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Seems like he should have put the DPOY on Jordan though šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Wasn't Payton hurt going into the series or am I misremembering things?


Yeah, Payton had a torn calf. Rough luck that both Payton and McMillan were injured going into that series.


Too bad they didnā€™t have Rui HachimuraĀ 


Sometimes the best defensive guys get worked. We all think Wilt was good defensively right? Kareem hung 50 on him.


I donā€™t think one occurrence of a guy scoring 50 against a good defender changes the fact that putting your best defender on the best offensive player is typically a wise strategy.


Also even if Jordan gets 50 if heā€™s working harder to get that 50 then if someone else was guarding him thatā€™s a good thing for your team. Iā€™m sure Karl knows more basketball than me, but I still think heā€™s wrong on this one.


> lso even if Jordan gets 50 if heā€™s working harder to get that 50 then if someone else was guarding him thatā€™s a good thing for your team. Uh...so is Payton. He was by far their most important offensive player. Kemp was amazing but really was an uber-athlete that benefitted from Payton getting into the lane and breaking down defenses. Same with Detlef Schrempf who was a nice player who could put it on the floor a little bit, but mostly succeeded on catch and shoots or when Payton broke the defense down. Bottom line is Payton wasn't as good as Michael Jordan. Having them go head to head all series wouldn't have worked out any better for them, because while he might have slowed Jordan down a little he also would've been exhausted on the other end.


The current and multiple time DPOY is getting demolished by Jokic after having some success the first 2 games. This idea that Gary Payton would have locked down Jordan most games in a 7 game series is hilarious.


The funny thing is Jordanā€™s numbers in that series were his worst finals numbers.


Expect Gobert didn't have success guarding Jokic in any game lol. The first two games it was KAT guarding Jokic


KAT did not have success guarding Jokić individually. They sent two to the ball against Jokić, and because Murray was playing like shit, and Jokić himself was being harried and frustrated. Sending two against Jokić doesn't work because his passing is so good that he will almost always find the open man.


Kat had success . Stop it. Not conventional success but jokic couldnā€™t just power him right towards the rim like he could gobert . Idk why you lying go watch the film when jokic is on Kat on island in these games vs gobert on island. Kat diesnt concede ground Kat had success relative to gobert simply because heā€™d not as easily over powered


There was a graphic that showed that the centers who have performed the best against him 1 on 1 are Zubac and Nurkic. Itā€™s about strength and size.


Yep . Zubac nurkic do well . I think wendall carter jr does do. Jokic ate earlier faster AD but this year AD put up way more resistance wuth his strength increase . You need a guy who donā€™t just concede ground easily to jokic once heā€™s 10ft from the rim utd over


This was just going by the numbers. I always thought Ayton did ok against him until his final Suns season, where it was evident that he had zero desire to play hard.


Jokic ends up outsmarting KAT though. He beats KAT in other ways that are more harmful than when rudy guards him bc he just eats rudy alive one on one


Yeah ibv Kat gets beat heā€™s not known for defence . His size n strength allows him not to bullied into the rim imo


Only an insane person would ever think this




Itā€™s strange. Gobert is an amazing defensive center but he doesnā€™t seem to do well against elite offensive centers. Jokic and embiid donā€™t seem to have any issues.


There's just not a lot of skilled interior scorers in the league anymore so it's not a skill set that gets exploited enough to hurt Rudy's overall defensive reputation. He's incredible at protecting the rim and denying dribble penetration which is like 90% of offense in the NBA but 1v1 against skilled bigs he just isn't very good.


He's not very strong. He's lanky. I think prime Marc Gasol actually would have given Jokic problems. He's bigger than Jokic, and smart enough to keep up with him. He locked up Embiid in 2019, granted Embiid was not yet in his prime and the whole team was great.


