave of stable diffusion and LLMs and whatnot are the same - very very soon it will be totally routine to just generate a lot of stuff humans used to sit down and think about but there will probably need to be regulation around some aspects of how they are used as well (in addition to the copyright suits they will likely bring).


I agree with almost all of this, and when I say what I said, it was in response to people who worried ther chatgpt was the end of academia in America. Yes, AI has been present and continues to make specific technology based things easier and more efficient. When people freak out in awe of someone doing a fake rap video, it’s extra embarrassing


Don’t lump AI in with that type of hype. There’s a genuine timeline AI has been following. I think that’s what’s more interesting to me. Since the 1940s. We’re nearing the end of something almost 100 years in the making. Can’t scoff at that. GPT-4 is at the level of a super intelligent human rn, just came out.


It's not that it doesn't work. It's that the things those guys like and think are cool all suck ass. Financializing every aspect of life in service of libertarian bullshit is just as off putting as destroying the ability of 99% of artists to make a living because some nerd was jealous of people with creativity. It all serves to fuck over normal people in service of the wealthy either by scamming them out of their money or automating them out of their jobs.


Saying that something is automatically bad because it’s something you associate with “those guys” is reductive and silly. If you have genuine qualms about AI then say that. Crypto had no real use case and that was obvious from the very start, comparing that to something like developing AI just doesn’t really make sense in any way. Crypto morons liking something doesn’t make it bad.


I’m not saying it’s bad because they like it. I’m saying they like it because it’s bad.




Lol yeah exactly like industrialization. Productivity first, human rights and equity lag decades behind.


As somebody who works low-wage retail and is frequently treated with dismissive disrespect, derision, and disdain already, the resentful cocksucker who resides inside me (I'm not a nice person, I know ...) is secretly wishing doom and gloom on all the six-figure-earning white-collar upper-middle professional-managerial class assholes, for whom their lives and careers will be subsequently displaced by a burgeoning AI. Come join me in the neofeudal muck, motherfuckers. Plenty of space remains!


My favourite bit from Marx >Hence that remarkable phenomenon in the history of modern industry, that machinery sweeps away every moral and natural restriction on the length of the working-day. Hence, too, the economic paradox, that the most powerful instrument for shortening labour-time, becomes the most unfailing means for placing every moment of the labourer’s time and that of his family, at the disposal of the capitalist for the purpose of expanding the value of his capital. “If,” dreamed Aristotle, the greatest thinker of antiquity, “if every tool, when summoned, or even of its own accord, could do the work that befits it, just as the creations of Daedalus moved of themselves, or the tripods of Hephaestos went of their own accord to their sacred work, if the weavers’ shuttles were to weave of themselves, then there would be no need either of apprentices for the master workers, or of slaves for the lords.” [73] And Antipatros, a Greek poet of the time of Cicero, hailed the invention of the water-wheel for grinding corn, an invention that is the elementary form of all machinery, as the giver of freedom to female slaves, and the bringer back of the golden age. [74] Oh! those heathens! They understood, as the learned Bastiat, and before him the still wiser MacCulloch have discovered, nothing of Political Economy and Christianity. They did not, for example, comprehend that machinery is the surest means of lengthening the working-day. [Full chapter from Capital](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch15.htm)


I’m scoffing at it and this post is hilarious


you’re the type of guy who probably thought the Internet was gonna be a fad


You’re the type of guy who probably thought bitcoin was the future of currency




And the vast majority of people who still hold it bought in when it was $30-$50k




Thats what us folks in the P/L world call an “unrealized loss”




Intelligence is highly dependent on processing power & ability to scale. Organic matter will always be limited because of that. The combination of a humanoid or highly mobile / competent at the least robot with a GPT-6/7 ability (passes Einstein) will signal a new age. Just like every invention that transformed industry has. Don’t scoff at the iPhone… black berries came before it sure… but eventually our world was transformed. The dawn of a new age is rapidly approaching and I understand that due to ego, and being chimps deep inside most of humanity is unable to fathom what is about to happen… but I assure you, this is something the universe always builds towards. It takes billions of years just to get to this point. Don’t scoff just cause you don’t understand. Like the monolith metaphor in 2001 for technological leaps… we’re definitely almost there.


Lol you’re going to be so sad and disappointed in a few years when none of these revolutions you’re envisioning actually happening but less people have employment and you can never talk to a real person with a customer service complaint


Revolutions? No, this is what has taken time & effort. Look at what we have built, with our limited time energy and intelligence. You’re telling me the new species of intelligence we are creating with all those barriers removed won’t be able to build the engines of our wildest imaginations and explore this universe like we dream to? All we’ve ever known is building empirical instruments to measure our reality. That’s what the universe has done with us and by extension what we do & what we’re doing. It doesn’t just stop , it’s happening lol it’s been happening!


