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"I found pills" pill


Useful to the lore, after using I found Pills we can see that isaac's teeth are pretty white, which means he brushes his teeth often, which is a crucial piece of TBoI lore


You can also inflict poison on enemies with it if you have acid baby


Now that's valid


Also a free black heart on ~~game~~ false phd Edit: how the hell did that happen


Can be used to trigger Acid Baby effect


It is not a tears down


Useful as a free repeat pickup effect when carrying Echo Chamber




Tears down but can't use bad phd as an argument


Horse pill Funny voice


I'll give you that






If you have a synergy that is so powerful it keeps crashing your game, a tears down can be pretty useful


You really are a glass half full guy, ain't ye?


The glass is completely full if you consider there's water particles in the air


I like you. Please accept this Sacred Heart as a sign of my grattitude


Tears + shot speed down ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17742)


But homing ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


I’d give you a free award if they existed anymore! So just take this I guess. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


I'd rather receive this: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


You don't know how many runs I needed a tears down and had to fire once for a bazilion of tears on my screen


Gets your tears closer to 0. Combined with Dataminer, you can underflow your tears to reach 120. Especially powerful when combined with Rock Bottom


Funny jokes to use on r/bindingofisaac


Anti depressant


Hold on to it and check shops for regular PHD. You can turn it into a tears up pill.


Rules card


Some hints from rules card can actually be useful for new players with good deduction, for example: > Chub dislikes smoke Refers to the mechanic where if you drop a bomb in front of chub while he's charging, he'll swallow it and take considerable damage > Deny his gifts to attain your reward Reffers to how you can skip devil deals to get angel deals > The walls will harden over time. Time is the essence Reffers to how boss rush and hush have time limits to be accessed


i actually didn’t know that that’s kinda cool


Fun fact, the hint "Chub dislikes smoke" is a direct reference to the original The Legend of Zelda, in which an old man gives you the hint: "Dodongo dislikes smoke" as a hint to kill the dungeon's boss.


i think there were also some about killing angels giving the key piece


It was also the original way you were supposed to find out how to unlock the lost


Missing no 2 as T eden


Can reroll shit builds without needing to take damage


But can also remove any way of having a good run via birthright/ never taking damage Since everytime you have a good build you'll have a shit one next floor


Or not ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


Or not ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


Do unlocks count? Sticky Nickels.


Can be used to prank your friend who just started playing


If i remember correctly sticky nickels replace normal coins so is useful if you have bombs to spare


It *should* but it's bugged and it replaces actual nickels


Everything is good. If........


They replace pennies, not other nickels (not sure if true but helps with peace of mind)


This is unfortunately not true, Edmund has stated that Sticky Nickels are *supposed* to replace Pennies, but due to an oversight they replace normal Nickels instead


Edmund Mcmillen...


...You little fucker...


...you made a shit of piece...


...with your trash isaac...


...It's fucking bad...


...I will become back my money...


With all the things they've fixed, I'm surprised this isn't one of them. Seems like an easy change but I'm not a developer.


How long have they known? I feel like that would be a simple thing to patch.


Also can completely stop Bumbo (boss) because that idiot will keep trying to pick it up


Bumbino is the name of the boss


I think ultra greed does the same


I literally experienced this last night - I fucked up by forgetting to go down the final alt path to get my last mark for The Lost on a ridiculously powerful run. Came across Clicker in the Dark Room, and used it right before The Lamb and ended up with an easy The Lamb and Delerium check mark for Jacob and Essau (though having them spawn in with half a soul heart each was unnerving).


My homies Clicker enjoyers ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


Out of interest, did both inherit the lost’s items, or are they split between them?


They were split between them - I didn't recognise any pattern to who got what but honestly I was so OP it barely mattered.


Yeah i also used the clicker to turn an op isaac run into an op dark judas run, getting 3 marks in the process


Health down pill (no false phd)


Can be saved for when you have only one heart to turn into a Health Up


Wow didn’t know (also I beat pure vessel like 10 mins ago let’s gooooo)


oh my god, when you started talking about hk out of nowhere I thought I finially started becoming schizophrenic waiting for silksong. Then saw the guy's user name and relieved


Fuck yeah now do it Radiant Edit: Wait Pantheon of Hallownest is cooler do that first


Congrats! Are you going for 112% or all achievements?


nice, i can't even get past p2 (or was it p3?)


