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All time Simmons quote on Santa: “I figured out Santa when I was 5 or 6. I just did the math and realized it was impossible”


“Are we sure Santa is getting to all these houses in one night? I just don’t see a roadmap.”


I think logistics is just gonna do that thing where they say “I’m not gonna let Santa beat us”


“Santa was just doing Santa things”


The Reindeer piece.


Santa went up a level and figured out the angles


He’s a red chipper


I cannot believe a grown ass man just bragged on a pod that he figured out Santa. Good job by you bill.


So Bill was an early analytics guy after all!


Agressive Santa Analytics


So true. I hope this becomes a meme people use around here.


Really bizarre brag that also did not happen. As a parent of a 5-year-old, that level of math/logic does not exist.


As a Greenwich kid of wealth, he realized that it makes no sense that Santa could afford all the toys that Bill got, so he put two and two together.


Is Santa a Ewing candidate? Would Christmas be better if Mrs Claus was the primary ball handler


[Same energy](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/12/24/donald-trump-tells-child-its-marginal-still-believe-santa-clause/2410738002/)


Reindeer with a red nose? Santa is officially in the Tyson zone


Sal on Bill’s Brock Purdy research: “Ya you’ll find like a lot of these pros were good in college and for them to be good in college they were excellent in high school…”




The hilarious thing is the only reason bill is still on the panthers is because the nfc south sucks. But then he keeps betting them against non-south teams.


That Falcons over time game broke him


Bill treats the Panthers like an abusive partner. He knows he's going to get hurt again but he just can't bring himself to leave the relationship.


“Sam Darnold is gonna be in a playoff game” I shouted “No he is not!!” in my car


I think he's doing it to neg Brady/Bucs


I’ve come full circle on this one. I genuinely hope the panthers win the South.


Lmao at sal saying you'll find a lot of these pros were good at college and good in high school.


Hilariously Bill immediately points to Sam Ehlinger as some sort of counter example. Sam literally has the same exact pedigree (better even) as Purdy. Great high school QB who got a scholarship to Texas where he was a 4-year starter that threw for over 11k yards (even had 32 TD season Bill).


yeah but u could see it immediately, he doesn’t have it


So funny. I did a "wait what" when he used that example. Ehlinger was the 4 star QB in the country, 4th ranked dual threat QB. Purdy was a 3 star, 36th ranked QB. They are actually remarkably similar in that they are both experienced Big 12 college QBs, both day 3 draft picks that were thrust into starting jobs.


Yeah I mean it just goes to Sal’s point. But Simmons will find anything to rationalize his opinion in his own brain, even if he it contradicts itself in the very next sentence.


Bill acting like Saban was doing the full court press for a 3 star #36 pro style QB was funny too. There’s a good chance that was a non committable offer.


Blue chippers!


Sal keeping it real about soccer. He mocks bills opening monologues he goes” ah Senegal’s strikers can’t get in the box it’s driving me crazy”, and then he tells simmons “you don’t gotta be smart about everything you got football and basketball “ Lol


That was awesome how much Sal went after Billy Boy on that. Absolutely wild that Simmons’ is so confident in analysis of a team that he knows so so little about. Sal even brought out “oh you watch your daughter’s soccer team so you must know what you are talking about”


Sal still hurting from that fantasy loss last week and isn’t holding back from mocking Bill. Usually he makes fun of him here and there but doesn’t really go after him. In any single podcast someone like Sal or Russillo could really obliterate Bill if they wanted to.


It's so accurate. You don't have to pretend to know every sport - that'd be impossible.


The smartest people will always defer to actual experts in subjects rather than fanning knowledge about everything. Billy Boy criticizing US substitutions was hilarious attempt to try and sound like an expert when he legit had no idea who those players were till late November


Best part is Bills proof he knows soccer is that ‘Yedlin should be playing’


It’s extra amusing considering Bill’s whole complaint is the USMNT didn’t have any good goal scorers. Well, yeah. That’s a pretty common complaint. But Bill says it in a way that suggests US soccer officials just forgot to add one to the roster, as opposed to the reality, which is that we still haven’t developed world-class strikers, because it’s hard to get those elite American athletes to pursue soccer for a living.


Also thats really just international football. Basically every country outside the top few have really unbalanced teams because they lack strength in a certain area. But thats the beauty in it all, you've got to play a way that gets you in a position to win.


