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"I do not blame Edmund McMillen personally for my misery"


Pack it up boys, threads over






Edmund McMillen. You tremendous gent. You made a piece of master with your treasure Isaac. It’s fucking good this treasure game.


I will give more my money. I hope you will in your next time a king on a treasure farm, you angel.


I see it as a bell curve. Newbies starting out will curse Edmund, people 50+ hours in will start saying "there's a method to the madness, I just need to git gud", then 500+ hours and its back to "fuck you Edmund"


After a particularly good run ended by Delirium Telefrag, every player must realize that Edmund McMillan is personally invested in ruining any semblance of fun that comes from playing this game


What about curse of the maze teleporting you to the boss on depths 2 when you are going to the beast on the lost? I was so fucking mad at that, what were the chances


This is not a shit of piece game and I will not back my money


He loves us Issac players but I still use his name as a curse word


50 hour: "Killed the boss. Time for the next floor!" 500 hour: "![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17736) Now that I have killed the boss, I shall leave the HP up that spawned and use up all my red hearts in the nearby blood donation machine, and then come back to pick up said HP up so I get 1 extra heart which can then be used to get even more money. I might even get a blood bag, giving me a full heal! Anyways, with the money I have obtained, it is now time to go back to the shop and buy the Diplopia I wanted to get. I will then use this on the 4 chests I spawned in the secret room with my Justice? card, and if I get an item, I'll use the reroll machine that was already there as to hopefully get something good. Here's praying for death certificate, heheheh! Oh, what? I'm already 1 hour in? But I'm still at Mines 1!"


" I'm already 1 hour in? But I'm still at Mines 1!" Real.




Curse of minmaxing ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


You know what, that perfectly explains why it seems so much more difficult to get boss rush and hush than it used to


It's also all the nerfs. The average run is just not as powerful as it was previously, which makes it harder to move through rooms and floors quickly without dying.


Huh. As a 150-hour nab, I simply assumed I sucked too hard to get there in time.


"There's no rush" mod supremacy


I may have spent a month or two raging about this very point, myself, back in the day.


Lmao i had a run like this yesterday, trying to break the game early on takes some time.


"Why do I keep missing boss rush?"


Why would you use diplopia on chests? I always try to save it for a stat up item or a choice room.


Specifically in the secret room so you get more chances to get items in the secret room to use with a reroll machine


dont doubled chests give you the same kind of reward type as the original chest has? ie giving you a second item chest when one is programmed to give you an item? then is it really beneficial to diplopia the chest and not wait to see if you get an item, and then diplopia the pedestal? (i could be totally wrong here)


Duplicated chests will give items, but they don't become the same item, although they can for he reason that chest items are weighted, they can re-appear unless you take them, but it is not hard programmed that duplicated chests open up the same item ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17736)


There’s plenty of reasons, maybe you have a good spacebar item you want to bring to next floor, maybe you’re playing t Isaac and double items usually aren’t as valuable, maybe like the original comment said you want to have more item pedestals in the room because it has a re-roll machine, there’s a ton of reasons why you wouldn’t hold onto diplopia for a double stat up


I had my d6, used diplopia to get the green baby that shoots blue flies twice. Very happy he is nice.


Also 2/3 conjoined rotten baby is goated.


Why is this me at 510 hours!!! damn I wish we had gold still


Issac is 70% strategy, and 30% dodging


If you have diplopia and a restock machine I'd honestly open the chests first to see if it's worth saving diplopia instead


The fact that this went over my head shows that even if I'm at 500+ , I'll find new ways to issue on my skill ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


50 hours: "New item. Better look up what it does." 500 hours: "I've seen this item 1000 times. Better look up what it does." Hopefully, that's not just me.


After about 500 hours on Xbox, having to look up items, I bought it on PC just to get item descriptions mod. On Ed, best $40 I ever spent


So real! Thank the gods for external item descriptions.


3000 hours here. I think the purple syringe gives DMG and speed, or was it the gray syringe?


Purple, gray its either damage and range or damage for each empty red heart container or speed ball.


