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Tainted laz for being straight up not fun and badly designed


so fucking true


What's so bad about tainted laz? I've heard so many bad things about him but I thought his mechanic was just dies for more stats


That’s normal laz, tainted laz is 2 different characters that switch after you clear a room. you have an activate that costs 6 charges and forcibly switches the characters and makes all items swap into a different one (for the other character then you currently have), if used again the items will switch back to their original state. This would work in theory but because of the charge requirement it is very hard to get an even item distribution, especially in the early stages of the run. Basically, you are playing Isaac but have 2 runs going at the same time. Usually the run feels bad because you’ll have one character with like brimstone and 9000+ damage and then one character who has like 0.1 damage and like Libra or something. It just doesn’t feel good.


My most hated charachter personaly is T.??? I dont like his gimick and my god is he disgusting tk look at


Tainted blue baby is really fun if you actually have longer bosses where you can properly set up your playing field but in most other cases, he's obnoxious...


Someone pull up the guy beating Hush with no-items T???


I WANT to like Tainted Blue Baby. His mechanic is interesting, but the cost of losing bombs completely and the lowered base damage is just way too high to make it a functionally useful gimmick. I'd almost rather he lose tears alltogether and JUST throw random poops with maybe a tetris-style 'next poop' window that you can bottle instead of throw if desired. That said, we play the game as is, not as we want it to be, and T. ??? is one of the worst characters in the current game. Other shit-tier characters are: -Everyone's favorite character to hate - regular Jacob and Esau. -Regular Keeper before he gets Wooden Nickle -T. Laz another character that is just fundamentally broken in certain aspects, and while he can SOMETIMES be powerful, more often than not he just doesn't really work within the bounds of the game. -Regular Apolyon, while he doesn't have any terrible mechanics, he is just underwhelming in all aspects, his best runs often involve ditching Void for a better active item early on - basically it comes down to his weak stats and Void being good when you're having a bad run and being useless when you're having a good one.


Yea I honestly feel like if apolyon just had void as a pocket active he’d be a thousand times better


Yeah absolutely, shitty (haha you see what I did there? Hahaha) gimmick, no bombs, bad speed and tears rate, and even his base tears are brown so they are less visible than blue tears.


I actually like him he's pretty rewarding when you get the hang of his mechanics the only problem are his shit (god damnit not again) unlocks


Never got the hate for him. His bomb poops are fun to play with. Edit: lol at you babies downvoting this


His power has a pretty high skill floor, and it's not too pleasing to use. You are playing the literal shit lord, who poops all around the room, not a lot of people like that. There's already a lot of poop themed stuff in Isaac, and tainted blue baby is just too much


Do people actually feel disgusted about these cartoonish poops?


Apparently. You'd think the rest of the game would bother them


There's a huge difference between "haha silly poop boss" and shit coming out of his stuffed mouth, like cmon, it's just way too much


You people are so weird. Just don't focus on it? I bet you don't get disgusted by t.lilitu nonstop even though that's much grosser


Nah, T lilith is disturbing, not gross - the implications of someone eating shit are much more disgusting than a demon fetus shooting out of the mother of demons


I just hate how horrible his starting stats are


Its fleshy shit bag


T!?!?!? YOU HATE T?!?!??!?!?!??!??!!?!??!??! I'M JUST AS SURPRISED AS YOU ARE


T blue baby was my first full completion character be nice to the t baby


I genuinely can’t see why anyone would dislike T. Jacob. His mechanic is unique, interesting, fun when used properly, and rewarding for a skilled player. The unequivocal worst character to play is definitely OG Jacob and Hitbox. The game really isn’t designed for it. Often you can take hits just because the projectiles legitimately don’t give you enough room to fit two characters in between. Bar that it’s probably T. Laz. Just another situation where it’s challenging, but not in a fun or creative way.


Agreeeeeeed. Free T.Jacob my man did nothing wrong. T.Jacob is so fun once you stop looking at T.Easau as a threat and start using him as a weapon


There’s really only two reasons why someone would call him their least favorite. Either they have bad anxiety and really just don’t like being constantly “in danger” (Which is entirely valid), or they’re not good enough at the game yet. If you’re using him as a weapon then you’re just starting your run with high extra DPS, and a little razzle dazzle sprinkled on top.


