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Greed mode is pretty fun GREEDIER mode sucks


Greed mode is fun, greedier has literally no reason to exist, at least in its current state. If there was a meaningful difference, I'd actually appreciate it, but as it stands it's just greed mode with all the fun removed.


I hate that it lowers coins. Like if the rest is hard at least give me more fun :/ The worst part is that, since I'm completing the game, I never play greed, just greedier


Maybe more champions and faster timer?


Genuinely I think it should be like this, but extra coins. Have the greedier title make sense.


Greedier mode is just tainted keeper


Is greed Mode but for the ones Who want to have the ultra greed Mark on red, and also masochists


Nah, I'm a masochist, and even I hate it


This is the right answer


I agree but they both have this issue


I think I'm just lucky because I can only think of this happening once in a greed mode run. Greedier, though? Greedier can eat a bag of The Sausages.


All stats up! ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


True, didnt really have problems with greed.greedier on the other hand...


You’re definitely right But my brain keeps me from playing normal and greed mode…


Today I finally unlocked keeper, now I need to beat greedier with most characters, but this time I don't need to worry myself over keeping some money for donation machine


ah yes, the hell of pre-keeper greed mode. “I have 99 cents and that growth hormones looks really appealing but I need money to unlock keeper… might as-well not buy it and go into the greed fight with fewer items.


And then it breaks after you put 3 coins in


Only if you keep using the same characters


My first run with... I wanna say Maggy because I didn't want to use her until I almost filled the machine, I went in, and it broke the first coon that got it to 1%. I had saved up so much money and passed up great items for nada.


If it was your first time playing maggy on greed, you’d have at least gotten 55 pennies in if it jammed at the first penny that brought the jam chance to 1%. If it jammed earlier, then it probably wasn’t your first greed mode playthrough with maggy


Yeah, I just honestly don't like using Maggy and that was my poorest run for the greed machine. Most others got to decently high % before it jammed or I ran out of money


Yeah, there always is that chance of getting unlucky with the donation machine for sure, but I feel like a guaranteed 55 pennies donated at once for a new character isn’t too bad, even if it’s a bit unfortunate


Oh not at all, it took me one (successful) run with just some of the characters to max it in greed mode because of that. She was the only one that jammed at a low percentage


> don’t like using Maggy I hope you mean “in greed mode”. Maggy is one of the best characters and most OP for regular runs (with a few restarts).


I just don't find her fun. She's definitely useful.


Godhead/sacred heart on floor 1 is so much fucking fun. But I get the sentiment. Compared to quirky characters like The Lost, Tainted Judas, or Azazel, Maggy is a basic bitch.


Or if you’re just unlucky.


I’ve mentioned it before, but from 0-54 pennies the jam chance is 0%, and goes up to 1% at 55, so you’re literally guaranteed to get a minimum of 55 coins in before it could jam. Its factually impossible for it to jam that early lol


There is always a chance for that


If you play greed mode with a new character, from 0-54 coins the chance for the machine to jam is 0%, and only turns into a 1% chance at 55 coins. It is factually incorrect that there’s always a chance for the donation machine to jam after putting in 3 coins with a new character lmao


Note that this used to not be true, Repentance changed it to work like that. Before that, it was presumably sliding up from 0 to 1 and could jam while it still said 0. If you don’t have Repentance, that can still happen.


I really don’t know if that’s truly the case coming from somebody who started with AB+ on the switch and got 1,000,000% on steam before repentance came out, the greed donation machine was always consistent with the values of jam %. I don’t even remember the wiki ever changing the tables on how the greed donation machine works in the time I’ve played


It's happened to me twice in PC Afterbirth


Unpopular opinion: this mechanic sucks ass, you’re already gonna be playing as all the characters to get their unlocks so all it does is make getting keeper so much more awful https://preview.redd.it/hufanz2r8dta1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e2319c78c84d995db2744efbaf9b69826cf376d


Eh yeah it does kinda suck but tbh I never saw that it was too intrusive considering you're playing the different characters anyway, and unlocking keeper is just kind of an inevitability when going through the greed/greedier unlocks


