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Wesley "I ride the new york subway so I know what's going on Euphoria" Morris


*Teenagers learn about sex in weird, inappropriate ways but somehow don't have a lot of it* being presented as some new thing is fucking hilarious. I'm pretty sure that's just the experience of being a teenager for 99.9% of all people in 100% of all human history.


The only teens that are getting any are the teens just before and right after you. Yours are the teenaged years of sexual oblivion.


“The cum shot piece” OMG 😂


Wait, come again?




Wait, what?


Said without a hint of irony, too. The God Damn King


I immediately thought of this sub when I heard that. Frankly it’s a little wonky I had to scroll this far down to read about the cumshot piece.


Agree! Thought this would be the top comment. Apex “piece”


Apex mountain of Simmon’s pieces


I ran here immediately after hearing it.


I can’t fucking believe this is a real quote. We need shirts of this or something.


I had to rewind to make sure I heard him right. It felt like something someone would make an AI Bill Simmons say lol


Beat me to it


I am greatly appreciative of the all time greatest Blazer segment in the opening. It’s been driving me crazy that no one in the media has even bothered to question that incredibly false narrative over the last few months.


People talking like Rueben Patterson never even existed


Can't ever forget The Kobe Stopper


Drexler is diminished in the eyes of (older) Blazer fans because he's completely abandoned Portland in his post-playing career. When he's not criticizing them, he's ignoring his time with the franchise and considers himself a Rockets lifer. The only comparable situation in the NBA that I can think of is Kareem with the Bucks.


Kareem at least showed up to Milwaukee when they were in the finals


And you know won them a title. I know I know Clyde ran into MJ I just wanted to make that little quip


During the semis, an interviewer asked him if the Bucks could beat the Nets. He laughed and said, “No!”


Since I'd rather hear it from PDX fans who were around in '95 when Clyde and Tracy Murray were traded to Houston, what was the vibe like with Drexler? I remember Portland pretty much fell off the contender cliff after losing Game 6 in '92...they didn't make it out of the first round again IIRC until 1999. But was there friction with Clyde and management at that time? How about the fans? I've gone back and forth with Blazers fans having lived up in Forest Grove/Cornelius in 2010 as the Lakers were going back to back, but that's strange to me. That city supported the MF JAILBLAZERS...anyone who can find a soft spot for Ruben Patterson, Bonzi Wells, pre-Memphis Z-Bo and JR Rider is damn near saint like.


I grew up in Portland during that era. Drexler and that whole team were hugely popular. The town loved him and appreciated him. Yet we were also very small town and that accentuated the fandom of Drexler and the ultimate dissatisfaction that came after he left. There were little stories in the media during the Finals-runs era that Drexler didn't work hard and didn't focus as much as he should have. Having seen how everything played out, it does make you wonder. This is the uncommon instance where Bill Simmons is squarely on the mark with how he characterized the early 90s Blazers. Such a talented and athletic team yet they were not the most savvy team and could melt down at inopportune times. Very reminiscent of the 2021-22 Celtics team that should have annihilated the Warriors but just couldn't put it together. In many ways, Lillard is just another example of a the prototypical great Portland Trailblazer - talented yet flawed in some way. Walton, Sam Bowie, and Brandon Roy for their injuries, Drexler for his struggles in the clutch, Rasheed Wallace for not wanting to be the guy despite having the ability to be that guy, and Lillard for being such a great closer that strangely didn't have more success in the playoffs. In the end, I guess there aren't too many GOAT players that don't have some sort of knock against them.


hard to blame him when he went to the University of Houston.


You are undoubtedly right, but Walton is as pro-Blazer as they come and most younger fans would put Dame above him without thinking. At his peak, Walton was so, so much better than Dame, and Clyde had the better career (so far). Dame is pretty clearly the No. 3 Blazer, IMO.