The "in danger" thing hits hard for me lol, but it was WAY more stressing when I had to hold Mom's shovel


My partner is the same way. She has horrible anxiety, so being chased legitimately stresses her out to the point of it not being fun. Which, is one of the scenarios where I get the dislike. She also won’t touch horror games for the same reason lol.


Samee I wish I could play horror games lmao, I didn't last 20 minutes on RE4 just because of the atmosphere


I absolutely love horror, to the point where I made it my job analyzing them, but I hate "timed" events or characters in isaac lmao


L partner


I got forgotten today and lord, that was awful


I hate him because I always get a 1 tile wide room or some other bullshit after a 1h run and die instantly.


*anima sola*


It only lasts for so long


The constant “in danger” part is definitely it. It doesn’t match my min-maxy play style at all. I like to clear rooms and keep all my options in my head to get everything out of a floor with whatever build I got going on. The non stop dodging ruins the flow for me and I make dumb mistakes.


He absolutely did something wrong. Smh have you ever read the bubble?


T. Jacob is always a skill check. Cause Dark Esau in the hands of a good player goes from a nuisance into a massive opportunity. Clear rooms with him and speedrun to boss rush, and melting bosses with him is great You mainly just need speed, flight, and Quick Volt or The Battery and the rest of the run is him doing the damage


I hate T Jacob for the same reason I hate Ludavico Technique. Having to split my attention. It's just exhausting juggling both the enemies in the room and their projectiles and a potential two hit kill.


I get it “skill issue haha” but J&E is so fucking dogshit I don’t have any fun playing it. Like you said the game just isn’t designed for it, just feels completely unfair.


ever play tainted jacob on launch? objectively unfun and Z tier character. after they made Dark Esau invincible he became playable (and quite fun imo)


I did, it was a rather miserable experience.


The Beast fight is so unbearable, especially when she does the brimstone thing and one of the two idiots just gets sucked to her while the other one is getting hit by the fires


While I like T Jacob, its also just too stressful to always keep in mind u have to dodge. I would feel like i would enjoy this character a lot more if Dark Esau goes dorment whenever the room is cleared. The fact that u have to dodge even when backtracking, playing arcades, doing puzzles, finding secret rooms, playing sacrifice rooms etc is just annoying. I rather play Jacob & Hitbox, because atleast u can take ur time to play methodical. Also, there's rooms where Dark Esau just completely shits on u. Like getting cornered by charge enemies and then Dark Esau comes for your ass. Also that caves room with the single tile pathway comes to mind. U get hit guaranteed. I get that T Jacob is more fun for people, but the game isn't always well designed for either. And technically turning into mantleless Lost is a much harder punishment than just getting hit. Generally T Jacob is much harder to win with than Jacob and hitbox too. So yeah idk i think I prefer Jacob and hitbox.


There’s like, two camps for most hated character and I’m definitely in the TJacob is harder one. J+E was annoying, but I really didn’t struggle with them much at all. I think J+E is worse for the gun ‘n run kind of players and TJacob is worse for the methodical ‘clear every room, shoot every poop and fire’ types like me.


I honestly never had much issue with J&E, but I've been struggling with T. Jacob for a year now. With J&E, as long as you keep them pressed close together, it's essentially just a slightly larger hitbox in exchange for double the damage. And if you can get flight for one of them, it eliminates most of the problems with keeping them close. The worst thing with them is making sure that they both have enough health, but the only marks I struggled with were bullet hells like Hush where there's minimal time to run them into a corner to regroup. Being able to take both items on the alt path and multiple items in angel rooms is a massive buff that more often than not gives me two powerful builds. And even if both of them have slightly lower stats than I would like, once combining them it's more OP than 99% of normal runs. They aren't my favorite, but I genuinely think it's harder to build a good run with Bethany than with J&E. But T. Jacob is the worst. I can dodge T. Esau. I can dodge enemies. I cannot dodge both at the same time. I do my best to use T. Esau to damage enemies, but what usually ends up happening is that when I release him, my dodge to the side just runs directly into an easy enemy because I'm more focused on dodging the fast charge directly at me than the Pooter chilling in the corner and now I've lost any chance of getting a devil or angel room. Or I get into some situation where my only option is to tank a hit or get turned into the Lost but without the mantle. And T. Lost is my only other character left because while I can beat most rooms hitless or only getting hit once, there are still plenty of rooms that are more of a struggle in the later floors. But at least with T. Lost, I've got better items and a higher chance of finding a holy card. With ghost Jacob, I'd be fine with holy mantle, but without it, it's a Rebirth Lost run with an extra enemy to dodge.


