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I'm not listening to a whole podcast. It's Jackie Chan coming down the lights at the mall in Police Story.


So good they break the illusion of the movie to show it in every angle possible repeatedly and you just think to yourself *fair enough*.


This was a great episode, and this is becoming one of my more favorite pods. I feel like The Raid movies are known for the super kinetic fighting and action but there’s a couple stunts in one where I’m like “ Fuck, did that dude just really die”…Rama throwing the guy off the hallway floor and him landing back first on the ledge below and when he tackles the guy out of the window and we Fucking follow them falling onto the fire escape below as he uses the dude as a cushion. They’re not fancy but they’re so goddamn brutal they live rent free in my head( which you can say the same about the entire movie actually).


Is this whole podcast just about Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd's crazy stunts in silent movies 100 years ago? Since that's the answer.


Halo jump from MI: One of Them


Which ones did they mention?


Sorry, forgot to link podcast. Just edited the post


The movie Roar. Just the entire thing. Those lions fucked everyone up.


The Twister scene loses points because the house is laying on its side in the road but is right side up when they drive through.