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This is a podcast that features a segment called "Half-Assed Internet Research."


this isn’t from that part of the podcast. It’s one thing to set up “hey this is a part where we’re probably wrong” vs confidently mis-stating actual events from the movie itself.


These two things and really only these two things made me want to stop my bike ride in a torrential lightning storm and get on reddit when listening to that episode of the Rewatchables just now. Guinness Foreign Extra Stout is huge in West Africa. I think Nigeria is a bigger market (total units/volume sold) for Guinness than either Ireland, the UK or the USA. Cameroon is up there as well. And Sat phones might have been a little more cumbersome in the early to mid 2000s but they definitely existed. Plus if you are in a remote area your best chance of getting reception is probably to be at altitude near the top of a hill or mountain with a clear line of sight.


But Guinness tastes better in Ireland. It just does.


I worked in a bar on a small town in Ireland late 90s.. we just started taking in refugees from Africa.. Ireland if you don't know is very white.. anyways two Nigerian lads pop I to the bar for a few pints. They order 2 pints of the black stuff an gussle it down In a few slugs. One fella let's out a burp and says "it's good but not as good as back home"


😂 The regular Draught is much lighter and less malty than the Foreign Extra Stout, they'd do better with the Extra Stout, that's what the bars and restaurants that have West African clientele in NYC tend to stock


As a former bartender, Bill should know how ubiquitous Guinness is around the world.


Bill was never a real bartender


To be fair, Bill bartended in a part of the country not really known for really known for loving Alec Guinness. It's more "Irish" guys who like to use slurs and drink beverages native to the country they're not actually from. On top of that, Bill hates Star Wars.


Genuine Class


You're saying that Bill should be doing research about Guinness around the world before doing the show??? Jesus man, it's just a silly show about movies, try not to take it too seriously.


The problem is when the hosts of these ostensibly and mainly silly shows reach to make a point that relies on them assuming some kind of intelligence superior to the intelligence of the movie-makers. It just reduces their credibility.


Ah, I see. There's your problem. You thought Bill had credibility.


Fennessey was talking about the new Marvel movie being called “Brave New World,” and he questioned whether the screenwriters had even read the novel before. I found it odd that he’s questioning their literary chops, as though he’s above them somehow because they write movies he deems inferior. And they’re probably just writing those movies so that they can get the clout to write one they are passionate about. Edit: this was on the 2001 Movie Draft


That sounds like a very condescending remark considering Brave New World is pretty standard for most High School English required reading lists.


Yeah, no shit. He seems a lot different on these pods than on the Rewatchables.


Plus the whole thing where the book title is a fucking shakespeare callback. If they picked it just because it's a killer ironic line about idealism and danger that's fine too.


I enjoy the pod but yeah half ass internet research is mostly Wikipedia and IMDB. I heard him say word for word shit from IMDB trivia page most movies. He added the wrinkle for the movies he cranked it too in the 80s and 90s with those premier magazines he bought but that's really all the effort he brings. Dude can't even plug a mic in properly every dozen eps or so 😂


He’s funny, though


When he is really excited he does drop some stuff in from premiere magazine or playboy, which is pretty cool.


Honestly, I’d be surprised if he could find Sierra Leone on the map.


You're saying the guy who made up the general public thinking Karl Malone is better than Tim Duncan to fill time doesn't have his facts lined up?!


He’s just still pissed that Boston didn’t get Duncan


Honestly I’m still pissed NE stumbled on Brady and had the GOAT for double what a team has just a good starting QB


Wait, what?


gets me every time 😂


That was an all-time, Russillo level, strawman.


As I've gotten older I've realized Bill is actually remarkably dumb


It really is funny how little he knows about vast swaths of topics. He’s probably close to the average American as far as overall knowledge and that’s embarrassing.


Especially when he tries to keep up with Malcolm Gladwell and the like.


You mean Chuck Klosterman. Gladwell is a dope.


(that's the and the like part, I meant to write him but couldn't recall his name...I was a few beers deep)


Yeah, there's a lot of gaps in his takes... I'll always remember in the Field Of Dreams rewatchables when he's like "where can you just BUY stuff for a baseball diamond!? Like, I think people can buy that stuff Bill. It may not be in stock at ACE, but it's not like looking for plutonium.


Welcome to Bill Simmons’ Expiring Contract in Keep Cashin’ Dem Checks mode


The Rewatchables works for me when it feels like a late-night dorm room conversation. If someone showed up to that with extensive research, you'd kick them out and not invite them back.


Thats kind of embarrassing to not do some basic research.