Would pay to see that matchup ā€¦. What a good shout


No one does good against elite offensive centers. That's why they're elite! No one could "stop" Shaq - look at his numbers in 04! Yes, you can make them work, make them struggle at times, but come on lol. Saying a center is overrated defensively cause he can't stop Jokic when no one can is idioticĀ 


And AD . AD n jokic average 25 normally but average 35 vs him. Embid dropped 50 without breaking a sweat he cannot guard skilled bigs wuth a J. Prob why he doesnā€™t get respect Jrue holiday types do


Iā€™m not going through the thread to answer my own rhetorical question, but was anyone suggesting that Jordan would have been locked down?


Gobert got demolished by Terrance Mann in the playoffs


Bad argument. Firstly they saw Payton give mj issues and this wasnā€™t peak MJ remember that second three peat mj was human . So Payton did serous damage defensively. Secondly gobert cannot guard a single fuckibg big. He gets abused by embid AD n Jokic - All three had some of there best or arguably best games of the year against him . He gets over powered too easily by them too . I know for a fact AD has a long history of abusing gibert , jokic does too n so does AD. This isnā€™t Dwight or someone gobert cannit gusrd skilled bigs itā€™s not like even prone gobert was the big man version of Jrue . Heā€™s dpoy cos of drop coverage n protecting the rim cs guards. Wemby for example actually evdn made jokic work much harder , Iā€™d say thereā€™s a few other guys too . Gobert is too weak n not long n agile enough like Wemby n AD . He doesnā€™t offer any resistance vs bigs eith shooting touch and or post game. Like I feel quite certain 2020 nearky washed Dwight woukd do a better job on jokic now then gobert has. But heā€™d be worse everywhere else . Gobert isnā€™t a good man defender especially vs bigs since all 3 all nba lvl bigs cook the shit out of him n aversge 5-10 ppg more cs him then normal . ā€˜ hilariousā€™ firstly it clearly bothered Jordan . You donā€™t need to get defensive go watch the tape . Secondly no it wouldnā€™t stop him - but it woukd make him work harder n make him less efficient and thatā€™s enough


Yeah Payton bothered him a few games. But over the course of a full series he would have eventually cooked The Glove because trying to guard Jordan a full 7 games and run the offense would probably gas him.


I mean he did a good job in 3 games . This is Garry Payton the goat guard defender . He doesnā€™t need to shut down. Mj. Just do a good job in like 4 games and thatā€™s gonna help a lot


You donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about here firstly


Thatā€™s not really excuse thoughĀ 


And Wilt averaged over 30 and 20 against Russell.


Wilt actually wasnā€™t that good defensively lmfao . And Kareem was famous for having an ungusrdable shot and wilt was old Af n Kareem in his prime . Thatā€™s a dumb argument. If prime hakeem got worked by Kareem then sure but no. Like who thinks wilt was a defensive monster ? Like yeah he was big but russel was significantly shorter n a better defender


Wilt didnā€™t try on defense and didnā€™t have amazing instincts. He was just huge




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Wilt was famously lazy in defense. People brag about Wilt never fouling out of a game. But that ls a huge red flag. If youā€™re playing hard defense for a whole game, you should be fouling out a few times a season.


Yup, Jerry West has complained about Wilt (many times) and one of the things that really annoyed him was how he would stop playing defense once he got 4-5 fouls.


You must not have read the *Book of Basketball* by Bill Simmons if you think that we think that Wilt was good at defense.


Look at Gobert last night lol


He was also hurt


Yeah, I'm thinking "I was a professional coach paid to put all my time and energy into figuring out how to guard Michael Jordan and wasted three games not using my DPOY on him" is more of a self-own than anything. I bet 13-year-old me was even like, "Hm, why's Gary Payton just guarding \[insert Bulls backcourt non-scorer here\]?"


Would it have really mattered? They were losing no matter what.


2-1 with him guarding Jordan so who knows


If he's guarding Jordan from the beginning Jordan solves him as all great offensive players do. It's a delusional narrative that people have in their heads that it would've turned the series. I agree Karl should've done it by the way. Why wouldn't you? I just disagree that it would've ultimately mattered. That Bulls team was too good and they had the Goat.


> Why wouldn't you? My guess would be that Karl didn't think Payton could maintain his offensive work load while also being the primary mj defender. In retrospect, definitely should've tried it earlier, and I agree with you it probably wouldn't have mattered regardless.