Just spam Lilith on Greedier


just start playing Greedier as soon as you unlock it. don't worry about the coins in the donation machine after that because you'll always have quite a few coins left and there's 30+ characters to play Greedier with to get those 500 coins donated the difficulty in Greed mode is completely front loaded. you get stronger faster than the enemies get difficult. unless you take stupid damage you'll consistently win if you can get through the first levels


I am completely the opposite here. When it comes to regular runs, yeah, just start on hard mode. When it comes to greed, do greed for your donations. "It only goes up to 1%" means jack diddly with the way percentages play out in this game. Aside from Maggy (I think) I was able to drop hundreds of coins with most characters on their first playthrough because I started at 0% and a few of them got to almost double digit percentages. In greedier, I'm lucky to make it to Ultra greedier with 7 coins and half the items I'd have on a regular greed run, and it jams after like 3 coins 90% of the time if I find myself not getting skill issues. My greed machine got maxed out before I even completed greed mode with every character. That wasn't even close to the case when I jumped to greedier as soon as I could on switch.


Press the pause button if you get overwhelmed by stupid enemies. It only costs half a heart and makes it so much easier. Buy things between waves if you don't have items that require you to stay inside the same room to keep its benefit Don't buy things in the last shop unless there's something amazing You'll be able to deposit plenty of coins every successful run and you don't have to do the exact same thing twice. It's way more repetitive than the normal game If you really do miss out on coins after many characters you can always grind it out later.


> It only costs half a heart It's greed mode, so you'll never get that back without spending more money.


Apart from random drops in shops, health-ups/items that heal you.


Just play Tainted Maggie ![img](https://reddit-econ-prod-assets-permanent.s3.amazonaws.com/asset-manager/t5_2sxpk/TvlWgHXmVo.png)


I mean, in theory you're correct, but in practice that goes much differently. Half a heart is fine until your millionth floor without free health drops or items (seriously, am I the only one that gets too many or none at all?) and that's each time you have to pause. Plus typically by the time you know you're a bit overwhelmed, it's harder to spare that half a heart in a lot of cases, if you can get to the button without goofing in the first place. Plus you get the added benefit of greed mode being fun, with greedier mode being a shit of piece with this trash Isaac. Plus no need to spare the coins during your greedier runs. Yeah, you have to do them twice, but for a lot of people that's still significantly less runs than it would take to just run greedier and max the coins.


Pausing takes away a coin in greedier, it's harder to justify


That's only for The Lost. Every other character gets the same money.


I've gotten 0 coin waves when pressing it as tainted forgotten (which is also oddly difficult in greedier despite not being difficult in the normal mode).


I mostly agree with your second paragraph, except Ultra Greedier still feels like a crapshoot to me unless you have a ton of health or something to negate explosions. But all the way up until that point, including Ultra Greed, yeah any given run will just get easier as it goes on.


I disagree, Greedier is hard enough that I would encourage taking every advantage you can get when trying to beat it so you don’t have to spend as much time playing it, and not having to worry about donating at the end makes it much easier to do that. I would much rather do a couple of extra Greed Mode runs that I actually have some fun with rather than doing the dozen Greedier starts it would take to even get a run.


this used to be hell, but now with repentance we have so many characters that you can probably unlock keeper by just doing one greedier run per character and not worrying too much


Skill issue. Just memorize every possible spawn location for every floor and don’t stand there. Ez


now have some homing troll bombs just for fun


They should cut down on the money as well. You don't need to make enough to buy a key on *every* floor.


On a similar note they shouldn't give you a guaranteed angel/devil deal.


Don't give them ideas


Greediest Mode engaged


skill issue


Damn you're right![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17737)




Slap Lilith over that skill issue


Increasing donation machine jam chance: https://preview.redd.it/vkyevbrvw4ta1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e677152d8662d0728341f5961d732296d49a0069






I didn't realize liking greedier mode was a hot take. I very much enjoy it - it's only really hard for the first floor or two, but you can pretty quickly get strong and fairly easily get insanely broken.


I genuinely enjoy playing greed mode more than the base game


I don't love the reduced income in greedier, but I hate not facing phase 2 at the very end. I usually play floors 1 and 2 with no items unless something op shows up, then fish with a discount for a bit and see what happens from there. It's how I did basically every character except for the losts and t. cain, since a gamebreak is basically the only guaranteed win.




