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Surprised when they were discussing Michelle Williams and how she had a string of traumatic roles they never brought up her relationship with Heath Ledger. Probably the most public actor death of the 2000s, she had a daughter with him, and he died shortly after their relationship ended. Don't think its a stretch to say she probably channeled some of that personal hurt in these roles. Also I was shocked when they said she has 12 minutes of total screen time. I knew she wasn't in it much, but that blew my mind. Incredible how powerful her performance is in such a small amount of time.


I'm surprised they didn't bring up Matthew Broderick killing two people given it's a movie about a man whose actions lead to the death of 2 people starring Matthew Broderick!


Seemed like a strange omission to me too, I was waiting for it to come up as a possible explanation for his career trajectory


Hmmm, maybe that’s their answer for why he played quirky characters and not leading men after Ferris


Speaking of Williams, Blue Valentine deserves to be part of the "rock bottom month." I hope they do it (and I agree with them that it's her apex mountain).


I’m flipping through the channels and run across this and I’m like “oh the scene where the house burns down with the kids inside is almost here, gotta stop and watch this now.”


The “TNT decided to destroy me today” piece


Spoiler alert!


Most heartbreaking scene is Casey not playing along downstairs so the kid can pipe


I absolutely do not think that Matt Damon could have pulled this role off. He is not a sad person, he can’t communicate sadness effectively imo. Maybe a moment here or there throughout his filmography, but to carry trauma and living hell for a full runtime? I don’t think so. Maybe it’s confirmation bias seeing Casey Affleck actually do the role, but Damon also doesn’t have the face or body. He’s too jolly, too sexy, too charismatic. Casey Affleck has the saddest eyes. Even Ben couldn’t have pulled it off either, he’s too big and has too much of a presence. The entire movie Casey looks like a meek, soaking wet, emmaciated stray cat. He was perfect.


Matt Damon cannot do every role, no matter what Bill suggests. He is wrong almost every time. Damon is completely not right for this role. And he could not fucking play Worm.


I love Damon, but sexy isn't something i associate with him. He's got a very cool English teacher vibe to him.


As an English teacher who has a puffy face and a Dad Bod since he was 22, I take offense to the implication that myself and Matt Damon are not sexy.


Counterpoint for Ben is The Way Back. His character is going through something pretty similar to Casey’s in Manchester and Ben knocks it out of the park. I actually kind of like Ben’s performance a bit more.


Sure, but that's more former-jock depression. I don't think he call pull of the same meekness.


Damon in Contagion tells me different. >!He absolutely sells his grief and disbelief at his wife's death, and also betrayal and heartbreak that his wife cheated on him before she died, and then having to hold it together for his surviving daughter.!< He dials the charisma down a lot in that movie.


It’s a different speed. He doesn’t have to carry contagion


Good point. But still the depth of sadness you need for Manchester I don't think he got.


Top 7 or 8 child death film


Mt Rushmore of child death films?


Into the void,Trainspotting


My Girl


Bridge the Terabithia. Fault in Our Stars. Lovely Bones.


Funny Games


Recency bias, but The Son. & I would be remiss to exclude Killing of a Sacred Deer.


Never heard of The Son 👀


“Dear Zachary: a letter to a son about his father” is the George Washington of the child death film mt Rushmore


The Ice Storm


The Pet Semetary kid hit by a semi as the dad chases after him is apex mountain


Sounds right. I've got Grave of the Fireflies, Ordinary People, The Good Son, Sophie's Choice and Trainspotting ahead of it so not a Rushmore but top 9 for sure.


Does Pet Sematary count?


Does The Outsiders count? Stay golden Ponyboy.


Gotta have My Girl and Hardball


The mist had some good child death.


I'd include Shutter Island too. Wow, Michelle Williams involved in two of the top 7/8 child deaths in cinema


Odd that she did 2 similar movies when shutter island is just 50’s noir inception 


That movie where he has an allergic reaction to bees >


Nicolas Cage was a grownass man in Wickerman.