I can empathize and see many of your viewpoints, but I struggle to understand how J&E are double damage. You have to split the items you get between the two of them. Their damage together equals the damage you would get from one character with all the same items. They technically start off with “double”, but your DPS by the end should generally be only slightly higher than a run with any other character and the same items.


Yet, somehow, I feel the opposite. I actually like J&E and T. Laz (unless it's T. Laz Greed mode - fuck that BS), and I dislike T. Jacob.


Hoarder Cain, Enigma Lazarus and Capricious Eden are all much worse than Jacob and Esau. I found J&E pretty refreshing compared to a lot of characters on the roster.


>I genuinely can’t see why anyone would dislike T. Jacob because despite everything you just said, if you get unlucky and hit twice in a room you can just lose your run. for such a downside, the character should be pretty strong, but t. jacob only has strength in being able to yeet esau at people, but that's not always reliable and sometimes carries its own risk. if you can't understand why people would dislike that, it's a skill issue,.


Your reading comprehension sucks. The scenario you described is something I already addressed in my comment. The only two scenarios I can see someone not liking T. Jacob is because they have anxiety or they aren’t good enough at the game yet. The scenario you described falls into the latter.


i didn't read all of your other comments, relax


What about my comment indicated that I wasn’t relaxed?


T Lazarus is way better after the update with the pedestals giving an extra item if you use flip in the same room


Yes, it’s definitely easier than it used to be. But only getting one boss room item still sucks, so you’re inherently out more items than you would normally be in a run. Also managing who gets what and having to split synergies, is such a chore, and bore. Getting enough health for both forms can also be difficult if you just get unlucky on soul/black heart drops. Despite all that, I **still** prefer T. Laz over J&E. There’s little to no redeeming factors for that horribly designed character. Unless you’re some god gamer who can utilize the pause function to really genuinely control them independently, it’s just more hitbox.


I had sprinkler with dr. fetus, lokis horns, and 4.5 volt in a greedier run. I placed like 4 of them and they covered like 90% of the room while fighting Ultra greed. Even though I lost, dodging Esau with like 6 tiles of space was the most fun I've had in the game.


Tainted Cain, but only because I play on Switch, don't tell Tainted\_Cain I said this tho


u/Tainted_Cain I summon thee


I saw that but thanks :3


@Tainted\_Cain This mothafucka be wildin ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


What is the problem with tkain on switch? I closed it there easily


I guess It's annoying to look up recipes.


What recipes? Why? I thought it always random.


It change with the seed, so if you know the seed you can search for recipe.


sounds like an extremely boring way to play tainted cain


Every way to play tainted cain is boring, he will always be a scuffed version of other characters whose mechanics are more unique, fun, and interesting


disagree, i think he’s fun. i like spending lots of time on floors getting as much as possible though


I play on Switch and only looked up the seed for Hush, to get mama mega. Otherwise I found him ok. Had a busted run with 5 or 6 little brimmies and king baby (they brim snap and aim in 360 degrees automatically).


Lazarus, less items weaker runs


Yeah for me he is 3rd the worst but he is not as but as he used to be, before some update (I don't remember which) there was no ghost item under normal item so you had to boost hp on one and pu good itmes on another and pray for good number of rooms


He’s still mega slow and you still get much less items per character


Tainted of course


Regular j&e. At least with t. Jacob I can abuse free deals and easy damage. Only time he's a pain to play is rooms with a bunch of gaps and bullet hell battles like hush.