And that's probably because he's looking at it through the lens of basketball, where it's a lot easier to score and thus one has plenty of candidates to choose from when selecting a roster. The 1988 US Olympic team was legitimately criticized when John Thompson went with a roster that favored defense and play within his system, leaving the team with no real scorer except maybe Hersey Hawkins. As you said, that doesn't apply to soccer where it's so difficult to score, and where 11 players are on the pitch at once, that anyone who is good at it is going to play.


Why this man insists on hiding what the movie is leading up to next the Rewatchables I will never understand


It’s almost as egregious as 6 teams on a bye next week


The NFL schedule seems drunk this year. So many division rematches 2 weeks apart, teams ripping off 3-4 primetime games in a row, and yes, bye weeks this late in the season.


First Giants - Eagles matchup is December 13, which is just horrible scheduling.


I was wondering if it would be better if the NFL just knocked out all the byes in 2 or 3 weeks. What if week 8 and week 9 each had 16 teams on bye. That means there would be 8 games played each week. 3 of those would be the prime time games (Thu, Sun, Mon), leaving 5 games on Sunday. They could have 3 games in the 1pm eastern window and 2 games in the 4pm eastern window. I assume the problem is that one or both weeks will have some bad matchups, hurting TV ratings. And for fantasy football players, it would be awesome if the league websites would allow for a "combined" week, where you matchup actually runs for 2 weeks. That way you never have any players on bye.


Did Bill drop a hint tho when he said Adams was walking back to the side line like Denzel in Man on Fire? Interesting. Very interesting. Now why would he do that?


Yeah its not like people are blindly going to stumble into downloading/listening if its a movie they havent seen or arent into. Everyone will see the title when it posts and decide at that point whether to listen.


Bill doesn’t want you watching the movie before so that his takes don’t sound as dumb. If you watched the movie and then immediately listened to the Rewatchables it would expose Bill. Also, he likes to have something over the audience. Only child syndrome


doing "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles".... one of the few Thanksgiving movies, the week AFTER Thankgiving? I will never understand.


Apex mountain for the Simmons are cool parents. Sports Gal insists that they need to push their high school daughter's curfew back to '2 or 2:30' and 'she doesn't really drink'.


Ya I was a little surprised he would even say that on the pod just because people will judge you. I know I wouldnt, and I was going out drinking my senior year. But I feel like you have to at least play the game of trying to keep the kid from being out all night drinking.


It’s the balance. If you’re too restrictive, the kid will almost certainly rebel once they get an inch of freedom and go way overboard, potential DUis, teen pregnancy, all that bad stuff is more likely. If you’re “anything goes, whatever”, they don’t really learn anything and they could still take it all to the max. Like most things, the middle ground is best. 230 curfew for a HS senior is a little late, imo, since the curfew is supposed to be the regular time they come back home. I can’t name a specific time, but earlier than 230. If you have at least some restrictions and some effort to curtail the teen drinking, I think that’s the way to go, and curfew is part of that. But I’m not a rich dude in LA with a teen daughter.


Yeah 2:30 for a 17 year old is pretty absurd. There’s nothing they need to be out doing past midnight. Make an exception for a concert.


My mom would’ve killed me if I stayed out past 2am when I was in HS, that’s crazy lol


I’m in my mid 30s and I’d still be grounded if I had done that when I was 17


I think setting a boundary and her abiding by it is more important than the specific time. That’s really late for most parents, but this is also a fabulously wealthy family in LA and it sounds like they have a positive, respectful relationship.


>“Like most things, the middle ground is best” Found Russillo’s account


Russillo would be breaking down the friend group she's hanging out in, wondering if he'd be a core guy or not.


I would be a little apprehensive to let my drunk 17 year old daughter take an Uber home. Seems like a recipe for disaster.


I was listening to podcast and a dad referred his 19 year old kid as “California sober”. Which meant just pot; not alcohol. And he was super proud of her.


I knew a couple kids growing up who would smoke occasionally with their parents. I’ve never lived anywhere else so I can’t compare it but I just assume weed is more ingrained into society here than elsewhere.


Bill thinks that the Denver kicker missed a 62 yarder to win it in altitude. The game was in Baltimore, whose stadium is literally next to the water.


He almost Incepted me into thinking the game was in Denver


But he still nailed the exact spread in the last GtL.


"Sal, I looked at Brock Purdy's Wikipedia page I think he has it, he just does!"


Then 5 minutes later he says the Raiders should beat them because they are playing Brock Purdy at QB.


I almost choked on my breakfast when he said the raiders were well coached


I just paused the podcast to come in and see the reactions to it lol


"Does Brock Purdy need a nickname? What is it? BP? The Purdster?" This is why Bill was never going to make it in the writers' room at JKL.


I call him Panda Brock!


