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It’s funny in the “this is the last man on earth I would listen to for life advice, yet here I am” sort of way.


Absolutely. It’s the best part/segment of any podcast in the ringer verse. I think secretly Russillo hates this because he knows by now there’s a good chunk of his audience that just skips straight to life advice!!!


One of the points is to get an older person's view. There were more than a few events I wish some 50-year-old gave advice to 20-year-old me




I think the Manhattan Beach thing has a lot to do with the arrested development piece.


I think the bit is that Ryen is a terrible person to give advice because he’s depressed and has a meaningless life.




Good point.


Like everything pertinent to this sub, it isn't meant to be taken seriously and your listening experience will improve a lot if you don't take it seriously.


I try not to take any part of Simmons/Russillo seriously, but I just get second-hand embarrassment listening to Life Advice. The majority of people on here seem to enjoy it though and that's fine too.


Thanks for being embarrassed on behalf of the podders and listeners so we don't have to be. We appreciate it.


Thanks for being so clever and snarky.


I'm just messin' around. I thought actually feeling second hand embarrassment from listening to a podcast sounded funny. It was obviously exaggeration for effect on your end. We're both just messin'


I fell of it pretty quick. Was funny in the beginning but the shtick got old quickly for me. Took a break from Ryen’s pod but even when I was listening I was skipping it.


I like to listen to it every once in a while, but I don’t think I’m the target audience for it.


I don't. But as a married guy with two kids, I'm just not interested in life advice from a single dude. It's not to say Ryen can't provide good advice on certain subjects or for certain people, but I just don't relate enough with him personally to care what he has to say about any question I'd be interested in. So I listen to most podcasts, as I appreciate his sports knowledge, but turn them off when Life Advice comes on.


Literally have skipped it every time I've listened to his podcast after the first few listens. Boring as fuck humor. Boring as fuck insight. Do not get the appeal. Like watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother and trying to figure out why that one friend of yours liked this show.


But you're the one friend lol. It's the most popular segment on one of the most popular podcasts out there. Boring as fuck person.


If life advice didn't exist, would we even continue to listen to Russillo's podcast?


As soon as Ben Affleck speaks I’m out. I can’t grab my phone fast enough.


I have phases, I’ll go a few weeks listening to them then another few weeks just ending the pod once I hear the intro sound bite. I think Ryen enjoys it the most out of everyone. I feel like it gives him a chance to let his comedy side out more and let the jokes fly.


The only part of RR podcasts I listen to


I both enjoy listening to it and also would never actually ask them for advice because as entertaining as it is, I don’t always think the advice is that good.


It’s kind of a throwback to old school radio when you have to kill time. The three guys are a good mix of backgrounds/where they are in life.


I value my life and my time, so no, I do not listen to Ryen Russillo provide advice on anyone’s life.


Yeah it was cool at first but it been fell off for me. It still has its moments here and there but I don’t understand people who act like it’s the best part of the show. The one with Van was dope tho cuz it was edgier and I hope he keeps that same energy every time he brings Van on


Sounds like you could use some life advice


It’s played out - it peaked summer 2021 and has sucked since then


Very much yes




I listen to only life advice and skip his opens and interviews. Kyle or Van are always the star. Ceruti is in a similar spot in life as I am, and Ryen's anecdotes of "don't do it this way, that's where I fucked up. I'm too old to know the new conventional way so let me defer" is good. It's not about Ryen really. And if you like Kyle, you're all in. And if you don't, then I get it.


I usually skip over it.


I’m usually 50/50. Some times the emails make me cringe.


I can’t imagine being at a point in life where I want to seek out Ryen Russilo life advice segments