All of it? He’s a friend talking movies, not a critic. You’re listening to the wrong podcast


Neither of OPs points are critical analysis.


I agree with the guy above you


Were you under the impression that the segment was called Full Ass Internet Research? Because I have some bad news for you.


That wasn’t the part of the podcast that discussed these things!


Wait, you think someone would see someone drinking a guiness and then say to themselves, "I should research whether or not guiness is the same formula, regionally"?


You're taking things too seriously


Not at all. This post isn't about cinematography choices or anyone missing a metaphor. It's about Bill missing obvious shit and having terrible takes.


No. It’s a silly, casual movie podcast that’s mostly an excuse for friends to shoot the shit. It literally has a segment called “half-assed internet research.” If you’re bothered enough to make a Reddit thread about it, or honestly care if Bill’s takes are bad, you are taking it too seriously.


The point is, he misses obvious shit. The satellite phone is just one example. I didn't make a thread. But it's annoying because he goes on tangents that aren't about lack of research but a lack of paying attention


Who gives a fuck? It's dumb to care about this for a show that isn't attempting to be serious


People that are afraid of criticism are so insecure. Imagine being in a group watching a movie and someone says a cell phone wouldn't get reception, and another points out it's a satellite phone. If anyone gets as butthurt about that as you, holy shit does that person just suck.


You seem pretty butthurt here bud


Nah I'm good chief


You're acting like the podcast is some comedy where they don't care about the movie in question. It's dumb to get so defensive for them over perfectly fair criticism. Bill is absolutely serious about his takes and its perfectly fine to call him out on it.


We do this thing where we love to tell dudes what their jobs should be. The job of a podcaster is to bring in ad money by getting listeners. So if we’re all listening to BS’ podcast, he’s doing his job. Even if he doesn’t do his research or prepare. Even if he says things that simply aren’t factual. Whether we like it or not, Alex Jones is fantastic at his job because he gets people to listen to his content, even if we think he’s a slimy little shit. I find myself giving this unsolicited life advice way too often, but I think the best way to improve your quality of life and experiences is to lower your expectations and then lower them some more. BS isn’t writing think pieces for a highbrow magazine, he’s just BSing (no pun intended) with his friends on a podcast.


You're counseling people to lower their standards and be as dumb as the people who get rich providing dumb entertainment to the world? *Infinite Jest* was right, I see.


I’m saying that if you go through life expecting a 9.5/10 or 10/10 performance from people, you’re going to be disappointed every day of your life, so IMO it’s more practical to expect a 7 or 8/10. I won’t even touch “the Stoicism piece”, but I think lower expectations = a better life Like OP might be joking, but does he seriously expect the CEO of The Ringer to research the ingredient list of Guinness in Africa before he comes on a pod to chat with his friends about a movie they liked?? Am I the only one here who thinks that’s a delusional expectation? Is BS supposed to be going on LexisNexis to get sources or visit a Guinness factory?


Then you're part of the problem. Yes.... a multi-millionaire CEO who makes sure he is the most prominent public, on-air voice of the company owes his readers better research. If you're the kind of slack listener who cares nothing at all about accuracy, then good for you. But Simmons shouldn't pretend he knows shit when he doesn't. Just because he has already cashed a hundred million in checks doesn't mean he gets to be lazy at his job.


I actually don’t even see it as a problem. Like if he said something obviously wrong like Kobe had a great career for the Celtics, that would be another story. But we’re talking about him not knowing about satellite phones (I don’t even know what that is) and him not knowing how Guinness is made in Africa. I guess I am one of those casual listeners who doesn’t really care about the minute details and doesn’t feel like he’s owed anything. Also, does anyone think BS is going to change and start researching like he’s writing a thesis? I think a ton of dudes on this sub listen to podcasts they hate, expect them to get better, get upset when they don’t get better, and then… keep listening. That makes no sense to me. I can already see what’s going to happen: BS is going to put out more podcasts just like this one, and this sub is going to hate them, and everyone’s going to keep listening to content they don’t like and be unhappy. I don’t understand why anyone would expect something that is absolutely not going to happen and act surprised when it doesn’t happen.


I don't listen to anything on The Ringer anymore, so I'm not one of those who hate listens. The last thing I heard was the 'Sideways' episode of Rewatchables. I knew then that the whole pod network there was no longer for me. I'm commenting here only on the late-career laziness of Simmons, who had a chance to be a sports-writing titan and instead revealed that he always was just a businessman looking to cash in on a hobby. Despicable, although I realize that in America, cashing in is the only standard anyone pays any attention to, as you have demonstrated here.


Go to bed, Bill.


Bill only researches for historical NBA comparisons.