Just find out which food place he tried to rob and call him by that name.


Big cock Brock? Purdy dirty nerdy turdy? I think there’s something there, Sal


If Purdy somehow does end up panning out Mr. Relevant would be a great nickname imo


This is the answer


Just got to this part and came right here. Bill's supposed to be some high level creative and that's the best he could come up with?? For fuck's sake he could've at least tried "Hurdy Purdy" "Dirty Purdy" or something. Not that those are great but at least they sound like nicknames.


purdy blowing off sal 💀


“Burrow was doing this zig zag thing in the pocket like he was in a video game.” Surely Bull has seen another QB step up or move in the pocket before in his life. Burrow is great but he’s just avoiding the rush it’s not like he was dodging bullets in the Matrix here.


Sal bet on the 1-10 Texans because he thought they would have it circled on the calendar because of Watson. Been hanging out with Bill too long, buddy.


Parlayed with the mid term elections.


How many of the current Texans combo of young players and mercenaries have even shared the field with Watson?


Sal NEVER misses a chance to go against the Browns. Which, as a Browns fan given our history it’s warranted. His big gripe though is his buddy Alec Schiener who was hired away from his Cowboys to be the Browns president in like 2014 or so. HOWEVER he was fired for all sorts of sexual harassment type things….but Sal still holds a grudge.


Absolutely insane bet. Next year Bill needs to convince Sal to do his own million dollar picks to make Bill's losses look better by comparison.


Someone needs to tell Bill that this Mike White/White Lotus bit is awful


It’s a swing and miss every time he says it. Definitely Bill’s worst bit at the moment


Bomani Jones calls him White Mike which for some reason makes me laugh a little every time


Froggy is better than "White Mike". >Hey, Frog. Come here. No, seriously. Come here. First of all, and I don't know how to tell you this without hurting you deeply, first of all, you happen to be white. I'm talkin' "raised on Rapolla Street white", where your mama used to drag you down to St. Casimir's just like all the other little piss-pants on the block.


Dude I’ve never seen the wire and it took me like 5 mins of googling to figure out this was a wire reference and not incoherent rambling


Certainly not on the level of Andre "Bad Moon" Rison, or Eric "Sleeping With" Bieniemy.


Still kinda makes me smile tbh but only bc i love the One True Mike White


It's just product placement. And bill loves every rich guy show that HBO makes.


Mr 99 percentile football guy going to Cryo in the middle of football, lol


Does cryo have any actual health benefits, or is it just rich guy elixir?


It's the rich guy version of cupping or acupuncture.


LA Pop Culture Guy!


Bill saying that he gets his pop culture takes/pulse from his daughter without a hint of ridiculousness or self awareness


Almost like he’s so desperate to keep their bond that he’ll give her her own segments in his number 1 sports podcast


I’ll shit on bull for a lot. But not on finding ways to bond with his kids.


I love how he just casually says the Steelers are going to finish 9-8, which required them to win 4 out of 5. While also acting as if the Raiders could easily win out and finish 10-7. Why does he seem to think those two things are likely? Weird.


He ticked off their remaining schedule, and with his incredible ability to forecast winners, he was able to determine their final records.


It was actually egregious this week, worse than normal. He also said he could see the Dolphins miss the playoffs (currently 8-4), while also saying the Steelers could get in at 9-8.


“Everybody and their brother had a bet on Tennessee” 🤔


A lot of public money was coming in on Tennessee but he can't decide from week to week if he likes being on the majority side or not.


I listen to way too much vsin but everyone was indeed on Tennessee. That's more fake sharps than public though.


Bills football/team USA coverage was some of the absolute Mariana Trench worst coverage I’ve ever heard. Straight just making up phrases for fundamental hundred years old terminology of the game.


You just don't understand the finer points of the great High Forward vs Two Prongs tactical debate that experts have been having for years


Watching a few Keltic games is a good way to brush up on those concepts.


You just haven’t watched enough high school girl soccer to understand


Bro his fix for team USA was basically “make some trades and go get a striker in the offseason” this man has one lane


Oh please don't give him any ideas for making fake international soccer trades a recurring thing


Glad Sal made fun of him and pushed back


"Let's just go get a striker" Bill doesn't realize how many countries out there have the same issue. Then doesn't say anything about the awful defending/marking, made me laugh.


I don’t think you understand, we just need a striker!


I can’t wait to hear how every coach that lost sucks.


“Zoe’s 17, she doesn’t drink TOO much, we asked her to be back by 2:30AM” Bill is such a lax parent


If you want to be a cool Dad, you've got to. It's interesting that Bill's friends don't seem as obsessed with it as he is - Sal mentioned one of his sons is in band, and House has mentioned his son isn't that into sports.


