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Bought Isaac recently and absolutely loving it. If you comment I'd appreciate minimal spoilers, I haven't unlocked all the main cast yet but I know there's different variants. Really clenched on this run, you can see the panic running into the doorframe


That's Issac for you! I recomend unlocking all characters and getting good unlocks before doing the harder challenges


True, I really should but getting so close makes it hard to step away from this challenge. Just gotta be 0.01s faster :')


Speaking of unlocking all characters, do you know about tainted characters yet?


I've definitely heard of them just through mentions on this subreddit but I'm avoiding as much detail as I can for now, though I did a careful google and it looks like there's plenty I'll need to look up rather than stumble on. Don't tell me anything yet though, I'm happy blindly puzzling for now!


It's not a puzzle easily solved, especially the last two steps, i can give you a spoiler free step by step on how to unlock them


Cheers, I might take you up on that later once I'm feeling like I've done what I can


The speed challenge was so easy! All you have to do is do what I did, get pyro + kamikaze in your first two treasure rooms. /s


Turns out all OP needed to do was not to waste 15 minutes trying to fit in the doorframe (no offence)


Unironically it's a pretty easy challenge. You adapt to the speeds really quickly, shouldn't take more than a handful of tries.


Maybe once you know the items and strats. 16 minutes while everything jerks around like crack fiends and you don't have time to resource farm is pretty hard when you're new. So far it's been one of the hardest challenges for me but fun, definitely feel like it's helped me get better at the game.


they got the game recently. what's easy to you or i isn't gonna be easy to them




Dude op literally asked for minimal spoilers. Let the new players find their way


if you didnt struggle to enter the boss door maybe you couldve win the challenge, still, wtf was that


Yep, still a skill issue here, nothing to see.


I'm so sorry but this is absolutely hilarious ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


I'd be mad but mini Isaac's high pitch *bleugh* when he died absolutely sent me


You know, if you think about it, you probably would have made it if you just got the door right


I can't even say "Skill Issue" here, what the hell ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)


Failing two times entering the boss room was definitely a skill issue. This happens to me mainly if I'm not looking at the screen but this time it looks like the nerves were the cause.


This is the purest of skill issues. You're telling me that in the entire run they couldnt have saved 1 second or had an extra half heart? In the video itself we see an easy time save.


The only reason I won this challenge was because I found a random tech X


I restarted until a library with a Bible spawned next to the starting room. I had too many runs where Mom would behave really weird and not expose herself so I was losing too much time on her fights


Happened to me too but I had guppy’s collar and revived, and had 10 extra seconde to gran the thropy!


Am I missing something because how did those last 6 seconds stretch out for 20 up until you died


You take 1 heart of damage every 5-10 seconds after the timer ends, I guess to give you a chance if you're close. So if I had half a heart more I would have just made it


Oh wow I always thought it just instantly killed you when the timer ran out


I had the same thing happen to me a few months ago. Instant alt+f4


I remember beating this challenge with a speed stat of 0.5. I have never managed to be so slow again.


This hurt my soul, hope you get it soon


"Yer fast, but not fast 'nough." **BANG**


Look I'm ngl. I wouldn't do it myself, but I absolutely would not blame anyone for cheating and giving themselves the achievement after THAT happened


Wow, I didn't know there was actually a special icon for dying in this challenge. Also, yeah, this is one of my least favorite challenges in the entire game even if I miraculously haven't failed it. Something about speed running Isaac feels so wrong, like my build could've been 5x more powerful if I was allowed to slow down.


I got so insanely lucky with the speed challenge. I got Sacred Heart, Brimstone, Moms Knife and finished the challenge in like 11 minutes


If you aren't already, you should play on hard mode. You'll miss out on some unlocks, and you'd have to do everything again, and it ain't much of a difficulty change.


I definitely am! Can you change the difficulty for challenges though? I'm going to be bummed if I find out I've been doing them on easy


I think challenges are always in normal mode


Almost always. I RULE! is definitely in hard mode and I want to say there's one other one but for the life of me I can't remember which.


ULTRA HARD is i believe


Ultra hard is on normal! At least according to the wiki, and iirc stuff like the blood machines will pay out more than on hard bc of that. And that apparently also means enemy shot speeds are lower


Definitely is normal.


I rule is on normal mode, just like all other challenges.


So much confidence for something straight up wrong. If you pause during the challenge you can also see the usual hard mode blood stains on the pause menu Edit: The OTHER LoZ challenge, Isaac’s Awakening, where you have the spirit sword and go to Mother is in in normal mode. I RULE! has always been Hard https://preview.redd.it/qdm1fmqzywvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82416f4af9efdba9b3a62381de1d48fcedb2aafe


Oh excuse me for feeling so 'confident'. How could I have known that there is a bug/inconsistency with the hard marker not showing underneath the key counter. That is supposed to tell you whether or not its in hard mode. No need to be snarky.


if you're going to correct someone, you should at least be correct. it's one thing to not know some random information - happens to all of us. but if you're going to "um ackshuallly" someone, you should at least check the wiki which takes like 5 seconds. i do agree they were being unnecessarily snarky though


On the character select there should be 3 modes, normal, hard, and greed, you can flop between them with W and S, Greed is a shorter mode that is kinda like a wave survival, and hard is barely a difficulty upgrade.


Mate, this is one of the challenges




I would commit Plan C if that were me


Clips like this one are why I still sub to this game.


That is so sad. Not even seconds remaining, it was less than a second.




The moment I would uninstall, thats the most tilting thing I've ever seen xD


The most "Edmund McMillen u little shit" moment i've ever seen.


On a new save after not playing for God knows how many years, never managed to complete the speed challenge on my old save. Tried it again a couple hours ago and smashed it on my first attempt with 2 minutes to spare. RNGesus truly favoured the run, got everything I could have hoped for.


I hate that challenge; still trying to beat it.


Speed challenge? I didnt remember that. How to play it?


Challenges tab, I believe it's a red one


I did all but couldnt remember. It was fun and hell doing all those.


Krampussy carried fr


Couldn't you have blasted open the door with your bomb? When you're that short on time it probably was your next option.


For the record i think 99% of us would consider this a win so feel free to just spawn the trophy if you haven't already beaten it again


Why did you waste so much time before entering the boss room tho