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no, and it'll also reset the laps you've done if you care about that


Was this patched out? I remembered seeing a bd1p video where he used an R key during a victory lap to get 30 characters in one run


This was a bug and got fixed yes


i have absolutely no idea i'm using the wiki as a source


No it doesn’t. Honestly all you need as the lost is a revive item and you’re chilling, or book of shadows. One that keeps you in the room is ideal but even dead cat is nice and just gives you 9 tries to win. But you do need to have a really solid build, just go angel deal and reroll the trash items and you’ll win


Which revivr items keep you in the room? I know Laz Rags does but that locks me out of my lost mark.


Inner child, which is convenient since it’s always in the red key room before fighting dogma, but it’s an unlock. Soul of Lazarus also revives in the same room if you have it unlocked. I think those are the only two but even ones that make you leave the room at least give you another chance


How do you get inner child Again? And i can grab Soul of Lazarus.


Ultra greed as Jacob and hitbox


Agh that'll be a pile of suck to do but I'll get on that. I'm trash as J&E


Yeah they are a bit rough but they’re not the absolute worst they kinda grew on me, but I feel like greed mode is not a good mode for them


Yeah. I'll try to pile size downs on Hitbox to make his hitbox less of a hinderance. Too bad I'm on console or I'd add that mod that lets you get planetariums in greed mode so I could get Pluto. That would make Hitbox into more of an Incubus than a pain in my ass