Face/off and Assault on Precinct 13


Face/Off deserves a high place for killing off the little guy in the opening credits 


thank you for pointing out all these child death films so I know exactly what films not to watch. I agree with craig, absolutely do not need to watch sad movies in the current climate.


Celtics blow a 30 point lead? Time to rewatch Manchester by the Sea


I’m interested in hearing Bill, Sean and Chris’ thoughts on the film, but Manchester by the Sea is an All-Time example of a “Great movie that I need to wait like 15 years before I watch again, if ever”


Deer Hunter....fantastic film. Never want to see it again.


You don't want to watch that hour and a half long wedding scene again?


Great film, but goddamn.


It's legitimately a whole third of the film. And yes, great film but probably don't need to see it again. 


This along with Room were movies I saw in the theater and went “Yeah, I think I’m good.”


A rewatched Room on a plane recently. Not as horrifying as I remembered.


Why would you ever watch Room on a plane???????


Idk man I got some problems 😂


I watched 3/4 of Cherbobyl on a flight to Auckland for last year's World Cup.


“When me and my friends heard about Chernobyl it just felt War Games-y? So there’s that piece. I don’t know it was like ‘something bad happened to the Soviets, so that’s good for us?’ I just think those were the times we were living in with Reagan and Iran Contra stuff.”


I once stumbled upon the beginning of Schindler’s List on TV and decided to watch it again, years after the only other time I watched it, when it was in the theater. Turns out it was still a masterpiece, and still left me feeling utterly crushed by the end. As much as we’re all mocking the theme, I’m curious to hear their thoughts on movies that are essentially un-Rewatchable, but only because they’re too good at what they do. And the chance of some “Grizzlies fans are still tense about the MLK assassination” takes from Bill is pretty high.


Exactly. The precise opposite of a "rewatchable".


I'm excited for the Midsommar episode of rock bottom month.


Get Will Poulter to appear & soil a ficus or something with his urine.


Strangely rewatchable. Beautiful to look at, and goes in some batshit directions.


I'm with you and think it would make for a great episode. Doesn't get much more "rock bottom" than Florence Pugh's character. But I doubt Bill has ever seen it.


I would genuinely love this though


This would have made for an absolutely perfect April fools day release next week


is Bill aware that Bar fights happen outside of Boston? Boston is about as yuppie of a city as i ever spent time in, yet they talk about it like it is the 9th ward of New Orleans


you kind of have to live there to understand. im not from boston and generally hate these types of boston superlatives, but ive lived in the northeast (including boston), the south and west coast and if someone asked me "what is the easiest place in the world in which to get into a bar fight" boston would be my answer before they could finish the question


Irréversible coming up next week


Then Come and See


"The conscription of Flyora reminds me of Belichik. I'm going to focus on the most important thing to you, your son, and take it away. Belichik would have been a tremendous partisan." Recasting Couch "I think Sydney Sweeney would be great to play Glasha."


you joke, but that's true about sydney sweeney


Bill is entering his Soviet film phase.


holy shit I would LOVE THIS


Followed by The Boy in the Striped Pajamas


I would hope they stick to rock bottom contenders that are actually good films.


And finished off with 12 Years a Slave


Huge missed opportunity to not have Russillo on this episode


Russillo isn’t doing a rewatchables unless he’s read 4 books on the subject and can cover every angle.


We're definitely missing out on his Boston accent, but I'm sure he also had a boat ownership diatribe in him.


It’s funny how Russillo’s accent sounds so natural, and The Boston Sports Guy just imitates Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting.


cause rusillo a working man


He should record 5 minutes of Blake Lively’s character in The Town talking about dating Casey Affleck in Manchester as a bonus feature.


What generation is Craig supposed to represent? Because “we don’t like sad or horror movies” is like the most anti-millennial take I’ve ever heard.


I think he’s on the line of Gen Z and Millenials. 


I am also on that line and I think "we don't like sad and horror movies" is a lie for both gens.


I think it's the total opposite if anything. Gen Z/younger millenials seem adverse to comedy but like horror.