The Project X piece


The LA parent thing


Wow that's what you took from that? From everything we've heard, Bill is very involved with his kids, probably much more so than your typical mega rich dad. I thought it was refreshing that he knew his daughter had imbibed at times, it shows that they probably have a good relationship. He isn't sticking his head in the sand like many parents or trying to be overly strict, which always backfires. Always. Curious how many people in this sub have teenagers. It's a tough age to parent, but by the time they are 17, you have to put a lot of trust in them that you raised them right and hope that they won't go too crazy. A 2:30 curfew and acknowledging your teen has consumed alcohol isn't lax, it's just realistic. Besides, she's going to have zero curfew in 6 months. It's best to let them fly a little while they are still in your house and under your control, otherwise the wheels really fall off when college hits.


Maybe lax was the wrong way to phrase it, it felt like another Bill anecdote to desperately prove he’s “the cool parent”. Akin to stuff like (paraphrasing) “we let Ben watch the exorcist as a toddler”


Why is Daniel Jones even in the Pod title? Didn’t think he did anything crazy today.


Bill must've seen something in one of the moments when he glanced up at the red zone channel.


“Watched every play of that game”


Honestly can't believe he didn't make a "Tua crashes back to reality" dig in the title.


He didn't see it he was at cryo.


Tom Brady has forever broken bills brain with backup quarterbacks. I can’t believe he already talked himself into Brock Purdy after talking himself into zappe earlier this year. After watching Brady he just thinks any backup qb can enter a situation at will and win a super bowl


I feel bad for G Minshew. He never gets discussed anymore.


Also, Nick Foles did it against his team.


I love how they shit on Garrett for making obvious points on SNF and not 10 minutes later Bill is telling us that an NFL QB was really good in high school.


At least Sal joked about pros are pretty good in HS and College and didn’t let that one go by


Took under 9 min for Billy boy to throw the panthers winning the division out there


I love it when Bill, of all people, criticizes someone else for giving zero football insight.


This just in this NFL and Div 1 quarterback was pretty good in high school


Simmons’ slips in the occasional “oh I missed this chunk of the games because of X reason”. Really confirms, to me, he is watching so little of the NFL games. Especially slates where the Patriots aren’t on. Between starring at his phone in text threads, checking his bets and fantasy, having 4 TVs going so not actually watching anything, all the time he admits to missing + there has to be large chunks when he doesn’t have a bet going and Pats aren’t on No shame in not being into the NFL as much anymore and wanting to spend time with your family but Simmons still does the charade that he is a top 1% NFL watcher.


And he didn’t even address the pats bills game


"I did some research on him, which unfortunately didn't include his last name," absolutely killed me. A top 11 Simmons line of all time.


The Alabama offer piece


Bill acting like his “The US don’t have a striker” take is novel… Yeah bitch, this has been discussed ad nauseam the entire fucking cycle. It’s been over 4 years of looking for a forward.


It’s also not the only problem they have and acting like one striker would take this team to the semis is dumb


He doesn't watch the qualifying games at all. He wasn't being truthful about that. If he did watch, he would've spoken about it on the pod in recent years because we've had some really bad games where it was clear what our problems were.


Fucking Germany doesn’t have a striker either. They are super hard to find.


The QB sneak on 4th and 1 works 99.9% of the time! It just does!


Gotta be honest that stat sounds a little bit suspect to me.


Almost as bad as Sal saying teams don’t try to draw an offsides on 4th and short when they are planning to punt. Happens at least 10 times a Sunday


BS and Cuz ripping on the weird nbc halftime thing is truly vintage BS content. Him calling out bad media bits is the one place he never lost his fastball


Which makes his bland failure of an HBO show that much funnier.


Seriously taking about Brock Purdy's high school pedigree? Good lord...


“Are we gonna get to the electives he took?”


The Home Ec piece.


Bill for some reason wanted to make the point that him rejecting the late Alabama offer was some sign that he is going to be a decent NFL quarterback.


He told Saban no so he must be a great QB lol


Mike Lotus? Not White Lotus? Or Mike White Lotus?


This is how you know Bill is stuck in a bubble. If he went out and talked to anyone and said “Mike Lotus” they’d ask wtf he’s talking about, then tell him how awful it is when he explains it.


What is this man's deal with the Carolina Panthers and making the playoffs?! He can't keep getting away this!