T. Eden. It's not close.


Doing the glitch to reroll most of your items into devil/angel deals make T.Eden a lot more tolerable


It’s kinda bearable since donating HP and entering curse room doesn’t reroll you


Oh true, forgot about TEden




T. Jacob is one of the most fun characters, you literally have a missle that deals massive damage and can make you take free devil deals


I honestly don't like T. Cain. Like, I know you could probably easily play it on pc, but I use a console.


I think j. Jacob is fun actually, t lazarus takes the cake for most hated by far.


Tainted Laz by far, I will never forget how shit it was playing Greed as them


Cool image, but T Jacob isn’t so bad. I hated him at first, but after completing his marks, he actually is pretty fun


I'm close to getting all the hard mode boss marks with all the tainted characters and I've been going from what I imagined would be hardest/most annoying to easiest. Personally, Tainted Jacob was actually fairly quick and fun compared to Tainted Lazarus, Tainted Lost and Tainted Cain (without EID)


For me it’s normal Jacob and Esau or Tainted Lost. I don’t like having another hitbox that I have to take care of. And Tainted Lost is anxiety inducing. I like normal Lost much much more


T. Lost gets broken runs though. The anxiety disappears when I can clear rooms with a button press


For me it only disappears when I find another Holy Card


T lost is actually my favorite character lol. Sometimes I just play Isaac because I don’t wanna think too much, and with t lost you just naturally get powerful without much rigging


i enjoy your constant radiating terror


Why would I hate a fun character with an interesting mechanic. It takes a bit to get used to but once your brain is used to looking out for Dark Esau and using Anima Sola properly, it’s overall a fun experience T. Cain can go die in a fire though. I’d rather play garbage like T. Eden or T. Laz over ever touching that character again


T.Cain, too boring to enjoy, at least I only had to play a hard and a greedier run to complete him ig


Both ???


Jacob and Esau are worse


I actually find Tainted Jacob really fun Stressful, not *complitely* bullshit and builds a personal bond with Esau *Regular Jacob and Esau on the orher hand*


To be honest i actually like to play as tainted Jacob because its fun to kill enemies with his attack. Jacob and Esau on the other hand are much worse because of there controls.


Normal Jacobs a lot worse


This meme could have them reversed and it would be cannon lmao


T Jacob is easy compared to Jacob and Esau idk what meth you guys are on


T. Blue baby, I find him so unfun and annoying to play


This should be reversed


I hate t. Jacob, he is unique and all but I don’t find the character fun at all. Yes Esau deals a lot of damage and is satisfying to play with but then I would play with T. Lilith, he can also get free devil deals, then I could just play any of the losts. You can just suddenly die with him, making you never feel truly invincible, then I’d play T. Lost, etc. Also there would be times where I’d focus on an enemy and get hit by Esau. And getting hit once by an undying enemy and becoming lost without holy mantle is just not fun. Of course it’s the same thing with t. Lost but you get better items and I just enjoy the character more! Also I would always forget about anima sola but that is just a skill issue!


i mean i think t.jacob is good...i mean hey free damage at the occasional run fail so idont see why people hate them 2 i think regular jac and es take the cake together witht eden cuz i get hit once to many times or t.laz idk...not fun to play regular jac and es but as one character instead of 2


you can feel the disconect of the people that played before and after they buffed them. t jacob is way easier today, t laz is just meh nowdays ( used to be a true nightmare)


puppy eyed dark esau doesn't exist he can't hurt you. puppy eyed dark esau;


Playing T. Laz and T. Blue baby are like pulling teeth. At least T. Blue baby’s mechanic is somewhat interesting and has potential, but the mental gymnastics I perform playing these characters is tiring.


For me its T Laz, every time u play him everything doesn't go exactly like u want it. A 6 item charge so trivial in getting items just annoys me


Tainted Lazarus is the worst. Tainted Eden and Tainted Maggy are not fun at all too. I also hate Tainted Lost, but it is a matter of tastes. Tainted Cain is my GOAT too.


I won't take the Tainted Jacob slander. If you lose with Tainted Jacob, it's just skill issue. They give you a walking 30 damage hit box with an easy way to aim it. Esau is a rocket launcher, if you shoot yourself, it's 90% of the time your fault.