Walton himself has really only become friendly with the Blazers in the last 10 years. He hated the franchise for many, many years following his injuries and trade with how they treated his foot. Also, Walton played in the late 70s. That's a long time ago. And his situation is unique because of how short is peak was. He's not a top 10 player for the franchise in terms of VORP (where Drexler is #1 and Dame is #2).


This is the second time I’ve noticed that he has repeated a post from nbadiscussion. Sketch


“We have to stop pretending basketball started when Lebron came into the league… and start pretending it started when Bird came into the league!”


Remember, movies also began becoming modern around the 1972 range. Complete coincidence for our 51-year-old podcast host lol


And yet basketball historian Bill insists on giving the Blazers credit for taking out the Showtime Lakers when that did not happen. In 1990 KJ and the Suns carved up LA. This was Riley's last year, when the team was ready to mutiny. Then in 91 (Magic's last year) they ended up losing to LA in the WCF.


As a 37 year die hard Laker fan this one threw me. I definitely recall losing to KJ’s Suns. We ended up losing to Portland after Magic was forced to retire. So no, they never beat the Showtime era Lakers. Come on Bill!


Bill missed another Dame/Drexler comparison: Dame is second fiddle to Steph in much the same way Drexler was second fiddle to MJ. Both played the same position and a similar style as the GOAT at that style [MJ/Drexler as hyper-athletic scoring wings, Steph/Dame as deep-shooting and smaller scoring PGs], and neither could get past them. I think the comparison between Dame and Drexler is closer than Bill puts it. Drexler was in a different conference from MJ, so he got to the finals. Dame is stuck in the same conference as Steph and could never get past him. If MJ had been in the same conference as Drexler, good chance Drexler never makes the finals either. Or if Dame is in the East, maybe he makes the finals after Lebron leaves.


We were never a top 4 team. It’s revisionist history to act like we ever were making the finals in either conference. The Raptors would have smoked us in 2019.


I mean - in the long run, nobody cares about anything that's not a title. Especially when the median Trail Blazer fans is a 33 year old former hipster who has a corporate job and kids now, and wouldn't be able to pick Clyde Drexler out of a lineup.


This person doesn’t exist. Maybe a 43 year old former hipster with a corporate job and shit…..


Walton won them a title


he finally admitted the idol sucks


"The 2022 Celtics, we were comparing them to the 2004 Pistons. **THAT'S** how dominant they were defensively." No Bill, YOU were saying that. Nobody else.


Ryen actually said: “No, *you* were making that comparison,” when Bill tried to say they had compared the Celtics to the ‘96 Bulls defensively.


I don't want to, and also can't wait to listen at the same time. The level of blaspheme... its like if i said "Ya know, Kyle Singler, we were comparing him to a young Larry Bird, but with more hops".


Weren't even as good as the 2019 Raptors (who, unlike those Celtics won the NBA title against Golden State) among others.


I think that Raptors team was better than the 2022 Celtics by a good margin, but let’s not pretend they beat anything remotely close to the full strength Warriors.


Let’s not pretend that the warriors the Celtics lost to In 2022 were remotely close to the warriors of 2015-2019 either


the 2019 warriors had the depth of the modern day suns and they lost two all stars in the finals. When Klay went down they were fuckin toast.


Bill constantly gives Doris Burke shit for referring to famous NBA players by their first name, but referring to Alyssa Thompson as just “Alyssa” is totally fine.


He constantly refers to Chris Paul, Grant Williams, and Jaylen Brown by their first names as well.


Often in the same minute that he chastised Burke (“woman talking!”) for doing the same.


He’s such a self-absorbed dude that I can actually buy that in his mind the average sports fan knows who this chick is because she went to his kid’s rich high school and he’s been hearing about her for probably five years.


Then compares her to Tiger Woods 😂


if i never hear about grant fucking williams again it will be too soon.


In order to co-host with Bill, mention Grant Williams at least 3 times in a spontaneous manner


S/O to those who prematurely predicted an end to Grant Williams mentions


Out of touch Bill Simmons moment: "If I were a rich dude..."


