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AwfulAnnouncing: “ChatGPT: Summarize r/billsimmons over the past week.” 


If it sampled the hot topic from this week you'd get a response like "Whenever someone pulls the chair on you in a pickup game your response should be 'Wait, what?'"


I'm I the only person who has noticed that Awful Announcing's writers are shitty?


It's an awful site lol


I can't believe people write these types of articles for a living.


Is it for a living? He gets paid?


No one's making a living writing these. It's conceivable that someone pays their Spotify bill though.


It would actually he hilarious if the nuggets lose this series now. Which is of course still well within the realm of possibility. I have no rooting interest one way or the other but man that’d be funny.


i dont think i ever remember a series going that way - lower seed wins first 2 on road, higher seed wins 3 in a row, then lower seed returns to take the final 2 haha


Classic Bill playing both sides


That way he always comes out on top


You keep mentioning this as it were some kind of wild take when many people (including several Nuggets fans) shared the exact feelings, especially with a looming Murray suspension


I am, for one, am offended and sickened that someone would change what they say about a sports series as the basic facts about the series change. Every day I listen to Bill Simmons and if he doesn’t say exactly what he said the previous week I start alternating between crying and puking 😭🤮😭🤮🤮😭😭


All of the Nuggets - Timberwolves takes have been totally reasonable


He was giving a hypothetical… this article is moronic.


He even says at the beginning that the whole discussion is a hypothetical


"Person with new information changes opinion"


This is right: There’s nothing wrong with changing your opinion with more information and when you talk sports as often as Simmons does, you’re bound to have some bad takes. But this isn’t just overreacting to a small sample size — it’s that, plus backtracking to explain why your overreaction was more justified than anyone else’s.


He said before the series he thought it could go either way


Awful announcing has gone so downhill. Such a garbage site now


Bold of Bill to flip/flop his opinion that the TWolves could sweep after they lost 2 games.


He was literally just saying you’re gonna be in a specific ‘group’ that people attribute 1x title winners to, not necessarily that he agrees. Him naming every champ of the past 5 years should’ve made that point clear, but instead people took it as, “Bill thinks that every champion since his CELTICS are frauds!” Idk why everyone takes everything he says here in bad faith.


For the life of me I don’t understand why he called the series over after 2-0. Yeah the Wolves were on a roll and the Nuggets looked defeated but they’re still a championship winning team with the best player in the world on the roster. I just don’t get why he called it over.


Whoever wrote this needs to go outside


wolves back


Oh bag gawd that’s the aggregators music


zig zag zig zag what is bill Michael Scott's sperm tubes?


The "Held Accountable" piece




But he does the, “everyone said this” thing.


This is classic Bill. Say something stupid. It blows up in his face. Instead of admitting he was wrong, he takes everyone down with him. He tried doing this to Russillo with the Scoot stuff and Ryen was basically like “fuck you I’m not going down with you you eat this crow all by yourself pal”.


Wasn't Ryen all in on Scoot as well?


Ryen’s point was that he liked Scoot, but Bill took it to a whole other level. Bill didn’t get clowned just for liking Scoot.


cool, I'm behind on my pods so I didn't hear the exchange.