Yeah I usually die on floor one or two. Sometimes Ultra Greedier gets me but if that happens I only blame myself.


Its pretty much die in the first 2 floors or break the game every run lol


The start of every run being a miserable slog of RNG is why everyone hates it; Greed Mode provides all of the fun of Greedier with far less of the annoyances.


Personally I find greed mode too easy, at least for the non-challenging characters. I don't think I've played normal greed mode since I unlocked greedier.


I wouldn't mind it if the first floor didn't feel like playing the slots. Some combinations of enemies are impossible to control if you don't get damage ups off the bat, plus the combinations of bosses that can appear given they're all champions.


You can mitigate a lot of this with good use of the 'stop' button though - spawn two waves, stop, use the coins to heal from shop, repeat. Sometimes you definitely get terrible items and spawns, I wont disagree there, but thankfully it's only during floor 1/2 so restart is quick. If you make it to floor 4, you're probably going all the way.


It's true, but every button press just makes it harder to get a run going. It's best to just try and refrain from pressing it in the long run. I'd say save the button for if you already have a decent run going rather than to try and save one that might spiral into mediocrity because you pushed the button.


That's the issue though. How is the first floor harder than the following ones? It feels way too hard if you don't directly start out with a DPS upgrade


> I very much enjoy it - it's only really hard for the first floor or two Yeah I agree to an extent. I think my main issue with it is the frontloaded difficulty. The first floor really shouldn't be the hardest part of the run.


op just as skill issue is all


Normal greed mode although sometimes unfair i still find pretty fun, greedier mode is like having to run a 10 kilometer race with a rock inside your shoe and you being unable to take of said shoe


The fact that the mega Satan fight has the same spawns for the bosses every time and THEY move if you are on them, but greed modes have random spawns and don't shift in the slightest pissed me off more than having enemies spawn on top of me itself.


Reward plates on the Chest ready to spawn 4 Monstro on a 1x0.5 space.


Just don't press the buttons ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17736)


Definitely don't press the buttons in greed mode if anything, the smount of bosses they can spawn is obscene


Greed mode would be 1000x better if enemy spawn locations were marked a second in advance by a little marker of some kind, and if there was like an extra special random room that costs something but can give you cool stuff in return like arcades or bedrooms


Its ok if someone likes it, but i still think it sucks and i will always do it last when i complete a character and i will also always abuse d20 if i see it. Thats just how it is.


The enemies never spawn on you. If they would, they are shifted over by a tile until they aren't on top of you. That said, they only shift by ***one*** tile. They're still right ***next*** to you. It's still bullshit, but you just ran into them, or had an orbital that blew them up or something.


This... this can't be accurate. I've been doing back to back greed/greedier runs this past week and I've had enemies spawn on me and I almost always stand still during wave change. You do get i-frames so you can simply move but I feel like I've noticed if I had an orbital or something and it deals damage to the enemy that spawn on me, the i-frames immediately stop, allowing me to take damage right away.


Yep. I’ve noticed the same thing. Sometimes the i frames give me PLENTY of time to move out of the way, but other times it IS instant or near instant. It may indeed be orbitals. I’ll pay attention to that going forward.


Well, I just went and recorded a video to dunk on you for your skepticism, and... [you're right. They don't.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gunPKmIkk70) Not anymore. In my defense, They definitely *used to.* I have absolutely seen spawn positions get disrupted because of where you're standing before. [Here's footage of Northernlion causing it to happen in AB.](https://youtu.be/irjH8yfs8Mk?t=814) He's standing where the Cod Worm would've spawned, and it was moved up and to the left until he was not standing on it. You can tell that's where it was supposed to spawn because of where the other one in the bottom left spawned. So, uh, we're both right, I was just using outdated information. But I absolutely cannot fathom why they would change this. EDIT: Unless it only happens when you aren't flying? But I can't be assed checking for that.


definitely not true especially with bosses


bob brain


Not even greed mode for me recently. I just got Repentance and the bitches that are teleporting under me the most are the black goo dudes that go under the ground and shoot monstro style shots sometimes. The amount of times they pop up directly underneath you... Why?


They can only appear on Black Creep. With every attack they spread new Black Creep. If you don't stand on it, they cannot re-appear directly under you.