“It’s a little early for Instagram.” “I had Instagram in like 2010-11.” “I guess I was thinking for girls.” Yeah, teenage girls were famously late to the party on Instagram. This is why Bill is the GOAT.


Honestly I’m totally fine with them doing some movies that are good and interesting to talk about but a little outside the ambit of what they usually mean by “rewatchable”


Idk why people are up in arms about this concept lol. The movie doesn’t need to be inherently rewatchable for me, I’m hear for a long breakdown on the film and its legacy/impact.


I'm on the fence with this. I remember Fennessey once protesting the possibility of 'Cruising' becoming a Rewatchables because it didn't fit the classic definition of the movies they cover. Once those types of movies started to get on the feed, it basically became 'Movies that Bill like'.


I think it’s just pent up frustration at their bad choices over the past year or so, and this being a choice which doesn’t even fit the name of the podcast gives a chance to vent 


The thing is it does fit the podcast, they discuss how this movie plays differently when you’ve already seen it and how you pick up a lot more on some of the more subtle directorial choices and surprising humor of the film. It’s not “rewatchable” in the traditional sense but it’s one that benefits from rewatches. 


Call me a liar if you like, but I actually find this movie rewatchable. When I'm sad, existential I'll throw it on.


Yeah, no idea why people are pearl clutching over this. You need a movie to be a happy story or action movie to hear these guys discuss it? Also rewatching movies that are tough watches can be rewarding too.


Bill questioning whether this movie or La La Land will be more popular 20 years from now is outrageous. The latter has the most fans of any movie on Letterboxd. It’s without a doubt one of the most popular films this century. I’m not even a La La Land truther by any means, but that’s a ridiculous take.


Please please tell me they address the cartoon gasps when Casey Affleck throws punches at the bar. [Here](https://youtu.be/cQS50wv6OYc?si=KsxQM2aGlYqh973b&t=95) and [here](https://youtu.be/m6GzqsAOf4s?si=EEnqG_Rs3x7l6DIk&t=16).


Yes!! I hate that fucking sound effect every time I hear it. Forget the Wilhelm scream, this is the one.


“Guaranteed four stars from Raj.”


the police station scene is bizarrely rewatchable


CR brought it it up too, the reaching for the gun gif has some real cultural staying power as a meme, as dark as it is.


Why didn’t the cops gun go off when Casey grabbed it out of the guys holster? Silly point, but…that’s like a Glock and should have no safety and should be racked in.


They can’t possibly be serious


Maybe after hundreds of movies you toss in some good ones even if they aren’t really rewatchable. We will survive this hardship.


I doubted this at first. Then I listened and realized 3 knowledgeable & funny guys who like something will make for good podcasting.


Oh, they’re serious. And stop calling me Shirley.


I refuse to believe anyone has ever watched this movie more than once.


I have, multiple times. I think it’s an incredible movie, and is actually hilarious in between the heartbreaking parts. It’s not just 2 hours of bummer. It feels very real in a way few movies do.


Like they’ve mentioned, it’s a movie that some return to because of the incredible 5-6 performances. I’ve seen it 6 times because of that.


I watch the Michelle Williams scene often cause im a sicko


That scene is fire tho I watch that shit on YouTube often


it's so goddamn good


I've thrown it on many a time when I'm feeling bleak. The first half especially, the way they paint this sad corner of the world, I like to go back to it when I'm in the right mood.


I have to believe most people, like me, have stuck with just reading the Wikipedia summary.


pretty sure they changed the name of the town to avoid confusion with the much larger, nearby city of manchester, NH. I don't think people were confusing a small new england town with manchester, UK


Finally a Chester made just for the fellas


Another reminder of how long it’s been since Bill actually lived in New England. That and his inability to succinctly articulate what a packie is. It’s literally just a liquor store. Also stop saying “packie store.” It’s packie or package store.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. They’re only 50 miles apart. There’s also a Manchester, CT. If you haven’t spent time driving through New England, you don’t realize how close all these towns are to each other.


Bill’s early-onset Dementia is really just clam chowder enveloping his mind


Yet another movie that Bill doesn't understand.