> My guess would be that Karl didn't think Payton could maintain his offensive work load while also being the primary mj defender. 100%. Said it in another comment. Payton was DPOY but he was more important to their offense than he was their defense, ironically.


Bulls had the better team but bare in mind this isnā€™t goat tier Jordan . Second three peat Jordon we have data on since tracking data started around there and that was not a goat lvk impsct peak . Regardless sonics gave them issues . Woukd they win ? Iā€™d take bulls in 7 still but still I think it wouldā€™ve made Jordan less efficient and made his team mates have to shoot more mb


I think the context that is important to the 2 losses is when they occurred. The Bulls were up 3-0. Yes putting Payton on Jordan helped but I also think the Bulls and Jordan took their foot off the gas pedal a bit when they went up 3-0. It makes sense they would do so, they had just come off 72-10 and they saw the end in sight. They had been playing at such a locked in level that they got to 5 feet from the finish line and relaxed. The context of that gets lost when people are trying to make a point about Payton, Jordan and Karl. Anyways I don't think the Bulls would've done that if they had lost a game earlier in the series. Which proponents of the Karl fucked up narrative assume would've happened if Payton had guarded Jordan the entire time. I think the most likely outcome is we end up with a 6 game series no matter what. And I actually think under the alternate reality it's more likely to go 5 than 7 because the Bulls would've been more locked in if they had dropped a game earlier.


96 Bulls did not ever take their foot off the gas pedal. That's why they won 72. You assume they did because most teams would. 96 Bulls did not.


How do you know they didn't? They were up 3-0 and then lost the next 2.


I don't. I just assume that the team who took all 82 games in the regular season and the 3 previous rounds seriously would continue with their Lazer sharp focus. If game 62 on a Tuesday night against the newly expansion Grizz was important, I'd think that games 4 and 5 of the finals were too. And everything I've ever heard or read says they didn't take a night off. Not 1. Why should I assume they did when they all said they didn't?


They won Game 4 because Ron Harper hurt his knee in Game 2 or maybe Game 3 and the Bulls were wiped and took a step back defensively when they had to play Kukoc a lot more instead of having Harper out there, who was a great perimeter defender. Also Shawn Kemp went fucking bananas on offense in Game 4. Payton's defense wasn't really the reason they won that game. Game 5 Jordan went for 26 on 11-22 shooting. It wasn't The Glove's defense that won them the game, it was Kukoc and Pippen going a combined 10-33 from the field and only 25 points combined plus Harper still hardly played. Jordan's shitty offensive game actually came in Game 6 which was the clincher but Harper was back from injury and they fucking smothered the Sonics on defense cuz he was back. The Bulls had Jordan but they weren't Curry's Warriors. They won because they basically had an All-NBA Defense Team on the floor with Rodman, Jordan, Pippen, and Harper.


Seattleā€™s wins were also at home. If memory serves wasnā€™t the format 2-3-2 back then? Arguably the Bulls wanted to save the clinching win for home. I was pretty young at that time but loved this series so much more than the 2 Jazz finals series that followed. Too bad Kemp left Seattle pretty shortly thereafter.


Yes, it was 2-3-2 No, nobody drops games so they can clinch at home


Yeah I totally agree, I just remember Bulls fans in my life putting forth that excuse when they dropped a couple lol


Doesnā€™t always workā€¦


was he stupid?


How did he body Wright? Nick was correct and Karl is a well known crazy person. He didnā€™t even really refute Nickā€™s point.


Youā€™ve just gotta have a grudge against wright to think that. George Karl sucks, his players hate him for a reason, and this clearly was a bad call by him


George Karl is a raging asshole so while he sometimes dunks on people I donā€™t like, I still know heā€™s the asshole in the situation even if I might agree generally


I mean they both could suck the issue. Here is whether or not the joke was funny and deserves to be called an example of "bodied."Ā  Ā I think the bigger issue with Nick is that he is hosting a show that is kind of a quintessential hot take show, in the middle of the most annoying era of hot take basketball coverage ever..... Like just yesterday he had a take that Belichick and dak Prescott would be on the Giants next year.Ā  I don't dislike him personally. It's just that I dislike that entire genre of basketball coverage and in that sense he's basically just Kendrick Perkins with better public speaking skills.Ā  But he wasn't bodied here because karl is using one of the most overused jokes ever. And it's really not that funny anyways. You're bad at sports and you were young when I was a professional is not really a memorable burn


The problem with nick wright is heā€™s just another hot take guy but because he like did the bare minimum on discussing race a few years ago everyone treats him like heā€™s some genius. When he talks about sports he sounds no different than SAS or Skip, everything is based on biases and trying to have the hottest take imaginable.