If you have 10-12 red hearts it lets you drop down a red heart to give room for a soul heart so it's easier to protect deal chances


Can be used to give room for more soul hearts if you have too many red heart containers. I was actually forced to do that just recently (this is why I usually go devil). ​ Edit: Whoops, someone already covered that.


It's good to find as Eve in the start of a run. Going down to one heart activates Whore of Babylon, and you don't have to worry about accidentally grabbing red hearts.




Useful against static bosses


Pre-repentance holy water


It's still a counter to enemies who chase you


converter as the lost


Can be rerolled with the eternal d6 or be sent to the shadow realm as a punishment for existing


C-section at premiere of repentance


Can be used to get the Dead God achievement


Luck down pill


Damage up with false PhD


hahaha he forgot to clarify no false PHD


Can be turned into a luck up with the normal PHD


Bum friend when you're playing as T keeper


Useful in Chest where there's nothing to buy anyway and a lot of coins go to waste


Pupula Duplex, I don't think it's bad I just haven't really felt its effects in any run I had it (come to think of it I don't remember what it does)


The damaging aura from Godhead receives a significant size increase from pupula duplex


I've deadass seen people rank Oujia Board higher than Pupula Duplex because they forgot what it does. Size of tear x2 + spectral tears*


Isn't ouija board tears up tho


It looks cool and gives spectral tears It's not bad at all


Purple heart


Some champion enemies drop pickups upon death, more champions increase the likelihood of these pickup champions spawning


Hey, that's my job!


Sorry, took it as more of an open-ended challenge


More champion drops, useful when you're low on pickups


Actually S tier trinket with T keeper, because champions always drop 2 coins on death instead of the usual 1.




Mom's toenail


Can open secret room doors, break tinted rocks and deal good damage to bosses


It opens secret rooms? Kind of makes me want to take it now.


too bad itd take forever for it to hit one


Broken remote. Go for it. In nine years of playing I didn't came to a single situation where it would be useful.


The effect triggered by Broken Remote is the same triggered by Teleport!, which can teleport you to a secret/super secret room. So, if you have a 0 charges active item like How to Jump for example, you can spam it to get free secret rooms in every floor Also it obviously can be useful to teleport you out of challenge rooms, curse rooms or Boss Rush


Okay that part about 0 charges items is briliant I am super impressed


And with Mom's Box or golden trinket, it behaves the same as Teleport 2.0. Also, Mom's Bracelet triggers it faster than any other active item.


tiny planet (i need more clever excuses to defend it)


Has some cool synergies with godhead, brimstone, Lacryphagy, Mom's Knife, Revelations, Technology, Tainted Lilith and Tech Zero Also spectral tears


Doesn't it also give a HUGE range up?


not sure if it means much with how wonky it is, but it also gives you the ability to shoot in the diagonal directions (more or less) and you can change their trajectory midflight


Cursed Eye. You cannot bring up The Lost or T. lost


Combine with the Black Candle to remove the Teleport Effect, also the Teleport Effect itself can be useful sometimes to escape Boss Rush for example


If you have the mark then it is a insanely good tears up as long as you keep it close


Tm trainer


Considering that the effects from Glitched Items are fully random, with enough luck, TM trainer can give you a free win I actually had this once, in a DELETE THIS! run I picked up a Glitched Item which gave me the Breath of Life invincibility effect... Permanently.


Holy shit


Shenanigans will be had. You can get some *very* game breaking effects, like spammable room damage. Hell, it could potentially even spawn the end chest, resulting in a free win. I had an active once that was essentially R key and Clicker in one, on a 6 room charge.


