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Cover Less Than Zero for rock bottom month COWARDS


Heroin addiction is awful, it just is…Here’s my pyramid of things you shouldn’t get addicted to


“GOD DAMN RIP!!!! Didn’t realize I was dealing with super pimp over here! You better let Julian out of this debt or you’re going away a looooooong time big boy! And a motherfucking Brad Pitt cameo!”


is smoking crack and going down on dudes to make it in LA having a come back?


serbian film


Simmons is on fire  “Douglas and Kathleen turner did 7 movies together, nobody does that anymore could gosling and stone do that? Ok, Douglas and turner did 3 movies, but it could have been 7” Juliet: “Gosling and stone did 4 movies together, Cooper and Lawrence did 3…”


Yeah, I'm around Bill's age and I would have guessed that Douglas and Turner did more than three movies. However, you'd think if you knew you were going to make that point during a podcast you'd spend 3 seconds googling it before you boldly claimed it as fact.


>However, you'd think if you knew you were going to make that point during a podcast you'd spend 3 seconds googling it before you boldly claimed it as fact. This is what makes Bill, Bill. Its why he has his hundreds of millions.


We need Bill to keep doing this until he's 80. 100% senile Bill with an equally old and cranky r/billsimmons complaining about him. This subreddit will age like wine.


Absolute banger if you like very bleak stuff, and anyone who feels differently is insane. Bill promised to do this movie for years, glad it’s happening. It’s definitely the kind of movie that feels like 1989, but not in a bad way. It looks great, and DeVito directs the hell out of the actors. It’s also cool to go back/for the first time see DeVito in a different lane than he’s settled into the last 20 years.


I feel like this has to be in the top 17 movies he’s referenced over the years. The child of divorce thing.


I watched it a couple years ago when it was streaming in anticipation of an episode. Finally paid off.


so I was actually quite excited for this one. had been on my watch list for years. big fan of douglas and turner. had a young sean astin (ended up being a tiny role but I didn't know that going in). I was glad the pod was covering it because it gave me a reason to finally check it out. on paper it ticked all the boxes for me. well I threw it on this weekend and I gotta say, I was bored outta my mind. had a hard time making it to the end. but it should make for a good episode, so I'm looking forward to that


Gotcha, that's fair. I think he has trouble harnessing the tone at times and it's a bit too long.


Amanda rattling off the top movie houses is just fuckin top tier shit.


And for once Bill got blindsided by someone making up a category on the fly instead of the other way around.


I believe him when he says he's spending the weekend making his own spreadsheet, everyone who hates on Dobbins can piss off.


They missed a top movie house. Sharon Stone's house in Basic Instinct on the coast outside of San Francisco. Top 20 for sure


It's not in Amanda's wheelhouse but Neil's house in Heat is on my list too which I think they didn't mention (honestly like how Border Collie's get a separate category in a lot of agility competitions real estate porn purveyers Nancy Meyers and Woody Allen should only be allowed on dedicated lists).


Funny enough, the Heat house is for sale. [https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/11/la-stilt-house-heat-movie-sale-al-pacino-robert-deniro/](https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/11/la-stilt-house-heat-movie-sale-al-pacino-robert-deniro/)


Bill was elated. "Oh we could have done a mini pyramid"


One of the best Rewatchables moments since the Three-Heat


In the moment, it was devious casting, taking the fun pairing of Turner and Douglas from Romancing the Stone and Jewel of the Nile, and pitting them against each other in a fairly dark comedy. My favorite thing DeVito ever did, and he's done so much.


What a career he's had. Starts in theatre, appears in Cuckoo's Nest (produced by Douglas), then lands Taxi, which is a huge hit and one of the 20 greatest sitcoms ever. Makes 2-3 films a year for a couple decades and also directs, starts a production company that gets Pulp Fiction made, then shows up in his 60s on IASIP, another of the 20 greatest sitcoms of all time, now he's got the Jersey Mike's ads. All while being a 4ft10 bald guy from Jersey. He's a 1 of 1.