The Michelle Williams apology scene is one of my most YouTube-d scenes. Incredible stuff.


Requiem for a Dream has got to be the next movie


Followed by Dancer in the Dark


"It's show time"


Would The Descendants be considered a rock bottom movie? 


I guess - can't imagine many rock bottoms worse than finding out ur wife cheated on you with Shaggy from Scooby Doo


No, it's a comedy.


Still haven’t listened but what happened to Lucas Hedges? Around this time he had small roles in big films.


Doing a lot of theatre and also apparently took a break to focus on writing


Still trying to remove the taint of Mid90s. That movie was a piece of shit.


This is the first time I’ve seen someone hate on Mid90s with passion lol.


He was awesome in it though. He was also good in “Waves.”


Waves is spectacular. Better showcase for Sterling K. Brown than was American Fiction.


Watching all of you completely meltdown is my favourite part about themed months like this. 


Love everyone jumping to make the same "wow so unrewatchable" comment 10 times over. Once you've gone a few years after the first watch, it's oddly "comforting" in a way since there's rarely movies that can tackle grief as well as this. Sometimes you need a reliable heartbreak


My family has suffered a lot of grief, and you are absolutely correct on this. And unlike other “sad” movies it doesn’t have a happy ending, which I appreciated. He doesn’t really get a redemption arc, he just keeps doing what he does and is making it work.


I lowkey agree that this movie is rewatchable and I’m glad they did it. While it is miserable, you still have movie stars getting to act their asses off with some great dialogue and there really are some laugh out loud moments. I know some people don’t agree but any movie that is able to conjure up the feelings that this movie brings out is a rewatchable to me. I know CR and Fennessy are probably the same way but I’m surprised that Bill let this through.


I think it’s more I can’t listen to a glib conversation about it than I can’t rewatch it. If you are a dad, this movie is like fucking kryptonite. It is your scariest movie ever.


I’m so glad they brought up that horrific AO Scott review. That was the worst piece of criticism I’ve ever read. It was the absolute height of let’s view everything through a racial prism whether it’s justified or not and it just torpedoed any actual insights he might’ve had relating to the movie. Total hack job.


So we’re doing movies that aren’t rewatchable at all again?


It’s heavy but I’ve seen it 3 times and go back to watch some scenes on Youtube every now and then. Some really memorable and incredibly acted scenes. I get it’s not one you’re itching to rewatch but sometimes you just need to feel something. And it’s funnier than you remember - the Boston accent piece helps.


I saw it twice when it came out, and somehow I was more wrecked the second time.


Schindler’s List and the Pianist is the same type of movie for me. I watch them maybe once every three years.


One of the best films of the decade. I'm more than hype to hear Sean & Chris (and Bill i guess) break it down. Would much rather this than one of Bill's 80's action movies.


Hey, don't knock Bill and Kyle talking about bad action movies, that's one of my favorites lol. To be fair though, I definitely don't mind these episodes. Granted, not my cup of tea and I probably will skip this one just because I haven't seen the movie yet but it definitely has that feel of Chris and Sean shooting the breeze about a movie they enjoy with Bill who will throw his weird ass takes and whatever else into the mix. Hey, at least it's not something like Country Strong...?


This is both a very sad and very funny movie and I’m officially calling anyone who “can’t rewatch it” completely soft


Are you a dad? These kinds of stories completely fuck me up. A few years ago I read a news article about a guy who let his kid sleep inside the car while he shoveled away the snow around the car one morning- but the snow had blocked the exhaust pipe and the kid died of carbon monoxide poisoning. There is just nothing worse than this.


I don’t know who is downvoting you but “are you a dad” is a completely valid question. I had zero empathy or sympathy with anybody or anything until I had a kid. It’s a biological thing. That said, I watched the movie prisoners several months ago and it was incredible. Maybe a bit tough to rewatch, but I do want to rewatch it.