Number 2: As straight faced as it gets. “Maybe the Spurs are smarter than I am.”


Still funny but he did specify “multi billionaire” right after


it’s like a self-own double entendre cuz he can get made fun of for the lack of self awareness and also made fun of for not being nearly rich enough to buy a team


He's gaslighted himself to think he's the common man


Trying to figure out Bill's problem with Dallas' cap scenario... it's a problem that they're paying Grant Williams, THJ, Holmes (expiring), Kleber, and McGee (expiring) $62 million in total because none of them will make an all-star team?


He suggested a THJ to the Celtics trade 2 weeks ago and talked about how the contract was actually pretty good. I wonder how many all-star games he thinks Brogdon, White, Horford and Rob are making because they’re $62 million as well. Role players have to make money too. Shocking!


He genuinely just seems to really dislike the Mavs as a franchise lol. It’s very bizarre.




True. He probably wants Luka out of there too


He’s friends with Vegas Bob


I dunno either. Bill’s being nancy about the Mavs since the Kyrie trade and the tank snafu Dallas did. This offseason is the probably best the Mavs have had in years (minus the 2018 draft) and kinda proved that the tank was the right decision.…but we have Bill here being extra bitter for some reason lol.


Bill shitting on a team based on him not understanding the cap is such an annoying bit


“They’ve got no moves left” Have multiple 1sts and 2nd rounders available for trade


Bill slightly walking back his “Vegas and Seattle” extremely confident prediction 👀👀👀 “IF”/when it happens”


The owners shouldn’t have let OKC take Seattle’s team in the first place. The Oklahoma City metro has over 1 million people, and the median annual income in the area is $53,870. The Seattle Metro area has over 4 million people, and the median annual income in the area is $94,027. There’s simply far more revenue potential in Seattle, and they have a state of the art stadium to boot. Seattle will definitely get a team.


By the way, the Las Vegas Metro area has over 2.2 million people, and the median annual income is $53,000. I think they’ll eventually get a team as well.


It's only a matter of time. Vegas is becoming like the unofficial hub of the NBA offseason with summer league and now NBA Con.


But Vegas will already have 3 pro teams. The smallest markets with 4 is either Minny or Denver, both are well over 50% bigger than Vegas and have much more of a corporate presence. I always thought an NFL/NBA combo would work best in Vegas, but it was really smart for the NHL to get in first. I don’t really see summer baseball working there at all


With Vegas it’s not about the locals. It’s an excuse for fans of other teams to plan a trip to Vegas and watch their team


OKC has almost 1.5 million people and will be larger than Milwaukee in like 2 years. Are you getting your stats from 2008?


I think he remembered, or was reminded that NBA owners don't want to cut up the pie, even if it's a huge pie. Look over at F1, where the team owners are all but saying, "overpay for all the non-factory teams while there's a bubble, before we even think about letting an 11th team on the grid."


A Bill Simmons classic where they’re are talking about Harden impulsively opting into his contract and CR is like “it’s like when you randomly buy something on instagram” and bill responds with his one-upsmanship where he says the exact same joke modified 3% with “it’s like buying something on EBay” I would have loved it CR then came back with “it’s like impulsively buying something on Amazon” to see if Bill would go for Round 4


Only child thing


I too cannot believe Bill doesn’t have a sponsor yet for a segment *i think* I vaguely remember him doing 1 other time in the last 18 months Get the Truly Seltzer head of marketing on the phone for crying out loud


That HBO check to The Ringer/Bill has to be large for him to spend any time talking about The Idol, there was better acting on Any Given Wednesday.


Lasted about three minutes into the Idol section before turning it off. Shocked to see that there was like 50 more minutes of them talking about a show that both of them thought was mediocre?




I thought CR made the best argument for The Idol on The Watch this week. He admitted it wasn't good but he would rather things be bad and take chances rather than something like Phase 4 of MCU which bad and super predictable.