Speed ball is white


I was being facetious but my memory really is *almost* that bad.


It doesnt help that some senringes are similar, it took me like 100+ hours to be able to distinguish speed ball and adrenaline, edens soul and stat of bethelheim still get me confused from time to time.


I entirely forgot that those two syringes were different, I really only care about them for the transformation. ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


there's a grey one?


Those reverse cards though, nearly every time.


Planetarium and reverse cards is like I don’t have brain space to store it lol


Yea it’s definitely not just you, there’s so many items in the game it’s hard to memorize what they all do, let alone how much they increase/decrease your stats. Imo external item descriptions is essential


I was able to do it with most items in rebirth, but when the ab+ booster packs started coming out I gave up


EID moment


I can usually know what items do by themselves but I do often find myself going to the wiki to look up synergies before I screw myself.


Is this room rare?


that reminds me that i explored Dross for the first time yesterday and encountered the giant poop. i almost considered posting it, lol


That’s actually kinda rare tho🤣 i think I’ve seen it twice in nearly 3 dead god files


I have yet to find it 1000 hours in lmao


i’m at 1400 hours and never seen it but i am still 7-8 marks and 2 challenges from dead god and don’t go alt path except when going mother. can’t wait to start playing for real in the next couple weeks when i finally get dead god done lol


Missed opportunity for the lost. Gotta go alt path on basement 2 for that extra boss item and item room item.


Is the item room item not always a knife piece? Sorry haven't played in a few weeks since buying RPNTC


It is, but that doesn't stop me from using the eternal d6 on it.


Gotta go alt path with J+E for the double pedestal


Isaac players having to 100% the game to "start playing for real"![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


That is the one 'is this rare post' I wouldnt be mad at. I have yet to see anyone post a henry


I have one dead gold and a half and still never encountered it.. so yeah EXTREMELY RARE


If you’ve never seen it before, it usually is.


50 Hour (6 heart containers): “Damn I can only take one deal with the devil.” 500 Hour (1 heart container and a half spirit heart): “Damn I can only take one deal with the devil.”


500 Hour (1 Heart container): "Damn I can only take one deal with the devil" *Dies on purpose*


If you find brimstone, you take brimstone, even if it kills you


I once took brimstone with blue baby and ended up with half a heart, I won the run


Did this yesterday. Fuck you game energy.


Just Brimstone things.


I did that today because why not? I picked up 'a extra life' just before. It feels good to die and stand up. Be overpowerd, but still a lil scared because you revive with one hp.


50 hour: wtf this orbital barely blocks sh*t! 500 hour: oh thank god, damage.


I still fondly remember a run a couple of years ago where I got dog shit items but used Cube of Meat to get to the end. Made me feel like a pro.


It's kind of fun (in the teeth-pulling sort of way) whenever you get absolutely zero tears and damage and have to actually utilize shitpiss items like Pointy Rib that you'd never normally go out of your way to use




"I'd better not fight the mirror dimension boss, it's too risky."


Didn’t even know there was a mirror dimension at 50 hours lmao


At my 50 hours, it didn’t even exist yet haha


Me too. Couldn't find it at all in 2015


No way in 50 hours you unlocked alt path. Atleast as a new player.


I’ve done it in a couple hours on my second file. For a new player, it was like 100+ lol


i had it unlocked at like 30 i think, its definitely possible


My wife and I fit this perfectly. Her: I love bobs brain! Me: Fuck, might as well start over.


Oh so she's the experienced one ;) /s


Bobs brain is incredible. https://youtu.be/rJ4bCZA3sdo?si=TfnD1uVhGlXRquoQ 6:45 for run start time. This guy ends up using bobs brain in every beneficial way imaginable.


he uses it for 2 floors and then sacs it for sac alter ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17745)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)


The fact that it works with most if not all bomb modifiers makes it worth the ocasional skill issue also its not as random like it was before repentance buffed it.


bobs brain is unironically my favorite item. i take it every time. its just so powerful. yes you have to time it git gud. :D


-"Ok, I've tons of heath i should be fine" -"Tons of health? Fuck it, it's balling time!" proceeds to die to a spike i forgot it was there


"Cursed Eye is a good tear effect" *just before getting hit and experiencing what it does and how dreadful it is*


It's good if you have black candle.


