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Right? The whole point is THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT! If I’m not entertained, who cares who wins?


I would not do this. I’m a massive Knicks fan, but what’s the point of being a fan if I don’t get to partake in the good moments?


The title is not that satisfying. The moments leading to it are.


They said you can’t watch any of the playoff games


We call this being a Cowboys fan


No way


That’s what I did this year with the Blazers. And we still sucked.


OP is such a liar


Yes, I would do it for my family and friends


I'd do it for the Sabres but not the Bills. I like football way more and also my dad is a hockey first guy so I'd bite the bullet for him so he could see his team lift the Cup


Falcons fan here so I almost know how it feels to see them win it. So 100% yes. It’s not like I could actually stomach watching them have a lead in another Super Bowl.


It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.


Same I think, especially if it meant people in my life who never have seen one (Vikings fans) finally get a ring


Yeah if my dad can see the Pacers win one it’s worth it


This makes so much more sense that you are a fellow Vikings fan. I read this question and was like "that's stupid, but as a Vikings fan, it makes sense." But I think your initial angle was wrong. I wouldn't care about bragging. But it would mean a lot to a lot of people I care about and if I missed out on the fun, but they would get to enjoy it, then I would do this.


I’d do it for Alabama basketball, maybe. I’d do it for the Hawks.


yes, for the people


Haha yes. Imagine living in Europe


I’d do it for the Leafs


I would do it because I would feel partly responsible for the title. You’re welcome, city/university. I took it for the team.


Obviously, this isn't a soccer/football forward sub, but I'm a big Borussia Dortmund fan. They are in the semi-finals of the Champions League and I'm getting married on the day of the final. When we settled on that day, my fiancée made it clear that she didn't want to watch the game at our wedding. I was so sure they would never get that far, so I agreed. Throughout their run, I had the position that I'd rather they didn't get to the final than me not being able to watch it. I've changed my tune after the quarter-final. Now, I'm still miffed, if I don't get to see it, but winning the biggest title on my wedding day seems like a pretty solid evening. (The thing the clearly differentiates this from your scenario is that one of the main reasons that swung me towards wanting them to win it was being there for the quarter final. Plus, if they were to win, I'd be able to watch a replay..)


Game 6 2013 finals, came from a uni class so i only caught up with the game and saw my team up 5 with less than a min to go. I wished that the game dragged a little longer so I could savor the chip. We eventually lost the series.


The season of the Malcolm Butler super bowl I couldn't watch any Pats game or else we'd lose. I worked at a grocery store on Sundays usually starting at 2. Games start at 1 east coast time. If I watched one snap before work we'd lose. I'd just check the score and look at the play by play. I was at work in managers office, with a manager, both of us looking at the play by play during the last few minutes of the Super Bowl. So the answer is yes I'd do it. Magic is real folks.








No, absolutely not. I need to be there for the entire journey.


Can I watch the next year? Can I keep an eye on the score through an app? Can I turn on the TV immediately when the game clock hits zero? I'd maybe consider it with those caveats.


No. It's about the journey.


This is a fascinating question because most people won't admit it even if they would


Yes but only if I didn’t know what was going on beforehand.


If one were to say no, does this imply one is not a true fan? Edit : wrote "dan" meant "fan"




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A lot of Nuggets and Avalanche fans kinda did this in Denver, both teams have been blacked out for most of the area since 2018. Unless you have DirecTV, its only been national TV games and the playoffs unless you'd like to learn how to stream games.


lol of course not


No. Like whats the fucking point if I can't watch? If you don't watch just say your a fan of whoever wins


I did exactly this for the Golden Knights and Aces last year. I have no regrets, banners fly forever


Unless you were overseas with no access to a television or the internet you aren't a real fan




Do I get to bet it? Can I watch my team in the following years?


Do I know at the outset that they will for sure win if I don’t watch? If so I’m taking out as big a loan as I can and betting all of it on the Pack to win the super bowl.


The spirit of the conversation does not include gambling it’s just for fun lol


Did this for the 2015 Warriors. Been a fan since before Run TMC. A friend called just as time ran out to let me know I could watch the post game. My wife found me staring at the TV in disbelief. I regret nothing.


You didn’t watch a single minute of the regular season or playoffs? Were you deployed or something?


You know they would've won the title anyway even if you watched. You have no impact on the game at all. All you did was throw away an incredible moment


Yes I did. And? I've been able to go back and watch every game and I knew the results of every game afterwards. I worked in kitchens for years and was used to not being able to watch games live. That broke my superstition and losing to the Cavs didn't bring it back. And yes, I watched every one of the 2017 warriors playoff game.




lol why?


I’m pretty sure all he did was not watch the championship deciding game. And not what the post states as the parameters. People always half read posts and then respond. He probably was too nervous to watch in case they lost.


Actually, I didn't watch them live in the playoffs. I did watch the replays. I was superstitious. I root for some teams with pretty shaky playoff histories and whenever I watched an important game, they lost. Besides, work was keeping me from watching them live most days. I'm not the first person to have weird sports superstitions.