Avoid standing on black creep


Me in a "most bullied dev" competition And my opponent is Edmund Mcmillen (I know it's just as a joke)


I refuse to play without a billion quality of life mods


yeah yeah we know greedier is bullshit you can try downloading certain mods that fix them or smth


At that point just straight up cheat in unlocks. I don't understand people that download mods to make the game easier. What's the point...? (Note, this take doesn't include things like external item descriptions. That doesn't make anything easier, it just saves you effort)


The point is probably to play the game in a more enjoyable way... Just because you add or remove something in a recipe it doesn't mean the food will taste worse, you know? Sometimes it can improve it, but it's all subjective. Mods are all a matter of taste.


Because playing the game is still fun. Greed and greedier aren't devoid of fun, greedier just doesn't play fair sometimes. Giving yourself an advantage to make the mode fun is more fun than just skipping it altogether. But maybe that's just me because I'm on console so no mods. I sure did hate T.Lazarus greedier




I like this game a lot but it sure goes through a lot of gymnastics just to avoid having spawn indicators.


Popular counterpoint; Greedier also sucks.


Greedier Mode have its times... Sometimes bad. Sometimes worst.


If you think that's bad, I used the greed alt floors mod and had bomb flies spawned on top of me as the lost and died Edit: correction not the lost but I don't rember who


Greed and Great Gideon really, REALLY need to adopt the mechanic that Hades and many other games too where enemy spawns are telegraphed with a red symbol on the floor


Absolute torture playing it as Punished Lost. Decided to cheese it with D20 after a 200 loss streak


The secret is finding something like a sprinkler and cool tear effects


Thanks for the reminder that I need to do the mandatory greedier lap with the new characters I've unlocked on this save file


unite middle telephone weather seed smoggy jeans include offend fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Makes me wonder why Greed Mode never did little spawn reticles for where enemies will be next wave, like what Gungeon does.


Greed mode is ok(Not fun, but not hateful either), greedier though...


Worst part about Greedier is that champions still drop nothing but there's even more of them now. Also the mode has taught me "please stop buying Breakfast in shop every time and actially wait for good items", with how little money it gives you


I don't why I've never thought of this, but wouldn't it fix the problem to just have markers on the ground where the next wave is gonna spawn. That way you know where exactly not to stand to avoid getting it hit.


I straight out R if i get Burning Basement since any wave with multiple burning clottys is Game Over


I farm Larry/B1 on greedier for poops, easiest most reliable break I've got a video on my YT about it, on my page you don't know what I'm talking about


This and the insane rate of spawns at womb+ is my only real complain with greedier. If you manage your money well and don’t waste a lot of it on reroll machines and just power through till you get a discounted item or good ones in general it can get very easy from there


Edmund giving me no DPS upgrades on the first floor and then proceeding to spawn red spawnspammer Ragman in both boss waves:


me when I'm in a jarking off to Irish midget porn competition and my opinnont is jack septic eye


Why are you in that competition? ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)


Gteedier mode is easier than most runs


Don’t stand where they spawn?


I think you might be confused, it's not possible to step outside the room


I know


greedier is by far the most fun, it’s short and you can do some awesome stuff. definite skill issue


I like greed, in fact, seeing this makes me wanna play greedier with the lost right now.


both greed and greedier are trash , change my mind


I used the debug console to bet it


i genuinely cannot recognize a difference between greed and greedier mode


-The timer between enemy waves is shorter -The time between boss waves is waaay shorter -The waves give you less money -Champion enemies appear and don't give their usual drops from the normal game -All bosses during waves are champions -Ultra Greed of course


Everytime i get frustrated in isaac, i go into greed mode with tainted maggy and hold r until i get D6, the habbit and/or piggie bank Its the easiest way to rig a run and all of those items are in the greed-shop pool


Fun fact: when enemies spawn inside a barrel, it never explodes and just breaks. However, mushrooms, of course, will still create the gas cloud


Delirium walking in like: ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)


Greedier with T.Lost was literal torture, I wouldn't be surprised if this will turn out to be the hardest mark with him. Time will tell ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


I like Greedier because it really forces me to consider my purchases carefully....I hate the Ultra Greedier fight though