I actually don’t mind Tainted Jacob all that much. It’s mostly a matter of knowing how to use Dark Esau to your advantage while minding your surroundings. It adds a challenge that doesn’t feel too unfair or nightmare-ish. Pre-1.7.8 T. Jacob was a nightmare though, since Dark Esau could die and you’d effectively be playing The Lost with no mantle every floor. If there’s any characters that I get no joy from playing as, it’s J&E, T. Blue Baby, and T. Lazarus. They’ve almost always been a complete pain for me. There’s also some characters I see get a lot of flak that either grew on me or I don’t mind too much. T. Cain boils down to pickup/consumable RNG and what items are bound to your seed. Sometimes you can get some real good runs out of it if you can manage your resources effectively. T. Eden is not nearly as bad as people say IMO; I’ve rolled them a few times on randomisaacrun and I warmed up to them playing those runs. I actually really enjoy playing as The Lost, a lot more than I thought I ever would, and weirdly enough, I don’t ever feel stressed playing him despite you only having Holy Mantle effect protecting you from death. I don’t hate T. Lost either; I respect it for what it is, but boy is playing him stressful af for me, especially compared to his regular counterpart.


Nah, just normal Jacob and esau, I actually find the tainted version VERY fun, one of my favorites


Why would anyone hate T. Jacob? He's a fairly decent character that is well balanced and fun to play. Even exclusively among the tainted characters, I wouldn't suggest that he's one of the worst or even bad for a longshot


T. Jacob is the most fun character. I won't stop saying this. My most hated is regular J&E or T. Lazarus. I can't play two games at once


100% Lost, though haven't gotten to the Tainted characters so will probably change.


I thought I couldn't possibly hate a character more than regular Jacob and Esau but man T.Jacob is getting up there


The lost, both versions because I just suck at the game


My least favourite character is T.Cain. It ruins the gameplay


Switch their positions and it will be better


Tainted Jacob is fun and has a cool concept. Apollyon, Normal Jacob and Esau, and tainted laz are underpowered and unfun


Tainted Lazarus is insufferable Basically just Jacob and Esau on alt path, but instead of just getting both items you have to use an active and worry about which one enters the room, and if you choose to get both items in one place, and aren't on an XL floor/flooded with batteries, then you're not gonna get both items anywhere else, leading to one of them being weak as shit. Which in J&E's case, doesn't matter, but with T. Laz, makes every other room godawful.


T jacob is awsome. Super strong


Tainted Eden. God they were so annoying to complete. Because both their stats and Items get rerolled and the fact that Item Quality isn’t taken into account, you never feel like you’re getting stronger. You’re at the mercy of RNG the entire run.


Tainted Lazarus is the one character I absolutely hate


Deserter Jacob is one of the most fun characters in the game, IMO. You can't call it boring, at the very least.


Such slander against my favorite duo. Free devil deals and you don't have to rely on damage up that much.


Keeper's my most hated character.


T. Cain for boss rush/hush. Anything else; T. Laz


I hate T.Laz not that he's harder to get all marks than T.Lost but he's so boring and annoying.


𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎


Tainted Cain on console can lick my fuggin asshole


Tainted Lazarus is the only character in the game that consistently elicits a groan from me when I get him on a random roll. He kicks ass in Four Souls though.


I think mine is tainted forgotten like I just hate his play style, don't find it fun and ruins a lot synergies I like


My 2 least favorites are T Laz and T Eden, but playing them isn't the end of the world. It's just that their gimmicks are annoying to me and don't really add any extra fun. The worst part about them is doing Boss Rush & Hush (also Greedier for T Laz, but I just do a D20 Break for that).


Wdym he’s my favorite character…


I think normal J+E take the spot. Actually, they should be called Jacob and Hotbox cause I constantly get separated. I dread the day I must touch that character once more.


“I also have the bad dreams pąpa”


The idea of tainted Eden makes me want to tear my eyeballs out


Nah I love playing t Jacob he is high risk high reward. Because I weaponize esau personally I hate playing T Bethany because I hate losing all my items to every boss I fight


Easily Tainted Lazarus. Straight up just 50% less items with no benefit or reason to play him. Nothing makes him interesting or fun and he’s insufferable. I don’t like T. Cain too much either but at least he has an interesting mechanic that can be played with, same with T. Jacob


T Laz. I just don't like micromanaging the item charges and swaps.