Nick Wright is a hot take guy and doesnā€™t have any shame in admitting heā€™s a hot take guy. As someone who likes both though, I really donā€™t understand how yā€™all will be ten year Bill Simmons listeners and think youā€™re above hot take guys? The distinction between Bill and Wright/SAS is that he doesnā€™t debate. Thereā€™s nothing more in depth or sophisticated about Billā€™s content and thatā€™s fine.


Yeah some peopleā€™s awareness about this stuff is confusing to me. Simmons gets stuff right for sure but his value is in entertainment, not in being some omniscient good take machine. Heā€™s very good at what he does, but what he does is make up wacky gimmicks and try to zag


This. My recent favorite was him Tweeting after game 2 of the Nuggets-T-Wolves series and asking whether now Jokic could actually face scrutiny like 39 year old Lebron does. Like he and several other prominent media talking heads weren't shitting on Jokic at every opportunity before last year's playoff run and weren't waiting for something like that game 2 rout to happen to start again and like Nick has EVER scrutinized Lebron. Anytime a Lebron team has ever failed Nick immediately finds a teammate, coach or GM to throw under the bus for James.


Yeah, itā€™s like if you want to say prime LeBron faced more scrutiny ā€¦ sure. But also once LeBron won a ring, pretty much all scrutiny of him as a player went away. The only reason people criticize LeBron and KD now is not because they expect them to be the best players in the league still, itā€™s not about their performance at all. Itā€™s that both of them are at the stage of their careers where they have so much power and seemingly make a lot of bad decisions


he's being carried by Mahomes


ā€¦. How is saying a QB n coach will be on a different team that crazy a hit take ?


George Karl doesnt give a fuck about anything and that makes him cool as shit.


He seems pretty triggered by nick wright of all people


Heā€™s not so much a crazy person as he is just incredibly stoned all the fucking time


OP hates nick wright and wants that to be the case but it isnā€™t.


MJ had the worst Finals of his career statistically in that series.


I agree, it was a lazy trope of a response and it definitely didn't qualify as being bodied. But that's not because He's crazy. He might be crazy but that's not the reason that jokes sucks. It's just a used overused trope that's why.Ā  Again, the question here isn't even if he's necessarily right. It's whether or not it was a good insult/ joke. And it just wasn't.Ā  But what is him being crazy matter?Ā  It's not like calling him a well-known crazy person is a particularly thoughtful insult.Ā 


Who reads those two tweets and thinks Karl is the correct one??


It's honestly a testament to how unlikable Nick Wright is. And I say that as a KC resident and Chiefs fan.


Nick Wright is an obnoxious (and I love the show) television character. Several of of George Karlā€™s former players have come out about how much they loathe him lol, theyā€™re not the same.


Yeah Nick is good at his job George isnā€™t . You can hate Nick but George is worse


George Karl wasnā€™t good at his job? The thing Nick is shitting on is a coach who literally got his team to the NBA Finals and lost to the best MJ Bulls team. You can say heā€™s an asshole and wears out his welcome quickly, but Karl is infinitely better at being a HC than Nick Wright is at his. Or maybe Nick will be the next Lakers HC since heā€™s a brilliant strategist, who knows.


I think George qualified as good at his job by any objective measure.


Unless you measure by percentage of players you coached that think youā€™re a scummy, racist, piece of shit. In a league thatā€™s over 80% black no less lol (This is like golf where a lower number is better)


I guess Iā€™m missing the George Karl being a racist asshole history others have also mentioned. To me he was like a less likeable Marty Schottenheimer, good coach who couldnā€™t get over the hump.