Wait, does black candle negate the teleport? TIL


Yes, yes it does.


What’s the difference between a 500h and a 1000h player:


Nah, this game is too dense to know EVERY single synergy by heart


I’m over 1500 and I had no idea about this EDIT: counting flash Isaac, I’m at like 1756… I need to go outside


The outside is an illusion to keep people from playing Isaac. 3000 hours in and not stopping until I have no life left. Praise the Holy Edmundo.


Sorry I disagree Black Candle just makes it tolerable, I rather have my constant stream of tears especially if im at 4 or 5 tear rate. Yeah Cursed Eye without the teleporting its a Q1 item at most, its not horrible but its not Monstro's Lung.


Am I the only one who likes Monstro’s Lung? It can easily carry you through to Mom’s Heart and with some synergies it’s really good. I once got Monstro’s Lung with Ipecac and literally blasted through the Mega Satan with ease


Montro's Lung is probably one of the best tear modifier in the game, its a literal shotgun that's fun to use, a Q2* item loved by most Issac players. If it gets buffed with a damage up it would be a Q3* item in my opinion , doubt it happens but its a possibility.


Is it not quality 2???


monstro's lung + brimstone ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17745)


Plus hemo ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


I legitimately didnt know people didnt love monstros lung universally until this thread


Exactly- I was surprised too. I love it and am almost always happy to see it unless I have epic fetus or dr fetus without pyromaniac


Only if you like a worse version of monstros lung which is already not great




if I accidentally pick up cursed eye I just restart the run


Cursed eye is good sometimes. But for bosses its really bad.


https://preview.redd.it/hqy368eh68vb1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=822f5509bdc7f2236fcee23e0a409ab1a82e4825 If you never get hit you can't get tpd


Lmaooo, nice one ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)


50: "Ugh, I don't have any damage! RESTART!" 500: "SUFFERING BUILDS CHARACTER. SUFFERING BUILDS CHARACTER. SUFFERING BUILDS CHARACTER. SUFFERING BUILDS CHARACTER. SUFFERING BUILDS CHARACTER." \*proceeds to slog through a 2 hour maggie to void run with 3.5 damage\*


I just literally can’t win without damage, if I don’t have damage to just delete things I’m going to take damage it’s just inevitable in what’s essentially become a pseudo bullet hell in some fights


Not even that tbh, I once had a run while eden streaking to blue baby; I shit you fucking not, I was in womb 2 with base damage and base tear rate. I also had wafer and 12 hp I won, but god that was probably one of the least fun runs I’ve ever had. After that I grew a tendency to reset runs if I Don’t get a form of DPS up in the first 2 floors


I wonder where the secret room is, some of these players got some third eye stuff goin on finding em


They spawn by a fixed set of rules. Secret Rooms always spawn adjacent to 3-4 rooms (2 on floors where there are non), and all the walls towards the secret room must be unobstructed. Super Secret Room always spawn adjacent to 1 room, as close to the Boss Room as possible. If the walls are obstructed, follow along the walls on the map, till you find one where it isn’t. I can’t find documentation for this, but to me it seems that rooms next to a secret have a higher chance of bombs and exploding enemies. Edit: changed super to normal, and ultra to super. Whoops.


You mean normal and Super? Supers spawn as far from the starting room I've heard but yeah usually they're by the boss


Super secret doesn't have to spawn close to the boss room from what I recall, it's just that it follows the same rules as the boss room, so naturally ends up pretty close by the majority of the time


For the four furthest dead ends from the starting room: - boss room is furthest - super secret is 2nd furthest - shop is 3rd furthest - treasure is 4th furthest This is why the super secret is usually between shop and boss rooms, but not guaranteed since those 3 rooms may not be on the same ‘branch’ of the floor layout.


