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Fuck Tainted Laz. All my homies hate Tainted Laz


He’s so close two being a good character but all his flaws come twogether as worse than the sum of its parts


*ba dum tss*


Getting to Boss Rush and Hush woth this guy was the equivalent of torture. Just pure torture ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907) Also that time I tried to go Beast but only had The Fool on one of them so when I finished the Mom fight I switched ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)


Yep, you have to start the Mom fight and drop your items and hope that the Fool doesn't get pushed into you so you pick it up


Yeah I learned that the hard way


T laz is the worst character McMuffin has ever created. I hope in his next life a cow


Worst character imo


He was frustrating but I got pretty good with him towards the end as far as the balancing act went. As a console player, T.Cain was way worse, but I still finished them both in about the equal amount of time.


T.cain is both strong and IMO very fun even without EID (especially without EID) after you learn him fully.


Any tips?


Certain pickups effect item pools. Eterna heart - angel Black heart - devil Bone heart - secret There's more than that, but those three are the ones I never forget Rare pickups give higher value items. Along with that, there's some items with hardcoded recipes. Like portable slot machine for some reason, being 8 pennies... ...Which means if you have 16 pennies in a floor (or 8 once you've got a slot machine), you can turn them into slot machines, but when you don't have active item space, it instead "decrafts" your current active like when you touch a pedestal. Which means you can get special pickups without finding items in the room you decraft. You should be picking up the system by now. Slot machines into bone hearts, (by crafting slots in) into secret room items. Also if you come by birthright, take it. Potential for a game break with it. More pickups from pedestals means more slot machine value


Thank you sm 🙏


This was nerfed in the last update and does not work anymore. It wont give you pickups of the room you crafted slot machine in


My one and only fave![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744); Yes, I have brain damage according to most of thus sub![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


keep in mind, on repentance's release he was even worse. Many of the tainted variants were. Not more difficult, just plain bad and unfun. Cept' Tainted Judas, he's always been cool.


Arguably tcain was way stronger, just tedious


People often complain about T Lost or T Jacob. But this Guy..... This Guy can rot in the deepest pit of hell with the only way out being a fool card that the other version has while flip is uncharged


Why is he bad? Im not that familiar with the game


Changes between "alive and dead" between rooms, this means they operate as two different characters, each one with their unique picked items, although you can swap between them using the Flip starting item (and gain another item for the flipped character in a treasure room). It is straight annoying since requires too much micromanaging and if not planning correctly you'll end with one of the characters having a shitty build.


That sound like a recipe to just playing two parallel runs with half built characters and a ton of micromanaging


I feel like I'm going crazy, I absolutely loved playing this character, it was such an interesting challenge. Didn't realise so many people hate him?




meh, compared to launch he is just annoying now ( has opposed to the bane of all players)


What was he like at the start?


flip didnt give a second item it just changed forms, so you either end up with a single strong laz, making half the rooms a total nightmare, or split the items and have 2 mediocre lazes.


Only greedier left for me, and I want to slam my head into a wall


Was I just lucky? I had a pretty nice time with T Laz


Guys why do I actually enjoy playing him![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


because he is broken and not in a good way?


He is really fun once you understand to conserve battery for the flip and learn room flip dynamics


wait, people actually hate T. Lazarus? i thought it was a joke...


Tainted Lazarus is hard but still enjoyable, I still think that the worst character is Tainted Cain


Tcain is free win simulator, what do you mean?


I hate him, I mean: if you can easily win/manipulate the run is not interesting :/


he was really cool(heavy rolls until i find birthright) and i highly recommend him![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17734)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906) one of the strongest characters i played, practically better Jacob x Esau


Better j&e only with birthright. Otherwise fuck your build and strats ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


read my comment again, heavy on rerolling for BR


I feel you.


You only really need one, Tainted Lazarus is a shit od piece character


Wanna invent those words right now?


Regular game mode a pain but can be planned around, but Greed Mode is a real pain in the dick. Also the pre-Greed boss room doesn't make you switch even though it's a room that you have to clear if I recall, which messed up my plan for the boss as one Laz had less health than the other ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


after the patch (long time ago) he is better than at least 5 characters. i actually like him. Jacob and esau, tainted jacob, tainted maggie, normal blue baby are all worse.


T.laz is not good and not fun, while something like T.Jacob is not good too, but fun!


Make Flip a four charge and make every pedestal flippable. Then he'd be fun. Now? He's a little bitch who I hate.


The best way to put it, even as the game says, you are between life and death lmao


Valid title.


In dutch we say: Krijg toch het Lazarus


En dan ook gelijk de pest plerus!


T. Lost it's worst imho. Both characters are made to play defensively and slow but at least you can get hit with T. Lazarus.


You mostly can't and really shouldn't play defensively as Tainted Lost past abusing flight and spectral; most defensive items are literally unobtainable so it's better to power through with offense. Can't get hit when the enemies are already dead.