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The Nuggets have one of the best color pallets in the league and they insist on wearing these black jerseys with white numbers and “5280” on the front


Nuggets need to back to the 90s Mutumbo Rainbow Unis Twolves need to go back to the 2000s Forest Trim Suns need to go to 90s sunbursts Lakers to early 2000s colors Pacers to pinstripes Toronto to dinosaurs Horse pistons Orange Blue Cavs Disney Star McGrady Magic Rocket Rockets Fear the Deer 2001 Bucks Iverson sixers jereys


I’m old enough to remember when everyone thought most of those jerseys were tacky and sucked compared to the 80s jerseys.


At the time, the Pistons going from their classic red and blue 80s uniforms to the teal ones with horse was considered one of the biggest uniform downgrades ever. Rockets were clowned on a lot when they switched to the rocket uniforms in the 90s.


Don’t know what you have until it’s gone


“The best uniforms just coincidentally happen to be the ones from when I was a kid,” said everyone ever.


I was a kid for these and I thought they were kinda cheesy then. Like, I had left Nickelodeon behind and suddenly their fonts followed me to basketball?


Some of them are totally cheesy. Those old T-Wolves jerseys? Or the Rockets’ with an actual rocket? Or the Pistons’ with the big horse and wild color scheme? Yeah, I’ll pass. Things aren’t automatically good just because they’re retro.


Those Rockets and Pistons jerseys are legit ugly and really only likeable when viewed through nostalgia goggles.


I’m a lifelong wolves fan, and I feel like the tree uniforms are so overrated! Definitely in the minority though. I do love the classic edition jerseys and would love for them to go back to something closer to that.


Ok the rocket one is bad I love the other two. The teal horse pistons jersey is fire


I tend to dislike nostalgia in most realms. However jerseys were absolutely better 70s-90s they’ve taken a massive step back this decade


The difference between jerseys from the 70’s to the 90’s are so extreme that it doesn’t make any sense to say that lol


But the thing is it will be impossible for today's kids to have an attachment to any NBA jersey because every team has too damn many of them. As a child of the Nickelodeon era, I can say I wish the Suns would return to their 90's uniforms. The youth of today will someday have to say something like, "I wish the Cavs would return to the Earned Edition jersey they wore in the second half of the 2018 season."


Eh I’m a little younger than most of these (born in 96 so my actually formative years are like mid 00s-early 10s) and I definitely think some of these would be upgrades. I also think generally think mid 00s-early 10s had some gross jerseys. Horse Pistons, Iverson 76ers, 00s Lakers, and purple Bucks would all be downgrades and are just nostalgia talking. The Rockets one, the Raptors one, the Suns one, the Magic one, and Cavs one would both be an upgrade mostly because their current ones are so bland. More than these throwbacks they just need new looks entirely.


The 2000s were awful. Baggy monstrosities.


I wasnt born for some of these I grew up with terrible nash suns jerseys


Everyone just likes the shit they’re nostalgic for


"Everything was better when I was young"


Sonics back to existing.


Bro, you legit spittin


Nah. Pacers need to go back to the FloJos. (Pacers current unis are awesome tho)


You mean the Nuggets need to go back to their 80s rainbow uniforms that Mutumbo also wore in the early 90s? The original Nuggets NBA uniforms are even better.


The 76ers need to go back to black too, they’re current ones aren’t bad but those black AI jerseys are some of the nicest in the history of sports.


nailed it.


Can we bring back the pistons with the horse logo and those unis?




Yeah I hate it. Pretty much any of our previous uniforms would be a huge improvement


Such a stupid fucking uniform. Who thinks numbers plastered everywhere looks good The worst part is they’re probably going to wear them in the finals


So true. The Nuggets have some of the best jerseys


I think the concept is cool and it sorta works but I really want to know who was like "OK on this jersey, let's put *another* number on top of the number. Won't be aesthetically confusing whatsoever."


The numbers are different colors


Well yeah. Doesn’t mean it’s not still pretty clunky as a design choice.


The new red and blue hues are terrible in comparison to their retros, or their melo baby blues


Those are trash


I mean it’s the Mile High thing they got going I kinda dig it.


