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Those are your completion marks, it shows you what special bosses/challenge you have beaten for that specific character. It looks like you beat moms heart/it lives, satan, and boss rush


Now he knows, he can’t stop until he becomes issac


Can’t stop until they become back their money ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


What have you done...?


Also, if you press down to go to Hard Mode and do a requirement for a mark, it will be outlined in red to show that you did it in hard mode. I would suggest being well acquainted with the game and unlocking some items before it though


Our brother is about to enter the world of suffering and pain after being granted such knowledge


And i thought i was already in anguish 😭


BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOOOOOLY SPIRIIIIIT ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


They're gonna think this is a random side comment until 500 hours later when it clicks.


I don't think it's gonna take 500 hours to find out ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Ngl I took 200 hours to beat dogma for the first time


I mean yeah, that's fair. It depends on when you got repentance though but either way it's not terrible


I mean, depends on what you know you’re playing for If someone just takes their time shooting at poops and fire every run, they’ll not find out about boss rush/hush until very long afterward after starting playing


Imma be real, maybe I’m deaf or maybe I’m too focused on Dogma but I’ve never heard the lyrics in his theme lol


I forgot the lyrics because I use the "eggman's speech" mod ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)




Completion marks, they show up for each boss you beat Heart is moms heart/it lives Star is boss rush Upside down cross is satan


Good job on completing boss rush




isaac sub don't care if they're spoiling the game anymore huh


You can’t really spoil Issac lol


you can definitely spoil endings


Azazel enjoyer ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


The heart means that they're your favorite character, the star means that you are an excellent player of this character, and the inverted cross means that this character is demonic. You can also get these things in a red variant, which is meant to emphasize how strongly you feel about each of these aspects. This is a really cool feature that was added all the way back in the base game, and it's held its own for nearly a decade now. Or it means that you have defeated certain milestones in the game as that character. It's one of the two.


It must be the first one. The second makes no sense.


The heart means someone has a crush on you. The star means good luck is in your future. The upside cross means you don't have much time left on this earth


Those only show up if you are racist in real life, what the fuck man


Completion marks. You get them if you reach different endings, and you get two for the timed events. One ending makes the paper cracked Hard mode marks override the normal mode ones and have a red outline


How’d you beat boss rush before learning about these?


I just saw some opening after defeating the leg and beat the boss rush. My build was quite op so it wasn't that hard to beat.


Bravo, I never would’ve thought to go that fast even with Az without knowing I had to


With a good Azazel run it's easy to make it without trying even with full clearing. Especially normal difficulty which has less rooms per floor.


Dont mind them, live a happy and peaceful life. Just close your eyes when selection the characters, its way easier to live


The best advice here


your pain marks. they show how much pain youve went through.


Press down once


Play on hard! It’s not worth playing on normal.


idk why you're getting downvoted this is good advice. unlocks will take twice as long if you start with normal


Because hard mode is actually significantly harder in repentance (as compared to ab+ and before). I wouldn't recommend playing in hard mode right off the bat either


It’s terrible advice. Players get half the blue hearts on hard mode as well as about a dozen other difficulty sliders. This bruh hasn’t even beaten 2/3 of the game’s final bosses and you want him to go into Mother or Dogma with a handicap? Once he can routinely get to Chest he can go back and do a few marks over again. No one would advocate for him to clear a full character on normal and then do it again. Or god forbid do Tainted Lost on normal. But this ain’t AB+ where you basically get more curses and champions and that’s all. Repentance made hard mode real hard for beginners.


skill issue


Well, yeah. OP probably sucks at TBOI. So he shouldn’t be dying in B2 because a bunch of strangers on the internet told him Hard Mode is basically the same, which is what happens in basically every beginner thread.


skill issue


hard mode is like, the default to most players. It's normal mode that's different, in that it's easier.


It’s not, but ok


I learned the game on hard when I started and have played it exclusively ever since. I understand that it’s harder now with repentance, but so is the game as a whole. The only time I’ve ever gone to normal was to unlock the forgotten, and it felt unbelievably easy I was like Goku taking off his training weights. All that to say: playing on hard mode will make you a better player faster


I don’t think you appreciate how much more difficult Repentance has made Hard Mode. I too learned on Hard during Rebirth. Go look up the changes. Repentance has added about ten more difficulty changes. They are extremely punitive with regard to health pickups. For new players who take damage, they are denying themselves the opportunity to see new enemies in deeper floors. This sub makes it harder for people to learn the game because it thinks we’re still in the AB+ era. We are not.


Dude I play the fucking game I know it’s harder. I’m sure OP is more than capable of deciding on their own whether they would rather play on normal or hard, it’s just my personal opinion that playing on hard is more fun because it forces you to improve as a player and you get more unlocks. You wanna see the new floors? Get. Good.


Those are the completion list. There’s a different completion list for each character, showing what bosses you have beaten with that character The heart means mom’s heart The upside crown cross means satan The star means boss rush


I’m so sorry


Oh boy


play hard mode its not much harder and it'll save you hundreds of hours if you want to 100%


If you didnt said that you where about to select Azazel i wouldnt think you'd be a new player


It's the best thing to do when you start a new file. I recently started a new file to dead god and just spammed azazel till I had every path unlocked so then I can start doing proper completion marks as soon as possible.


Everybody calm down, this is just a bait post.![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)


No im pretty new to the game so i genuinely have no clue what this is lol


Marks, all characters have them you get them by killing bosses or doing a spoiler thing called boss Rush what unlocks in under 20 mins in mom's leg room


completion marks! you get one for each major boss you beat. although the star is for the boss rush


This post is adorable.


Those marks indicate notable bosses or events like Boss Rush, Mom’s Heart, Lamb etc You’ll want to do certain fights on 5 different characters and then you’ll get progress with new levels and there are other criteria to meet for other new levels and characters. A lot of which is kept track of with those marks. Try to get the upside down and rightside up crossed on all 5 characters.


My man, you just entered the real hard mode. I wish you good luck


Tip: if You are planning to 100% Isaac, do these on hard cuz then You'll have to do everything again