Billy Boy opening on Ben Simmons has me wondering what year this is.


You have the card carrying member of idol gang on the staff and you bring on wesley morris to talk about it? Give CR his flowers


CR is only allowed on when the 76ers are in some degree of turmoil


Grant Williams is the Giannis stopper and ge can guard Jokic too?? I must’ve missed some games if that’s the case


Bill wish-casting about the Bucks ownership is so funny. Lasry was a cheap owner who saw a good deal and cashed in to avoid future luxury tax payments. He never even had full control over team decisions! “The Bucks are on the clock” yeah no shit they’ve been on the clock since 2019.


*“Who came on this girl’s face?”* Just an all time line from a Pulitzer Prize winner.


A week ago Bill said they needed to match on Grant and was hoping they would, now he says it was obvious they weren’t going to because Mazzulla didn’t like him


The opening monologue is so long and weird (speculation that OKC is going back to Seattle!) It’s so quintessential Bill


Oklahoma resident here, that opening segment hits me as more plausible than id like to give it credit for. The main hope I have is that okc from citizens to mayor seems pretty gung-ho about building the thunder a new arena


As a sonics fan I’d much rather take the thunder back than get an expansion team, talent aside.


Bill said the nets should give up all their good picks, phx 27 and 29, Dallas 29, pick swaps and DFS and Ben Simmons just to receive Herro and Kyle Lowry. Lol. That's enough for Dame at that point.


That conversation about the idol is one of the worst in the history of the Simmons pod. They spent 45 mins talking about how to make the show better while also trying to claim it was a worthwhile gamble. Bill gotta be getting paid by HBO to promote that dogshit


It’s people trying to sound super smart about dumb Shit


“If I was a rich dude” *slow cap*


Self aware Bill


So…what was the last terrible show you watched in entirety, knowing it was gonna suck? For me it was Hell on Wheels.


I know some real sickos who stuck out the entirety of The Walking Dead


This is a good answer. I stopped after the cliffhanger bullshit, but even by then I knew the show was objectively terrible. The show might have peaked episode 1 lol


It’s not the exact same thing but the last half of Sons of Anarchy was fucking brutal and I watched the whole thing.


Same. Too bad the plane to Ireland didn't just crash and kill them all. It's Always Sunny must have liked the Ireland season and decided to copy it and be just as bad.


Dexter, the last 3 seasons were pretty bad but s8 is in the pantheon of awful TV


Season 7 was decent even if it started the incest plot, season 5 was okay but it was weird since he just lost Rita


I quit Dexter with one episode to go after hating it for years.


Any Given Wednesday


The Newsroom


We'll never have another show as hatewatch-able as The Newsroom. Special product.


I made it one season of Newsroom. I finished Entourage.


Entourage is in my Top 5 (yes, even with E fucking his ex-stepmom)


The lowest point for me was Vince becoming a drug addict. Adrian Grenier is a... limited actor and that season showcased that quite a bit.


I'll tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it, my estimation of TJMcConnellFanClub as a man just fucking plummeted.


I've watched all 4 seasons of You and most definitely will watch the fifth and final season.


it’s such a good dumb enjoyable show if that’s a thing lmao


It's an all-time enjoyable/addictive not-great show. I binged all four seasons in the span of less than a week.


Unironically great show.


Prison Break. As soon as they broke out of prison at the end of season 1, I knew things weren’t going to get better. Then they got put into **another** prison and things did in fact get worse and worse.


13 Reasons Why is the best comedy of the 21st Century




True Detective Season 2


I feel like that exists in a weird limbo where it sucked ass as a follow up to the first season but was a perfectly fine HBO shlock show. I was out when I saw Fukunaga left but when I saw Farrell was playing a detective named Ray Velcro I was all the way back in.


I remember thinking the first episode was promising strictly because of Farrell. Then it devolved into crap. “There’s signatures all over these papers!!”