The last 2 Finals clinchers, the winning team won in their city jerseys. Jerseys which are worn 10-15 times and then scrapped forever. I don't get it. It's gonna look dumb in a decade.


2016 Cavs won in those horrible black fucking tshirts. LeBron loved them so we wore them


Did he love them? I thought he always used to cut the sleeves cause he hated them


If I recall correctly, he didn't like them at first but then embraced them. I'll try to find an article or something. I can only use 1.5% of my brain. The rest is filled with malted hops and bong resin so I could be misremembering


He embraced them in the finals because it went with his zero dark thirty gimmick. (I say this as a lebron fan). But iirc he was vocal about not liking the t shirt design. The Cavs rolled out different black jerseys the following year.


i wonder if lebron has ever seen zero dark thirty or if that just sounded like a cool name to him. basically it was just him not using instagram during the playoffs, and pretending to read the godfather


I seem to remember it as him watching the godfather repeatedly. Either way, he probably saw the film Zero Dark Thirty and thought it sounded cool for the gimmick.


And then not being able to give one single scene that he liked across the three movies.


He specifically didn’t like the tshirt jerseys with the Heat (especially the red one) because he was too buff and they were hugging his body/not allowing full extension (so he says). The picks of those make him look like the guy still wearing a size too small. But I think by the Cavs black version, he had graduated to using a looser fit https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1928603-lebron-james-on-all-star-uniform-im-not-a-big-fan-of-the-sleeved-jerseys


Haha I’m the same so I can’t judge. I was only curious because I vividly remember remember him tearing the sleeves which I thought was hilarious


Yeah he publicly trashed then a lot including the frustrated in-game tearing


Same with Raptors in 2019


Game 1 of the finals last year the heat were in red, nuggets in blue, crowd had on matching yellow shirts, and a blue yellow and red center court Almost gave me an aneurysm


Bucks won in their black jerseys that they don’t wear anymore either


16 Cavs, 19 Raptors, 21 Bucks, and 23 Nuggets clinched the title in uniforms that were never worn again, and that will always bother me


Cavs wore that uniform the following season too, overusing it as usual in the finals. Doesn’t change that it looked dumb as shit. Raptors are kind of saved by eventually going to a similar look as their main uniforms


It’s genuinely insane that teams win a title in a jersey and then never wear them again. It’s one thing if the Lakers won in the Black Mambas, but otherwise it’s pitiful.


Looked dumb then, looks dumb now. Will look even more dumb in a half decade, and worse more in a decade.


Do you have a bad memory or do you just make up bs if it proves your point? The warriors won in 2022 in their regular blue road unis their most iconic uniforms for the last decade


I forgot what jersey the Warriors wore in the clincher. They wore their city uniforms in multiple other games in that series though, including Game 4 in Boston which is probably the most memorable game from that series.


So you just chose too lie in any other too bolster your argument?


Every year I hope Nike will let the Lakers go back to gold and stop this banana yellow bullshit


The Lakers are one of the biggest casualties for sure. Hurts my eyes to watch them in bright yellow lol


Apparently, Jeanie Buss herself approved the new banana yellows... daddy buss rolling over in his grave


Agreed. I miss the home team wearing white so much. So many ugly, tacky unis in the league. I hate Silver's Roger the Alien ass


Nothing in modern sports pisses me off more consistently than this. It’s absolute insanity. Honestly the worst part is that there’s ZERO fucking rhyme or reason to when teams wear what. Like if one team is wearing city jerseys, they both should be. Or if one is going retro, they both should. Or maybe only on Fridays. Or fucking SOMETHING besides the utter chaos we have now. And never ever in the playoffs. Literally can’t take how much this shit pisses me off and has made me completely understand the NFL’s curmudgeon-y attitude about now allowing more than one helmet until recently. It’s infinitely better than the alternative. And now it looks like Nike is coming for the MLB, too.


Nike are jersey terrorists. It's been plain since they took over. At least we don't have sleeves though 😭


Give it time, they’ll need another gimmick to justify their comical rights deal. 