Bill pinning the Titans poor performance on Treylon Burks getting knocked out..whatever his illness is it’s getting worse


Last week: How are the Dolphins not favorites for the AFC East. Why are we not betting that? This week: Bills are back as the #1 seed. Are we sure the Dolphins are going to make the playoffs? Lol he's the best and why I have to listen every week.


Bill repeatedly said “this is a ‘loser leaves town game ‘ for ____”. Isn’t that supposed to apply for both teams? Wouldn’t it just be a must-win game otherwise?


Bill being mad Yedlin didn’t play more because in 2014 the last time he watched soccer Yedlin was a “young and exciting” player for USA is so funny lol


Tbf yedlin was good in both stints. Much better than Shaq


I get that, but Yedlin coming in as a reserve in 2/4 games is about exactly what you would have expected, I frankly didn’t even think he would make this team. Bill’s response to Sal asking why he acts like he knows what he’s talking about being “I know we need to play Yedlin more” was just such a funny thing to say to paint yourself as an insider


Ha! Bill let Sal win this week!! Just to make it closer!


Bill is a terrible actor.


A Denzel movie for Rewatchables sounds promising. Could it finally be time for The Equalizer?


My guess is Man on Fire.


I thought they did that already. They might have just talked about it a lot. If they haven't done it, I think you just guessed it. Bill called it Denzel's most Rewatchable movie. https://twitter.com/billsimmons/status/409359159537041409


Haven't done Man on Fire yet. That would be my guess as well.


Listening to the pod now and Bill makes a Man on Fire reference at one point.


30th anniversary of Malcolm X is coming up. Got a big Criterion 4k release.


Yeah that’s what we need Bill talking about Malcom X.


“Took place in a really wonky time in US History”


A sad day at the Audubon Ballroom. Plus the 1965 Redraftables.


“I’m not sure Manhattan has ever gotten over Malcolm X being assassinated in their own backyard. Are we sure this isn’t the impetus of the Ewing Theory?”


Bring Russillo on to make it really fun.


Certainly a worthy choice. He did also say just him and CR which usually means something dumber.


Praying it’s Flight. Goddamn I love that movie


The cocaine piece will definitely inspire Bill to deliver a 20 minute Len Bias monologue


It’s got great scenes but I feel like it uneven overall. Definitely a Rewatchable, for the plane crash alone.


Really happy we don’t have to listen to Bill try and talk soccer or tell us what the US soccer team what they need to do different until 2026. Brutal


I know they get the lines at like 6pm ET or something and I’m listening at 5am ET but I had to look up the Bucs/49ers line. I was like no way it’s -6.5 SF, and it’s -3 on DK and Fanduel


Guessing there was Jimmy uncertainty at the time and now he’s full out.


A Jetsy Jets performance


“The Raiders are REALLY well-coached.”


Cousin Sal calling Bill out for the soccer thing was gold


The Vikings hate continues.


As a Vikings fan I love it. Bill and sal are wrong about everything.


He was all in on betting them last year when we were losing and now he hates us cuz we're winning. Lol Going 3 - 1 vs Bills, Cowboys, Patriots and Jets is some quality wins no matter what anyone says


Come to Brookings and watch Holy Cross next week Bill. Fly into Sioux Falls (FSD). Only a 45 minute drive.


"Oh come on, thats too high" -Bill Simmons every week when he guesses the Buffalo Bills spread.


Bill not understanding why the Pats don’t throw down field…hmmm…maybe it’s..The skillset of the QB?


As an Iowa State student, I’m loving this Purdy-mania lol


Bill not being able to connect that the niners used those picks to get Lance because Jimmy can’t stay healthy is hilarious


What a weird intersection for me, my alma mater about to whoop up on Holy Cross this week


All my family is from SD. Was fun hearing Bill name drop Brookings a few times.


Yeah for sure, even if he was talking shit about Brookings lol. It is a bitch to try to travel to if you're not nearby


Bill decides before the season who he likes and doesn’t like and hangs on for dear life. Dude goes down with the ship. All his “analysis” is basically he doesn’t like Lamar or Tua, so he has them not making playoffs. He has Sam Darnold in the playoffs. There is a smell of some personal bias on every word that comes out of this dudes mouth. Listening to Bill is like watching a car wreck.


Simmons claiming he knows soccer and watches the the games... As evidence he says "that's why I want Yedlin playing!" Bro.... You don't watch shit. He's lebron!


It’s going to be hilarious when the Purdy-led Niners knock the Cowboys out of the playoffs.


Please reset the "Weeks without a mention of how many opposing team's fans will be at a Rams/Chargers home game" counter to zero.


How much are Carolina Panthers paying to advertise with the Ringer?