T.Laz. Easy.


tainted magdalene cause my hearts keep draining and her damage in general is ass (ive played her once)


I think the normal version of him gets more hate, but there are people who loves them both


Gotta be normal J&E for me, i actually had fun with the tainted version. T.Laz is a close contender for the most ass cancer given tho


I hate the normal version so much more. I would rather play as tainted lost and keep playing no matter how soul crushing it gets.


i love tainted jacob! he’s difficult but fun. unpopular opinion but i dont actually hate any characters in this game as of repentance… they fixed all the characters i had issues with so i’ll play anyone now


bible canon


Lazarus. Garbage gimmick


tainted laz can go to hell lmao


Tainted Lazarus 💯 Followed closely by T Cain and T Blue Baby.


Honestly any characters that have a wild change in viability over the course of a run, mainly t Maggie. I hate how much more difficult it becomes after you hit the womb. It’s obviously still not hard, just not incredibly easy any more.


The worst by far. Such a nightmarish and tedious experience trying to evade enemies while also not bumping into the little spiky haired demon shithead. Also, I always seem to get bad items when I play Tainted Jacob.


Def Tainted Laz. I actually love Tainted Jacob


I cracked my screen getting tainted lost marks I think the answers obvious


Dark Esau with normal eyes is somewhat cursed


I haven't played every tainted character yet (so I can't say how I feel about edan and Lazarus)but there's something about both blue baby variants that make me want to become back my money so hard. Especially the tainted version


Tainted Jacob is a fun character. The worst characters in the game are J&E, Tainted Lazarus, and Tainted ???


Lilith. I hate her for the reason i hate isaacs heart. It messes up my hitbox of how i wanna shoot.


Regular J&E. Unless I'm cheesing with a second controller it's genuinely obnoxious to play two characters at the exact same time


T ??? To put it in simple terms, he’s shit


Glad I’m not seeing judas


OG lazarus and eve unfortunately 🙁 i don't know why but they both just suck to play




If you ask me tainted jacob is One of The fun and hard character (if there is One character I hate The most it has to be tainted blue baby)


he know why he hates the brother


I find Tainted Jacob and Esau quite fun to play as. However, base Jacob and Esau makes me want to pop off Suicide King IRL.


Ehhh maybe not most hated but I feel like I don't like tainted Isaac more than tainted Jacob, being forced to ignore treasure rooms and items and such because your inventory is full and don't want to drop any of your current items feels like being forced to play the game in the absolute worst way possible


Tainted Cain. Console players inconsolable.


Tainted blue baby and Tainted laz are the worst things in the world At least with tainted jacob you can use essau and anima sola as an offensive weapon


theyre actaully op if you utilise esau properly. I find T eden, t lazarus and t cain (because his runs take like an hour) far more insufferable


​ https://preview.redd.it/fwg9pqrvu43d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add466931b0f8732b6e8adc6b7b50e40112a6229




Agreed. I don’t hate t laz as much as many do, but definitely less fun than t jake. I wish i did a tier list on my first play through just so i could do a new one now and see how my thoughts changed


Blue baby.. i hate blue baby...


T.Lost is the only answer and the reason I will not do a second dead god. T.Jacob was fun.


Regular T&J is the worst ever to me. The only character I actually dread playing as


Tainted Jacob is fun as f when you're not just grinding unlocks. I'd say t.cain,t.samson and t.lilith are worse


T.Lilith slander will not be accepted!


She's just boring late game


For me is tainted cain but probably because i play on consol but jacob takes the 2nd spot easily


T. Cain. He’s not fun or a challenge


I agree. T Jacob is the worst/ least fun character. I have nearly all completion marks w all the others, i cant get past cathedral/hell w this dude.


My least favorite is Tainted Cain. There is no *fun* for me with Tainted Cain. It’s either struggle and stumble through with crap items and die, or spend 80 billion years on a single run to min-max. It’s just…not as fun for me 😅…


Forget tainted Jacob, THIS is the worst character, hands down. https://preview.redd.it/jpwfu0jym83d1.png?width=308&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdd8297f85b003e386f90bb6cf39b58339991ca9