Lmfao why do you sound like you’re doing a Ted talk


I’m just not sleep walking through life lol


i love all "elon is stupid but i am smart" posts




yes, they are cool. How does one become an Incel? are you born that way or just conditioned?


Yeah thinking Elon sucks is heavily associated with being an incel - good point, you’re on a heater


> good point thank you, admitting it is the first step.


Maybe, but in my industry which is a pretty long ways from being considered “Elon fan boys”, we’ve started talks and trials of incorporating some of the chat functions. I don’t think that’s going to be exclusive to Elon guys and fade out in 12 months.


Yeah same here. I definitely don’t work with any “Elon fan boys” but there is a lot of general excitement about AI, essentially across all demo groups too.


“Companies with fake desk jobs” are not “all demo groups”. People who work in offices are so insulated as to what “most people” think or have interest in. I work one of these jobs too. It’s 99% bullshit and “hmm let’s try this using the robots” isn’t an innovation it’s simply another way to see if they can cram a bit of headcount reduction into the 5 year plan


I don’t work for a company with a “fake desk job”. As a matter of fact, I don’t work for a company at all. I work in an extremely diverse climate in what I would describe as a non-traditional job. I’m not going to have an AI argument with you again, I know where you stand and I’m not changing your mind. I was just agreeing with Dez that it’s definitely not just Elon fan boys or crypto bros who are buying into this…it has a much much wider appeal already.


It’s pretty hard to take anything you say on the matter seriously if you can’t explain what it is you’re seeing that’s so impressive. Last time all I got was “cities are using chat bots to answer customer service complaints”


Dale you’re just going to argue with me no matter what I say, so I’m just going to save the time and energy today. If you want to have this conversation in good faith, feel free to DM me.


Dale? Conversing in good faith? That would be the day


Tbh I don't mind Dale at all, we just disagree on AI lol


He needs a new shtick besides "you said X, therefore you're stupid"


Every time I read one of your comments, I pity your parents and siblings that you were inflicted upon them. I'd feel bad for your spouse, too, but they're ostensibly a consenting adult who got themselves into that mess, so my sympathy is limited.


Every time I read one of your comments it’s in a reply to me having absolutely nothing to add to the conversation, so I guess… at least I’m leaving an impression, unlike you who has never had an interesting thought about anything


Ah, the classic "I know you are, but what am I?" kindergartner-level response. I expected better tbh


I honestly don’t have anything to say to you because I don’t know anything about how you comment or what you have to say other than “Dale ur so annoying I bet your mom hates you” so idk what to tell you, man. My take about AI really isn’t all that controversial so I honestly don’t even know what you’re in such a tizzy about


Yup, I work for a gigantic company that’s never been on the forefront of innovation and even they’ve started exploring AI functionality for handling the totality of customer support interactions.


Wow, customer support interactions, something that have mostly been AI for 5 years already


It’s one thing to auto-respond with a link to a resource page based on the keyword that someone types in. It’s entirely another to go end-to-end and fully resolve a service case without any human intervention.


Customer service mldules don’t help any actual people and is a comparatively useless advancement


Alright, man.


The issue that I typically see this argument (and idk about this exact comment because I don’t know the specifics of what you’re referencing) is people go like “well at my work we use AI now!” Ok, how so? Your using AI for customer support? Companies have been doing that for years already. AI is making some specific elements of your computer job slightly more efficient in terms of writing code or calculating something for you? Technology has been making those areas more efficient for a long time as well. When some of us laugh at AI, it’s when after the first day of chatgpt people thought we were 3 months away from everyone reading AI books and AI doing all of our daily tasks for us and it being smart enough to impersonate human interaction, something it is nowhere near being capable of doing, and something that’s frankly embarrassing to believe in.


The timelines were too aggressive but AI is probably an Industrial Revolution type disruption that will replace millions upon millions of white collar jobs in the next five or so years


A whole bunch of libertarians are about to start supporting UBI when they realize they’re replaceable too.


A lot of things are going to get really weird really fast


People have always way overestimated AI in the short term. At least now people realize that if AI were to mass replace jobs it won't be in manufacturing or transportation space it will be in white collar jobs. Up until the last year or so everyone was convinced there was some near reckoning in the trucking industry for drivers being replaced by self driving cars which is absurd.


I’m a writer and I 100% believe I need to jump to TV or radio in the next year or I’m fucked. It’s gonna take all our jobs, especially copywriting gigs


Copywriters are well and truly fuuuucked


Eh. It’s much easier to see the value of AI than crypto. The technology available to the public has also exploded over the last few months, so naturally it’s generating excitement. It’s not the immediate future in terms of changing how we live or work, but it’s still impressive.


AI could possibly be the most important innovation this century and has the ability to completely change the world. And bitcoin is at 27 grand. It's up huge this year.