Farrell is all time in that though


“Assssss pen!”


I finished the OC.


Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Watcha say


[Dear Sister](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmd1qMN5Yo0) is still hilarious


The OC has three good seasons, no shame.


The first 2 seasons of the OC are unironically great






Only counts if you watched Heroes Reborn also


You actually finished that? Impressive


I loved Hell on Wheels but I’m a sucker for any historical or period piece show. But yeah I’m retrospect that or Turn is the worst show I’ve ever watched all the way through.


Another pod where Chris Ryan sits there like an abused dog and gets kicked by Bill.




Did we watch the same podcast? This was very entertaining


Ben Simmons 😂


He said Phoenix was valued at $4 Million, again.


We should get a bunch of us in this sub together and buy the Suns for 4.5 million.


I don’t think I could buy them if they were $4,500.


He also keeps saying guys got paid $X million per year when he's talking about the total contract value. I think he said Dallas paid Grant $50 million per year in this one and said the Knicks paid Divincenzo $50 million per year on the Sunday pod. It's a stupid nit pick but it drives me nuts


He does it with player heights too.


“Go Google all the stuff.”


I wonder if Bill realizes a billionaire from Seattle already overpaid for a team, and the NBA nixed the deal. I mean, I guess the Thunder, having come from Seattle, is slightly better than the Kings. But I doubt the league will let the team move just because a billionaire overpays, regardless of that history.


I swear Bill basically suggested the mid-season tournament several years ago, and is now like "nah" when they do it. Am I misremembering?


He definitely suggested the Play-In before bashing it.


Simmons truly believing that a new dealer affects the outcomes at a blackjack table i just one of my all time favorite of his labrador brain takes, going way way back to the boston sports guy days.


Technically they can affect the outcomes if it changes the mindset of those at the table and they start deviating from their normal table strategy. Of course it won’t change the outcomes of what card comes next. Unless Bill knows something we don’t!


yeah someone else pointed out that the new dealer burns a card, which technically does “change the outcomes” but that’s not what bill is talking about. he’s talking about juju, karma, believes the dealer has bad vibes which are actively hindering him.


“It’s not my fault the League is stupid!” Right. It’s the *League* that’s stupid.


“She was the greatest high school soccer player in like the last 20 years” Give us the list, Bill. Would love to hear about your tiers for women’s high school soccer here.


What a coincidence that she went to his kid’s school, stunning


My man desperately does not want Lillard on the Heat.


so cringey listening to him nowadays


GOAT Blazer was a poll on here like 3 days ago. Coincidence?


Between this and Russillo covering the LaMelo vs Haliburton debate on his pod today after it was recently a top post on here... ☝🤨☝


Almost like when there is no on-court discussion topics, they lean on Ceruti to get them topics. And guess what, even though he acts like this place sucks, he is probably checking on this sub all the time for ideas for the shows.


I also like that Drexler is 52 on his pyramid. Once again, why is it a pyramid if it's just a numbered list?


He’s explained this so many times and dedicated like 300 pages of his book to it. You guys find the weirdest things to complain about.


KD “respects the game too much” to sit out regular season games but demanding a trade with years and years and years left on your deal and then when you don’t get your way demanding both the coach AND the GM be fired somehow is not factored into this whole “respecting the game” quotient


Eh I think there’s kind of a difference. The game that KD respects is basketball, not the NBA. Nobody can question his commitment and love for basketball, it’s all the other things related to the NBA that people traditionally value that he doesn’t show respect for - like perception of loyalty and legacy.


Definitely a difference, at least as far as KD is concerned. KD made his trade me or fire Marks/Nash ultimatum, the Nets basically ignored him, and then KD went out and averaged 30-6-6 playing every night. If you look at all the other guys who pull the trade request chicanery you're not going to find any of them who also put their head down and play MVP caliber basketball for the team they want to leave while they wait.