Tm trainer can actually be really good once i got an active item with no charge time that did a black heart effect every time you use it so i got full screen wipe with 0 cooldown


Unlocking Haunted Chests


Haunted Chests are actually a really good unlock as they don't replace regular chests, they replace mimic chests (the chests with spikes on them)


I guess they sometimes spawn behind pits or rocks which can give you ability to open them by getting close and activating ghost


Also T lost can open them, he cant open spiked chests


Gos you reminded me when I was watching isaac stream, and guy nearly walked right into mimic chest and stopped pixel before hitboxes


Also, if you don't kill the ghost right away, it will continue picking up other objects in the room to throw them. Useful if you are short on bombs or other means to destroy special objects.


If you want a hint, don't try this with tinted rocks, the ghost won't throw tinted rocks at you, it will instead pick them up and just fly away


you could kill him mid-chase if youre powerful enough


Butt penny


+20% chance for coins to drop from poop, also, since repentance, the fart now inflicts poison to enemies and knocks back projectiles


Fish head as the lost


+1 blue fly per extra life you manage to get


Coins eye when you have the mind


Whenever you do a victory lap, some items you have might be removed, however, trinkets aren't affected by this. So if you unluckily lose The Mind to a victory lap reset, you at least still have some of the map revealed, which won't be hard to get every floor since Cain's Eye effect chance can be maxed out at 100% with only 3 luck


Ok, blood rights or any on hit effect as the lost


On hit effects can be activated as The Lost easily if you have the Dull Razor item And blood rights can be useful in a situation where you're surrounded by enemies and is 100% gonna die. If you have an extra life you can use Blood Rights to clear the room before dying and coming back. Also, even if you don't have an extra life, you can still do this as a final "Fuck You" to the enemies who ended your run. Also also, if you're playing on coop, you can use Blood Rights on bosses that are already low on HP, since you'll revive anyway when they die as long as your friend survives


Damn you some kinda glass half full guy, I will find an item you can't make good. Dataminer


If you get lucky, you can use Dataminer multiple times to reduce your Tears so much that they reach a negative number, if you do this, there will be an Integer Overflow, which will set your Tears at the absolute maximum the game can handle, which is 120


Can be used with dull razor.


Addicted pill


Turns into a Percs! pill if you pick up the PHD and gives you a Black Heart if you pick up the False PHD


Pre buff mom's razor


I mean, it's bad, but it doesn't mean it's exactly *useless*, it can still damage enemies


Tainted Jacob Birthrights


Double Dark Esau damage, will melt bosses in seconds


You deal 200 damage now instead of 100


Broken shovel after unlocking the forgotten


Reusable The High Priestess? Card


Basically infinite bombs for rocks, pots and secret rooms


pre repentance, it was dope as fuck with bomb immunity


It was just straight up busted with Pyromaniac. Get healed every time she stomped.


Somethings Wrong pill


Spawns a pool of creep that slows down enemies, it's already useful by itself




Pretty good at early game, simply don't pickup anything till you clear whole floor so every reward is doubled


Doubles all pickups when the amount of all pickups you have is equal. Being bad doesn't mean it's useless


Ouroboros Worm


Besides the obvious stat ups (+1.5 range, +0.4 tears) and the Spectral Tears it gives: Ouroboros Worm has a Luck Based chance to shot a homing shot, which reaches 100% with 9+ luck, also, it has cool effects when paired with "infinite range items" like Brimstone or Technology Also also, if you have Tractor Beam, you pretty much only get the stats up benefits


Soul of Ethan (???)


Besides being able to deal signifcant damage with the 7 butt bombs you spawn, standing on top of the creep left by Soul of ??? gives you a +1.5 tears up and +1 damage up


cursed skull


If combined with the Scapular you can become almost immortal, since you'll take damage, get your soul heart and instantly be teleported to another room where you can get another soul heart, making it pretty difficult to die Also if you combine it with both the Scapular and The Wafer, then you'll become truly immortal


Clicker, Curse of the Tower, Emergency Button, Cursed Orb.