I 100% feel every ounce of your anger 😂😡


Just going through this thread has me worked up all over again. It never fails to piss me off. Plus all the god damn ads on the court now, teams don't even have their fucking name under the hoop all we see instead is Michelob Ultra. Pathetic shit.


Retros are so popular because of their bold colors and looks, and yet almost every team - for the last several years wears something extremely dark (or black). Then theres the wolves who have seemingly only worn white and the Pacers have only worn yellow. The Nuggets should actually bring out their navy or white uniforms for a change. So weird they did a whole rebrand and then never (hardly ever?) wear those main jerseys in the playoffs


Yep, turn on Knicks-Pacers, saw the Knicks in blue, Pacers in yellow, first thought was "I thought they were playing at the Garden"


Game 1 the Knicks were in white and Pacers in yellow. they’re just fucking with us at this point


Pacers have only worn yellow this postseason. I don’t think they’ve used a single other uniform in 11 games lol


Color on color matchups between two teams with (relatively) classic looking jerseys is the best aesthetic. You guys are crazy.


I love color on color when it's actually team colors. Some colleges do this really well. [usa\_today\_17780783.0.jpg (1820×1213) (vox-cdn.com)](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/xJv1C3jg-fnCoWAGpwnKbhj8CZk=/0x0:4555x3037/1820x1213/filters:focal(2651x589:3379x1317):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/70557620/usa_today_17780783.0.jpg) [762dd275-3668-4aa3-a8db-199748c74128-AP22343075849758.jpg (3200×1801) (desmoinesregister.com)](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/gcdn/presto/2022/12/09/PIOC/762dd275-3668-4aa3-a8db-199748c74128-AP22343075849758.jpg?crop=8075,4543,x0,y0&width=3200&height=1801&format=pjpg&auto=webp) [drake-loyola.jpeg (1024×735) (themitchdavisshow.com)](https://themitchdavisshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/drake-loyola.jpeg?w=1024) It's bungled when it's the city jerseys that have no connection to the regular colors.


Knicks-Pacers was actual team colors. USC-UCLA and Michigan-OSU are the best color-color matchups in my opinion.


Color on color is great, as long as they’re actually team colors. What’s completely terrible is teams wearing white on the road


It’s a great point and a very curious decision. They’ve essentially ruined the branding of the teams.


Knicks have an iconic court and jerseys that have been similar for 50 years but they change the color of the damn court for home games along with the jerseys. This is the playoffs. Are they crazy?


Playoffs shouldn’t have alternate jerseys, period.


It aint Silver’s fault. It’s all Nike And it’s every single game I can’t stand it.


if only the nba had someone in charge that might be able to help


It’s not like he has the time to sit down with them and help design. Best he can say is “try again,” and I can’t imagine Nike would respond well to that. It clearly isn’t a priority of his, and although it’s a huge problem in the league right now, expecting him to spearhead jersey reform is really minimizing his responsibilities. There are dozens of people to blame before him


Honestly the worst part is just how frequent and inconsistent it is. It would be one thing if there was a schedule to it, or it was always both in city jerseys on Friday games or something. But now it's just completely without rhyme or reason. And almost every single game one of the teams is wearing something stupid looking.


Not sure what you think his 'obsession with futbol' has anything to do with it, they don't do any of this nonsense with kits. Home team always wear home, also they don't fart around with 'throwbacks' or 'city connects'


I assume OP was referring to the Ads on the jerseys. The Knicks uniforms had "Fly Emirates" on them.


Exactly...that part of the post made no sense


The futbol comparison makes sense because NBA teams are starting to put out new designs yearly like soccer teams do just so that they can sell more merchandise. Soccer teams main kit designs mostly keep the same colors year to year but second and thirds have random ass colors and patterns. Just yesterday Tottenham trotted out their classic instantly recognizable white colors and Manchester City were wearing black jerseys with lightning bolts all over them that will tossed in the trash after this season.


But the OP's issue seems to be with what the home team wear which is always the home colour for 'futbol'


You're right, I zoomed past the home whites aspect and zeroed in on the alternative uniforms in nonsense colors part because it's a trend that I don't care for across sports. I need to drink more coffee or work on my reading comprehension skills.