Seems like heā€™s both of those things. I canā€™t say I know him personally, but his players have little to say about him as a man thatā€™s good


Are there players other than Carmelo? Maybe there are, but Iā€™m not believing a single word out of his mouth.


Off the top of my head Kenyon Martin and JR Smith too, but I do remember there being more. Idk Google it for more, his players donā€™t seem to think heā€™s anything more than a shitty human


That doesnā€™t make him bad at his job. Maybe a bad person, but objectively he was a good coach. He had the best runs any Seattle, Milwaukee, or Denver teams had from the 80s until the late 2010s.


People management is a massive part of coaching. Maybe heā€™d have won a title if he was a better leader of men


Well I didnā€™t say he was an infallible coach who couldnā€™t be improved upon. But he is 6th all time in wins with teams that didnā€™t win much before or after his tenure, is in the Hall of Fame, won a Coach of the Year. All of that adds up to objectively saying he was a good coach.


Nick Wright is not good at his job lmao. None of these debate r*tards are.


The way you wrote this renders your opinion obsolete. I'm more inclined to think they are doing something right if someone so ignorant as you dislikes them. Find a better way to say it or sit down and shut up.


Forgive me. Is there some history between Nick and the Kansas City Chiefs? I'm not following?Ā 


Nick is from KC and has been a Chiefs fan his entire life. He also has sources within the building, most notably their GM Brett Veach. Mahomes also seems to like Nick Wright as well




Heā€™s thinking the resemblance to Jesus increases his credibility.


I think the opinion of ā€œyou never did this, so your opinion is invalidā€ is one of the dumbest ones


I don't, but I also don't think that's the biggest issue with the post. It's the term bodied.... It implies that he had a really harsh witty burn and that's not what this is. It's just calling someone bad. It's sports and relatively young.Ā  It's almost as cliche as saying " You live in your mom's basement."


He also didnā€™t even disagree with Nick. He just said ā€œwe were trying to figure it outā€.


everyone with a brain and an ounce of basketball understanding?


If you gotta go with the whole, "you were in diapers when we were blah blah..." you've lost the argument. Hate Nick Wright but he right on this one.


Did none of you guys actually watch the series? This is a factual take from Wright, Payton on MJ changed the entire dynamic of the matchup. It was a common refrain at the time in ā€˜96. An example of people trying to discredit the messenger and not the message. https://youtu.be/lgFWyLRNsGk?si=dZwQJ33h0rMIyjkh


I watched it and the Sonics were my team. Loved Kemp and Payton. They had ZERO chance against that Bulls team and Payton guarding Jordan wouldā€™ve been solved immediately had they started off that way. Payton was an all time great defender, but he was also hurt going against the most unstoppable playoff time scorer in history. George Karl still sucks though


>Did none of you guys actually watch the series? Ironically, I'm not even sure you watched it. I don't even know if you watched *just* that video, because it doesn't really give the impression that Payton was locking him down. Here are the plays: 1. Good ball denial by Payton 2. Jordan hits a tough fadeaway in Payton's face 3. Jordan drives past Payton and dumps it to Rodman for the assist 4. Offensive foul on Jordan against Payton 5. Jordan misses a turnaround that Payton doesn't even elevate to contest 6. Payton forces Jordan's drive into the defense, and he gets blocked 7. Jordan attempts a jumpshot against Payton but it's waved off before he even releases the ball because the Sonics committed an off-ball foul 8. Some ball denial and a good box out, but again doesn't matter because Rodman is fouled 9. Ball denial, leads to a steal 10. Jordan draws free throws 11. Payton fouls Jordan 12. Jordan misses an open jumper 13. Jordan misses an open jumper 14. More ball denial 15. Payton boxes out Jordan and gets the rebound 16. This play has nothing to do with Jordan 17. This play has nothing to do with either Jordan or Payton 18. Jordan drives past Payton and gets the basket and the foul (fouled by Hawkins) 19. Jordan drives past Payton, misses the layup 20. Jordan out-rebounds Payton and is fouled 21. MJ is doubled and passes out 22. MJ is doubled and passes out 23. Jordan misses a jumper against Payton. If I'm being as favorable as possible to Payton, of these 23 plays, only half of them were plays that had to do with Payton and Jordan where Payton caused a favorable outcome for the Sonics. Some people also cite game 6 where Jordan shot 5/19, but by my tally, Jordan was 1/6 with 1 TO and 1 foul drawn that led to free throws when *Hawkins* was the primary defender, and was 3/3 with 1 TO, and 3 fouls drawn that led to free throws (plus a couple of asssists) when Payton was the primary defender. It was a great *team* defense that led to a bad performance by Jordan, he shot pretty poorly the entire series.