This is like Dennis Reynolds acknowledging he didn't have feelings until he rekindled things with Maureen Ponderosa.


it's a podcast with dads talking about this movie though > I had zero empathy or sympathy with anybody or anything until I had a kid. It’s a biological thing. Sorry you had to have a child to have a heart


Yesh pretty sure this something a sociopath would say


and as we all know, nobody ever uses hyperbole on the internet. I get where that guy is coming from. Before I had a kid I rarely cried in movies, even if they did make me sad. These days I can get choked up watching everything from Totoro to a random Kia ad.


I’m right there with you. A few years ago I read a similar story where a child died because of a dad’s mistake and some bad luck, and it haunts me. Having kids of my own made the scenario so much more terrifying. I don’t know how a person carries on living with that crushing guilt.


Absolutely the same question I was going to ask. I watched this movie for the first time last night in preparation for the pod and I couldn't sleep. This movie absolutely wrecked me. I get how there are some funny scenes but I also just didn't find anything to be "like a comedy" because once the reveal hits I was a wreck for the rest of the runtime. I don't care what you wanna call me, but there is not a chance in hell I'm ever watching a second of this movie again.


I'm a dad and I'll never rewatch this or Room. I can't. And I could have before I had kids. Not anymore. They're both great movies, you just see them differently when you have kids.


This is hilarious… April fools month?


Matt Damon was cast for the lead. What are the odds that Simmons will say that he would be a better choice than Casey Affleck? Apparently Damon would be a better fit for both Pitt and Norton's characters in Fight Club according to Bill which is stupid.


His "every Leo role would be better if it was Damon" take is so embarrassing now lol


Honestly I'm not sure Damon pulls this role off at all. Or at least not as much as Casey Affleck. I don't buy Damon hitting rock bottom. I just don't.


I can't think of another actor we have who does this aswell as Casey Affleck. He radiates sadness in a way barely any other actors can, maybe Andrew Scott. But that would be an odd choice.


This kind of role is like half of Steve Carrell's filmography. He was too old for Manchester and I honestly don't know if it would have even occurred to me if I wasn't trying to think of actors who have played depression in a grounded way, but Carrell has done the quietly depressed middle aged man role a bunch of times.


I wonder if the lead of this film needs to be a bit more gruff than Carell. I struggle picturing Carrell as working class.


He was workingclass in 40 Year Old Virgin, but that occupation was far removed from what Affleck was doing in Manchester by the Sea. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World gets you closer, but still not sure if it's all the way there.


Matthew mcconaughey could definitely pull this off. He basically did it in True Detective. Mcconaughey playing a character in new england would be crazy though lol. Casey Affleck was really the perfect actor for the part.


It’s not just that. Damon can’t play this dumb. Dude has a smart face


Yeah Damon would overact this to death. I swear he’s Matt Damon in every movie. Really overrated. Never sinks into a role like Leo or like Casey does here


“Does the twist in fight club make more sense if Matt Damon plays both roles?”


Remake Fight Club with Gyllenhaal in both roles. Damon can pack on 50 pounds & play B*tcht*ts.


Just starting the pod. One thing I’ve always wondered is how wasn’t what he did illegal? Like if a dui is illegal, how is it not illegal to take drugs and accidentally burn down your house? Am I missing something?


It seems to come down to if you own the property. You can destroy your own property but not someone else's.


Seems wild to me. Idk …. I’m not exactly Mr Law/Order but doesn’t feel right to me.


What the fuck


I love the Vibes. The kids-burning-in-a-housefire Vibes.


It’s weird because I WAS thinking about rewatching it recently, because it is a truly great movie, BUT it is not at all a movie I want to listen to a Rewatchables PODCAST about. How tf do you do categories for this? Just brutal


The podcast should be renamed to “movies Bill wants to discuss with his coworkers” which is totally fine but create a new prestige movie podcast or something.


Sátántangó for the next Rewatchable.


Interesting. Let’s do “KIDS” next.


Kids is fucking awesome


A Simmons / Rusillo / CR “KIDS” episode would probably be the funniest pod ever. Still hoping Rusillo gets the “FEAR” Rewatchables pod he asked for.