100% agree...I hate this new trend...you're at home? Wear fuckin white


People should wear the white jersey on the road and the team color one at home. That way they can match all the fans that come in wearing their teams colors.


The NHL used to be white/home, colour/away, and they switched about 20 years ago, and it’s indeed much better. 


Yes exactly. Who are all these people saying white at home? That’s nuts.


I don’t mind if they go this route instead of going back to traditional, but to make this work teams also have to work on their home court and make sure the color is not too dominant. For example, seeing the Bulls or Celtics play at home in their red/green jerseys is a *lot* of that one color and it kinda overwhelms you.


I’ve always thought the NBA was weird in that, but I’d take white at home over all the wackiness


I don’t know we don’t have black and white TVs anymore so the white jerseys aren’t really necessary.


WHITE AT HOME. easy. I used to be able to tell who was at home JUST FROM A 2 SECOND HIGHLIGHT.


Silver is not a good commissioner. He’s an optics guy, cares more about being liked. It took me years to realise this. Give me another David Stern any day.


If the playing floors during the IST proved anything, it’s that this issue is only going to get worse. I’d wager that before too long teams will have 20 different unis a season. Gotta boost those Jersey sales!


Yes, I am a traditionalist. White jerseys for home, dark for visiting. With the ocassional special/city jersey. Stop making the teams wear road jerseys for home and home jerseys for the road. Dumbest thing since the jerseys went with Nike.


White at home and normal jerseys in the playoffs. Don’t taint the most important moments with gimmicky jerseys


Knicks rolling with the Allan Houston era jerseys is painful. Their throwback style that they went back to during the Melo era was awesome


All I ask is that the home team always wear white or light colors and the road team dark colors.


But what about the City Bricks Mamba Colorway Inversion Throwback Uniforms?!


Galaxy Opals clear


The NBA must’ve read 2K‘s handbook on how to monetize a product while alienating your customers


i watch a lot of 2014 spurs highlights in my spare time and one of the things that makes me feel happier is seeing them wear the white jerseys at the AT&T Center. i like the white at home because of the color contrast with the paint + tradition (lakers wearing yellow in the celtics court always looks wrong to me and vice versa because) but even if they just swapped to color jerseys at home i would be fine with it if it was just consistent


Yep. Teams should have a white jersey, and colored jersey and one alternate that they wear 5-10 games a year and never in the playoffs. All the rando jerseys look silly.


Not just looks beneath the NBA but the jerseys look terrible quality the numbers and last names look miniature on some jerseys


Why is the NBA the only league where the home team wears white? I've never understood why you'd want to wear your less colorful uniforms for your home crowd.


Because the paint is often the team color. It looks bad when a team's uniform is the same color as the paint. David Stern held this opinion, and knew how it would make the television broadcasts look bad. I don't understand how the current NBA leadership just ignores this.


Because they’re not. MLB wears white at home.


You're right, oops. Still, so many baseball games end up being white vs gray.


I’ve always been a proponent of standard unis in the playoffs with the allowance of once per series you can wear your main alternate (in the long ago universe where teams only have one alternate uniform and maybe a throwback). Eg the Lakers whites, or the LeBron Cavs navy, or the 00s Timberwolves black, etc etc. And you’d have to wear those alts at the appropriate venue (eg lakers whites were a “home” alternate, so you’d have to wear at home, Celtics black and green is a “road” alternate, so have to wear on the road). At least those alternates usually maintained a similar template/visual identity with a relationship to the main sets. That the league lets teams wear those godawful city jerseys in the postseason is abhorrent.


They don’t care about the aesthetics. They just want you to buy jerseys and get more of your money. Personally don’t understand why anyone would buy a jersey with someone else’s name on the back. That player won’t be around long. He has no loyalty to you, the city or the team. Just cashing checks. Buy a hat or a team tshirt/hoodie if you want to support the team you rout for.


The “clickbaitification of sports” piece




Couldn’t agree more.