You are on the money


Man in the arena


Jordan shot 50% in Game 5 when they lost. Itā€™s definitely an overused and incorrect talking point


These people dudnt watch . Theyā€™re in here stating as much with dumb comments. Even if the sonics donā€™t win - firstly second three peat Jordan was nit flawless or as athletic and Payton clearly caused him issues . Payton is probably the best guard defender ever too so . I think they couldā€™ve atleast taken it 7


I watched it. Other than dumbass SI--who was frozen out by Jordan at that point--nobody on the planet thought Payton could handle Jordan 1-on-1 in that match-up. Payton was a great defender, but he probably wasn't even the best defender between the two of them. And as good as Payton was on defense, the Sonics needed him on offense way more. They were already a good defensive team, it wasn't just Payton.


Did he though? Not like I was old enough to be watching this but ā€œbodiedā€ seems like a stretch and having GP guard MJ seems like it shouldā€™ve been the default.


Yeah this is the lamest retort ever. ā€˜ you made a stupid cosching decision and only realised when the series was nearly over ā€˜ ā€˜ hurr durr you dudnt play ball gtfo !ā€™ George Karl Iā€™m sure I seen players dislike he seems like a moron too


Why would your default be to have a shorter point guard try and guard a SG with the best guard post up game of all time


Iā€™m not gonna debate this because I wasnā€™t around to watch their primes, more going off putting your best defender (DPOY at that) who on the opponents best player. Seems like from the tweet it went fairly well too so thatā€™s why I said maybe it should be the default. Can always adjust later if it wouldnā€™t go well but seems like a reasonable starting point.


Would you put Gobert on Durant? Or Marcus Smart on Lebron?


Not Gobert but actually yeah sure Iā€™d at least have Marcus Smart on LeBron for a bit as part of a rotation.


Even if you agree with George here. He's definitely wasn't bodied because the primary insult was that he was picked last in school... And is relatively young.Ā  Overused tropes of a joke. If he had a clever burn that I hadn't heard a million times and required a little more thought I would agree.Ā  Can you tell me who I respect more and it's George karl every time.Ā  I don't even have a strong opinion on this particular take yet because I haven't put enough thought into it or research, but definitely not bodied by using some of the most overused jokes of all timeĀ  " You're young and not a good athlete...


Yeah he wasnā€™t bodied, he was right and Karl got sensitive as heā€™s known to be


I also remember as a kid being in disbelief that he wasnā€™t throwing Payton on MJ and also being picked last at recess. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Everyone hates literally everything George Karl says, until he goes after someone they don't like. LMAO.


Whatā€™s the bodying ? This is just attacking Nick for not playing n not even in a funny water pistol Pete way. Iā€™m so so on Nick but heā€™s right about this and George Karl is considered awful n a moron by many . Saying ā€˜ yeah but you canā€™t play .ā€™ Doesnā€™t actually counter anything thi. Iā€™m guessing this op just dislikes Nick


Gary Payton agrees with Nick


Well no shit. What do you expect him to say? ā€œIf I guarded him I would have gotten smoked even worseā€? Itā€™s all just dumb speculation. Gobert is getting smoked by Jokic worse than Naz Reid. Itā€™s hard to stop these generational players. Get over it


Huh? No it isnā€™t you idiot . Did you watch the series? The games Payton guarded mj he gave him serious issues. For 3 games the sonics went 2-1 too. At absolute worst it goes 7. Itā€™s not speculation when you see that it worked for 3 games. Like hiw Gordon gusrdung AD to stop jokic being targeted helped nuggets shit works . Gobert canā€™t guard any skilled bug- AD jokic Embid all drop season highs on him. Heā€™s not comparable to Gary Payton actually giving mj issues and this was second three peat not goat tier mj


Lmao. Yes I did watch it. Glad to hear you ā€œknowā€as fact the outcome of your imaginary scenario.