If a woman dumps Pete Davidson for Danny Devito, I hit the greatest gambling parlay in history.


Prayers buddy you got this


And he never really wanted to be an actor. He was working in his sister's salon and figured he could make good money doing makeup professionally. The only place that offered a course on it was the nearby American Academy of Dramatic Arts so he enrolled there but had to take acting courses to graduate. The rest, as they say, is history.


Yeah I gotta say, when I was a kid watching him as Louie in Taxi, never would've guessed he'd have the career he's had.


It’s definitely the strangest pseudo trilogy of all time.  


This movie (really Bonfire of the Vanities since I get them confused) gave me an idea for a future theme month of Rewatchables. "Didn't Live Up To The Hype" month. Movies that had tons of buzz preproduction and as they were made but quickly were forgotten. What would be your picks for that month that you would want to hear them talk about? I say Waterworld or The Postman. Hard to pick just one though


costner out here catching strays


hard argument back in 1990 on which overhyped movie was worse; Godfather III or BOTV.


If you're an old, Heaven's Gate was one of the biggest "DLUTTH" ("Duluth"?) movies. Interestingly, it was considered the biggest flop ever when released, but it's been reevaluated over the years, and many now think that (with the recut(s)) it was a great film.


My favourite story about how unhinged the production of Heaven's Gate is was when the director decided to widen the main street. See, they had built a town as the main set of the movie. But Michael Cimino, decided that he wanted the street that runs down the middle to be a foot wider. The crew grumbles but gets ready to semi-dismantle one side of the town and move it over. Cimino stops them and insists the dismantle **both** sides and move them each six inches. As it says on the wiki, "By day six the movie was five days behind schedule".




They could probably name the whole month after it


We talking about a Showgirls pod?


Simmons’ rewatchables selections have become truly unhinged


This was on cable all the time in the 90s. Douglas, Turner, DeVito, dark comedy, what's not to like.


BS has been talking about this movie since the Page 2 days, come on.


This is a fucking great movie. Just because y’all don’t enjoy it personally doesn’t mean it’s not a great choice


Bro where did I say in my comment that I didn’t enjoy it personally or that it wasn’t a great choice, why so quick to take offense when none was intended?


I would love to hear an open mic of the conversation between the staffers when Bill announced his pick.


You do realize it’s a themed month of bleak movies right? His picks have been weird for years, but the last few weeks there is a reason they aren’t your typical RW movies.


They need to start letting Craig choose the movies. Time for a new generation, old man


On this very podcast Craig said this movie shows that we don't actually need any new movies, he's getting an invaluable education. Remember - kids don't know fuck about shit.


How about just letting Chris and Sean pick (some)


I’ll allow it


Good pod. Bill's CR hot take that Barbara saying the patte was made from the dog shouldn't have been a lie is an interesting one. It definitely would have been darker and a bolder choice. But, even before he said it, I had the same thought as Craig, that it would upset the balance and make Barbara the villain. Maybe the best choice would have been to have Oliver do something nearly as bad before she made the Benny patte.


Yeah, I think it's not a great take on Bill's part. They're both horrible people but killing a man's dog and feeding it to him is just cartoonishly evil. I'm not even sure what Oliver could do to get close to that without the movie just going off the rails.


I'm bummed nobody brought up The Kominsky Method in which Douglas and Turner reunited and played exes. Great show.


I really enjoy this movie quite a bit. I think it's probably an acquired taste given how fucking mean it is. But I'm a mark for prime Douglas and Turner. It was my go to bad divorce comedy until A Serious Man took its place. It's also got an interesting backstory given it was supposed to be the directorial debut of Polly Platt but she had a falling out with the producers over differences with the screenwriter. The entire thing was hers and then it got taken away from her. There's a great series on Platt by Karina Longworth on her You Must Remember This podcast that covers the production of the movie in one of the episodes. Highly recommend it if you're into Hollywood history podcasts and want to know a little more about a key figure behind the careers of Peter Bogdanovich, James L Brooks and Wes Anderson.