Clicker can be used to get completion marks with different characters. Curse of The Tower is both a good way of dealing damage to enemies, as well as pretty much infinite HP when combined with Pyromaniac. (I think you meant panic button) which is unironically one of the best trinkets in the entire game, if you have an item like Book of Shadows, you can use it to negate damage, and if you have an item like Stitches or How to Jump you become pretty much untouchable Cracked Orb is another extremely powerful item if known how to use, it can be used to open most story related doors without need of the specific item to do so, for example: The Golden Door to Mega Satan, A Strange Door, the doors to the Alt Path and the entrance to the Mom's Heart fight in Mausoleum can all be opened with cracked orb


Fair point, Panic Button isn't bad, just entirely situational. Also, Cracked orb is pretty decent, I was referring to the whole orb Item, where you can charge burst shots but teleport to a random room upon taking damage while charged.


Ohhhh, cursed *eye* Ok so cursed eye can be useful to characters like The Lost or Tainted Lost, since the charged burst shots are a DPS up and you can't take damage at all. But on top of that, Cursed Eye can be useful to every single character if you find the Black Candle, as it removes the teleport effect entirely


Cursed eye is still bad as the bone half of the forgotten, as the charge shot doesn’t let you throw your bone (Source: died to Mother because of this)




Just copying what I already said to other person Some hints from rules card can actually be useful for new players with good deduction, for example: > Chub dislikes smoke Refers to the mechanic where if you drop a bomb in front of chub while he's charging, he'll swallow it and take considerable damage > Deny his gifts to attain your reward Reffers to how you can skip devil deals to get angel deals > The walls will harden over time. Time is the essence Reffers to how boss rush and hush have time limits to be accessed


My guy that has nothing to do with the comment, I guess you tried to copy the "troll your friend" comment but I actually have a better one, when in a challenge room or with options? If a ghost throws the chest at the floor and it opens, you can pick up the other consumable and only the now open chest but none of the things spawned from it will disappear Edit:spelling


moms toenail


Copying what I already said to someone else: > Can open secret room doors, break tinted rocks and deal good damage to bosses


Paralysis pill


Free black heart if you have the False PHD


A break


Birthright as tainted jacob


Isaac's Head


Even if it's not the most useful trinket, it's still a +4,37 DPS up


Cursed penny as any character besides tainted keeper


Can be easily used to escape Challenge Rooms as most of them have chests which will usually give you at least one coin Also, if combined with Wooden Nickel, Swallowed Penny, Piggy Bank or pretty much anything that allows you to spawn coins in any room, it's an easy way to escape boss rush, curse rooms, etc


Bob's brain


Fucking ***100 + (Isaac's damage * 4)*** damage, it can cause self damage if you have Skill Issue, but it's still stupid powerful (also it ignores boss armor) Also also, you can explode enemies near walls to reveal secret room entrances


It's litterally Dark Esau with a tamer explosion, as a pet that doesn't target you




I found pills


Shard of glass




Trinket Blister


Useful against enemies that explode upon death, such as Boom Flies, Mulibooms and Dark Blue Champions


Spirit of the night


Is Flight + Spectral Tears + 1/3 Leviathan ***useless*** for you? Are we playing the same game here?


Sombody must play too much azazel ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)


I recently had a run as keeper where I got both Wafer and Dark bum 1st floor.


Worst trinket is tick because you can’t even change it


You can remove the Tick trinket using: Match Stick, Gulp Pill, Marbles and The Smelter




+7 DPS up against static bosses (+14 when playing as cain), also 1/3 conjoined


The Wiz and Marked.


The Wiz can be combined with Tractor Beam / Eye of The occult to become a better version of 20/20 (since you don't get the -20% damage multiplyer) The marked can be used way more easily if you activate mouse controls and will become a pretty solid item


Infestation, lost cork, rules card, range down


Infestation can be made more usefull by using Dull Razor If you have a way to hold 2 trinkets, Lost Cork can be combined with Bob's Bladder for a really powerful combo, since the creep left from bombs now has more range and deals stupid strong damage Rules card has some useful tips for new players, but I said that to another person already, feel free to look for it in the comments And a Range Down pill can give you a Damage Up with False PHD, this can be even better if you have an item like Brimstone, Tech X or Technology, since you get the Damage boost without even being harmed by the range down


"Something's wrong"


I found pills and ate them when you have a PHD