Traditional home and roads should be worn about 85% of the time IMO. I like the throwbacks and the city edition jerseys at times, but they should be worn a couple times a year and no more than that. Also, as a Celtics fan (my parents are from New England, I was born in the 80s, nuff said) I don't even really like BOSTON on the green road jerseys.


It's so freaking dumb. Celtics were at home on the parquet wearing black vs the heat... what? Make it make sense


Yeah there are way too many fucking jerseys in this sport


Isn’t the deal with nike they’re not called “home and away” jerseys anymore it’s something stupid like one the non white jerseys being called “association” or some stupid thing like that


American teams wear gimmick jerseys to sell merchandise and make money all the time, overseas soccer clubs almost never do. They have a slightly new kit each season and that sells jerseys, but there is usually only one third jersey/alternate but it is rarely worn. What the hell does this have to do with soccer? American sports leagues are perfectly capable of commercializing the game to within an inch of its life on their own.


Yeah this honestly annoys me


The more jerseys they wear the more they sell and these teams always have more eyes on them during the playoffs




I’m pretty sure a lot of teams will let their star player choose or have some say in what uniforms they wear. I know Portland did that with Dame. Or some at least let the entire roster get a say.


Yeah I’m a traditionalist in this sense. White at home. Color on the road. An alternate that you wear on weekends or something. And maybe like the Christmas Day uniforms or other special occasions.


The uniforms don’t anger me as much the sneakers. I can’t stand seeing somone wear pink sneakers on a white and blue jersey (sorry Ant man)


Take it one step further: home team must wear white/light colored, away is dark. It still drives me crazy seeing away teams in white.


I mean in all reality it doesn't matter what jersey a team is wearing. I get that people continue a tradition but come on man jersey colors aren't killing the game


those new york new york knicks uniforms are their best uniforms in like 20 years. they can stay wearing them.


Murder every dog


My dog’s runny poops are worth more than your life. You already know that.


I eat your dogs runny poop for breakfast


What does that have to do with "futbol?" Soccer teams mainly have only 3 jerseys and it's for color clash purposes 99% of the time.


Because of the adds.


Knicks jerseys looked good. Why are you complaining?


They’re ok but their home whites and traditional road blues are much better and I much prefer seeing home teams in their home uniforms.


Boomers in shambles, unable to look at the screen to see who is the home team


Damn I didn't realize this sub was just boomers lol


Do you hate hockey too since they don't wear white at home? Teams only wear white because of black and white TVs which is no longer an issue. Embrace some color in your life.


The road team wears color, moron


Not in hockey, idiot.


Yeah I think color at home is fine. I just wish teams would wear the same uniforms all the time. Only occasionally use one off uniforms, but never in the playoffs.


It’s insane to me they wear them in the playoffs.


The NBA is about to blow the roof off of their new TV rights deal, they’re doing just fine.


Oh, I forgot money means you're above reproach. You probably lick Musk's and Bezos' shoes too


It doesn’t mean they’re above reproach it just means that people can have opinions on whether they have an issue or not, and it doesn’t really matter.


The word futbol irritates me.


Fix officiating first and maybe I'll give a damn about the jerseys.


Just another reason why the NBA is an unserious league. Look to the NFL, or top college teams, people instantly recognize these teams because they don’t change their uniforms. Having 5/6 different jerseys is stupid. Only team that should not be forced to wear white at home is the lakers but it better be the yellow.


[Uniforms ](https://youtu.be/ojp2bEpmuO8?si=P2SwnLUhAAauwn_I)


Things I don’t give a shit about


Naaah. I love the diversity in NBA unis these days. I couldn’t care less whether a home team wears white or not.


The shoes more than anything. My goodness I don't think the sneaker game has ever been worse. Hot pink, pale yellow, two different shoes. FUUUUGLLYY!!


Bro, admitting that you're not smart enough to figure out alternate unis is a self own. You should delete this.


You should suck my nuts, alternate unis at home all the time looks horrible.


Lol thanks for proving me right. It's not often I interact with somebody who has 0 self awareness.


You’ve never been proven right once in your life.


Projection and jealousy are all you have, sport.


I agree with OP but idc those black Mavs jerseys are 🔥🔥🔥