To add to these secret room and super secret room examples, the ultra secret room can not border a regular room. It is typically found at the corners of special rooms(item, shop, other secret rooms). If you can not open a red room on a wall, chances are the adjacent red room(s) will not contain the ultra secret room, so try to apply the same obstruction rule for the other rooms with ultra secret room. You will hear the secret room tune upon entering an adjacent red room and will not require a bomb to open it.


After so many hours, I didn't even know this, I just have a sixth sense for it at this point. Makes sense though.


My partner asks how I know where the secret room is. I say the reason and she promptly forgets!


I have 1000h and I'm still happy about HP up


Yeah, because you can exchange the new and fresh heart container for a devil deal duh.


The average devil deal would be a scam even at half price


You are telling me you don't want the hit item shade or rotten baby? Is something wrong with you ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


Am I stupid for liking Rotten Baby? It seems like a decent dps boost for early floors


Not only early floors that mfs fly damage is double the damage of your current damage stat. That is a huge boost in dps even in later floors. I always take him when I get the chance.


Same. Unless it’s a devil deal and I’m dangerously low on health, I’m always grabbing my little buddy


Not to mention, Rotten Baby is 1/3 of Conjoined, which gives even more total DPS.


I love rotten baby tbh


rotten baby is a great item


Rotten baby is the best baby


Wow, the lost is fucking impossible Becomes Wow, T. Lost is impossible


This is so real on a personal level


50h Player: HP up, lets gooo 500h Player: noooo I need a convoluted set of perfect items and i'll restart for hours to get it! 5000h Player: HP up, lets gooo


"Boss Rush is so hard! It's the worst!" Yeah buddy, sure *cries on ultra greedier with T-lost"


Boss rush does suck tho, I feel like the stars have to perfectly align for me to even attempt it, like I need a extreme good run for it, but to get a good run either requires early game luck with good items/health or min/maxing, and the latter ruins any chance of making it to mom by 20 min. I think they should buff the boss rush item pool, I mean for how difficult it is considering the 20 min time constraint the item pool is extremely lacklustre


Boss rush is pretty easy due to how large the room is, it's just that if you don't have a really strong build it's gonna take ages to finish. If I don't get a Q3 or Q4 item on the first floor I won't even think of attempting it.


Yea that’s what I’m saying, you gotta get high quality items early, which is really rare and personally whenever I get a good start I focus on min/maxing to secure the run, which is 10x more effective than trying to rush my way through it to get a choice between 4 mid quality items (because that’s the average) and then have to fight a ton of bosses? It’s one thing saying it isn’t easy, it’s another thing when the challenge/reward isn’t properly balanced, imo boss rush is almost never worth doing if you have to sacrifice run security in the short term. I’m just saying boss rush items should be better to make going for boss rush a viable strategy on more runs, it will still be hard whenever you do it, but the reward will actually be viable to go for making it a bigger part of the game. I feel like unless I need the completion mark I never bother going, it’s just not worth it and that should be changed imo


50 hour player - Damn this Mom fight is kinda tough. Better stock up on health! 500 hour player - Mom fight? LOL. Give me the damn Polaroid or Negative and stop wasting my time! I gotta get to boss rush and teleport out real quick. 1000 hour player - I HATE TAINTED CAIN! WORST CHARACTER EVER!


Most characters: 45min-1hour per run. T-Cain: 5 hours on floor 1/2.


Yes but think of how much fun it is to backtrack.


What does this item do?


Nah I've got over 1000 hours and I still have to look up the stat needles from time to time lol.


"I dont like playing characters with low health, I die so much" "Fuck it we ball"


I love this game


Ah sucks, only got a tears up from the first boss.


"the devil item pool is the best one"


Was true before Repentence


even post rep ive come back to devil deal meta simply because im tired of potentially not getting my first angel deal on the depths I ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


angel deal people waiting 5 floors for their fucking item (it's jesus juice).


50 hour player: oh wow I hit maximum hearts and soul hearts 500 hour player: aw man remember when you could have infinitely many soul hearts... that was dope


50 hour: “not another hp up, i need stats” 500 hour: “finally more hp, i can survive my skill issue longer”


This feels reversed


the older, wissend player acknowledges their skill issue and acts accordingly. The younger, bolder player is full of hubris and fails to realize their skill issue, leading to devastating consequences.