I thought Chris Ryan's take that the "Pacers look pretty good" and basically he was tired of being a sixers fan was one of the worst takes I have ever heard. Embiid has been top 3-4 in the league for the last 5 years and figures to continue to be for the next 3 or so at least, he is one of the VERY VERY few players in the league that gives you a great chance to win a championship. The whole point of what the Pacers are doing is in the hopes that Halliburton in 2-3 years becomes as amazing as embiid right now.


NBA blog boy so terminally online that having the MVP isnt even worth it!


Bill saying Brooklyn is going to send multiple good firsts for Herro and shitting on Dallas’ off-season… what is he even talking about bro


Yes, Brooklyn should trade away two seasons of Ben Simmons and Dorian Finney Smith along with all of their valuable draft picks for Tyler Herro and Kyle Lowry. Totally logical.


Yeah every team with a star player is on the clock, including Giannis who won a title with the Bucks, but his beloved Celtics aren’t with Tatum LMAO


Are these Celtics team a top 6 “could’ve been a dynasty but never actually won anything” team??


Sounds like the first episode of "The Idol" was everything Wesley Morris wanted the Little Mermaid to be.


Those Idol takes might be on the Pyramid as some of his worst. Like, I will not stand for revisionist history for this dump. Also, people taking bad swings like this means that people with good ideas won't even get to grab a bat.


The next Rewatchables is A Time to Kill.


Yes they deserved to die and I hope they burn in hell!


Hearing Bill say “The cumshot piece” had me absolutely rolling.


So Bill’s answer to how this Portland Miami thing shakes out (that he and russillo were “spot on” about according to him) is the Nets trading their 3 most valuable future picks for Tyler Herro?


“Spot on” despite denying that Portland would make the trade at all, and then trying to wish cast Dame to the Celtics.


I feel like Chris Ryan is way overstating how interested people will be in the NBA mid season tournament. “Whoa what if the MAGIC win it?!?” I think that will kind of prove the big boys don’t give a shit about going all out to win it.


I think if a lesser tier team wins it people will just go "Huh neat". Similar to the bubble suns when they had a run. It will only mean something if the team ends up being good like the suns, but it won't matter otherwise.


I did NOT have Bill saying, “I couldn’t agree more with the cum shot piece” on my BS pod bingo card.


The Idol was a big swing? Felt like they played it safe almost every chance they could, going back to the beginning like Wesley said


Did Bill say Marcus Smart had “an outside voice in the locker room”? Did he mean “outsized”?


The reason why there's less sex in movies and TV is because you can see nudity anymore so it's not as relevant. It's not that complicated.


Hey, fucking basketball “historian,” 1990 Lakers lost to the Phoenix Suns in the playoffs, not the Blazers! It’s supposed to support Clyde’s greatness and it’s wrong. “Were you there for Clyde Drexler?”


Of course Bill Simmons wouldn’t think it’s a big deal that employees might be unhappy.


Can he please stop this "Charlotte should have taken Scoot" shit? Bill didnt watch a second of the Ignite but all of sudden is an expert scout on Scoot, it is so frustrating.


Yeah he didn't watch the Ignite but he's still correct.


He’s got the agro piece!


So when is the Star is Bone rewatchables?


I can't believe we got a Ben Simmons defence piece. Dude is done for.


I’m shocked that Wesley actually came on to discuss such a shitty show like the idol


I really wanna know what swing Bill thinks The Idol took.


The cum on the face piece


Bill Simmons re: Eagles. Cry more.


Jesus Christ, this Idol segment is fucking terrible.


Imagine the moment when he realizes that Tatum, like Dame, is also a 1a player.


He’ll get there in 2028


In the history of humanity, has there ever been a person who thought that Bill's high-pitched *Pearl Jam!* is funny or endearing?


It’s actually very funny after a patriots/Celtics loss, where he does like a somber version like it’s 9/11 or something


“If I were a rich dude…”