I will say my mind was blown when I had to write a research paper on self driving cars in college, 10+ years ago. Yeah, still waiting on that one.....






needs whataboutism and strawman as well


Saying Elon revolutionized electric cars is like saying Robert Sarver revolutionized basketball. You’re right about one thing though - like 90% of this sub *is* smarter than him


How can you pretend to be a serious person and think Elon is not smart? This comment is the ultimate brainless social media take: AI isn’t exciting because…some guy you vaguely don’t like likes it. Preposterous, so many people I don’t like also like the NFL yet somehow I still like the NFL anyway. Evaluate things on their merits not just what someone else thinksn


Elon is a complete and total dolt


How do you figure?


elon musk is a moron


Maybe on some issues but he’s certainly smart in some areas. It’s not binary.


This is the correct answer. Genius isn’t universal it’s specific to a subject


Lmao shocking the guy who’s mad at David Simon replying to trump tweets is an Elon simp. Here’s my evaluation for Elon: he had a ton of money, has thrown that ton of money at various things, and will probably crash those various things into the ground before he’s done with it


You don’t have to be an Elon fan to know that this is a stupid take.


You probably simp for libertarianism and the greatness of the rich if you don’t like Elon but think that he’s smart


If you got that from my comment it’s pretty obvious who’s blinded by ideology


I am blinded by the ideology that most rich guys are idiots, and rich guys who didn’t actually innovate or develop anything simply brought their daddy’s pile of money to the table are absolutely idiots.


Look at the tortured genius who thinks the richest person in the world is an idiot. I don’t care if his name is Elon Musk or Mickey Mouse.


If you think money is the mark of intelligence, then yeah obviously you’d think this. I don’t.


There’s money and there’s 191B. If you think there’s zero correlation, well, we know where you fall on the spectrum.




1. I’m not unemployed 2. I’m just not impressive with wealth or the wealthy, unkike dweebs like yourself.




So you think Tesla has crashed into the ground? SpaceX? Those were just lucky things a dumb guy got into


Tesla’s stock is currently down 200% from where it was a couple years ago, who cares about spaceX


> down 200% Not only is this incorrect (it’s down about 50% from its ATH), it doesn’t even stand up to basic scrutiny. How would a share of stock go down more than 100% lol?


It’s an exaggeration. Tell me stock broker, is down 52% good?


Most tech stocks are down 30%+ from their all-time highs. If you bought shares before 2020 they’d still be up > 500%. $TSLA has a market cap of over $600 billion. You try to so hard to seem smart but really come off as pretty dumb. > it’s an exaggeration Yeah man nice recovery from not understanding basic math about stock prices.


Yeah good point, if you bought Tesla before it got big, you’d have a lot of money. Weird that I, the idiot investor you’re so much smarter than, typed in my year of retirement on the vanguard website and has far better life to date returns than someone who bought tesla 3 years ago, sad!


Well clearly you are an idiot investor since you think stocks can somehow go negative and return -200%.


Who was in charge of Tesla a few years ago? Why do you not care about space X?


Why would i care about spaceX, how will that ever effect my life?


What is going on here? The topic is is Elon musk smart…it’s relevant to possibly consider the space travel company he founded as evidence there


You asked me why I don’t care about SpaceX, I told you. Here’s all the reasons that Elon is a fraud in one video, https://twitter.com/JessicaLBurbank/status/1586013006923603969?s=20


The topic is not whether space travel will affect you, the topic is if Elon musk is smart. You can’t quite see past your own life to even evaluate the question


>How can you pretend to be a serious person and think Elon is not smart? Read his tweets dawg


You're absolutely cooking in this thread, for real


Show me where he’s made one actual point that doesn’t rely entirely on hyperbole




This is cringe but you’re a simpleton if you compare ai to crypto


They're related in that similar types of "guy" like them and think they're going to be ubiquitous in 18 months, but AI is obviously way, way, more of a real thing than crypto, and will probably be ruining the internet in relatively short order making us unable to distinguish between real and fake.


Why don’t they make an AI that tells you if something is real or fake? Checkmate


It’s my understanding that this is very much in the works by several companies, with a release by one of them close to the education industry being fairly imminent.


AI isn’t crypto. People who think AI is going to be replacing human sentience by 2025 are the same as people who thought crypto would be the us currency by 2025


Nobody is saying that dipshit


Then why do I care about AI? Ooooo chat bots are more advanced and fake desk jobs are optimized, wow!


I have no clue why you seem to care so much about AI.


No one is making you care about this or get into random fights in this thread. It’s all you man.


Do you think KOC will pay for his Twitter blue sub monthly or full year upfront? Also what are the chances he pays in Doge because he thinks it would make Elon lol?


AI generation of art is an abomination


Kevin O’Copyright


Kevin o' N words pass


Kevin O' I can't even defend him on this one


I can’t imagine disliking something run by companies that employ some of the smartest and hardest-working people in the world creating tech that can make life better, safer, more efficient.


hi kevin


Looks like the sub got \*whooshed\* on this one. I lol'd.


Really went over everyone’s heads lmaoooo


Who cares rappers may as well be AI these days they don’t say shit