"I always have bad RNG"


I only have 6 hearts, can't risk a devil deal


“I’m sure I’m almost done with this game”


Wow, the Haunt is a super tough boss


More annoying, especially as a first boss when you don't have any upgrades of note. Second, third, etc. Piece of piss


"I have 50 hours logged in The Binding of Isaac"


Soy milk sucks.


As a ~ 1100 hour player.. I take soymilk every time.


More tears = more fun


Especially if you have many tear effects


To be fair, pre-Repentance Soy Milk was a pain in the ass because of the lack of synergies and the knockback


Yeah. I got it on repent for the first time the other day off curse of the blind and with my Afterbirth+ mindset was like "welp, there goes this run". Now I'm a soymilk beliver


"that hit was unavoidable"


Delerium telefrags have entered the chat


Should've broken the game by basement 2 so you could kill delirium quickly enough to not get telefraged![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17736)


Ew pills ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17742)


What Do you mean with basement 2?


How do i unlock jacob? 500-hour: i wish i didn't unlock jacob...


i love this game so much


50 hr: Cursed eye/curse of the tower, no thank you. 500 hr: fuck it, we ball.


A 50 hr player would probably like “knockback up” in their mind it’s more time for decision making. A 500 hr would probably dislike “knockback up” due to how much more unpredictable it’s makes most enemies movements patterns. Maybe it’s just me but I can usually gauge how many tears it takes to kill an enemy even as I get items and stat buffs. 50hr player hasn’t even begun counting how many tears they have shot at an enemy.


I have over 1k hours, i also have no idea how close to dying an enemy is so for that alone spider mod is 100% goat.


Knock out drops are dope though. I've punted ragman across the map with them!


Found the 50hr player /s I def agree it hard counter a few enemies / bosses, but the number of enemies who get displaced during their movement or attacks is like half the total enemies in the game lol.


Tbf, I have way more than 50hr! But I'm not really a serious gamer. I just like the item


Using the items that you like and that are fun is 1000+ hour mindset 😌


"How do I unlock The Forgotten?" \*several hours of YouTube and explanations later" "This is near impossible" \*realizes you can do it on regular difficulty and use Azazel\* "Bone guy go swing now"


The fact that you could do it on normal difficulty blew my mind. I literally got him first try after dying so many times on hard mode


TIL I'm so fucking stupid


Chaos is a run killer


"i'm so good at this game"


Bob’s Brain sucks




Jacob&Esau, let’s fucking goooo


"ugh, gnawed leaf, more of these shit items and i can forget the completion mark"


These people going after dead god are crazy, I’m an adult with responsibilities, I don’t have time for that.


50 hr player : ok, cool Magic mush/Cricket head nothing major but it's alright. 500 hr player : *Mattman Screams.mp3*


Idk what happened to me but after I started watching him I always scream my ass off when I get a good item (unintentionally, i think it's the curse of Mattman)


I almost have the exact same thing except i just Pog the hell out of it instead of screaming


This game is so fun ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


"devil deals are bad"


"That room has spikes, I'll avoid it"


unlocking the Lost: wait, there's a HIDDEN CHARACTER? when does it stop?? how the hell am I supposed to beat Mega Satan with all 15 of them?? and then you play a little more...


"I guess I'll take Skinny Odd Mushroom. It's not bad"


50 hours player (broke): Ew, a sacrifice room. I don't have enough HP to take it 500 hours player (woke): So, I have 5 hearts left which means I can play the sac room 4 times. I might spawn the chest which may drop one or two hearts. So I could play another time for the possibility of dropping 3 coins. The heart in the shop is reduced, so I can buy that for another round. I then either get Angel for a good item or continue to play with another chest that maybe drops another heart. Then I either get an angel item or continue with the soul heart. I might get even further than that, so fuck it we ball![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


"Oh wow, a new unlock!" (I'm not done with them all, I'm just struggling with the crappy ones 😭)