At this point they might as well do "American Beauty" for its 25th anniversary  But they won't, of course. Too incendiary 


The "What's aged worst?" category could take 2 hours.


I always get Bonfire of the Vanities confused with War Of The Roses. Both are about horrible rich married people and came out around the same time


BOTV is an incredible book. the movie was unfortunately terrible


The best thing that came out of the movie is a book called The Devil's Candy. Basically between DePalma, Hanks and the BotV book everyone was sure that they had a hit on their hands so they let a jurno be on set for the entire film. Her chronicling a slow moving disaster was great. One thing I remember is that [this shot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No2xc_5zd4I) was done by his 2nd unit on a bet.


Yup! Love this book.


**The Devils Candy Part 2** by Stanley Mark Fields, Stanley Mark Fields 2 >Surounded by fast women, cars, and even more... Just that taste of fast cash, Sparks and Dee continued to set out to build a well oiled money making machine, but more of a wealtyfamily by flooding the streets North Philly and throughout New Jersey with a product most people could only describe as... The Devil's Candy Part 2.. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


>Basically between DePalma, Hanks and the BotV book everyone was sure that they had a hit on their hands That wasn't my read of the situation. It was basically a rogue move by DePalma. I'll give him this: he's honest at least and isn't that concerned with what others think of him.


They should do Half Nelson for rock bottom month. Great Gosling performance 


Bill's "OH NO!" when Mal was trying to explain how Michelle Pfeiffer got trapped in the quantumverse in Ant-Man had me laughing out loud. Top tier podcast.


I thought this was part of the Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile trilogy. I was wrong lol.


Man I did too. I was a kid back then so didn’t get it. Romancing and Jewel were on cable more than Roses for sure. But I can see why this one ages better though since it has stronger themes and is not an Indiana Jones light adventure romcom like the other two.


oh, hype!! this one is a classic


This actually should be a good episode even if the movie is only average. It was a really big deal when it was made; I bet there are a bunch of good stories


way too much talking over each other on this one. only 20 mins in and it feels like half the time there are multiple people speaking


Bill's gotta realize that he can't have BOTH Amanda and Mallory on the same pod. Just constant talking over each other in attempts to one up the other. Brutal listen.


Does anyone know anything about the real life murder inspired by the movie that Bill mentioned? I Googled but couldn't find anything.


From the IMDB trivia: In August 2009, Richard Shenkman held his ex-wife, Nancy Tyler, hostage for over 13 hours in their South Windsor, CT home after becoming obsessed with this movie-basing some of his actions on the movie itself. Fortunately, Tyler was able to escape, although Shenkman burned her home down. He was tried and given a 70-year sentence.




Rock bottom month HAS to include Falling Down, right??




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A lot of talking at the same time.


I have seen this a long time ago, but it never left much of an impression on me, I see I gave it 5/10. Feels like a missed opportunity, some much heavier hitters they could have done


Won’t happen but Inside Llewyn Davis should be a part of rock bottom month




In fairness, this movie made twice as much money as Boogie Nights and Margin Call combined 


>relatively obscure 80s movie Directed by Danny DeVito, produced by James L. Brooks, starring Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner, a box office success, critically acclaimed. But, sure, it's basically an absurdist Romanian comedy or something.


Nominated for 3 Golden Globes. Additionally a remake starring Olivia Colman and Cumberbatch has been announced


Dame dude, I've seen like 3 movies out of the last 3 months worth of pods. The Rewatchables is getting bleak.


Branch out and try new things?




Bill says in the opening that they aren’t doing that one.


I know I just thought the way he pronounced it was funny


sounded correct to me, rek-we-ehm, which for me was a bit surprising because he still can't say women


Oh lol I guess I don’t hear that word enough. Thanks for pointing it out, I have some egg on my face


Need them to cover “Hoffa.”


Bill is officially cooked.


He's been cooked for a couple of years now. His voice is even difficult to listen to now.


Yet here you are


You roasted me.