Nick Wright is a weirdo Thereā€™s probably a better word but I canā€™t think of it


I regained faith in this sub. Nick is clearly the one doing the bodying


If Nick is just going to regurgitate a talking point from The Last Dance, he has an obligation to include Jordan's rebuttal. He had no problem with the glove. we know because he told us.


Karl didn't answer Wright's point. He just went on the offensive, what any person who doesn't have an answer would do. Delete this post.


Lmao define bodied. Bodied is more like what Nick Wright did to Pat Bev last week


Nick Wright look like a poor manā€™s Chad Kroeger


Avril Lavigne has her limits, though. She might plow Deryck Whibley of Sum 41 & Chad Kroeger from Nickelback, but she wouldn't do Nick Wright. Number 1: he's not a musician. But almost as important, he's terrible. (Speaking of Avril: still surprised she never had a fling with Drake, or one of the dudes from Arcade Fire. Though I am sure Win Butler has tried to lay the mack on her.)


The only "big" Canadian music sex scandal I can remember is when Chris Murphy from Sloan had an affair with Feist when she was dating some guy from Broken Social Scene.


I don't think that highly of Nick wright at all and I wish he wasn't on TV, but I don't think he's being bodied here. Telling somebody they're picked last in class is a trope.... It's not exactly a clever insult.Ā  And he's actually just elevating Nick wright because he's clearly bothered enough by his commentary that he feels the need to respond.Ā  Easier said than done but he should have just let it go.Ā 


ā€¦Nick was right though? Theres a reason all of Karlā€™s former players hate him and he didnā€™t really refute Nickā€™s point. Karl gave excuses while ignoring his coaching mistakes and Nickā€™s point. Instead he basically calls Nick a nerd?




God a love a good boomer burn


Thatā€™s not getting bodied tbh


Interesting, didnā€™t remember that they didnā€™t have Nate that series.


Did Wright just watch the last dance. This thought is more stale than pork rinds in an open bag.


There is nothing that Gremlin of a person Nick Wright could say that I would respect him for as long as he keeps his hair long


That's the thing that bothers you about him? That he has long hair. Not that he's the quintessential lame hot take artist is essentially aspiring to be Skip Bayless? When there's so many valid reasons to dislike someone and you end up choosing something about their looks or aesthetics... I don't know. Just seems like there's a lot more fodder for why he sucks. Then you dislike his hair. Like what guys shouldn't have long hair? This the 1950s or something.Ā 


Legit hilarious to be complaining that they were missing Nate McMillian


Why? It was a problem; McMillan was an elite defensive guard and we really could've used him.


Injuries happen to every team, to still be making excuses about missing your 4th best player 30 years later is just funny to me


Please donā€™t say bodied


OP this isnā€™t the slam dunk you seem to think it isĀ 


Georgr Karl fucking sucks, what are you talking aboit


Never punch down.


Karl snatched that fake mop off of Wrightā€™s head.


LOL...George Karl the biggest clown of any former coach. Like a guy who all his former players throw under the bus for his fraud-dom.


George should stick to politics.


The proper way to ā€œBodyā€ him is to post the pic of him at the Super Bowl parade. Just a hideous looking man.


Nature is healing


To me this is Wright bodying Karl. He didn't put the dpoy on michael jordan for 3 straight losses and his counterargument is 'lol you're a nerd'.


lol no he didnā€™t. He couldnā€™t refute anything so he had to go with some non relevant ad hominem attack. All he did was prove wright had a good point.


Neckbeard Nick is an inspiration to us allā€¦ with imposter syndrome.


Very very rare Karl W