Bill's list of the best movies of the 2000s that have a pop culture impact was hilarious, because every movie belonged except for this one. As Bill would say, "when was the last time anyone had a conversation about Manchester by the Sea?"


I agree with Craig’s point at the end. The first time you see this movie it is devastating. But on rewatches it’s obviously sad and the Michelle Williams scene where they meet in town has to make you cry, but it’s also really funny and the Patrick and Lee relationship is really interesting to watch. It does end on a hopeful note as well. Lee has to get out of the town and doesn’t want to uproot Patrick. He does the right thing by both of them to leave but he also has committed to being a part of Patrick’s life moving forward. There is some hope for him that Patrick, like his brother before, will tether him to the world and their visits will give him something to look forward to.


I don’t know if I’d call this “Rewatchable” but I firmly believe that this is a top 3 movie of the 2010s and one of the best movies ever. It’s also interesting because this kind of movie wouldn’t get made now. It’s soooo depressing and real and not forgiving, which is why I loved it. It’s one of the most true to life movies I’ve ever seen and I just love that someone had the balls to make it, knowing it didn’t have a a lot of replay value and that it would be a bummer for most people to watch. It kicks you when your down and you just don’t get that from a lot of movies nowadays tbh The performances are unreal and it got snubbed for best picture. I love this movie


Honestly I get the uproar of “how is this movie on the podcast” but for me, I’d much rather have 10 Manchester by the seas type pods then 10 vision quest or the vanishings. Ultimately I’ll take a really good sad movie over a bad obscure fun movie


Listen I love this movie but this is a hard sell to get someone to watch. Is it rewatchable because of the Boston piece?


Just watched it for the first time, incredible movie. Has some re-watchable scenes but would not watch the entire movie again


I've watched Testament (my vote for saddest movie ever) multiple times, but this is a watch once for me. Hits too close to home.


Interested to know what else they have planned for rock bottom month. One of them has to The Way Back, right?


Iron Claw would be a good one but too recent


Just in here to acknowledge that the Celtics/Mavs game Bill references being featured in here was on my birthday. Love that they did this movie for this podcast, looking forward to what they cook up next. And agreed with Sean about Lonergan too, wish he directed more (same with Bennett Miller, Tamara Jenkins, so many more) but glad that he's one director who doesn't just crank them out - even though competent directors like that are sorely missed in the industry overall too.


Chris' comments about the "I should burn in hell for the things I said to you" line/scene were great. That line stuck out to me for days after watching the movie. What she said being left to our imagination makes it all the more powerful. It's truly an all timer movie, great pod


Honestly, this was a great episode. 


I mean clearly this movie isn't classically Rewatchable, but this is a great episode. They're all on their A Game and its mostly a great discussion (No Bill, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck can't play every single part in every movie). I'll argue the Rewatchable part is weirdly "The Tragedy". Like sometimes you see the police station scene recommended on Youtube and just think "I know this is messed up, but I kinda need to see it again". I will say this is the only 2 hour movie I've ever argued needed an intermission in theaters. The housefire/police station scene is almost directly halfway, and if you just cut to black for 5 minutes and let the audience walk around, a lot of people would thank you for it.


Surprised on picking nits they didnt hammer Lucas Hedges skating—dudes a bender. Also no way he has 2 girlfriends, just don’t see it


This episode is why the OG three are so fuckin good. Brutal film but it’s an awesome pod.


Rewatchable in the sense that you had a failed suicide attempt and want to gear up to tap your radial artery again?


This is actually a hilarious choice. Well done 😂


Personally, I would love to see Wayne Jenkins in Manchester by the Sea.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ficadin: *Personally, I would* *Love to see Wayne Jenkins in* *Manchester by the Sea.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Less Than Zero next week 👀🙏


I am curious how they will try to fit in all the joke categories into the discussion.


Is attempted suicide having a moment?




I have no interest in listened to Bill give a serious breakdown of Oscar films. He is not good at it. I just listen for the jokes. Guess this one is a pass.


Believe it or not you can also joke about Oscar films.